If else statement using external variable in a bitbake file - yocto

Hi under my bitbake file I want to stop the execution of certain tasks and want compile function to be executed every time. For this, I have done the following changes.
do_compile[nostamp] = "1"
do_clean[noexec] = "1"
do_cleanall[noexec] = "1"
do_cleansstate[noexec] = "1"
do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
do_patch[noexec] = "1"
do_unpack[noexec] = "1"
And it worked perfectly fine. I was able to stop the execution of tasks like clean, cleanall, cleansstate, fetch, patch and unpack. Also, I was able to make sure that the compile task runs every time.
However, I want to put some restrictions on the same. I want to make sure that noexec and nostamp on relevant task only applies when DEVMODE variable is set to 1. Psuedo code as follows.
if DEVMODE == 1 then
do_compile[nostamp] = "1"
do_clean[noexec] = "1"
do_cleanall[noexec] = "1"
do_cleansstate[noexec] = "1"
do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
do_patch[noexec] = "1"
do_unpack[noexec] = "1"
How to achieve the same in a bitbake file? I have tried this and this links but I am not able to craft a working if condition.
NOTE: Am ok using BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE, but am not able to code a working if condition for the bitbake file.

Use python anonymous function could work for you.
python () {
#add "export DEVMODE=1" under conf/setenv
#add DEVMODE under BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE variable under conf/setenv
if d.getVar("DEVMODE", True) == "1":
d.setVarFlag("do_compile", 'nostamp', "1")
Or set directly:
do_compile[nostamp] = "${#'1' if d.getVar('DEVMODE') == '1' else '0'}"


PowerShell: How to clear cache of included files?

I include an external .ps1 into antother .ps1:
$obj = [bar]::new();
class bar{
$this.output = 1;
[void] out(){
write-host $this.output;
The first time I execute foo.ps1 in the Windows PowerShell ISE the output is "1", as expected.
Then I go to bar.ps1 and change $this.output = 1; to $this.output = 2;. After executing foo.ps1 again the output is still "1". When I change something in foo.ps1, like simply appending a new line, and execute it once again, the output becomes "2". Changing back, like removing the new line, will make an output of "1" again.
For me it looks like an caching issue. Is it possible to clear or disable the caching?
Thanks in advance!

Calling Command Line From Blue Prism

I am trying to use Nitro PDF Reader from the command line.
This was working correctly, but I am now getting an error Internal : Could not execute code stage: Ambiguous match found.
Passing null values also produces this error.
timedOut = False
Dim startTime as Date = Date.Now
Dim info as New ProcessStartInfo(appn)
If args <> "" Then info.Arguments = args
If dir <> "" Then info.WorkingDirectory = dir
Using proc As Process = Process.Start(info)
timedOut = Not proc.WaitForExit( _
End Using
Issue looked to be caused by another action with similar code. There was an action called Run Process until Ended. I then duplicated to have a second which was called Run Process.
This was causing the error.

how do i get a variable out of powershell in jenkins declarative pipeline?

steps {
env.StorysTested = ''
//some code here
foreach ( $item in $Comments )
//some code here
//assigning a new value to StoryTested env variable
$env:StorysTested = "some value"
//below line works fine and displays the value
Write-Output "Stories tested : $env:StorysTested"
//below null value is displayed for StorysTested``
echo " From Grrovy : ${env.StorysTested}"
throw err
I am using a jenkins declarative pipeline.
In the above code i m trying to use the value of $env:StorysTested in groovy which was assigned in powershell. Is there any way i can retain a variable value that was assigned in powershell, after the powershell execution is over. storing it in env variable was one way i thought of but clearly that didnt work.
If you set an environment variable using $env:StorysTested = "some value", this variable is stored for the powershell process and is not permanent or visible outside this process.
To create more permanent environment variables (i.e., user-level or machine-level) you need to use the .NET Framework and the SetEnvironmentVariable method:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("StorysTested", "some value", "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("StorysTested", "some value", "Machine")
To delete from within PowerShell, you use the same .NET method and assign a $null value to the variable like this:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("StorysTested",$null,"User") # or "Machine" of course
Hope that helps

