How to change api URL attributes(values) in SLIM - rest

I am doing pagination in REST api developed over slim.
Using below API to get current uri
(string) $request->getUri();
RESULT ::http://localhost/slim/test_app/test/public/api/actions/?page=2
But now for next request i need to replace the page number in current url to (+1) ie 3 here and pass in data returned to user like below
"next": http://localhost/slim/test_app/test/public/api/actions/?page=3
What could be the best way to replace the page number ? Do we have any direct api for this,to just replace the attributes ?

I added a function to merge attributes and than bind the query to url as below function
private function merge_querystring($url = null,$query = null,$recursive = false)
if($url == null)
return false;
if($query == null)
return $url;
// split the url into it's components
$url_components = parse_url($url);
// if we have the query string but no query on the original url
// just return the URL + query string
return $url.'?'.ltrim($query,'?');
// turn the url's query string into an array
// turn the query string into an array
// merge the query string
if($recursive == true)
$merged_result = array_merge_recursive($original_query_string,$merged_query_string);
$merged_result = array_merge($original_query_string,$merged_query_string);
// Find the original query string in the URL and replace it with the new one
return str_replace($url_components['query'],http_build_query($merged_result),$url);
and i use below to add query to url
//echo http_build_query($postQuery);
$data["next"]= $this->merge_querystring($request->getUri(),"?".http_build_query($postQuery));

You can replace pagination value by string manipulation. But you can also using what Slim provide.
Slim\Http\Uri class, which implements Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface, has withQuery() method that will replace current query string.
It will return cloned Slim\Http\Uri instance with its query string replaced.
$query = $request->getQueryParams();
$query['page'] = $query['page'] + 1;
$url = $request->getUri();
$nextUrl = $url->withQuery(http_build_query($query));
$data['next'] = (string) $nexUrl;


Build dynamic LINQ queries from a string - Use Reflection?

I have some word templates(maybe thousands). Each template has merge fields which will be filled from database. I don`t like writing separate code for every template and then build the application and deploy it whenever a template is changed or a field on the template is added!
Instead, I'm trying to define all merge fields in a separate xml file and for each field I want to write the "query" which will be called when needed. EX:
mergefield1 will call query "Case.Parties.FirstOrDefault.NameEn"
mergefield2 will call query "Case.CaseNumber"
mergefield3 will call query "Case.Documents.FirstOrDefault.DocumentContent.DocumentType"
So, for a particular template I scan its merge fields, and for each merge field I take it`s "query definition" and make that request to database using EntityFramework and LINQ. Ex. it works for these queries: "TimeSlots.FirstOrDefault.StartDateTime" or
This will be an engine which will generate word documents and fill it with merge fields from xml. In addition, it will work for any new template or new merge field.
Now, I have worked a version using reflection.
public string GetColumnValueByObjectByName(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null, string objectName = "", string dllName = "", string objectID = "", string propertyName = "")
string objectDllName = objectName + ", " + dllName;
Type type = Type.GetType(objectDllName);
Guid oID = new Guid(objectID);
dynamic Entity = context.Set(type).Find(oID); // get Object by Type and ObjectID
string value = ""; //the value which will be filled with data from database
IEnumerable<string> linqMethods = typeof(System.Linq.Enumerable).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).Select(s => s.Name).ToList(); //get all linq methods and save them as list of strings
if (propertyName.Contains('.'))
string[] properies = propertyName.Split('.');
dynamic object1 = Entity;
IEnumerable<dynamic> Child = new List<dynamic>();
for (int i = 0; i < properies.Length; i++)
if (i < properies.Length - 1 && linqMethods.Contains(properies[i + 1]))
Child = type.GetProperty(properies[i]).GetValue(object1, null);
else if (linqMethods.Contains(properies[i]))
object1 = Child.Cast<object>().FirstOrDefault(); //for now works only with FirstOrDefault - Later it will be changed to work with ToList or other linq methods
type = object1.GetType();
if (linqMethods.Contains(properies[i]))
object1 = type.GetProperty(properies[i + 1]).GetValue(object1, null);
object1 = type.GetProperty(properies[i]).GetValue(object1, null);
type = object1.GetType();
value = object1.ToString(); //.StartDateTime.ToString();
return value;
I`m not sure if this is the best approach. Does anyone have a better suggestion, or maybe someone has already done something like this?
To shorten it: The idea is to make generic linq queries to database from a string like: "Case.Parties.FirstOrDefault.NameEn".
Your approach is very good. I have no doubt that it already works.
Another approach is using Expression Tree like #Egorikas have suggested.
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Eval-Expression.NET
In short, this library allows you to evaluate almost any C# code at runtime (What you exactly want to do).
I would suggest you use my library instead. To keep the code:
More readable
Easier to support
Add some flexibility
public string GetColumnValueByObjectByName(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null, string objectName = "", string dllName = "", string objectID = "", string propertyName = "")
string objectDllName = objectName + ", " + dllName;
Type type = Type.GetType(objectDllName);
Guid oID = new Guid(objectID);
object Entity = context.Set(type).Find(oID); // get Object by Type and ObjectID
var value = Eval.Execute("x." + propertyName, new { x = entity });
return value.ToString();
The library also allow you to use dynamic string with IQueryable
Wiki: LINQ-Dynamic

Relational Queries In (Unity)

