Entity Framework Multiple Include at runtime - entity-framework

I have a service that passes in parameters for how much I want to include for navigation properties. Based upon the boolean args it concatenates an entity list to include each required foreign entity.
At runtime I want to include either no navigation entities or many.
What I can't do is daisy chain with .Include().Include as I don't know which and how many to include based around passed in args.
I want to achieve this, but I don't seem to be able to pass in a comma separated entity list. Any ideas?
var res = db.Entity.Include(entityListCommaSeparated).Where(_=>_.ID == ID).FirstOrDefault();

This looks like a repository pattern, and generally gets messy if you want to try and "hide" EF / the DbContext from calling code.
A couple options you can consider:
Down the complexity rabit hole: use a params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] includes in your applicable repository methods, and then be prepared to also pass OrderBy expressions, as well as pagination values when you want to return multiple entities.
THrough the simplicity mirror: Embrace IQueryable as a return type and let the consumers handle Includes, OrderBy's, Counts/Any/Skip/Take/First/ToList, and .Select() as they need.
Option 1:
public Order GetById(int id, params Expression<Func<Order, object>>[] includes)
var query = db.Orders.Where(x => x.ID == id);
// This part can be moved into an extension method or a base repository method.
includes.Aggregate(query, (current, include) =>
// Don't use .FirstOrDefault() If you intend for 1 record to be returned, use .Single(). If it really is optional to find, .SingleOrDefault()
return query.Single();
public IEnumerable<Order> GetOrders(/* criteria?, includes?, order by?, (ascending/descending) pagination? */)
{ }
// or
public IEnumerable<Order> GetOrdersByCustomer(/* includes?, order by?, (ascending/descending) pagination? */)
{ }
// plus..
public IEnumerable<Order> GetOrdersByDate(/* includes?, order by?, (ascending/descending) pagination? */)
{ }
public bool CustomerHasOrders(int customerId)
{ }
public bool OrderExists(int id)
{ }
public int OrdersOnDate(DateTime date)
{ }
// etc. etc. etc.
Keep in mind this doesn't handle custom order by clauses, and the same will be needed for methods that are returning lists of entities. Your repository is also going to need to expose methods for .Any() (DoesExist) because everyone loves checking for #null on every return. :) Also .Count().
Option 2:
public IQueryable<Order> GetById(int id)
return db.Orders.Where(x => x.ID == id);
public IQueryable<Order> GetOrders()
return db.Orders.AsQueryable();
Callers can grok Linq and .Include() what they want before calling .Single(), or do a .Any().. They may not need the entire entity graph so they can .Select() from the entity and related entities without .Include() to compose and execute a more efficient query to populate a ViewModel / DTO. GetById might be used in a number of places so we can reduce duplication and support it in the repository. We don't need all of the filter scenarios etc, callers can call GetOrders and then filter as they see fit.
Why bother with a repository if it just returns DBSets?
Centralize low-level data filtering. For instance if you use Soft Deletes (IsActive) or are running multi-tenant, or explicit authorization. These common rules can be centralized at the repository level rather than having to remembered everywhere a DbSet is touched.
Testing is simpler. While you can mock a DbContext, or point it at an in-memory database, mocking a repository returning IQueryable is simpler. (Just populate a List<TEntity> and return .AsQueryable().
Repositories handle Create and Delete. Create to serve as a factory to ensure that all required data and relationships are established for a viable entity. Delete to handle soft-delete scenarios, cascades/audits etc. beyond what the DB handles behind the scenes.


