RxSwift errors dispose of subscriptions - swift

I have been experimenting with some new swift architectures and patterns and I have noticed a strange issue with RxSwift where it seems if I am making a service call and an error occurs - e.g. user enters wrong password - then it seems to dispose of my subscriptions so I cannot make the service call again
I am unsure as to why this happening. I made a quick mini project demonstrating the issue with a sample login app.
My ViewModel looks like this
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
import RxCoordinator
import RxOptional
extension LoginModel : ViewModelType {
struct Input {
let loginTap : Observable<Void>
let password : Observable<String>
struct Output {
let validationPassed : Driver<Bool>
let loginActivity : Driver<Bool>
let loginServiceError : Driver<Error>
let loginTransitionState : Observable<TransitionObservables>
func transform(input: LoginModel.Input) -> LoginModel.Output {
// check if email passes regex
let isValid = input.password.map{(val) -> Bool in
UtilityMethods.isValidPassword(password: val)
// handle response
let loginResponse = input.loginTap.withLatestFrom(input.password).flatMapLatest { password in
return self.service.login(email: self.email, password: password)
// handle loading
let loginServiceStarted = input.loginTap.map{true}
let loginServiceStopped = loginResponse.map{_ in false}
let resendActivity = Observable.merge(loginServiceStarted, loginServiceStopped).materialize().map{$0.element}.filterNil()
// handle any errors from service call
let serviceError = loginResponse.materialize().map{$0.error}.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: RxError.unknown).filterNil()
let loginState = loginResponse.map { _ in
return self.coordinator.transition(to: .verifyEmailController(email : self.email))
return Output(validationPassed : isValid.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: false), loginActivity: resendActivity.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: false), loginServiceError: serviceError, loginTransitionState : loginState)
class LoginModel {
private let coordinator: AnyCoordinator<WalkthroughRoute>
let service : LoginService
let email : String
init(coordinator : AnyCoordinator<WalkthroughRoute>, service : LoginService, email : String) {
self.service = service
self.email = email
self.coordinator = coordinator
And my ViewController looks like this
import UIKit
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
class TestController: UIViewController, WalkthroughModuleController, ViewType {
// password
#IBOutlet var passwordField : UITextField!
// login button
#IBOutlet var loginButton : UIButton!
// disposes of observables
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
// view model to be injected
var viewModel : LoginModel!
// loader shown when request is being made
var generalLoader : GeneralLoaderView?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// bindViewModel is called from route class
func bindViewModel() {
let input = LoginModel.Input(loginTap: loginButton.rx.tap.asObservable(), password: passwordField.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable())
// transforms input into output
let output = transform(input: input)
// fetch activity
let activity = output.loginActivity
// enable/disable button based on validation
output.validationPassed.drive(loginButton.rx.isEnabled).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// on load
activity.filter{$0}.drive(onNext: { [weak self] _ in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
strongSelf.generalLoader = UtilityMethods.showGeneralLoader(container: strongSelf.view, message: .Loading)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// on finish loading
activity.filter{!$0}.drive(onNext : { [weak self] _ in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
UtilityMethods.removeGeneralLoader(generalLoader: strongSelf.generalLoader)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// if any error occurs
output.loginServiceError.drive(onNext: { [weak self] errors in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
UtilityMethods.removeGeneralLoader(generalLoader: strongSelf.generalLoader)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// login successful
output.loginTransitionState.subscribe().disposed(by: disposeBag)
My service class
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
struct LoginResponseData : Decodable {
let msg : String?
let code : NSInteger
class LoginService: NSObject {
func login(email : String, password : String) -> Observable<LoginResponseData> {
let url = RequestURLs.loginURL
let params = ["email" : email,
"password": password]
let request = AFManager.sharedInstance.setupPostDataRequest(url: url, parameters: params)
return request.map{ data in
return try JSONDecoder().decode(LoginResponseData.self, from: data)
If I enter valid password, request works fine. If I remove the transition code for testing purposes, I could keep calling the login service over and over again as long as password is valid. But as soon as any error occurs, then the observables relating to the service call get disposed of so user can no longer attempt the service call again
So far the only way I have found to fix this is if any error occurs, call bindViewModel again so subscriptions are setup again. But this seems like very bad practice.
Any advice would be much appreciated!

