Why are nested Java classes not importable from Scala? - scala

How am I supposed to mock a nested Java class using scalamock, especially when said nested Java class is coming from a third party library?
Given the following sources:
* Outer class that offers a Nested class inaccessible from Scala :(
public class Outer {
public class Nested {
public class UseNestedJavaClassFromJava {
private Outer.Nested nested;
// TODO uncomment the below line to break the build
//import Outer.Nested
Uncommenting the scala import line results in a compilation failure while compiling UseNestedJavaClassFromJava.java works just fine.
Full minimal example with gradle: https://github.com/billyjf/async-http-client-gradle-scala.
Apparently this was somewhat already addressed in the below question, but resorting to Java glue code or reflection trickery just for the sake of testing Scala code that leverages a Java library with nested Java classes seems a bit unreasonable to me, is there really no other solution?
Scala can't access Java inner class?

I finally found a solution using Mockito:
import org.mockito.Mockito
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
class OuterNestedTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory with Matchers with MockitoSugar {
"Nested Java class" should "be mockable using Mockito from within a scalatest" in {
val mockedNestedJavaClass = Mockito.mock(classOf[Outer#Nested])
Mockito.when(mockedNestedJavaClass.methodWithAParam("some value"))
.thenReturn("mocked", Nil: _*)
mockedNestedJavaClass.methodWithAParam("some value") shouldBe "mocked"

class Main {
val z = new Outer;
private[this] val y:z.Inner = null
For more context:
Outer.Inner is interpreted as Outer$.Inner (companion object).
Official Scala website:
As opposed to Java-like languages where such inner classes are members
of the enclosing class, in Scala such inner classes are bound to the
outer object.


Initialising variables in a mock class scala

I am writing unit tests for an akka actor model implementation. The system contains classes and traits that need to be initialised. My issue lies with the testing of the methods. When I mock required parameters for a class, it removes the intelij compiler error, however all of the variables are set to null.
I have attempted to use
and directly assigning the variables
val mock.answer = 42
The above two through compilation errors. "When" is not recognised and directly assigning values cases a runtime error.
Any insight would be much appreciated.
I am not sure if I understood your issue correctly, but try the self contained code snippet below and let me know if it is not clear enough:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
import org.mockito.Mockito.when
class MyTest extends FunSuite with Matchers with MockitoSugar {
trait MyMock {
def answer: Int
test("my mock") {
val myMock = mock[MyMock]
myMock.answer should be(42)

Access inner class method with "fine" syntax in Java using Scala class & object

I have the following scala example:
class Nested {}
object Nested {
class Inner {}
object Inner {
def x = 321
With a JUnit test to test specifically that I can do Nested.Inner.x() and call the method freely without the Nested.Inner$.MODULE$.x():
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestFromJava {
public void accessTest() {
assertEquals(321, Nested.Inner.x());
This compiles, but at the moment of running the test, I am getting (sbt test):
[error] TestFromJava.java:8: cannot find symbol
[error] symbol: method x()
[error] location: class Nested.Inner
[error] Nested.Inner.x
How can I benefit from both Scala syntax and not using the horrible $? Maybe it is a feature of the language as how it generates the object instances.
You have to qualify singleton object access when calling from Java, as explained in this question.
In your case that would be

How can I pass an instance to a ServiceInjector trait with scala?

