Org-mode archive entire file if all TODOs DONE - emacs

While I've seen a lot of SO questions regarding archiving sub-trees, I use org-journal to create a daily file each day with a template (eg. which then I then record todos in a pre-templated structure for personal, work or what have you which go through various states till they are either finished DONE or cancelled KILL (I find this approach works for me since it also allows me visually to see in the agenda view how long a task has been hanging around since started).
I am trying to write an interactive function which:
processes a list of all my .org agenda files, and
if it detects all TODOs and DONE or KILL in the file (or there are none present),
prompts me y, n, skip to move the entire file to its whatever.org_archive
(starting to see slowdowns with agenda builds 5 months into using org-mode).
I'm assuming someone else already uses a similar approach ('cause emacs) but was wondering if anyone could point me at a similar function or approach that would be helpful for sussing this out. Googling and thrashing on the elisp has been unproductive so far.
=== One month later ===
Well, teaching myself some lisp has helped but am now at the point where I have the 3 independent functions working, but for some reason am getting an error on calling the final function.
However, I'm getting an error on line 28 with invalid function: on the call to rename-file-buffer-to-org-archive. If someone can see what the problem is, this solves my use case (and probably someone else's which is why I pasted it back here.).
(defun archive-done-org-journal-files ()
"Cycles all org files through checking function."
(mapc 'check-org-file-finito (directory-files "~/Desktop/test_archives/" t ".org$"))
(defun check-org-file-finito (f)
"Checks TODO keyword items are DONE then archives."
(find-file f)
;; Shows open Todo items whether agenda or todo
(let (
(cond (org-not-done-regexp)
(let ((kwd
(completing-read "Keyword (or KWD1|KWD2|...): "
(mapcar #'list org-todo-keywords-1))))
(concat "\\("
(mapconcat 'identity (org-split-string kwd "|") "\\|")
((<= (prefix-numeric-value) (length org-todo-keywords-1))
(regexp-quote (nth (1- (prefix-numeric-value))
(t (user-error "Invalid prefix argument: %s")))))
(if (= (org-occur (concat "^" org-outline-regexp " *" kwd-re )) 0)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(defun rename-file-buffer-to-org-archive ()
"Renames current buffer and file it's visiting."
(let ((name (buffer-name))
(filename (buffer-file-name))
(if (not (and filename (file-exists-p filename)))
(error "Buffer '%s' is not visiting a file!" name)
(let ((new-name (concat (file-name-sans-extension filename) ".org_archive")))
(if (get-buffer new-name)
(error "A buffer named '%s' already exists!" new-name)
(rename-file filename new-name 1)
(rename-buffer new-name)
(set-visited-file-name new-name)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(message "File '%s' successfully archived as '%s'."
name (file-name-nondirectory new-name)))))))

So, in the end, this is how I solved it. I'm sure there are optimizations and refactoring to be done here, but this definitely works and is reasonably modular if you need to figure it out. Just change the directory you use (mine is in Dropbox) for your org-files in the archive-done-org-journal-files and this should work for you. I highly recommend testing this on a test archive as per the ~/Desktop/test_archives/ directory as per the actual function just so you can make sure it works as advertised. YMMV. Hope it helps someone!
(defun archive-done-org-journal-files ()
"Cycles all org files through checking function."
(mapc 'check-org-file-finito (directory-files "~/Desktop/test_archives/" t ".org$"))
(defun check-org-file-finito (f)
"Checks TODO keyword items are DONE then archives."
(find-file f)
;; Shows open Todo items whether agenda or todo
(let (
(cond (org-not-done-regexp)
(let ((kwd
(completing-read "Keyword (or KWD1|KWD2|...): "
(mapcar #'list org-todo-keywords-1))))
(concat "\\("
(mapconcat 'identity (org-split-string kwd "|") "\\|")
((<= (prefix-numeric-value) (length org-todo-keywords-1))
(regexp-quote (nth (1- (prefix-numeric-value))
(t (user-error "Invalid prefix argument: %s")))))
(if (= (org-occur (concat "^" org-outline-regexp " *" kwd-re )) 0)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(defun rename-file-buffer-to-org-archive ()
"Renames current buffer and file it's visiting."
(let ((name (buffer-name))
(filename (buffer-file-name))
(if (not (and filename (file-exists-p filename)))
(error "Buffer '%s' is not visiting a file!" name)
(let ((new-name (concat (file-name-sans-extension filename) ".org_archive")))
(if (get-buffer new-name)
(error "A buffer named '%s' already exists!" new-name)
(rename-file filename new-name 1)
(rename-buffer new-name)
(set-visited-file-name new-name)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(message "File '%s' successfully archived as '%s'."
name (file-name-nondirectory new-name)))))))