At the place where you make the login call:
let loginResponse = input.loginTap
.flatMapLatest { [unowned self] password in
self.service.login(email: self.email, password: password)
You can do one of two things. Map the login to a Result<T> type.
let loginResponse = input.loginTap
.flatMapLatest { [unowned self] password in
self.service.login(email: self.email, password: password)
.catchError { Observable.just(Result<LoginResponse>.failure($0)) }
Or you can use the materialize operator.
let loginResponse = input.loginTap
.flatMapLatest { [unowned self] password in
self.service.login(email: self.email, password: password)
Either method changes the type of your loginResponse object by wrapping it in an enum (either a Result<T> or an Event<T>. You can then deal with errors differently than you do with legitimate results without breaking the Observable chain and without loosing the Error.
Another option, as you have discovered is to change the type of loginResponse to an optional but then you loose the error object.

The behavior is not strange, but works as expected: As stated in the official RxSwift documentation documentation:
"When a sequence sends the completed or error event all internal resources that compute sequence elements will be freed."
For your example that means, a failed login attempt, will cause method func login(email : String, password : String) -> Observable<LoginResponseData> to return an error, i.e. return Observable<error>, which will:
on the one hand fast forward this error to all its subscribers (which will be done your VC)
on the other hand dispose the observable
To answer your question, what you can do other than subscribing again, in order to maintain the subscription: You could just make use of .catchError(), so the observable does not terminate and you can decide yourself what you want to return after an error occurs. Note, that you can also check the error for a specific error domain and return errors only for certain domains.
I personally see the responsibility of the error handling in the hand of the respective subscribers, i.e. in your case your TestController (so you could use .catchError() there), but if you want to be sure the observable returned from from func login(email : String, password : String) -> Observable<LoginResponseData> does not even fast forward any errors for all subscriptions, you could also use .catchError() here, although I'd see issues for potential misbehaviors.