I'm following the advice from com.googlegroups.google-guice http://markmail.org/message/ljnhl6rstverrxuj
Well, it's actually almost as referred to you in the link from the other answer:
class MyClient {
#Inject val toBeInjected: AnotherClass = toBeInjected // !!
trait ServiceInjector {
ServiceInjector.inject( this )
object ServiceInjector {
private val injector = Guice.createInjector( Array[Module]( new YourModule ) )
def inject( obj: AnyRef ) = injector.injectMembers( obj )
val client = new MyClient with ServiceInjector
class InjectedMyClient extends MyClient with ServiceInjector
But I'm very new to Scala and trying to work out how I can use the following pattern for dependency injection, when the Guice Module itself needs references to instances passed in from elsewhere.
But since traits can't have constructors, and neither can the Companion Object it looks like I'm screwed?
package au.id.rleach.overmind.guice
import com.google.inject.{Provides, Guice, Binder, Module}
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.spongepowered.api.service.ServiceManager
import org.spongepowered.api.world.TeleportHelper
import org.spongepowered.api.{GameRegistry, Game}
import org.spongepowered.api.plugin.PluginManager
import org.spongepowered.api.scoreboard.ScoreboardBuilder
import org.spongepowered.api.service.event.EventManager
class OModule(val game: Game, val logger: Logger, val pluginManager: PluginManager, val serviceManager: ServiceManager, val eventManager: EventManager, val gameRegistry: GameRegistry, val teleportHelper: TeleportHelper) extends Module {
override def configure(binder: Binder): Unit = {
//bind(classOf[File]).annotatedWith(new ConfigDirAnnotation(true)).toInstance(Loader.instance.getConfigDir)
trait ServiceInjector {
object ServiceInjector {
private val injector = Guice.createInjector(
new OModule()//compilation error.
def inject(obj: AnyRef) = injector.injectMembers(obj)
I realize that the object is being initialized when it's first used, and that is after I have a copy of the instances to pass to OModule, but I can't seem to find a way to pass them in to the object.
Since I'm using Scala I am not a fan anymore of using DI frameworks since Scala has natively DI-like support already. This is called the Cake Pattern. There are plenty resources available on this, like this blogpost from Cake Solutions.
Both at ScalaDays 2014 and Devoxx 2014 Dick Wall also presented about a more lightweight DI solution which he called the Parfait Pattern. Both talks can be viewed on Parleys.com
If you really want to use a DI framework, Scaldi is a nice looking Scala framework utilising Scala features, but of course you can also keep on using Spring or Guice.
I'm not sure about this:
#Inject val toBeInjected: AnotherClass = toBeInjected
wouldn't work in my experience. It needs to be a var rather than val and the initial value null.
#Inject var toBeInjected: AnotherClass = null
I created a demo on GitHub which is the Play-Scala template with the index method changed as follows:
class Application extends Controller {
#Inject var ws: WSClient = null
def index = Action.async {
ws.url("http://google.com").get.map(r => Ok(r.body))
which worked well. That injected to a field, rather than as a constructor parameter. The same technique can be used with traits.

Scala object that extends Java class

An old trick I used in my previous Java projects was to create e.g. a FileUtils class that offered helper functions for common file operations needed by my project and not covered by e.g. org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils. Therefore my custom FileUtils would extend org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils and offer all their functions as well.
Now I try to do the same in Scala but the apache helper functions are not seen through my FileUtils Scala object, what is wrong here?
import org.apache.commons.io.{ FileUtils => ApacheFileUtils }
object FileUtils extends ApacheFileUtils {
// ... additional helper methods
val content = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("/tmp/whatever.txt"))
here the compiler complains that readFileToString is not a member of my Scala FileUtils but it is of ApacheFileUtils and I extend from it ...
The Scala equivalent of a class with static methods is an object, so in Scala terms, the static components of FileUtils are seen as
object FileUtils {
def readFile(s:String) = ???
And in Scala, you can't extend an object. This is illegal:
object A
object B extends A // A is not a type
Therefore object FileUtils extends ApacheFileUtils only gives you access to the class-level definitions of ApacheFileUtils (that except for the base Object methods like equals and hashCode, you have none)
You might find that Scala offers more elegant ways of providing extensions. Have a look at the 'pimp up my library' pattern for good starting point.
To apply this pattern to your example:
// definition of your "pimped" methods
import java.io.File
class RichFile(file:File) {
def readToString():String = ???
// companion object defines implicit conversion
object RichFile {
implicit def fileToRichFile(f:File):RichFile = new RichFile(f)
// Usage
import RichFile._
val content = new File("/tmp/whatever.txt").readToString

Importing members in scala 2.10

In Scala 2.9.x I was used to the following syntax:
class B(currencies: Seq[Currency])(implicit c:C) extends
import c._
// def mystuff = call() // in fact this is c.call()
This does not work anymore in Scala 2.10.x, meaning that if I do import c._ , the members of c are not visible inside B. I am therefore forced to do c.call().
Is members importing forbidden in Scala 2.10.x? why?