Distinguish between single (*.gz) and double (*.tar.gz) file type extensions

I'm looking for some assistance please, to distinguish between a single file extension in dired-mode (e.g., *.gz) and a double file extension (e.g., *.tar.gz).
The following is an excerpt of the function that I use when selecting one or more files in dired-mode to take specific actions -- e.g., open in Emacs, start a process and open externally, or compress / decompress. I originally wrote this function (borrowing excerpts from dired-do-create-files within dired-aux.el) with only single file type extensions in mind, and would now like to expand its functionality to include potential double file type extensions.
(defun test-for-tar-gz-extension ()
(let* (
(fn-list (dired-get-marked-files))
(rfn-list (mapcar (function dired-make-relative) fn-list))
(dired-one-file (and (consp fn-list) (null (cdr fn-list)) (car fn-list)))
(input-filename (if dired-one-file dired-one-file fn-list))
((stringp input-filename)
(file-name-extension input-filename))
((listp input-filename)
(file-name-extension (car input-filename)))))
(path (if (stringp input-filename) (file-name-directory input-filename)))
(dired-buffer-name (buffer-name))
(msword-regexp '("doc" "docx"))
(dired-tar '("tar.gz")))
((extension equals ".tar.gz")
((extension equals ".gz" (but not .tar.gz))
((regexp-match-p msword-regexp ext)
(start-process "ms-word" nil "open" "-a" "Microsoft Word" input-filename))
(message "Go fish.")))))
;; `regexp-match-p` function modified by #sds on stackoverflow
(defun regexp-match-p (regexps string)
(and string
(catch 'matched
(let ((inhibit-changing-match-data t)) ; small optimization
(dolist (regexp regexps)
(when (string-match regexp string)
(throw 'matched t)))))))
Not sure IIUC, here a draft how to do that part in question:
(defun gz-only ()
"List marked files in dired-buffer ending at `.gz', but not ending at `.tar.gz'"
(let ((flist (dired-get-marked-files))
(dolist (ele flist)
(and (string-match "\.gz$" ele)(not (string-match "\.tar\.gz$" ele))
(add-to-list 'erg ele)))
(when (interactive-p) (message "%s" erg))))

How to throw a value when exiting recursive edit (without using setq)

Is it possible to throw a value when exiting recursive edit without using setq?
The functions below work correctly with setq, however, my goal is to eliminate unnecessary global variables (if possible) -- especially file names -- and use let bound variables instead. In the context of throwing a value when exiting recursive edit, however, I have been unable to devise a method that does not use a global variable for the file name.
In this example, I am using lawlist-save-as in conjunction with dired-read-file-name to enter dired-mode and select a file name or a path. Pressing the enter key on a file name selects a file. Pressing the enter key on a directory name or the two (2) dots moves up one directory. Pressing the enter key on the line with just one (1) dot, means select only the path in the current directory. The value of the file name or path is passed back to the function lawlist-save-as through the last line of dired-read-file-name.
[Although not necessary for this example (but just in case anyone is curious), getting marked files with (dired-get-marked-files) is used for a different situation, such as attaching multiple files to an e-mail using Wanderlust -- in which case, I use the condition ((listp lawlist-filename) (throw 'exit nil)). And, of course, opening a file is self-explanatory -- used for a situation when dired-mode is entered regularly and then just pressing the return key on a file to be opened.]
(require 'dired)
(defvar lawlist-filename nil)
(defvar save-as-buffer-filename nil)
(defvar save-as-variable nil)
(defvar dired-buffer-name nil)
(defun dired-read-file-name (&optional directory)
(let ((working-buffer (buffer-name)))
(if directory
(dired directory)
(dired nil))
(let ((dired-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
(if save-as-buffer-filename
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward (file-name-nondirectory save-as-buffer-filename) nil t)))
(kill-buffer dired-buffer-name)
(switch-to-buffer working-buffer)
;; select file or directory.
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<return>") (lambda () (interactive)
(setq lawlist-filename
(if (or (re-search-backward "^*" nil t)
(re-search-forward "^*" nil t))
((listp lawlist-filename)
(throw 'exit nil))
;; open file
((and (not (file-directory-p lawlist-filename))
(file-exists-p lawlist-filename)
(not (equal lawlist-filename (concat (file-name-directory lawlist-filename) ".")))
(not save-as-variable))
(find-file lawlist-filename))
;; save-as
((and (not (file-directory-p lawlist-filename))
(file-exists-p lawlist-filename)
(not (equal lawlist-filename (concat (file-name-directory lawlist-filename) "."))))
(throw 'exit nil))
;; go up one directory
((and (file-directory-p lawlist-filename)
(not (equal lawlist-filename (concat (file-name-directory lawlist-filename) "."))))
(setq dired-buffer-name (buffer-name))
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward " \\.\\.$" nil t)
(kill-buffer dired-buffer-name)
(setq dired-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
;; only use current path for save-as situation.
((and (equal lawlist-filename (concat (file-name-directory lawlist-filename) "."))
(setq lawlist-filename (expand-file-name default-directory))
(throw 'exit nil)) )))
(defun lawlist-save-as ()
(setq save-as-variable t)
(if (buffer-file-name)
(setq save-as-buffer-filename (buffer-file-name)))
(let ((proposed-filename (dired-read-file-name)))
(when proposed-filename ;; needed if aborting recursive-edit
(setq save-as-variable nil)
(let ((save-as-filename (read-string "Save-As: "
(concat proposed-filename (when (file-directory-p proposed-filename) (buffer-name))))))
(setq save-as-buffer-filename nil)
(when (and save-as-filename (file-exists-p save-as-filename))
(or (y-or-n-p (format "File `%s' exists; overwrite? " save-as-filename))
(error "Canceled")))
(set-visited-file-name save-as-filename)
(set-buffer-modified-p t)
(and (buffer-file-name)
(file-writable-p buffer-file-name)
(setq buffer-read-only nil))
recursive-edit is just a function that runs a command loop. All stuff that is valid for lisp applies.
So if you encapsulate recursive-edit into a let which locally binds some variable, say test, and if you setq this variable during the recursive edit session this variable is just set locally in the scope of the let.
Run the following with C-x C-e:
(let (test)
(message "test=%S" test))
You will be in the command loop of the recursive edit. Then set test via M-: (setq test "That is my test.").
Afterwards press M-C-c to exit the recursive edit session.
The message test=\"That is my test.\" is be printed out but the symbol test is still unbound.