Observable sequence called several times on retryWhen, but should call only once

I am trying to build RxSwift Auth token refresh service using following tutorial: https://www.donnywals.com/building-a-concurrency-proof-token-refresh-flow-in-combine/. However, I faced with issue, when user don't have an auth token and first refresh failed, but second refresh succeed, additional request is send, and after this (3-rd request) is completed, only then called main endpoint
So, what I see in network inspector:
request to refresh token (failed)
request to refresh token (succeed)
request to refresh token (succeed)
request to main endpoint (succeed)
But it should be:
request to refresh token (failed)
request to refresh token (succeed)
request to main endpoint (succeed)
I have following code for Authenticator
protocol AuthenticatorType {
func authenticate() -> Observable<Void>
func checkForValidAuthTokenOrRefresh(forceRefresh: Bool) -> Observable<Void>
extension AuthenticatorType {
func checkForValidAuthTokenOrRefresh(forceRefresh: Bool = false) -> Observable<Void> {
return checkForValidAuthTokenOrRefresh(forceRefresh: forceRefresh)
final class Authenticator<Provider: RxMoyaProviderType> where Provider.Target == AuthAPI {
private let provider: Provider
private let cookiesStorageProvider: CookiesStorageProviderType
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Autenticator.\(UUID().uuidString)")
private var refreshInProgressObservable: Observable<Void>?
provider: Provider,
cookiesStorageProvider: CookiesStorageProviderType
) {
self.provider = provider
self.cookiesStorageProvider = cookiesStorageProvider
func checkForValidAuthTokenOrRefresh(forceRefresh: Bool = false) -> Observable<Void> {
return queue.sync { [weak self] in
self?.getCurrentTokenOrRefreshIfNeeded(forceRefresh: forceRefresh) ?? .just(())
func authenticate() -> Observable<Void> {
provider.request(.authenticate(credentials: .defaultDebugAccount))
.map { loginResponse in
guard loginResponse.login else {
throw AuthenticationError.loginRequired
// MARK: - Helper methods
private extension Authenticator {
func getCurrentTokenOrRefreshIfNeeded(forceRefresh: Bool = false) -> Observable<Void> {
if let refreshInProgress = refreshInProgressObservable {
return refreshInProgress
if cookiesStorageProvider.isHaveValidAuthToken && !forceRefresh {
return .just(())
guard cookiesStorageProvider.isHaveValidRefreshToken else {
return .error(AuthenticationError.loginRequired)
let refreshInProgress = provider.request(.refreshToken)
.map { response in
guard response.statusCode != 401 else {
throw AuthenticationError.loginRequired
return response
.map { refreshResponse in
guard refreshResponse.refresh else {
throw AuthenticationError.loginRequired
onNext: { [weak self] _ in self?.resetProgress() },
onError: { [weak self] _ in self?.resetProgress() }
refreshInProgressObservable = refreshInProgress
return refreshInProgress
func resetProgress() {
queue.sync { [weak self] in
self?.refreshInProgressObservable = nil
And thats how I refresh doing request (with logics to refresh token)
func request(_ token: Target, callbackQueue: DispatchQueue?) -> Observable<Response> {
.flatMapLatest { [weak self] res -> Observable<Response> in
self?.provider.request(token).asObservable() ?? .empty()
.map { response in
guard response.statusCode != 401 else {
throw AuthenticationError.loginRequired
return response
.retry { [weak self] error in
error.flatMap { error -> Observable<Void> in
guard let authError = error as? AuthenticationError, authError == .loginRequired else {
return .error(error)
return self?.authenticator.checkForValidAuthTokenOrRefresh(forceRefresh: true) ?? .never()
At first, I thought it was concurrency problem, I changed queue to NSLock, but it all was the same. Also I tried to use subscribe(on:) and observe(on:), thats also don't give any effect.
Maybe issue with do block, where I set refreshInProgressObservable to nil, because when I change onError, to afterError, I don't see third request to refresh token, but I also don't see any request to main endpoint.
I even tried to remove share(), but as you guess it don't help either.
Ah, and also I remember that 3-rd request fires instantly after second is completed, even if I add sleep in beginning of getCurrentTokenOrRefreshIfNeeded method. So that kinda strange
I tried another way to refresh token, using deferred block in Observable (inspired by Daniel tutorial).
Here is my code
final class NewProvider {
let authProvider: MoyaProvider<AuthAPI>
let apiProvider: MoyaProvider<AppAPI>
let refreshToken: Observable<Void>
init(authProvider: MoyaProvider<AuthAPI>, apiProvider: MoyaProvider<AppAPI>) {
self.authProvider = authProvider
self.apiProvider = apiProvider
refreshToken = authProvider.rx.request(.refreshToken)
.map { _ in }
func request(_ token: AppAPI) -> Observable<Response> {
.deferred {
if CookiesStorageProvider.isHaveValidAuthToken {
return .just(())
} else {
throw AuthenticationError.loginRequired
.flatMapLatest { [weak self] _ in
self?.apiProvider.rx.request(token).asObservable() ?? .never()
.retry { [weak self] error in
return error.flatMapLatest { [weak self] _ in
self?.refreshToken ?? .never()
It works perfectly for one request (like, "it sends request to refresh token only when auth token is missing and try to refresh token again if token refresh failed")
However, there is problem with multiple requests. If there is no auth token and multiple request are fired, it works well, requests are waiting for token to refresh. BUT, if token refresh failed, there is no attempt to try refresh token again. I don't know what can lead to this behaviour.
I found out that if I place
.observe(on: SerialDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: queue, internalSerialQueueName: "test1"))
refreshToken = authProvider.rx.request(.refreshToken)
.observe(on: SerialDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: queue, internalSerialQueueName: "test1"))
.map { _ in }
All will be work as expected, but now I can't understand why its working this way
Okay, I pulled down your code and spent a good chunk of the day looking it over. A couple of review points:
This is way more complex than it needs to be for what it's doing.
Any time you have a var Observable, you are doing something wrong. Observables and Subjects should always be let.
There is no reason or need to use a DispatchQueue the way you did for Observables. This code doesn't need one at all, but even if it did, you should be passing in a Scheduler instead of using queues directly.
I could see no way for your code to actually use the new token in the retry once it has been received. Even if these tests did pass, the code still wouldn't work.
As far as this specific question is concerned. The fundamental problem is that you are calling getCurrentTokenOrRefreshIfNeeded(forceRefresh:) four times in the offending test and creating three refreshInProgress Observables. You are making three of them, because the second one has emitted a result and been disposed before the last call to the function is made. Each one emits a value so you end up with three next events in authAPIProviderMock.recordedEvents.
What is the fix? I could not find a fix without making major changes to the basic structure/architecture of the code. All I can do at this point is suggest that you check out my article on this subject RxSwift and Handling Invalid Tokens which contains working code for this use case and includes unit tests. Or revisit Donny's article which I presume works, but since there are no unit tests for his code, I can't be sure.
In answer to your question in the comments, here is how you would solve the problem using my service class:
First create a tokenAcquisitionService object. Since you don't actually need to pass a token value around, just use Void for the token type.
let service = TokenAcquisitionService(initialToken: (), getToken: { _ in URLSession.shared.rx.response(request: refreshTokenRequest) }, extractToken: { _ in })
(Use whatever you want in place of URLSession.shared.rx.response(request: refreshTokenRequest). The only requirement is that it returns an Observable<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data)> and in this case the data can simply be Data() or anything else, since it is ignored. It can even present a view controller that asks the user to login.)
Now at the end of every request, include the following.
.do(onNext: { response in
guard response.response.statusCode != 401 else { throw TokenAcquisitionError.unauthorized }
.retry(when: { $0.renewToken(with: tokenAcquisitionService) })
Wrap the above however you want so you don't have to copy pasted it onto every request.

