What does a red icon next to a field mean in Taleo Connect Client? - taleo

While selecting fields for a Candidate Import in Taleo Connect Client, I noticed a small red icon next to a few of the fields. (IE: EmailAddressValidated, Applications,Number)
What does the red sign icon next to a field mean in Taleo Connect Client?

A red circle means this field's properties cannot be changed via Taleo Connect Client.
There are several import field types:
Search or lookup fields are identified with a magnifying glass icon.
Key fields are identified with an orange key icon (visible after checking Use the value for search or lookup).
Non updatable fields are identified with a red circle icon.
User defined fields (UDFs) are identified with a person icon.
Taleo Enterprise Connect Client User Guide v17.2 (Page 33)
Important Note: While you can't update the field's properties, you can update the value of this field with a TCC import.


How to mention username in Flutter?

I want to implement the feature mention for flutter. When the user type # and put some username behind it, it will trigger the mention list load from api (This part I already handle), the point is when the user choose the username from list it will autocomplete and replace the # with the username (Username not userid, the username is not unique) and style the text to blue.
I already try this https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_mentions, this package only work for the userid.

Creating public action does not add to sequence

I am a new user following this tutorial provided by IBM.
I am up to this step:
For Cloudant Instance, select Input your own credentials and fill in the following fields with the credentials information captured for your cloudant service: Username, Password, Host and Database = guestbook and click Add and then Save.
After following the instruction to 'Add', I am returned to the sequence view (with the list of actions representing the sequence I'm working on).
Expected: The newly created public action w/ binding should appear in the list.
Instead: The newly created public action is not in the list. There is no evidence of it having been created at all. There is no option to 'save'.
Am I doing something wrong? This seems like an enormous bug.
Attempted solutions (unsuccessful):
Log out and back in.
Create new Cloudant service credentials.
Enter service credentials manually vs via dropdown.
Create action in a named package rather than default package.
Create new Cloudant service credentials, selecting a specific service ID.
Attempted to create support ticket but needed to upgrade account by adding credit card. Filled in card information. Card rejected: "Error: Could not place order. Unable to verify the credit card. Declined due to Risk management". I use this card successfully all the time.
In actions UI, selected a sequence, added an action to the sequence, 'reset' sequence to discard changes, began to add yet another action, cancelled that new action, returned to sequence view and the previously created action that I had discarded was there. Ie seems like some backend / database propagation issues on IBM's end?
The steps have been updated in https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/tutorials?topic=solution-tutorials-serverless-api-webapp#sequence-of-actions-to-save-the-guestbook-entry.
To create the new Cloudant binding:
Set Name to binding-for-guestbook.
Set Instance to Input your own credentials.
Set Username, Password, Host and IAM API Key from the values found in the Cloudant credentials for-guestbook created earlier.
Set Database to guestbook.
Set whiskoverwriteLabel to true.

Install4j - advance form component's customization won't apply while on upgrade

In our installer we have multiple form components in which we hide some inner options in case the user have choose a specific option.
For example: In this screen - this is the default displayed options.
If the user choose different Authentication than the default SQL Server Authentication (Windows Authentication), than the installer hides the User Name & Password fields.
The problem happens while on upgrade. If the user previously choose the Windows Authentication option - the displayed screen will be like this:
It's not good, because while connecting with Windows Authentication the user input User Name & Password shouldn't be presented.
The Authentication input is defined as Combo-Box & have the Selection change script property like this:
if (selectedItem.equals("Windows Authentication")) {
formEnvironment.getFormComponentById("1418").setVisible(!selectedItem.equals("Windows Authentication"));
formEnvironment.getFormComponentById("1677").setVisible(!selectedItem.equals("Windows Authentication"));
Basically I do understand why it won't work on upgrade - since it work by selection trigger, it won't be applied by default by the installer.
Is there any way applying this logic also upon upgrade?
You have to execute the same logic in the "Visibility script" properties of the "User name" and "Password" form components. You don't have the "selectedItem" parameter there, but you can query the variable that is bound to the "Authentication" form component, i.e. context.getVariable("variableName").

Using same id (not active one)

I've got an issue with a button.
I've got clients, and these all have a number ( Clients:: ClientID). Now I want to make a button in another form and send the active clientID to another application which will use this clientID to display information in that application about that client.
Now I've made a button with the open URL which contains following code snippet:
"http://localhost:12345/showClientFile?clientid=" & Clients::ClientID
When I click the button in viewlayout, the application always (no matter which record I'm in) the same clientID and not the clientID from the record that I'm in. When I check the URL in the browser, it is also that same id constantly. Am I missing something?
If you're on a layout that isn't linked to the Clients table occurrence, then there must be a relationship from whichever TO your layout is linked to to the Clients table. Otherwise you wouldn't see any value for Clients::ClientID.
You say you want to send the "active clientID". How do you, or the system, know what the active clientID is? Is it stored in a global variable, as in $$_ACTIVE_CLIENT_ID, or perhaps a global field, Clients::g_active_client_id? When you can say to yourself, "When I want to know what the active client ID is, I look here," then you know what will need to be done to edit the URL calculation.
"http://localhost:12345/showClientFile?clientid=" & $$_ACTIVE_CLIENT_ID

Sitecore - WFFM : Link contact facet with user profile field

I'm working on a Sitecore 8 Update 2 site.
I'm also using the web forms for marketers.
I've set up a login and register form using WFFM. I was able to link fields on the form with the fields of the user profile ( the one used in User Management )
However when i want to make a "Update Contact Details" i can't link the fields on the form with the profile fields as before. Now i have to select a "contact facet". I added one of these and WFFM picked up on this, so now i can link the field on the form with a facet.
The last link i'm missing is linking this facet ( stored in Analytics - MongoDB ) to the profile field.
Does anyone know how to achieve this ?
Bonus: This started off as a slighty different question, you can read more about this issue here:
How to update sitecore user with webforms for marketers ( Update Contact Details )
First you need to add the Create User Save Action and setup the email address as the username.
Then you need to add the User login Save Action straight after that. This is because the Update Contact Details Save action only applies to logged in users.
Then you can use the Update Contact Details Save Action. This action will create data in MongoDB under the logged in user name - so if you go to the Identifiers collection MongoDB a new entry will be created (See screen shot below).
So in short the aspnet_membership data and the MongoDB data is linked via the username in WFFM. In aspnet_users - UserName and in MongoDB by way of an identifier. You can't mix the MongoDB and aspnet_profile data they belong in two separate places.
So once you have created this user in WFFM you could call up their details using the analytics API using the identifier:
var personalInfo = Tracker.Current.Contact.GetFacet<IContactPersonalInfo>("Personal");
Hope that makes sense :)