How can I revert the buffer at point in emacs' buffer list?

I'm trying to create a function that will revert buffers from emacs' *Buffer List* buffer. As far as I can tell from the documentation, there's no way to do this quickly (in the manner of the save/mark/visit functions built in to buff-menu.el). So I'm writing some elisp. Here's my current attempt:
(defun frobnitz ()
"Call in buffer list to revert buffer at point to file."
(let ((buf (buffer-menu-buffer t)))
(if (y-or-n-p (concat "Revert " (buffer-name (buf)) " ?"))
(with-current-buffer buf
(let (())
(revert-buffer t t t)
(concat "Reverted " (buffer-name (buf)) "to last saved state."))
Unfortunately, the above defun doesn't seem to work, and I'm having trouble figuring out why. If I eval the above, switch to the *Buffer List* buffer, and invoke M-: (frobnitz), then it errors out with the following.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function buffer-menu-buffer)
(buffer-menu-buffer t)
(let ((buf (buffer-menu-buffer t))) (if (y-or-n-p (concat "Revert " (buffer-name (buf)) " ?")) (with-current-buffer buf (let (nil) (revert-buffer t t t) (message (concat "Reverted " (buffer-name (buf)) "to last saved state."))))))
eval((frobnitz) nil)
eval-expression((frobnitz) nil)
call-interactively(eval-expression nil nil)
It seems like that's telling me that there's no function buffer-menu-buffer - but that also seems gratuitously unlikely, since buffer-menu-buffer is a pretty central function in getting the buffer menu to work! For similar reasons, I'm deeply wary of messing with buffer-menu-buffer myself - I don't want to break the buffer menu.
Bearing in mind that the answer might be "invoke this function that you overlooked," how can I get this defun to accomplish its stated purpose of reverting a buffer directly from the buffer menu?
Update: as answerer Sean points out, the correct name of the function I was having a hard time with is Buffer-menu-buffer with a capital initial B. Having fixed that problem, I came across another:
(let (nil) (revert-buffer t t t) (message (concat "Reverted " buf-name "to last saved state.")))
(save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (let (nil) (revert-buffer t t t) (message (concat "Reverted " buf-name "to last saved state."))))
(with-current-buffer buf (let (nil) (revert-buffer t t t) (message (concat "Reverted " buf-name "to last saved state."))))
(if (y-or-n-p (concat "Revert " buf-name " ?")) (with-current-buffer buf (let (nil) (revert-buffer t t t) (message (concat "Reverted " buf-name "to last saved state.")))))
(let ((buf (Buffer-menu-buffer t)) (buf-name (concat "" (buffer-name (Buffer-menu-buffer t))))) (if (y-or-n-p (concat "Revert " buf-name " ?")) (with-current-buffer buf (let (nil) (revert-buffer t t t) (message (concat "Reverted " buf-name "to last saved state."))))))
eval((frobnitz) nil)
eval-expression((frobnitz) nil)
call-interactively(eval-expression nil nil)
My guess is that with-current-buffer tries to save the current buffer and that's a no-no on *Buffer List*. So now I'm looking for an alternative - maybe just switch, revert, and invoke (buffer-list) to switch back.
Update 2:
For future readers: The working function and a single-key binding to invoke it in buffer-menu-mode:
;; Enhance the buffer menu's capabilities.
(defun revert-buffer-from-buffer-list ()
"Call in buffer list to revert buffer at point to file.
Bind this to a key in `buffer-menu-mode' to use it there - not productive in
