OpenMapTiles-Server Web Wizard - openmaptiles

We have downloaded the Klokantech/OpenMapTiles-server and copied it to our offline computer. We did the same thing for the MBTiles file. When we run the command, docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data -p 8080:80 klokantech/openmaptiles-server, in the VM it does not find a configuration file and wants to start a web wizard. If we browse to the wizard we are unable to move past the Styles tab. How can we complete this step without being connected to the internet?

it's developers fault. they obviously use reverse proxy to github and there are problems with the project on github.
Probably a dead project.


WOPI Validator Application Not Working. It returns 404 Not Found

I am trying to integrate with WOPI online through the Office Cloud Storage Program Partner Program
To do that integration, you have to use the validation application URL by using .wopitest file. It was working fine before but today it gives me 404 Not Found
My Testing URL:<-myRestAPIURL->/wopi/files/1051&IsLicensedUser=edit&testcategory=All
Is there anyone having the same issue or it is an implementation issue?
Note: for word documents, it is working but I need to run the full test for other issues
It still not working but you can run the validation locally. Here are the steps on windows:
Make sure you have at core 2.2.1
Download the validator project from github
Rebuild the project and open the command line
Navigate to the bin folder netcoreapp2.0 folder
Run the command dotnet run --project
./src/WopiValidator/WopiValidator.csproj --framework netcoreapp2.0
-- -t MyAccessToken -l 0 -w http://localhost:5000/wopi/files/1 -e OfficeOnline -s
Provide a valid access token and your WOPI REST end point URL
Maybe you will need to disable the Proofkeys validation on your end point to make it run
All steps mentioned on the project home page at github

Lighthouse dev tools - site with authentication

I'm trying to perform audit using Lighthouse DevTools.
My site requires authentication.
When I run the test the lighthouse logs me out and only anayses /login.
How can I get Lighthouse DevTools to analyse my site? Can I supply login credentials?
If you are using local storage in order to preserve an authenticated state after refresh
(for example storing a user's token, and on refresh using that token in order to login like a lot of SPA's)
I found a solution that might work :
If using chrome dev tools to run light house :
On the lighthouse tab in chrome dev tools simply click the settings icon
Uncheck the clear storage check box.
Generate the report, and on refresh it will use the local storage data therefore will keep you logged in.
If using the lighthouse cli tool :
Install and execute as explained in JoostS answer, just add to the lighthouse command the --disable-storage-reset flag , and you can also add the --view flag in order to open a tab for the report.
So the command will be :
lighthouse <url> --port <port_chrome_debugger_opened> --disable-storage-reset --view
Verifying it tested the logged in page
You can verify it tested the logged in page by looking at the report under the performance metrics there are images of the page that was loaded, so if the images correspond to the logged in page I believe it means it was tested correctly.
See Testing on a site with authentication in the official readme:
When installed globally via npm i -g lighthouse or yarn global add lighthouse, chrome-debug is added to your PATH. This binary launches a standalone Chrome instance with an open debugging port.
Run chrome-debug. This will log the debugging port of your Chrome instance
Navigate to your site and log in.
In a separate terminal tab, run lighthouse [siteurl] --port port-number using the port number from chrome-debug.
I had to install node 10.16.3 first (node.js > 10.0.0).
nvm install 10.16.3
will show error
Could not download npm for node v10.16.3.
Download npm version what you want -
I had downloaded 6.9.0 npm version -
It should be extracted to C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v10.16.3\node_modules\npm
then go to C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v10.16.3\node_modules\npm\bin and copy two npm files. first (npm .cmd file), second (npm file)
then paste both files in C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v10.16.3
open cmd and run command node -v and npm -v
After that lighthouse CLI works as expected.
The command still does not work though. :/
I have followed the advice of JoostS - Testing a site with authentication
The technique does not work. It opens up an new, not logged in window, and behaves just like you would expect without the --port argument.

How to make RubyMine use already-running docker-compose service, rather than trying to start it?