Is there a way to detect when a publisher has a new subscriber? | Swift, Combine

I'm developing a MVVM structure with API calls.
I have this structure now:
//Get publisher
loginPublisher = LoginService.generateLoginPublisher()
//Create a subscriber
loginSubscriber = loginPublisher!
.sink { error in
print("Something bad happened")
self.isLoading = false
} receiveValue: { value in
self.client = value
self.isLoading = false
//Asking service to start assync task and notify its result on publisher
LoginService.login(email, password, loginPublisher!)
Basically what I do is obtain certain publisher from a LoginService, then I create a subscriber on loginPublisher, and then I tell LoginService to make some assync logic and send it result to loginPublisher this way I manage sent data with loginSubscriber.
I would like to execute LoginService.login() internally when I execute LoginService.generateLoginPublisher(), but if I do that, there is a chance that LoginService.login() logic finish before I create loginSubscriber, that's why I was forced to control when to call LoginService.login().
How could I detect from LoginService when its publisher has a new subscriber?
This is my LoginService class:
class LoginService{
static func generateLoginPublisher() -> PassthroughSubject<Client, NetworkError>{
return PassthroughSubject<Client, NetworkError>()
static func login(_ email: String,_ password: String,_ loginPublisher: PassthroughSubject<Client, NetworkError>){
let url = NetworkBuilder.getApiUrlWith(extraPath: "login")
let parameters: [String: String] = [
"password": password,
"login": email
let request = AF.request(
url, method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default
request.validate(statusCode: 200...299)
request.responseDecodable(of: Client.self) { response in
if let loginResponse = response.value{//Success
loginPublisher.send(completion: Subscribers.Completion<NetworkError>.failure(.thingsJustHappen))
If you want full control over subscriptions, you can create a custom Publisher and Subscription.
Publisher's func receive<S: Subscriber>(subscriber: S) method is the one that gets called when the publisher receives a new subscriber.
If you simply want to make a network request when this happens, you just need to create a custom Publisher and return a Future that wraps the network request from this method.
In general, you should use Future for one-off async events, PassthroughSubject is not the ideal Publisher to use for network requests.
I finally solved my problem using Future instead of PassthroughtSubject as Dávid Pásztor suggested. Using Future I don't have to worried about LoginService.login() logic finish before I create loginSubscriber.
LoginSevice.login() method:
static func login(_ email: String,_ password: String) -> Future<Client, NetworkError>{
return Future<Client, NetworkError>{ completion in
let url = NetworkBuilder.getApiUrlWith(extraPath: "login")
let parameters: [String: String] = [
"password": password,
"login": email
let request = AF.request(
url, method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default
request.validate(statusCode: 200...299)
request.responseDecodable(of: Client.self) { response in
if let loginResponse = response.value{//Success
loginSubscriber = LoginService.login(email, password)
.sink { error in
print("Something bad happened")
self.isLoading = false
} receiveValue: { value in
self.client = (value)
self.isLoading = false
You can handle publisher events and inject side effect to track subscriptions, like
class LoginService {
static func generateLoginPublisher(onSubscription: #escaping (Subscription) -> Void) -> AnyPublisher<Client, NetworkError> {
return PassthroughSubject<Client, NetworkError>()
.handleEvents(receiveSubscription: onSubscription, receiveOutput: nil, receiveCompletion: nil, receiveCancel: nil, receiveRequest: nil)
loginPublisher = LoginService.generateLoginPublisher() { subscription in
// do anything needed here when on new subscription appeared