EF Cannot be translated

i have problem with translated query, ToList(), AsEnumerable etc.
I need construct or create query which is shared.
Branches -> Customer -> some collection -> some collection
Customer -> some collection -> some collection.
Do you help me how is the best thingh how to do it and share the query.
i access to repository via graphql use projection etc.
public IQueryable<CustomerTableGraphQL> BranchTableReportTest(DateTime actualTime, long userId)
var r =
from b in _dbContext.Branches
let t = Customers(b.Id).ToList()
select new CustomerTableGraphQL
Id = b.Id,
Name = b.Name,
Children =
from c in t
select new CustomerTableGraphQL
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name
return r;
public IQueryable<Customer> Customers(long branchId) =>
_dbContext.Customers.Where(x => x.BranchId.Value == branchId).ToList().AsQueryable();
Some example how to doit and share iquearable between query
Using ToList / AsEnumerable etc. entirely defeats the potential benefits of using IQueryable. If your code needs to do this rather than return an IQueryable<TEntity> then you should be returning IEnumerable<TResult> where TResult is whatever entity or DTO/ViewModel you want to return.
An example of an IQueryable<TEntity> repository pattern would be something like this:
public IQueryable<Customer> GetCustomersByBranch(long branchId) =>
_dbContext.Customers.Where(x => x.BranchId.Value == branchId);
Normally I wouldn't really even have a repository method for that, I'd just use:
public IQueryable<Customer> GetCustomers() =>
... as the "per branch" is simple enough for the consumer to request without adding methods for every possible filter criteria. The AsQueryable in this case is only needed because I want to ensure the result matches the IQueryable type casting. When your expression has a Where clause then this is automatically interpreted as being an IQueryable result.
So a caller calling the Repository's "GetCustomers()" method would look like:
// get customer details for our branch.
var customers = _Repository.GetCustomers()
.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId)
.OrderBy(x => x.LastName)
.ThenBy(x => x.FirstName)
.Select(x => new CustomerSummaryViewModel
CustomerId = x.Id,
FirstName = x.FirstName,
LastName = x.LastName,
// ...
}).Skip(pageNumber * pageSize)
In this example the repository exposes a base query to fetch data, but without executing/materializing anything. The consumer of that call is then free to:
Filter the data by branch,
Sort the data,
Project the data down to a desired view model
Paginate the results
... before the query is actually run. This pulls just that page of data needed to populate the VM after filters and sorts as part of the query. That Repository method can serve many different calls without needing parameters, code, or dedicated methods to do all of that.
Repositories returning IQueryable that just expose DbSets aren't really that useful. The only purpose they might provide is making unit testing a bit easier as Mocking the repository is simpler than mocking a DbContext & DbSets. Where the Repository pattern does start to help is in enforcing standardized rules/filters on data. Examples like soft delete flags or multi-tenant systems where rows might belong to different clients so a user should only ever search/pull across one tenant's data. This also extends to details like authorization checks before data is returned. Some of this can be managed by things like global query filters but wherever there are common rules to enforce about what data is able to be retrieved, the Repository can serve as a boundary to ensure those rules are applied consistently. For example with a soft-delete check:
public IQueryable<Customer> GetCustomers(bool includeInactive = false)
var query = _context.Customers.AsQueryable();
if (!includeInactive)
query = query.Where(x => x.IsActive);
return query;
A repository can be given a dependency for locating the current logged in user and retrieving their roles, tenant information, etc. then use that to ensure that:
a user is logged in.
The only data retrieved is available to that user.
An appropriate exception is raised if specific data is requested that this user should never be able to access.
An IQueryable repository does require a Unit of Work scope pattern to work efficiently within an application. IQueryable queries do no execute until something like a ToList or Single, Any, Count, etc. are called. This means that the caller of the repository ultimately needs to be managing the scope of the DbContext that the repository is using, and this sometimes rubs developers the wrong way because they feel the Repository should be a layer of abstraction between the callers (Services, Controllers, etc.) and the data access "layer". (EF) To have that abstraction means adding a lot of complexity that ultimately has to conform to the rules of EF (or even more complexity to avoid that) or significantly hamper performance. In cases where there is a clear need or benefit to tightly standardizing a common API-like approach for a Repository that all systems will conform to, then an IQueryable pattern is not recommended over a general IEnumerable typed result. The benefit of IQueryable is flexibility and performance. Consumers decide and optimize for how the data coming from the Repository is consumed. This flexibility extends to cover both synchronous and asynchronous use cases.
EF Core will translate only inlined query code. This query will work:
public IQueryable<CustomerTableGraphQL> BranchTableReportTest(DateTime actualTime, long userId)
var r =
from b in _dbContext.Branches
select new CustomerTableGraphQL
Id = b.Id,
Name = b.Name,
Children =
from c in _dbContext.Customers
where c.BranchId == b.Id
select new CustomerTableGraphQL
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name
return r;
If you plan to reuse query parts, you have to deal with LINQKit and its ExpandableAttribute (will show sample on request)