other modes because it depends on the `Buffer-menu-buffer' function. Undefined
behavior if you invoke it on a buffer not associated with a file: that's why it
has a confirmation gate. Buffers not associated with files get to play by their
own rules when it comes to `revert-buffer' (which see)."
(let (
(buf (Buffer-menu-buffer t))
(buf-name (concat "" (buffer-name(Buffer-menu-buffer t))))
(if (y-or-n-p (concat "Revert " buf-name " ?"))
(with-current-buffer buf
(let ()
(revert-buffer t t t)
(message (concat "Reverted " buf-name " to last saved state."))
(add-hook 'Buffer-menu-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key Buffer-menu-mode-map (kbd "R") revert-buffer-from-buffer-list)
Also an exhortation to caution: add-hook is not idempotent, so if you add things to foo-mode-hook that you don't intend to or which don't work, you risk breaking foo-mode until you zorch foo-mode-hook or prune the broken elements out of it. Ask me how I know!
My Emacs has a function Buffer-menu-buffer, but no buffer-menu-buffer. I imagine that's what's tripping you up.
I found two more problems with your code, after which I was able to revert buffers from the buffer menu with it.
I had to change (buf) to buf in two places. buf is a variable, not a function to call.
The (let (()) ...) construct causes an error. Either eliminate it, or change it to (let () ...) (although I don't know why you'd want to).

Word wrap for Emacs print buffer to PDF

I use this function for printing a buffer's content to PDF
(from my .emacs file:)
(defun print-to-pdf ()
(switch-to-buffer "*PostScript*")
(write-file "/tmp/")
(kill-buffer "")
(setq cmd (concat "ps2pdf14 /tmp/ /home/user/" (buffer-name) ".pdf"))
(shell-command cmd)
(shell-command "rm /tmp/")
(message (concat "Saved to: /home/user/" (buffer-name) ".pdf"))
I cannot, however, find a way to enable or apply the visual-line minor mode to the PostScript buffer before it gets written to disk so to enable word wrap in the output.
The problem with getting visual line mode to be respected is that it inserts "soft newlines" (which get ignored by the PS renderer). A solution is to replace these with hard newlines. The code below does what you want, I think. Note that we call harden-newlines in a temporary buffer so as not to mess up the current document. Also, I've changed the output destination to always land in /tmp/print.pdf. It seems... unwise to overwrite documents in your /home without any sort of warning! You can always move the PDF afterwards.
Anyway, here you go. Is this what you wanted?
(defun harden-newlines ()
"Make all the newlines in the buffer hard."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "\n" nil t)
(put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'hard t)
(defun spool-buffer-given-name (name)
(load "ps-print")
(let ((tmp ps-left-header))
(setq ps-left-header
(list (lambda () name) 'ps-header-dirpart))
(setf ps-left-header tmp))))
(defun print-to-pdf ()
"Print the current file to /tmp/print.pdf"
(let ((wbuf (generate-new-buffer "*Wrapped*"))
(sbuf (current-buffer)))
(set-buffer wbuf)
(insert-buffer sbuf)
(longlines-mode t)
(spool-buffer-given-name (buffer-name sbuf))
(kill-buffer wbuf)
(switch-to-buffer "*PostScript*")
(write-file "/tmp/")
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
(call-process "ps2pdf14" nil nil nil
"/tmp/" "/tmp/print.pdf")
(delete-file "/tmp/")
(message "PDF saved to /tmp/print.pdf")))

In emacs, can I set up the *Messages* buffer so that it tails?

