is it possible to get notified when lxc container (unprivileged) is stopped - ubuntu-16.04

I want to run simple shell script when lxc container is stopped.
I try to use = script I want to execute
in my lxc container config file,
but the script is not being invoked when the lxc container is stopped.
Is there any other way to achieve the same.
my system details:
Ubuntu : 16.04 LTS,
LXC version : 2.0.8
the shell script contains:
##Start the container if it is stopped
lxc-start -n nameofthecontainer
My intention is to keep the container running all the time, hence looking for some notification when the container is stopped so that I can restart.
Thank you for the help.

Verified with latest LXC version 3.0.1 and hooks are working as expected. The issue was older LXC version


Minikube start automatically selects hyperkit as driver

I installed minikube and Virtualbox on OS X and was working fine until I executed
minikube delete
After that I tried
minikube start
and got the following
😄 minikube v1.5.2 on Darwin 10.15.1
✨ Automatically selected the 'hyperkit' driver (alternates: [virtualbox])
🔑 The 'hyperkit' driver requires elevated permissions. The following commands will be executed:
I do not want to use a different driver, why is this happening? I reinstalled minikube but the problem persisted. I could set which driver to use with:
minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
But I would rather have the default behavior after a fresh install. How can I set the default driver?
After googling a bit I found how to do it here
minikube config set vm-driver virtualbox
This command output is
⚠️ These changes will take effect upon a minikube delete and then a minikube start
So make sure to run
minikube delete
minikube start

How to confirm minikube is using hyperkit

When trying to run minikube with hyperkit, I was getting errors about xhyve not being installed. I installed that and reran minikube start --vm-driver hyperkit with no issues.
I was under the impression that hyperkit was a replacement for xhyve, not a supplement to it.
When I run ps I see both com.docker.hyperkit and docker-machine-driver-xhyve running.
How can I confirm that minikube is correctly using hyperkit?
Docker for Mac changed virtualization layer few times last years, and it can confuse users after updates of environment.
If the process list shows both com.docker.hyperkit and xhyve processes is probably due
to docker-machine environment which was previously set up using docker-machine-driver-xhyve.
You may consider cleaning up installation by
stopping Docker (from command line or from tray icon),
next removing machines created by docker-machine tool.
I can also suggest to remove current minikube installation using
minikube stop && minikube delete
and start fresh one with:
minikube start --v=10 --vm-driver=hyperkit"
That will add additional verbose output of building minikube environment.
This will give you the current driver for the current machine. Replace the second "minikube" with the name of your profile if you're using the --profile flag.
$ cat ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/config.json | grep DriverName
Strange, considering Hyperkit is supposed to replace xhyve eventually.
Make sure Hyperkit is built/installed and referenced by tour PATH.
And that you are using the latest docker-ce for Mac.
Use this command to get a list of each hypervisor instance that's running with hyperkit:
$ ps -ef | grep hyperkit
If minikube is running in hyperkit then the name 'minikube' should show up in the output:
0 29305 1 0 Tue06PM ?? 515:01.32 /usr/local/bin/hyperkit -A -u -F /Users/me/.minikube/machines/minikube/ -c 2 -m 2000M -s 0:0,...
The instance labeled as 'com.docker.hyperkit' is the process that's being used by Docker and is NOT the minikube instance.

Error using docker-compose down

I found such command as docker-compose down on docker website, but when I try to use it i get an error.
No such command: down
build Build or rebuild services
help Get help on a command
kill Kill containers
logs View output from containers
port Print the public port for a port binding
ps List containers
pull Pulls service images
restart Restart services
rm Remove stopped containers
run Run a one-off command
scale Set number of containers for a service
start Start services
stop Stop services
up Create and start containers
migrate-to-labels Recreate containers to add labels
My docker-compose version is:
docker-compose version: 1.3.1
CPython version: 2.7.10
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015
Did I do something wrong?
It might be that docker-compose down command is not available in the version you use - the command was added in version 1.6.0 - see the CHANGELOG here.
So if you really want to use the command, you may have to upgrade to version 1.6.0 or later.
Hope this helps.

How to start up a Kubernetes cluster using Rocket?

I'm using a Chromebook Pixel 2, and it's easier to get Rocket working than Docker. I recently installed Rocket 1.1 into /usr/local/bin, and have a clone of the Kubernetes GitHub repo.
When I try to use ./hack/ to start a cluster, it eventually fails with this message:
Failed to successfully run 'docker ps', please verify that docker is installed and $DOCKER_HOST is set correctly.
According to the docs, k8s supports Rocket. Can someone please guide me about how to start a local cluster without a working Docker installation?
Thanks in advance.
You need to set three environment variables before running ./hack/local-up-cluster.h:
This is described in the docs for getting started with a local rkt cluster.
Try running export CONTAINER_RUNTIME="rocket" and then re-running the script.

Can't run Mongo DB deamon in docker container

I'm running docker container in OSX using boot2docker. It is a latest Ubuntu image with mongo installed using official way from package mongodb-org.
I can perfectly run mongod from command line, but can't run it as a service.
When I'm trying to do sudo service mongod start it returns
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service mongod start
Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start mongod
I have tried to do start mongod which doesn't have any output. I have tried everything I found in Google, but no luck.
Meanwhile, I have tried to install MySQL using apt-get and I can perfectly run it as a service.
Also I have tried to install Mongo from Ubuntu's mongodb package which is a older version. Also no problem to run it as a service.
I suspect that there is something wrong with /etc/init.d/mongod script, but don't know exactly what.
Apprieciate any help.
The init-related commands on the Docker Ubuntu image are dummied out / not working because Upstart (/sbin/init) is not the first process started on the machine.
In general, any service which initializes using Upstart will not run properly in a Docker container unless you start the container with /sbin/init (you probably have to be using the ubuntu-upstart image, and make a bunch of tweaks to it too.)
If you really needed to do it this way, write a traditional init script for mongo and insert it using update-rc.d. Then, starting it with /sbin/service should work.
Why not just have the Dockerimage run mongod instead of init/shell/etc? "One process per container", right?
Use a Dockerfile to create your image, and set the CMD to:
CMD ["/usr/bin/mongod", "-f", "/etc/mongod.conf"]