Nominatim search.php is not working while reverse.php is working fine - openstreetmap

I face some troubles regarding the installation of nominatim. The search.php results with
##Nominatimserver## is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500.
I have installed Nominatim 3.1.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 with postgres 10 and run ./utils/setup.php --index --create-search-indices twice to be sure that the indices were created successfully.
However the output of the setup.php... is Starting rank 0 Done 0 in 0 # 0.000000 per second - FINISHED for each rank.
My guess is that the indices are not build correct as the reverse search is working fine.
Any ideas what I can do/check?


Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error while running any service on macOS Big Sur version 11.5.2

I am trying to run mongodb-community#4.2 service using brew services start mongodb-community#4.2 (facing similar error, while running httpd service or any other service)
Following is the error:
Error: Failure while executing; /bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/502 /Users/chiragsingla/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb-community#4.2.plist exited with 5.
There can be multiple reasons behind this error message. So, the first thing to do is to find where your mongo related logs are stored. To do that, run the following command -
sudo find / -name mongod.conf
This will get you the mongo db config file. On running this command, I got /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf. You may find it directly under /etc.
On opening mongod.conf, you will find log path mentioned there. You can open the file itself, or instead get the last 15-20 lines of this log file via tail command -
tail -n 15 <<your mongo db log path>>
Now, you will need to debug the issue mentioned in the logs. Generally, I have seen these three sets of issues -
Permission issue with /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock - While some SO answers asked to change the permissions for this file as a solution, my issue with this only went away after I removed this file.
Compatibility issue - If you see a message like Version incompatibility detected, it means that the mongodb version you have currently installed is different from the version whose data is present on your system. Uninstall the current mongodb version and then install the correct older version (if you don't want to lose the data).
Once you have done it, and your mongo is up and running, and you want to upgrade mongodb version, follow this SO answer.
Permission issues with WiredTiger - Using chmod to change file permissions resolved these.
In case you have any issue other than these three, you will still need to search more on SO and figure it out. Hope this was of some help! :)

org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException: Database relates to a more recent version of sonar

I am facing the below error.
org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException: Database relates to a more recent version of sonar. Please check your settings.
i have 2 different servers. one for sonar and another for database.
1. I have taken snapshot of sonar server, but i didnot take snapshot for database(forgot to take it).
2. I have upgraded sonar from sonar 4.0 to sonarqube4.5.1 after taking backup of database(postgresql) using pg_dump command... but as i have faced some loss of data after upgrading sonar and database i have reverted back to previous snapshot (sonar server)
3. now we have done restoring the database using pg_restore command successfully but the sonar 4.0 is not getting started and gives the above error
could anyone help me with this
Message is quite obvious. You are starting your SQ 4.0 instance connected to a DB which is recognized as more recent.
Options are limited:
either the DB is really your original SQ 4.0 DB and you are not running the exact same SQ 4.0 software you used to
or you are running the same SQ 4.0 software and the DB is not your original SQ 4.0 DB
My guess is that you did not successfully restore your DB to its SQ 4.0 state, or only partially.
Under the hood, SQ uses table schema_migrations to know which version of the DB it is connected to.
Each db migration "script" (lets use that name for simplicity sake) has a unique number (number is strictly increasing) and each SQ version knows the number of the last migration script it bundles. When a script is successfully executed, a row is added to table schema_migrations.
SQ checks at startup its last script's number against the highest number in schema_migrations:
same number, everything is ok
lower number, DB needs an upgrade
higher number, the error message you got

MySQL Workbench 6.3 not returning results with more than 2000 rows

I am running MySQL Workbench 6.3 on a Windows 7 machine 64-bit laptop. When a do a simple query to get all the data in a single table with ~400 rows of data, the query stays in "running . . . " status and eventually returns the Error Code: 2013 Lost Connection to MySQL server at "waiting for initial communication". If I limit the results to 1000 rows, the query works fine, its only when I allow for more than 2000 rows does this occur.
I do have "Use compression protocol" enabled, which I had hoped would fix the issue.
The other thing I noticed, that if I run the query on my Mac I do not have this issue, I get more than 10,000 rows with no issues.
Has anyone else had this issue and resolved it?
Seems like a time out issue. Please refer to this post to see if this resolves your issue:
MySQL Workbench: How to keep the connection alive

Firebird 2.5 Superclassic error on detach

Im running the latest firebird 2.5-26780 SuperClassic on OSX10.10 running on localhost. Using the C api, and following examples shown here -- essentially just running:
isc_detach_database(status_vector, &databaseHandle);
at the end of my program, I noticed
INET/inet_error: read errno = 9 showing up in my firebird.log each instance that I disconnect from my database. I see no ill-effects from this, but logging errors can't be good news. Am I doing something wrong, or missing something obvious?

Cant run Sphinx search service on windows

I tried installing Sphinx as a service on windows, and followed the steps mentioned in the following tutorial:
But the service doesn't start and gives Error #1067
So, as mentioned in the tutorial, I run searchd from console, and this is what I get.
Can someone guide me what am I doing wrong?
c:\sphinx\bin>searchd --console
Sphinx 2.0.7-release (r3759)
Copyright (c) 2001-2012, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Sphinx Technologies Inc (
using config file './sphinx.conf'...
WARNING: compat_sphinxql_magics=1 is deprecated; please update your application
and config
listening on all interfaces, port=9312
listening on all interfaces, port=9306
precaching index 'test1'
precached 1 indexes in 0.004 sec
binlog: replaying log C:/sphinx/data/binlog.001
binlog: replay stats: 0 rows in 0 commits; 0 updates; 0 indexes
binlog: finished replaying C:/sphinx/data/binlog.001; 0.0 MB in 0.000 sec
binlog: replaying log C:/sphinx/data/binlog.001
binlog: replay stats: 0 rows in 0 commits; 0 updates; 0 indexes
binlog: finished replaying C:/sphinx/data/binlog.001; 0.0 MB in 0.000 sec
binlog: finished replaying total 2 in 0.003 sec
accepting connections
What working for me
Ensure that folders log and data exist in #confdir#
Use full path to config file, not relative
I cannot give you a complete answer because I have got the same "problem". However, I can probably give you a hint.
Basically, you have already started the daemon which is good news. When you run searchd from console and get the message accepting connections you can start asking questions! searchd is ready to answer (as long as it runs in a console window). I personally ask questions from VB.NET using Sphinx.Client. searchd listens on ports 9306 and 9312 (you can change it in a config), so I send him questions on port 9312. He answers and I process those answers. That's all.
When I finish searching and close my app, the console is still on and I have to close it manually (Ctrl+Break). And that is what annoys me a little bit. I would imagine that it runs somewhere in the background without me even notice it (service).
Until now I could not figure out why my Sphinx didn't run as a service. Now I have got it working. The problem was that I blindly used a command from Sphinx on-line manual and didn't change path to config accordingly.
Originally (the manual): C:\Sphinx\bin\searchd --install --config C:\Sphinx\ --servicename SphinxSearch
Working for me: C:\Sphinx\bin\searchd --install --config C:\Sphinx\sphinx.conf --servicename SphinxSearch
Correct is sphinx.conf and not (in my case).
Note: If you have already tried to install searchd as a service you might want to delete it first as you can't add another service with the same name. Have a look at e.g. Then issue correct command with correct path to your config. You get desired behaviour, i.e. service runs in the background and will not remain in opened console window.