Basically I want the *Messages* buffer to always scroll to the bottom when a new message arrives.
Can I do that?
I found auto-revert-tail-mode but that works for buffers that are visiting files.
When I tried it in the Messages buffer, it popped an error:
auto-revert-tail-mode: This buffer is not visiting a file
For multiple frames you probably want:
(defadvice message (after message-tail activate)
"goto point max after a message"
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(goto-char (point-max))
(walk-windows (lambda (window)
(if (string-equal (buffer-name (window-buffer window)) "*Messages*")
(set-window-point window (point-max))))
Just put point at the end of the buffer M->. If you don't manually move it it will stay there -- IOW, you will always see the tail.
This code seems a bit overkill, but a the simple (goto-char (point-max)) wasn't working for me:
(defadvice message (after message-tail activate)
"goto point max after a message"
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer) nil t)))
(while windows
(set-window-point (car windows) (point-max))
(setq windows (cdr windows))))))
Here's an implementation that uses the new advice style.
(defun message-buffer-goto-end-of-buffer (&rest args)
(let* ((win (get-buffer-window "*Messages*"))
(buf (and win (window-buffer win))))
(and win (not (equal (current-buffer) buf))
win (with-current-buffer buf (point-max))))))
(advice-add 'message :after 'message-buffer-goto-end-of-buffer)
i run 23.3 and there were still way too many occasions where the built-in 'solution' and the orginal defadvice on the message function just didn't cut it, so i wrapped that code in a list / toggle / timer set up and it's working beautifully - no more frustration when debugging!
it's generic, so works on any buffer, although i only really use it for..
(toggle-buffer-tail "*Messages*" "on")
..hope it's useful to someone.
;alist of 'buffer-name / timer' items
(defvar buffer-tail-alist nil)
(defun buffer-tail (name)
"follow buffer tails"
(cond ((or (equal (buffer-name (current-buffer)) name)
(string-match "^ \\*Minibuf.*?\\*$" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))
((get-buffer name)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer name)
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer) nil t)))
(while windows (set-window-point (car windows) (point-max))
(with-selected-window (car windows) (recenter -3)) (setq windows (cdr windows))))))))
(defun toggle-buffer-tail (name &optional force)
"toggle tailing of buffer NAME. when called non-interactively, a FORCE arg of 'on' or 'off' can be used to to ensure a given state for buffer NAME"
(interactive (list (cond ((if name name) (read-from-minibuffer
(concat "buffer name to tail"
(if buffer-tail-alist (concat " (" (caar buffer-tail-alist) ")") "") ": ")
(if buffer-tail-alist (caar buffer-tail-alist)) nil nil
(mapcar '(lambda (x) (car x)) buffer-tail-alist)
(if buffer-tail-alist (caar buffer-tail-alist)))) nil)))
(let ((toggle (cond (force force) ((assoc name buffer-tail-alist) "off") (t "on")) ))
(if (not (or (equal toggle "on") (equal toggle "off")))
(error "invalid 'force' arg. required 'on'/'off'")
(while (assoc name buffer-tail-alist)
(cancel-timer (cdr (assoc name buffer-tail-alist)))
(setq buffer-tail-alist (remove* name buffer-tail-alist :key 'car :test 'equal)))
(if (equal toggle "on")
(add-to-list 'buffer-tail-alist (cons name (run-at-time t 1 'buffer-tail name))))
(message "toggled 'tail buffer' for '%s' %s" name toggle)))))
edit: changed functionality to display tail at the bottom of the window
Here's an amendment over Peter's / Trey's solutions
(defun modi/messages-auto-tail (&rest _)
"Make *Messages* buffer auto-scroll to the end after each message."
(let* ((buf-name "*Messages*")
;; Create *Messages* buffer if it does not exist
(buf (get-buffer-create buf-name)))
;; Activate this advice only if the point is _not_ in the *Messages* buffer
;; to begin with. This condition is required; otherwise you will not be
;; able to use `isearch' and other stuff within the *Messages* buffer as
;; the point will keep moving to the end of buffer :P
(when (not (string= buf-name (buffer-name)))
;; Go to the end of buffer in all *Messages* buffer windows that are
;; *live* (`get-buffer-window-list' returns a list of only live windows).
(dolist (win (get-buffer-window-list buf-name nil :all-frames))
(with-selected-window win
(goto-char (point-max))))
;; Go to the end of the *Messages* buffer even if it is not in one of
;; the live windows.
(with-current-buffer buf
(goto-char (point-max))))))
(advice-add 'message :after #'modi/messages-auto-tail)