Qlik Sense If Statement Expression with Email - qliksense

I have a table that has to have a email link in it from a IF Else statement. I can get the email to work fine but when I have the IF Else statement included, I get a invalid dimension. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
=IF(45-(networkdays(max({<[Access Type]={'User Access', 'Login Access'}>} Date),Today())) = 15,
'mailto:'&EMAIL_ADDRESS&'?subject=Your QLIKSENSE Account has become DISABLED'&'&body= This is a NOTICE informing you that your Qlik Sense account has been disabled due to inactivity.
You will have 15 days to log into your account before the account is deleted.
All inactive accounts will be DELETED after 45 days of inactivity.
To access the Qlik Sense site, navigate to https://website and click Get Started.
IF(45-(networkdays(max({<[Access Type]={'User Access', 'Login Access'}>} Date),Today())) <= 5,
'mailto:'&EMAIL_ADDRESS&'?subject=Your QLIKSENSE Account has been deleted'&'&body= This is a NOTICE informing you that your Qlik Sense account has been deleted due to inactivity.
All inactive accounts will be DELETED after 45 days of inactivity.
To access the Qlik Sense site, navigate to https://website and click Get Started.

Missing ' after the last Point ("Get Started.')". Last ) isn't opened at the beginning.


How To Get All Active Campaigns, Adsets, and Ads Starting Today Facebook Marketing/Graph API

I am trying to query Facebook for all campaign, asset, and ad id's with their name and current spend, and whose start date is today. My current GET request inside of Graph API looks like this:
Which which facebook returns
{"data": [ { "name": "Ad Name","campaign_id": "xxxxxx", "adset_id": "xxxxxxx", "id": "xxxxxxx"}...
I can confirm that the number of ads returned is equal to the number of active ads I have starting in that account today.
However, if you notice, there are no insights included, despite the fact all campaigns have spent hundreds today already.
In Graph API Explorer, I see this:
As you can see insights are greyed out, meaning the field is empty or disallowed.
I'm positive I have the proper permission on the ad account because when I remove the filtering within the query it returns spend values from prior campaigns (I can even set the start time minimum to yesterday rather than this morning at midnight and it will return yesterday's campaigns with spend).
So the issue here seems to be filtering, but I'm obviously not 100% sure, any and all help appreciated. Thanks!

Issue google action user.verificationStatus always returns unverified

I'm using action builder to create actions. it was all fine when I deployed the action a few months ago,( everything was working those days). but a few days ago when I checked the action it was not working properly.
i find that it always returns (user.verificationStatus != "VERIFIED") true (guest user),according to the google's documentation we should only redirect to account linking when the (user.verificationStatus == "VERIFIED") is true
my action only work after account linking so I have set the scene like this(user.verificationStatus != "VERIFIED") ==> end.conversation
(user.verificationStatus == "VERIFIED") ==> accountlinking
It always returns an 'unverified'/ 'guest' user so the action never starts.
I checked all the conditions in Expiration of user storage data with multiple accounts
A possible reason is that there is "Save audio" or "Save history for applications and devices" disabled for your Google Account. Go to the settings page and enable them.

Meteor keep track of user sign ins

I would like to keep track of the amount of times that a user has logged into the application to either:
Remind them on their first visit to complete their profile
If profile is not complete, every X amount of visits remind user to complete
I'm not sure if the proper way to do this would be adding a key value to the users collection, or tie login to a new collection which counts up one each time a login occurs.
Is there a built in method to keep track of login successes?
Yup. You can even keep track of login failures.
From http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/accounts_onlogin:
Accounts.onLogin(function() {
// track successful login here. You can just use Meteor.user() to find out which user.
Accounts.onLoginFailure(function() {
// track failed login here.
There is even a "validate login attempt" method where you could potentially screen your users:
Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function(loginInfo) {
// loginInfo.user returns a valid user object, if logged in successfully. Maybe tie this one to a collection, and do some checks etc.
// you can even use loginInfo.connection to see where the user has connected from (e.g. IP address.. perhaps)
return true; // return false if you want to 'bounce' this user.
Note: These can be done server-side only.

How to debug Facebook connect issues?

I've setup my application with Facebook connect (using Omniauth) and it seems to work for some accounts but for others it returns the infamous An error occurred error.
This isn't to say it happens sporadically, but consistently for some users. Sandbox mode is off, the APP key etc. and domain are obviously setup correctly or it would always throw the error. How does one go about debugging this from a message as vague as that one?
Edit 2:
The App domain is correctly set up and so is the namespace. I have selected both "Website with Facebook Login" as well as "Mobile Web" and the URLs are correct and not HTTPS (both use the same URL). I've also reset the App secret just in case but this has not resolved the issue.
Try with these following example :
omniauth_callbacks_controller::process_callback method like this
# If a user is signed in then he is trying to link a new account
if user_signed_in?
if authentication.persisted? # This was a linking operation so send back the user to the account edit page
flash[:success] = I18n.t "controllers.omniauth_callbacks.process_callback.success.link_account",
:provider => registration_hash[:provider].capitalize,
:account => registration_hash[:email]
flash[:error] = I18n.t "controllers.omniauth_callbacks.process_callback.error.link_account",
:provider => registration_hash[:provider].capitalize,
:account => registration_hash[:email],
:errors =>authentication.errors
redirect_to edit_user_account_path(current_user)
and also refer the following location : OAuthException (#210) User not visible
i think this may help you to resolve your problem.
could you install Wireshark and monitor the traffic back and forth with good AND bad accounts - then determine the differences?

how many posts can i post on user walls on facebook via app & SDK

I want to make php script using the faceook graph and sdk to make a time-crom task that post evey 6 hours specific status on all users walls
my question is how many users can i send to them at once ?
may be 1000 or 50000 or what?
i'm using
$attachment = array(
'link' => 'http://www.example.com',
$result = $facebook->api(
I think there is no official limit, but your App will get restricted very soon if you do this. Also, it is against several Facebook rules. First, because it is spammy. Second, because you are only allowed to fill the "message" field user generated text. Also, "all user walls" means that you would need the permission offline_access, which is deprecated and will be removed soon, luckily. Else, an access token is valid for only 2 hours and you can only extend it to 60 days. For each user wall, you need the user access token of that user, of course.