Loop over Publisher Combine framework

I have the following function to perform an URL request:
final class ServiceManagerImpl: ServiceManager, ObservableObject {
private let session = URLSession.shared
func performRequest<T>(_ request: T) -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> where T : Request {
session.dataTaskPublisher(for: self.urlRequest(request))
.tryMap { data, response in
try self.validateResponse(response)
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
.mapError { error in
return self.transformError(error)
Having these 2 following functions, I can now call the desired requests from corresponded ViewModel:
final class AuditServiceImpl: AuditService {
private let serviceManager: ServiceManager = ServiceManagerImpl()
func emptyAction() -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> {
let request = AuditRequest(act: "", nonce: String.randomNumberGenerator)
return serviceManager.performRequest(request)
func burbleAction(offset: Int) -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> {
let request = AuditRequest(act: "burble", nonce: String.randomNumberGenerator, offset: offset)
return serviceManager.performRequest(request)
final class AuditViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var auditLog: String = ""
private let auditService: AuditService = AuditServiceImpl()
init() {
let timer = Timer(timeInterval: 5, repeats: true) { _ in
RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .common)
func getBurbles() {
.flatMap { [unowned self] offset -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> in
let currentOffset = Int(offset?.unwrapped ?? "") ?? 0
return self.auditService.burbleAction(offset: currentOffset)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { [unowned self] completion in
}, receiveValue: { [weak self] burbles in
self?.auditLog = burbles!
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
Everything is fine when I use self.getBurbles() for the first time. However, for the next calls, print(completion) shows finished, and the code doesn't perform self?.auditLog = burbles!
I don't know how can I loop over the getBurbles() function and get the response at different intervals.
The whole process in a nutshell:
I call getBurbles() from class initializer
getBurbles() calls 2 nested functions: emptyAction() and burbleAction(offset: Int)
Those 2 functions generate different requests and call performRequest<T>(_ request: T)
Finally, I set the response into auditLog variable and show it on the SwiftUI layer
There are at least 2 issues here.
First when a Publisher errors it will never produce elements again. That's a problem here because you want to recycle the Publisher here and call it many times, even if the inner Publisher fails. You need to handle the error inside the flatMap and make sure it doesn't propagate to the enclosing Publisher. (ie you can return a Result or some other enum or tuple that indicates you should display an error state).
Second, flatMap is almost certainly not what you want here since it will merge all of the api calls and return them in arbitrary order. If you want to cancel any existing requests and only show the latest results then you should use .map followed by switchToLatest.

How can I better combine this 2 values that consume the same Publish Subjects

I am learning RxSwift.
I have setup a view model that responds to bindings in my ViewController.
isValid checks both a username and password exist and then enables my login button.
didTapLoginSubject fires on login press, using the latest value from credentialsObservable will call a service.
This all works as I'd like, however I feel something is not quite optimised around how isValid and credentialsObservable work.
I see repeated code and sense this can be better written, but I am not sure how yet.
I thought perhaps something like this:
private(set) lazy var isValid: Observable<Bool> = {
return Observable.withLatestFrom(self.credentialsObservable).map { $0.count > 0 && $1.count > 0 }
But this obviously did not work.
import Foundation
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
class LoginViewModel: NSObject {
private(set) lazy var username = PublishSubject<String>()
private(set) lazy var password = PublishSubject<String>()
private(set) lazy var didTapLoginSubject = PublishSubject<Void>()
private(set) lazy var isValid: Observable<Bool> = {
return Observable.combineLatest(self.username, self.password, resultSelector: { $0.count > 0 && $1.count > 0 })
private var credentialsObservable: Observable<(String, String)> {
return Observable.combineLatest(self.username, self.password, resultSelector: { ($0, $1) })
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
override init() {
onNext: login,
onError: onError
).disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func login(_ username: String, _ password: String) {
print(username, password)
private func onError(_ error: Error) {
Your view will get new credentials only when something is changed (because PublishSubjects work this way). So, it might be useful to store your credentials in BehaviorSubject and get the latest state when view subscribes to the view model. It is necessary if you provide some profiled state for username/password.
private lazy var credentials = BehaviorSubject<(String, String)?>(value: nil)
And prepare the binding in init:
.combineLatest(username, password){ ($0, $1) }
.bind(to: credentials)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
You can also use your stored credentials for isValid check and for didTapLoginSubject:
var isValid: Observable<Bool> {
return credentials
.map({ (credentials) -> Bool in
guard let credentials = credentials else {
return false
return credentials.0.count > 0 && credentials.1.count > 0
onNext: login,
onError: onError
).disposed(by: disposeBag)