I'm using docker-compose on a Rails project, with the main web service being called web.
When I try to run a test from RubyMine, it attempts to run
/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f
/Users/jy/Development/#Rails/project/docker-compose.yml -f
up --exit-code-from web --abort-on-container-exit web
Even though the web container is already up.
This leads to issues with duplicate networks being created, and the web service being stopped afterward thanks to the --abort-on-container-exit.
How can I make RubyMine run my tests using a simple docker-compose exec web bundle exec rspec …, without all the preamble? I know that command works because it works from the command line (but running an individual test involves a lot of typing to fill in --example testname!)
Apparently, it doesn't support this yet. is the issue that needs resolving in order to make it work properly.

Squarespace Local Development doesnt seem to want to work

I am following the documentation and I am trying to use a local dev environment to make my static website into a squarespace template. As far as getting the server started, everything is working fine until I get to the point of installing the squarespace server to my system. To beging, I use this command in my Mac's terminal:
npm install -g #squarespace/server
After I enter this, everything once again seems to be working correctly because I am met with this (which doesn't show any errors as I have seen for others):
Executing: npm run bundle
> #squarespace/server#1.1.2 bundle /Users/Squid/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/#squarespace/server
> node scripts/bundlejre.js --accept --clear -tz -j 8u131 -o build/distributions/runtimes/jre
Bundling compatible JRE (This may take a while)
> #squarespace/server#1.1.2 cleanupscript /Users/Squid/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/#squarespace/server
> node scripts/execif.js --os=win32 --exists=build node scripts/vetolines.js build/distributions/local-developer/bin/run.bat #!
+ #squarespace/server#1.1.2
updated 1 package in 56.891s
Following that, I clone my site into a folder on my desktop from git and then navigate to the folder in terminal. At this point, I attempt to start the Dev Server, by running the following command(with the "site-name" changed to my site's name:
My problem begins here, I am met with the following response from the terminal:
-bash: squarespace server: command not found
My mac doesn't recognize the server, even though I found the folder manually on my computer (but I don't know what to do with it).
So far I have attempted a couple troubleshooting methods:
I have a trial site so I tried to use the --auth flag as suggested on the documentation.
I restarted the whole process, so I removed all node and squarespace related files from my system and started again.
After looking online for answers, I installed homebrew to make sure that I am installing node and git correctly to my system.
Finally, I have attempted to change permissions for npm (but I'm not sure that I did this part correctly or not since I don't receive any permission errors).
Also, thank you so much for reading through all this. I just really wanted to make sure you all understood where I was at in this whole process.
I think you can solve this by adding an export path to your profile.
Open the terminal
Enter the following command
touch ~/.bash_profile
(this creates the bash profile)
open ~/.bash_profile
(this opens the bash profile you just created)
Your bash profile will open in a text editor.
Add the following line, then save:
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Restart terminal and try using the command again. < This part is important. If you don't restart your terminal it won't recognise the profile.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory at org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi.main

i use intellij idea to run the nifi source code from bootstrap/.../RunNiFi.main("start"): github link, but it get wrong like this: picture here
can you help me ?
and should i run the code from bootstrap/.../RunNiFi.main("start")?
You won't be able to launch a single Java class from your IDE to start NiFi, the classpath won't be setup correctly.
You'll need to run a full build and get the assembly from nifi-assembly/target and then run NiFi from the built assembly by using "bin/ start".
You can run it directly from the unpacked assembly target, for example:
cd nifi-assembly/target/nifi-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-bin/nifi-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT
./bin/ start
EDIT: You can still use debugger, but it will be debugging a remote Java application. In NiFi's bootstrap.conf, uncomment the following line and restart NiFi:
This tells the NiFi JVM to listen for incoming debug requests on port 8000.
In your IDE, create a Remote debugging configuration and connect to localhost port 8000. Your break points should work like normal.
if you can read chinese, you can read my personal blog link here
I found the methods,
if you want remote debug nifi, please follow remote debug link.
if you want local debug, you can follow bellow.
(I used Intellij idea in windows to debug)
$ git config --global core.longpaths true
$ git config --global core.autocrlf false
open intellij idea to git clone,
picture here,
set the import configure as default, next...
after opened the project, the nifi may get wrong message, just ignore it.
mvn -T 2 clean install -DskipTests
configure debugger
picture here,
picture here
nifi quick start link:
Running NiFi in Debug mode link: