access id of a nested document in mongoose - mongodb

I want to write a put method in express for a nested document in mongoose.
I cannot access the id for the nested document.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b8d1ecbb745685c31ad8603"),
"name" : "abc",
"email" : "",
"projectDetails" : [
"technologies" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5b8d1ecbb745685c31ad8604"),
"projectName" : "abc",
"projectDescription" : "abc",
"manager" : "abc",
"mentor" : "abc"
"__v" : 0
I am trying to access the id ("5b8d1ecbb745685c31ad8604") so that I can update the projectName.
I cannot think of how to write a put method for the same. Please help! Thanks in advance!!

You can use model.findOne() and then save() th update the document instead of model.findOneAndUpdate().
var projectId = "5b8d1ecbb745685c31ad8604";
var newProjectName = "def";
model.findOne({'projectDetails._id': projectId}, (err, data) => {
if (data) {
data.projectDetails.forEach((project) => {
if (project._id == projectId) {
project.projectName = newProjectName;
} else {
// throw error message

const projectId =;
const projectName = "test";
Instead of forEach try above query


Mongo DB UpdateOne with c#

I've got this data in mongodb
{"_id" : "pippo",
"Rich" : [
"_id" : "8c9379f1-ba5a-4b43-b7ad-f5fe3bf6f09d",
"Appr" : null
"_id" : "8c9379f1-265a-4b43-b7ad-f5fe3bf6f09d",
"Appr" : null
{"_id" : "pluto",
"Rich" : [
"_id" : "8c9379f1-ba5a-4b43-b7ad-f5fe3bf6f09d",
"Appr" : null
"_id" : "8c9379f1-265a-4b43-b7ad-f5fe3bf6f09d",
"Appr" : null
How can i update, with the command UpdateOne, in document "Pippo" the property "Appr" inside the array "Rich" having "_id" 8c9379f1-265a-4b43-b7ad-f5fe3bf6f09d?
thank you
I try this
var filter = Builders<RichiestaGiornalieri>.Filter.Eq("id", Pippo);
var update = Builders<RichiestaGiornalieri>.Update.Set("rich.appr", new[] { new Approvazione() { Approvata = true",
Approvatore = User.Identity.Name,
DataApprovazione = DateTime.Now,
id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Note = "" }
var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition> { new JsonArrayFilterDefinition<RichiestaGiornalieri>("{'':'8c9379f1-265a-4b43-b7ad-f5fe3bf6f09d'}") };
var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters };
dbRichieste.UpdateOne(filter, update, updateOptions);
But i receive this error messagge
MongoBulkWriteException`1: A bulk write operation resulted in one or more errors.
The array filter for identifier 'rich' was not used in the update { $set: { rich.appr: [ { DataApprovazione: new Date(1599579246919), _id: "2a5cc55e-70e8-4138-ace2-6b5131cd4a9a", Approvata: true, Approvatore: "Pippo", Note: "" } ] } }

Remove by _id inside a nested array, inside of a collection

this is my mongoDb footballers collection :
"_id" : ObjectId("5d83b4a7e5511f28847f1884"),
"prenom" : "djalil",
"pseudo" : "dja1000",
"email" : "",
"selectionned" : [
"_id" : "5d83af3be5511f28847f187f",
"role" : "footballeur",
"prenom" : "Gilbert",
"pseudo" : "Gilbert",
"_id" : "5d83b3d5e5511f28847f1883",
"role" : "footballeur",
"prenom" : "Xavier",
"pseudo" : "xav4544",
"_id" : ObjectId("5d83afa8e5511f28847f1880"),
"prenom" : "Rolande",
"pseudo" : "Rolande4000",
"email" : "",
"selectionned" : [
"_id" : "5d83b3d5e5511f28847f1883",
"role" : "footballeur",
"prenom" : "Xavier",
"pseudo" : "xav4544",
How could I delete each selectionned people who has the 5d83b3d5e5511f28847f1883 _id through all of the collection?
I do need xavier to deseappear from any 'selectionned' array , just like doing a 'delete cascade' in SQL language
This is what I've tried with no luck :
function delete_fb_from_all(fb){
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID; //working
var idObj = ObjectId(fb._id); //working
try {
db.collection('footballers').remove( { "selectionned._id" : idObj } );
console.log('All have been erased');
} catch (e) {
And this too is not working :
db.collection('footballers.selectionned').remove( { "_id" : idObj } );
i really dont know how to do this.
i'm trying out this right now :
db.collection.update({'footballers.selectionned': idObj }, {$pull: {footballers:{ selectionned: idObj}}})
This is the error :
TypeError: db.collection.update is not a function
I think that the solution is maybe there :
i'm currently trying ou this :
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID; //working
var idObj = ObjectId(fb._id); //working
try {
{ },
{ $pull: { selectionned: { _id: idObj } } },
{ multi: true }
} catch (e) {
Specifiying the email, it is now working, I guess the problem was comin from the _id field :
try {
{ },
{ $pull: { selectionned: { email: } } },
{ multi: true }
} catch (e) {
Object ID :
The issue is may be on your object id creation. No need to make string-id with mongoDB object id.
// No need
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
var idObj = ObjectId(fb._id);
// do as normal string
db.collection('footballers').remove( { "selectionned._id" : fb._id } );

Mongo nested query with keys

Need help on MongoDB nested query. Below is my mongo collection.
Preference collection
"_id" : "user123",
"preferences" : {
"product-1" : {
"frequency" : "Weekly",
"details" : {
"email" : {
"value" : "On"
"product-2" : {
"preferencesFor" : "mpc-other",
"preferencesForType" : "Product",
"details" : {
"email" : {
"value" : "Off"
"product-3" : {
"preferencesFor" : "mpc-other",
"preferencesForType" : "Product",
"details" : {
"email" : {
"value" : "On"
Product Collection
"_id" : "product-1",
"name" : "Geo-Magazine"
"_id" : "product-2",
"name" : "History-Magazine"
"_id" : "product-3",
"name" : "Science-Magazine"
product-1, product-2... are keys from a Map.
The keys are stored in another collection Product Collection.
Can I create a nested query to cross-reference the product keys from another table?
I need the output in the below table format. Please suggest.
user123 product-1 email On
user123 product-2 email Off
user123 product-3 email On
I tried the below but can't get result. Please suggest.
var cursor = db.productSummary.find();
var sku =;
var skuCol = "preferences."+sku+"";
var skuVal = "preferences."+sku+"";
db.marketingPreferences.find( {}, {_id:1, skuCol:1, skuVal:1});
> var myCursor = db.productSummary.find();
> while(myCursor.hasNext()){
var sku =;
var skuCol = "preferences."+sku+"";
var skuVal = "$preferences."+sku+"";
var result = db.marketingPreferences.aggregate([{"$project":{"_id":1,value:skuVal,preferences:{$literal: sku}}}],{allowDiskUse: true});
{ "_id" : "user123", "preferences" : "product-1", "value" : "On" }
{ "_id" : "user123", "preferences" : "product-2", "value" : "Off" }
{ "_id" : "user123", "preferences" : "product-3", "value" : "On" }
There's a difference between MongoDB and normal SQL DB. Firstly, when you query a MongoDB collection, it doesn't return a row as it will in a SQL db. What you get here is a document similar to JSON.
Also when you use : 1 it wont return you the word 'email', rather it will return you the value ie. {"value" : "On" }.
Using this: db.preference.find({},{"_id":1,"":1})
you will be able to get two details which are user123 and On and you can get product-1 from your previous query. You can store these values in a variable and keep printing them to obtain the table necessary. Also you would need another cursor to store the result of the second second query that you would do.
Here's what your query will produce if it was single standalone query:
> db.preference.find({},{"_id":1,"":1})
"_id": "user123",
"preferences": {
"product-1": {
"details": {
"email": {
"value": "On"
public static void test(){
MongoCollection<Document> collection = getDatadase().getCollection("product");
MongoCollection<Document> pref = getDatadase().getCollection("pref");
List<Document> allDocList = collection.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>());
for(Document doc:allDocList){
String preferences = doc.get("_id")+"";
String sku = "$preferences."+preferences+"";
Document aggregation = new Document().append("$project", new Document().append("_id", 1).append("value", sku));
List<Document> pipeline = new ArrayList<Document>();
List<Document> aggList = pref.aggregate(pipeline).into(new ArrayList<Document>());
for(Document doc1:aggList){
System.out.println(doc1.append("preferences", preferences));
This Will return
Document{{_id=user123, value=On, preferences=product-1}}
Document{{_id=user123, value=Off, preferences=product-2}}
Document{{_id=user123, value=On, preferences=product-3}}

Using 'findAndModify' on mongodb within multiple nested array (complex)

I have the next document in a collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("546a7a0f44aee82db8469f6d"),
"valoresVariablesIterativas" : [
"asignaturaVO" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("546a389c44aee54fc83112e9")
"valoresEstaticos" : {
"IT_VAR3" : "",
"IT_VAR1" : "",
"IT_VAR2" : "asdasd"
"valoresPreestablecidos" : {
"IT_ASIGNATURA" : "Matemáticas",
"asignaturaVO" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("546a3d8d44aee54fc83112fa")
"valoresEstaticos" : {
"IT_VAR3" : "",
"IT_VAR1" : "",
"IT_VAR2" : ""
"valoresPreestablecidos" : {
"IT_ASIGNATURA" : "Español",
I want modify an element of the valoresEstaticos, I know the fields "_id", "asignaturaVO", and the key of the item valoresEstaticos that I want modify.
Which is the correct query for this?, I have this:
query:{"_id" : ObjectId("546a7a0f44aee82db8469f6d")},
update: {
{valoresVariablesIterativas.asignaturaVO._id: ObjectId("546a389c44aee54fc83112e9")},
{ $set: {}}
but I dont know how to build a query :(
Help me please, Thank you very much!
You can just use update.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("546a7a0f44aee82db8469f6d"), "valoresVariablesIterativas.asignaturaVO._id" : ObjectId("546a389c44aee54fc83112e9") },
{ "$set" : { "valoresVariablesIterativas.$.valoresEstaticos.IT_VAR3" : 99 } }
assuming you want to update key IT_VAR3. The key is the positional update operator $. The condition on the array in the query portion of the update is redundant for finding the document, but necessary to use the $ to update the correct array element.

Mongodb query (hashmap objects)

I want to query all the UserGroup's ID where admins's ID="25160228446835585906563830293" or users's ID ="25160228446835585906563830293".
this is a hashmap key and value pair in java obj hashmap<String,Date>
"25160228446835585906563830293" : ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z")
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51512958849ca4748271c640"),
"_class" : "",
"groupName" : "sdfsadfsad",
"privacyType" : "PRIVACY_OPEN",
"approvalType" : "MEMBER_APPROVAL",
"groupDescription" : "test",
"admins" : {
"25160228446835585906563830293" : ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z"),
"25160228446835585906563830294" : ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z"),
"25160228446835585906563830295" : ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z")
"users" : {
"25160228446835585906563830296" : ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z")
I'd suggest you restructure your document to make it indexable and more easily searched in MongoDB.
Instead of using the id of the admin as a field, add each admin as an object of an array:
"admins" : [
{ id: "25160228446835585906563830293",
date: ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z") }
This will make searches more natural: { "" :
{ $in: ['25160228446835585906563830293',
You can use the $in (docs) operator to look for admins with an id that matches the list as you wanted (
So, given a Java QueryBuilder, it might look something like this:
BasicDBList adminIds = new BasicDBList();
adminIds.addAll(ids); // the ids could be a List<String>
DBObject inClause = new BasicDBObject("$in", adminIds);
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("", inClause);
You may want to use ensureIndex to build an index (docs).
Based on your original example, here's the full document for reference:
"_id" : ObjectId("51512958849ca4748271c640"),
"_class" : "",
"groupName" : "sdfsadfsad",
"privacyType" : "PRIVACY_OPEN",
"approvalType" : "MEMBER_APPROVAL",
"groupDescription" : "test",
"admins" : [
{ id: "25160228446835585906563830293" ,
date: ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z") },
{ id: "25160228446835585906563830294" ,
date: ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z") },
{ id: "25160228446835585906563830295" ,
date: ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z") }
"users" : [
{ id: "25160228446835585906563830296",
date : ISODate("2013-03-26T04:51:36.731Z") }
If you are using mongodb java driver you can do the following:
BasicDBObject queryForAdminsID = new BasicDBObject("admins." + adminsID, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true));
// BasicDBObject queryForUsersID = new BasicDBObject("users." + usersID, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true));
cursor = coll.find(query); // coll is a DBCollection
try {
while(cursor.hasNext()) {
} finally {
where usersID and adminsID are your ids