Upload a image to Google Cloud Storage using Rest end point via API-KEY - rest

I am new to Google Cloud. I want to upload an image to my Bucket.
I did it successfully from the GCP Console and GCP Shell. However, I am unable to do it using REST Endpoint using API-KEY.
Here is my URL.
I am getting the following message
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.create access to [MY_BUCKET]/myhero.",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.create access to [MY_BUCKET]/myhero."
This is because the bucket currently does not allow any way to allow users with the API-KEY even though the API-KEY allows the user of this key to upload an object to the bucket.
What should I do
1) if I want to go with the API-key way.
2) if I want to go with service-account way. What is the best way to generate Authorisation token? I have come till this point
But I am unable to generate {Base64url encoded signature} as I am unable to figure out the private and public keys...

You are getting “anonymous caller” because you are not properly authenticated. You can authenticate using a bearer token instead of the API-KEY.
You can run the following script:
TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
curl "https://www.googleapis.com/upload/storage/v1/b/$BUCKET/o?uploadType=media&name=$OBJECT" -H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H'Content-Type: image/jpg' --data-binary #$OBJECT


wso2api manager 4.0 with Post Request Error: Not Found

I want to secure .net core api with wso2 api manager ,for that i have enabled swagger on the api and able to get post response . I have created Api with swagger defination
and given endpoint http://localhost:5000/api/BigData which will get response in swagger ui
now i am trying to test with api working with token for that wso2api showing error
curl request from wso2-am
curl reuqest semding from wso2-am ```curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8280/api/v1/api/BigData' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Internal-Key: eyJraWQiOiJnYXRld2F5X2NlcnRpZmljYXRlX2FsaWFzIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbkBjYXJib24uc3VwZXIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvbG9jYWxob3N0Ojk0NDNcL29hdXRoMlwvdG9rZW4iLCJrZXl0eXBlIjoiUFJPRFVDVElPTiIsInN1YnNjcmliZWRBUElzIjpbeyJzdWJzY3JpYmVyVGVuYW50RG9tYWluIjpudWxsLCJuYW1lIjoiQmlnRGF0YUFQSSIsImNvbnRleHQiOiJcL2FwaVwvdjEiLCJwdWJsaXNoZXIiOiJhZG1pbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOiJ2MSIsInN1YnNjcmlwdGlvblRpZXIiOm51bGx9XSwiZXhwIjoxNjI0OTIyMzg3LCJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiSW50ZXJuYWxLZXkiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjQ4NjIzODcsImp0aSI6ImZiYjQ2OGQ0LWUyOTItNGEyZC1hZmEzLTdhNzFlODUxNTlhNCJ9.Xkz9jigCPs3I65kI40rigE6L8mA-w4kks3n7Cabahg1dMVEo8AVs64PXuKBshucuT_vk5ms-7wFiIiI0pdXrL1ymOlEacBtW2r1F-WvV7o9SVw6lpF4EQNsIFi96Exe5Gg0k2wSaG1iErJ2P8boOQGI66fudGfjC-Gt1RJxfE-ZwQ_aS7fNur4G7HFAbBOdSq3yNDWjsMiv9k4IBlQ-IkJj88zSM6eXnHbtiAJKB84bAkFX7PDxXzjdItGkTKBx2oW11SO27xvqlrlJCHh6dcvEKb1_XZIjyrrvQjTGTX0cTgUlL0HQFOL9RwavrDwXh_fsP51zhGbbLozuUbhUKWg' \
-d '{
"messageID": "string",
"tenantName": "string",
"tenantID": "string",
"entityID": "string",
"entityType": "string",
"dataType": "string",
"messageKind": "string",
"routing": "string",
"payload": "string",
"type": "string",
"clientID": "string",
"userID": "string",
"isAdmin": true,
"fabric": "string",
"capabilityId": "string",
"sourceSystem": "string",
"applicationName": "string"
when i check the endpoint again its showing method not allowed
As with the shared information, I believe that you have configured an API resource as /api/BigData. If that is the case, update the Production and Sandbox endpoints as http://localhost:5000 and not with the complete URL of the actual endpoint to overcome the 404 errors.
The API Manager uses and appends the API Resources that are defined at the end of the Production/Sandbox endpoints. So, when you are configuring an API and exposing that, you have to be sure of choosing the correct endpoints.
For example:
If you have an actual Backend server with the following endpoint https://backendserver/api/v1/get and https://backendserver/api/v1/post then you have to configure an API in the API Manager as following
Create an API with the following two resources
Configure the Production / Sandbox endpoints as https://backendserver/api/v1
Then, if you invoke the API with the API Manager endpoint (https://apimanager:8243/your-api/v1/get), the /get resource will get appended to the configured endpoint and the request will be served as https://backendserver/api/v1/get.
Hope this explains and gives you a brief understanding of the URL mappings in API Manager.

Documentum REST API issue

I have successfully installed Documentum REST API in my environment. When I go to http://localhost:8080/dctm-rest/repositories I am able to see the repositories successfully. But when I when I try to open any cabinet URL there, it prompts for username password.
I put a password there and it works fine.
But when I send the request using Postman it shows this error
"status": 401,
"message": "Authentication failed.",
"details": "Full authentication is required to access this resource"
and when sending with Authorization in the format
Authorization : Basic (base64 value of "username:password")
it shows
"status": 400,
"message": "Illegal argument {0} provided with value {1}.",
"details": "Parameter conditions \"dql\" not met for actual request
parameters: "
You Have to turn on the Interceptor to make proxy-authenticated request so that it has the same request context as of browser.
I tried few links and used Basic Auth, which worked!

how to upload data to google cloud storage using rest api

I am trying to upload data to google cloud storage using rest api
According to the documentations we can use this api to send data to cloud store
name]/o?uploadType=media&name=[object name]
and sending auth,content-type and content-length as header
auth can be genereted using service accounts which i generated but still unable to upload the file
i am getting this error
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "authError",
"message": "Invalid Credentials",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Invalid Credentials"
one of the correct way to do it would be
you can generate key from api screen in google console
other way is to go to outh2.0 playground and send request from there
it will generate header files accordingly

Cloud foundry API - stop application

I Need API to stop the running application, after some search I've found this API
if I want to test it with postman how can I obtain token and where should I put it inside postman ?
i've tried like following with postman
Authorization : bearer <token>
I got error:
"description": "Unknown request",
"error_code": "CF-NotFound",
"code": 10000
Any idea?
To get the token you can run cf oauth-token from the CLI.
You can use that token in Postman by adding an 'Authorization' HTTP header.
Authorization: bearer token_you_got_by_running_cf_oauth-token

Google Cloud Storage : Google Cloud Storage JSON API to fix Access Not Configured error 403?

I am using an HTTP POST request to upload a file onto Google Cloud Storage.
Request is:
POST /upload/storage/v1beta1/b/myBucket/o?uploadType=media&name=testFile HTTP/1.1
Host: www.googleapis.com
Content-length: 24
Content-type: text/plain
I am getting the following error as the response:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "accessNotConfigured",
"message": "Access Not Configured"
"code": 403,
"message": "Access Not Configured"
Somewhere I read that I need to switch on Google Cloud Storage JSON API.
Is it compulsory to switch on Google Cloud Storage JSON API
or is there any other solution to fix this error?
To use the JSON API, it must be enabled. Enable the JSON API by visiting the Cloud Console, clicking APIs, and enabling the "Google Cloud Storage JSON API"