Realm data Insertion took over 7mins for big size json

I use Alamofire to download big json data which was about around 7MB and use RealmSwift to store data at realmobject and SwiftyJSON to parse.My realm object insertion after it finished download the json seems really slow at insertion.Was something wrong with my bad code?Please guide me.
First of all I will show simplest Json :
"Start" : "40000",
"End" : "1000000",
"Name" : "Smith",
"Address" : "New York"
},{...},more than 7000 records...
Here is my AlamofireAPI Protocol
import Foundation
import Alamofire
import SwiftyJSON
protocol RequestDataAPIProtocol{
func didSuccessDownloadingData(results:JSON,statusCode : Int)
func didFailDownloadingData(err : NSError)
class RequestDataAPI{
var delegate : RequestDataAPIProtocol
init(delegate: RequestDataAPIProtocol){
func post(requestURL:String,param:[String:String]){
Alamofire.request(.GET, requestURL, parameters: param)
.validate(statusCode: [200,500])
.responseJSON(completionHandler: { (response: Response<AnyObject, NSError>) -> Void in
if let error = response.result.error {
} else if let jsonObject: AnyObject = response.result.value {
let json = JSON(jsonObject)
self.delegate.didSuccessDownloadingData(json,statusCode: (response.response?.statusCode)!)
func doRequestSiteData(token : String){
Here is my Realm DB Helper
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class DBHelper{
func insertUserData(list: UserList){
do {
let realm = try! Realm()
try realm.write({ () -> Void in
realm.add(list,update: true)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Insert Error : \(error)")
Here is my realm modelObject
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class UserList: Object {
dynamic var start : String = ""
dynamic var end : String = ""
dynamic var name : String = ""
dynamic var address : String = ""
And Final Code,View Controller,
class ViewController : UIViewController , RequestDataAPIProtocol{
var dbHelper = DBHelper()
var requestDataAPI : RequestDataAPI!
override func viewDidLoad() {
requestDataAPI = RequestDataAPI(delegate : self)
override func viewDidAppear(animated : Bool){
//assume there is one token to request data
func didSuccessDownloadingData(results: JSON, statusCode: Int){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
print("Downloaded JSON")
switch statusCode{
case 200 :
if results.count > 0{
if let users = results.array {
for user in users{
let userList=UserList()
userList.address =user[“Address”].stringValue
// took about more than 7 mins
print(“Insertion Done”)
case 500,401,400 :
default : break
I know its really stupid about describing all the code steps,I write as simple as i could for my working flow for inserting json data into realm swift.
I just want all to know about my working flow is good or bad when handling so many json data,and also insertion.
The reason why I am asking this was the data insertion took about more than 7 mins to finish.
So,I really need help,to make optimize at my code.
Any guide?
UPDATE : I use Delegate and Protocol from RequestDataAPI which i learn that style from JamesQueue Tutorial because I am completely beginner who is still learning Swift.ViewController is updated.That is my whole process detail,no more code left.Editing my question or answer a new is appreciated for code optimizing.
insertUserData method method opens transactions so many times in the loop. To commit transaction is a little bit expensive operation.
Can you try to put out to open/commit a transaction outside of the loop?
In other words, open the transaction before entering the loop, and commits the transaction once after the end of the loop. Like the following:
if results.count > 0 {
if let users = results.array {
let realm = try! Realm()
try realm.write {
for user in users{
let userList=UserList()
userList.address =user[“Address”].stringValue
realm.add(userList,update: true)
I have fixed slow insertion issue by using this code.
func addAsBatch<T: Object>(_ data: [T]) {
if !isRealmAccessible() { return }
let realm = try! Realm()
for object in data {
try? realm.commitWrite()
Showing function use with your example -
let userList = UserList()
userList.start = user["Start”].stringValue
userList.end = user[“End”].stringValue
userList.name = user[“Name”].stringValue
userList.address = user[“Address”].stringValue