IPython script runs on Spotfire Client, not Spotfire Web

I have the following python script (reduced, but the rest of it performs similar actions):
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
#assign default values for prompts if needed
if Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'].isspace():
Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'] = 'GS'
if Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'].isspace():
Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'] = 'Month'
#determine which type of viz needs displayed based on a flag in the data
rowCount = activeTable.RowCount
rowsToInclude = IndexSet(rowCount,True)
cursor1 = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(activeTable.Columns[columnToFetch])
for row in activeTable.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor1):
rowIndex = row.Index
percentageNeeded = cursor1.CurrentValue
#create consumer report
for page in Document.Pages:
for viz in page.Visuals:
if str(viz.Id) == 'a7f5b4ec-f545-4d5f-a967-adec4c9fec79':
if Document.Properties['coffeeReportSelected'] == 'Brand Category by Market':
if Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'] == 'GS' and Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'] == 'Month' and percentageNeeded == 'Y':
visualContentObject = viz.As[VisualContent]()
visualContentObject.MeasureAxis.Expression = 'Sum([GS Month]) as [GS Mnth]'
visualContentObject.RowAxis.Expression = '<[BRAND] as [Brand Category] NEST [MARKET] as [Market]>'
visualContentObject.ColumnAxis.Expression = '<[Axis.Default.Names] as [Measure Names]>'
visualContentObject.ShowColumnGrandTotal = True
visualContentObject.ShowColumnSubtotals = True
visualContentObject.ShowRowGrandTotal = False
visualContentObject.Title = 'Monthly GS by Brand, Market'
visualContentObject.Data.WhereClauseExpression = '[NAME] = "CANADA"'
visualContentObject.CellWidth = 125
Document.Properties['cannedReportHideRows'] = 'Sum(Abs(SN([GS Month],0)))'
elif Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'] == 'GS' and Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'] == 'Quarter' and percentageNeeded == 'Y':
visualContentObject = viz.As[VisualContent]()
visualContentObject.MeasureAxis.Expression = 'Sum([GS Quarter]) as [GS Qtr]'
visualContentObject.RowAxis.Expression = '<[BRAND] as [Brand] NEST [MARKET] as [Market]>'
visualContentObject.ColumnAxis.Expression = '<[Axis.Default.Names] as [Measure Names]>'
visualContentObject.ShowColumnGrandTotal = True
visualContentObject.ShowColumnSubtotals = True
visualContentObject.ShowRowGrandTotal = False
visualContentObject.Title = 'Quarterly GS by Brand, Market'
visualContentObject.Data.WhereClauseExpression = '[NAME] = "CANADA"'
visualContentObject.CellWidth = 125
Document.Properties['cannedReportHideRows'] = 'Sum(Abs(SN([GS Quarter],0)))'
So on and so forth.
This script (and others) run perfectly fine in the client. It does not run in the web. The web will say processing, then say ready (in the bottom left corner), all while doing nothing (no error, nothing). A few other scripts that I have in the same analysis run perfectly fine.
I know there are some limitations on IPython scripts on the web for security reasons, but I am only building a table. This cant be restricted can it? Web server logs are not capturing anything out of the ordinary.
We are on Spotfire 7.6
UPDATE: It seems to be due to this: if str(viz.Id) == 'a7f5b4ec-f545-4d5f-a967-adec4c9fec79':. This is because IDs are different between Web and Client unfortunately. Knowing my title changes as well, any ideas on what I could reference a visualization by that stays the same between client and web?
Because Spotfire changes IDs of a vis depending on whether it is on the web player vs the client, the script was not working as intended. I simply added the vis as a parameter instead of relying on the script to go and locate the correct vis. When the name of the vis changes, the parameter is updated correctly so it is still dynamic.
Could you just figure out what the index is on the current visual and refer to it that way?
Try something like:
Replace this line:
if str(viz.Id) == 'a7f5b4ec-f545-4d5f-a967-adec4c9fec79':
if viz[0] (or whatever the index is)
Not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I believe this will give you a way to refer to the visualization without having to use an ID.

Powershell initializing global to $null is failing

I am running a GUI that takes user input but can be changed before finalizing if they make a mistake. When the form opens, I am trying to initialize the globals to null. This is failing. I put a breakpoint on the code and looked at the value before and then stepped into it. The value does not change.
So for example, if I run the form and enter "Foo" as my global variable, exit the form, then run the form again, even after the line in question executes, the value of the global is still "Foo". What is going on? I have used this exact code with other GUIs and it never failed (but the values were generated automatically rather than based on user input).
# Define and initialize global variables
$global:ServerName = $null # <-- This fails to reset the variable from the previous run of the form
function ValidateChoices(){
$OKToGo = $true
$TempServerName = $null
try {
# Only Allow Valid NETBios Name with AlphaNumberic and - up to 15 characters
[ValidatePattern("^[A-Za-z\d-]{1,15}$")]$TempServerName = $ServerNameTextbox.Text
$ServerNameTitle.BackColor = ""
$ServerNameTextbox.BackColor = ""
$global:ServerName = $TempServerName
} catch {
$OKToGo = $false
$ServerNameTitle.BackColor = "Pink"
$ServerNameTextbox.BackColor = "Pink"
if ( $OKToGo ){
"ServerName=" + $global:ServerName | Out-File c:\debug.txt
Here is the answer: When ValidatePattern is run against a variable, those restrictions are kept and re-evaluated anytime an attempt to change the variable is made. This holds true even if ValidatePattern was not explicitly called. And because it was a global variable, those restrictions rode through multiple iterations of the form. Because $null does not conform to my listed ValidatePattern parameters, the call to change the value was ignored