Some activities show with ".kt" and some without it - android-activity

I was wondering if someone else have this.
I have created an app in kotlin, everything is working great but I realized that some of my activities are displayed differend in left panel from the others and I dunno why:
Also in it is marked as wrong in my code view:
However my app is working, including this activity. It is already added in the manifest and everything, is just that I'm curious about it.
I have like 7 activities, and have 3 of those like that, even thou all of theme were created the same way.
Any idea how can I fix this?
I already checked the following:
In manifest:
<activity android:name=".mty" />
at mty activity:
at layout:


Mouse is offset only in one particular GUI in Unity

I have 3 different GUI containers/sections, one for showing resources, one for building, and one for inventory. Clicking anything in the resource and building sections works completely fine, the mouse is where it needs to be and clicking/hovering over a button will actually click/hover over the button.
The problem is only in the inventory GUI. I'm not sure how it's any different, so I don't know what I need to provide here for anyone to help me out, so please ask me for any extra info if you need it in the comments. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the code or the UI elements, or whatever else it might be. I'm going to provide some examples of this happening, though.
Here is a gif of what it looks like in the inventory (ignore the items not doing what they are supposed to):
Here is a gift of me just hovering/clicking around in the inventory:
Here is a gif of this working in the "Building" section:
Here is a gif of this working in the "Resources" section:
Here are some images that might be useful. Here is the layout:
There is no difference when I select, for example, Building and Inventory. Here is a comparison:
I have looked around on Google for about 30 minutes, but I couldn't find anything related to this.
I have found the issue. The issue was with the slot prefab that was in the inventory screen, as it had text that was way bigger than it was:
I initially hadn't noticed this as simply clicking on the prefab itself shows that it's the right size:
Resizing the text seems to fix the issue.

roundslider UI is malfunction due to ionic.bundles.js file in ionic android app

I searched alot about this topic but couldnt find any answer. I am ionic to build a android app. I used roundslider component from Though whole roundslider fully works but the text input right in middle of roundslider does not work in ionic. I figured out that ionic.bundles.js script in ionic app is causing problem. If I remove this script, roundslider works fine.
Any advice why this script causing problem?
I had the same issue. You have to disable the tap functionality.
"In some cases, third-party libraries may also be working with touch events which can interfere with the tap system. For example, mapping libraries like Google or Leaflet Maps often implement a touch detection system which conflicts with Ionic’s tap system."
<div data-tap-disabled="true">
//Your Round Slider here...
I hope it helps.
there is a conflict between files of roundsliderui and ionic
read this article thats will help you
The problem is that the modal is not fully loaded at the time the circular-slider is rendered. This article states correctly that the offsetPosition is null if the document (in this case, the modal) is not finished loading

My app is changing the way it looks

I'm pretty new to objective-c and I am working on my first app, I changed the design a little bit on it to make it look more nice and it was working fine, but then it started crashing every time i pushed a button. And now when i run it it looks like the way i had designed it before. but it still looks normal in my storyboard. This has happened to me before so i just made a new project and copy and pasted the old files and storyboard into the new one and it worked fine until now. Can anyone help me?

Custom PickerView froze up (With sample project)

Background: I have been wanting a PickerView that is exactly matches that of Safari. I looked through many Gits and found none that work quite as exactly. I decided to build my own. It is complete now, but there is a bug that would not go away.
Problem: If you run the sample project you will be greeted with 2 text fields.
Tap on one of the textfields - it brings up the BTPickerView. Everything works just as you would expect.
Choose the fourth choice, then press done.
Tap on the same textfield. This time, the debug log will show you that you have executed an infinite loop, which freezes the app.
Question: What did I do to cause it? And how do I fix it?
I have tried everything to boil it down. It comes down to this and I could not go any further. Please advise.
Edit: Here is the sample code you can download in case anyone missed the blue link above.
The issue seems to be with the constraints in BTPickerLabel. If you temporarily disable the constraints from BTPickerLabel, code works fine. Enforcing constraint might trigger the reloading of entire picker view infinitely. I hope it should help you to fix the problem.

Changes to MainStoryboard.storyboard no longer appear in my published app

I've been working away at a project of mine, when a couple days ago I noticed that changes I was making to the MainStoryboard.storyboard weren't occurring in the published version of my app. I tried adding new components and switching many elements and still no changes. I've tried cleaning and building, but the storyboard will still not update itself to my new changes. Changes I make to the code, however, work. I can dynamically populate a text field for example.
I feel like I've done something silly and not realized it, like somehow disconnected or duplicated the storyboard (though I only see one storyboard file in my list). I'm hoping someone has some ideas so I can progress with my project. Anyone?
I had the exact same problem and it was due to localization which splits the storyboard into different ones for each language. It remains one file but xcode shows each localization in the address bar (or whatever it is called) if you select the storyboard in the file navigator.
Most likely you made changes for a storyboard language you don't use yourself for testing.