I found example in I have 2 objects : Post and Comment, in the Comment objects have a collumn: "parent" pointer to Post obj and I want to join them:
var query = ParseObject.GetQuery ("Comment");
// Include the post data with each comment
query = query.Include("parent");
query.FindAsync().ContinueWith(t => {
IEnumerable<ParseObject> comments = t.Result;
// Comments now contains the last ten comments, and the "post" field
// contains an object that has already been fetched. For example:
foreach (var comment in comments)
// This does not require a network access.
string o= comment.Get<string>("content");
try {
string post = comment.Get<ParseObject>("parent").Get<string>("title");
} catch (Exception ex) {
It worked!
And then, I have 2 objects: User and Gamescore, in the Gamescore objects have a collumn: "playerName" pointer to Post obj I want join them too:
var query = ParseObject.GetQuery ("GameScore");
query.Include ("playerName");
query.FindAsync ().ContinueWith (t =>{
IEnumerable<ParseObject> result = t.Result;
foreach (var item in result) {
Debug.Log("List score: ");
int score = item.Get<int>("score");
try {
var obj = item.Get<ParseUser>("playerName");
string name = obj.Get<string>("profile");
//string name = item.Get<ParseUser>("playerName").Get<string>("profile");
} catch (Exception ex) {
but It isn't working, Please help me!
Why didn't you do the following like you did your first example:
query = query.Include ("playerName");
you just have -
query.Include ("playerName");
One solution would be to ensure that your ParseUser object is properly fetched. ie:
var obj = item.Get<ParseUser>("playerName");
Task t = obj.FetchIfNeededAsync();
while (!t.IsCompleted) yield return null;
Then you can do this without worrying:
string name = obj.Get<string>("profile");
But that will be another potential request to Parse, which is unfortunate. It seems that query.Include ("playerName") isn't properly working in the Unity version of Parse?
I believe you're supposed to use multi-level includes for this, like .Include("parent.playerName") in your first query.

Zend_Navigation add dynamically parameter after question mark

I'm using Zend_Navigation' reading fron xml.
I want to add to the menu created from it an additional parameter (got it from the request for the first page).
if the first page is
clicking on the menu would add the "?Id=42" to each link.
Easiest way to do this is by extending the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url class, and adding the query string to the parent::url() result. Than, you need to inject your url helper into the mvc page, by calling Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc::setUrlHelper($yourUrlHelper).
Example of a query string supported url helper:
class My_Helper_Url extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url
public function url($urlOptions = array(), $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = true)
$queryString = $this->getRequest()->getServer('QUERY_STRING');
return parent::url($urlOptions, $name, $reset, $encode) .
($queryString ? '?' . $queryString : '');

working with Query String in GWT

I have to created a dynamic URLcontaining the user id and email parameters, which will direct to sign up form in my GWT application. I want to set and get the parameters in the query string. I have referred tp but here QueryStringData is inaccessible to my project.Please tell me how I can do it? Any alternative could also help me.
#Stein, but there is (a query parameter tokenizer in GWT): e.g. Window.Location.getParameter("debug") will return the string value of the parameter debug.
Don't think there's a simple tokenized query string parser in GWT. But you can get the raw query string by using:
String queryString = Window.Location.getQueryString();
Parse it any way you like. I use it like this to set debug flags etc.:
boolean debugMode = Window.Location.getQueryString().indexOf("debug=true") >= 0;
Note that changing values in the query part of the url (between the ? and the #) will reload the page. While changing the "hash part" of the url (anything after the #) will not reload the page. Which is why the uses the hash part.
If you want really want to parse the history token (hash part) to encode parameters, here's the code for that:
private static Map<String, String> buildHashParameterMap() {
final String historyToken = History.getToken();
Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (historyToken != null && historyToken.length() > 1) {
for (String kvPair : historyToken.split("&")) {
String[] kv = kvPair.split("=", 2);
if (kv.length > 1) {
paramMap.put(kv[0], URL.decodeQueryString(kv[1]));
} else {
paramMap.put(kv[0], "");
return paramMap;
There is in-built support for getting all of the parameters.
Simply call:
Map<String, List<String>> parameterMap = Window.Location.getParameterMap();

how to programmatically access the builtin properties of an open xml worddoc file

i would like to access some built in properties(like author,last modified date,etc.) of an open xml word doc file. i would like to use open xml sdk2.0 for this purpose. so i wonder if there is any class or any way i could programmatically access these builtin properties.
An explanation of the following method can be found here, but pretty much you need to pass in the properties that you want to get out of the core.xml file to this method and it will return the value:
public static string WDRetrieveCoreProperty(string docName, string propertyName)
// Given a document name and a core property, retrieve the value of the property.
// Note that because this code uses the SelectSingleNode method,
// the search is case sensitive. That is, looking for "Author" is not
// the same as looking for "author".
const string corePropertiesSchema = "";
const string dcPropertiesSchema = "";
const string dcTermsPropertiesSchema = "";
string propertyValue = string.Empty;
using (WordprocessingDocument wdPackage = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docName, true))
// Get the core properties part (core.xml).
CoreFilePropertiesPart corePropertiesPart = wdPackage.CoreFilePropertiesPart;
// Manage namespaces to perform XML XPath queries.
NameTable nt = new NameTable();
XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);
nsManager.AddNamespace("cp", corePropertiesSchema);
nsManager.AddNamespace("dc", dcPropertiesSchema);
nsManager.AddNamespace("dcterms", dcTermsPropertiesSchema);
// Get the properties from the package.
XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(nt);
// Load the XML in the part into an XmlDocument instance.
string searchString = string.Format("//cp:coreProperties/{0}", propertyName);
XmlNode xNode = xdoc.SelectSingleNode(searchString, nsManager);
if (!(xNode == null))
propertyValue = xNode.InnerText;
return propertyValue;
You can also use the packaging API:
using System.IO.Packaging.Package;
using (var package = Package.Open(path))
package.PackageProperties.Creator = Environment.UserName;
package.PackageProperties.LastModifiedBy = Environment.UserName;
That works also for other open XML formats like power point.
I think that Is the best way.