EF Core load references of unknown entity

DISCLAIMER: Since we are all familiar with it, i will be using contoso university design to explain my question. Also, i am using EF core and .net core 2.0 on a mvc code first design.
I am developing a very generic RESTful API that works on any model. It has one method for each of create, read, update and delete operation in only one controller, the route of this is
Resource is the entity that the client wants to work with, for example if someone wants to get all Courses using the api he has to do a GET request on http://www.example.com/api/course/ or http://www.example.com/api/course/2 to get one by id and the following code will do the job.
public IActionResult Read([FromRoute] string resource, [FromRoute] int? id)
//find resourse in models
IEntityType entityType = _context.Model
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.EndsWith($".{resource}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (entityType == null) return NotFound(resource);
Type type = entityType.ClrType;
if (id == null)//select all from table
var entityRows = context.GetType().GetMethod("Set").MakeGenericMethod(type).Invoke(context, null);
if (entityRows == null)
return NoContent();
//TODO: load references (1)
return Ok(entityRows);
else //select by id
var entityRow = _context.Find(type, id);
if (entityRow == null)
return NoContent();
//TODO: load references (2)
return Ok(entityRows);
This small piece of code will do the magic with one small exception, intermediate collections will not be loaded. Given our example, the fetched course or courses will have no info for CourseInstructor (the intermediate collection in between Course and Person). I am trying to find a way to Eager load the navigation properties only if it is a collection; or by any other condition that will ensure that only many-to-many relationships are loaded.
For //TODO: load reference (2) i could use
On runtime if i could find all the navigation properties (filtered by spoken condition) and foreach of them i did Load(), i should get the desired result. My problem is when i get all (when id is null) the entityRows is type 'InternalDbSet' which is an unknown model.
So for the two TODOs i need some help on doing the following steps
1: find navigation properties of many-to-many relationships only
2: load them
Any suggestions?
In general, this seems like a very bad idea to me. While the CRUD stuff is going to be identical for most resources, there will be variances (as you've now run into). There's also something to be said for having a self-documenting API: with individual controllers, you know which resources can be accessed by nature of having a controller associated with that resource. With they way you're doing it, it's a complete black box. This also will of course effect any sort of actual generated API documentation. For example, if you were to include Swagger in your project, it would not be able to determine what you're doing here. Finally, you're now having to use reflection for everything, which will effect your performance.
What I would suggest instead is creating a base abstract controller and then creating a controller for each unique resource that inherits from that, for example:
public abstract class BaseController<TEntity> : Controller
where TEntity : class, new()
protected readonly MyContext _context;
public BaseController(MyContext context)
_context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
public IActionResult Create()
var model = new TEntity();
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> Create(TEntity model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(model);
I just wanted to give a quick example, but you'd build out all the rest of the CRUD methods in the same fashion, generically using TEntity. Then, for each actual resource, you simply do:
public class WidgetController : BaseController<Widget>
public WidgetController(MyContext context)
: base(context)
No duplication of code, but you've now got an actual real controller backing the resource, aiding both the innate and possibly explicit documentation of your API. And, no reflection anywhere.
Then, to solve problems like what you have here, you can add hooks to your base controller: essentially just virtual methods that are utilized in your base controller's CRUD actions and do nothing or just default things. However, you can then override these in your derived controllers to stub in additional functionality. For example, you can add something like:
public virtual IQueryable<TEntity> GetQueryable()
=> _context.Set<TEntity>();
Then, in your derived controller, you can do something like:
public class CourseController : BaseController<Course>
public override IQueryable<Course> GetQueryable()
=> base.GetQueryable().Include(x => x.CourseInstructors).ThenInclude(x => x.Instructor);
So, for example, you'd make your BaseController.Index action, perhaps, utilize GetQueryable() to get the list of entities to display. Simply by overriding this on the derived class, you can alter what happens based on the context of a particular type of resource.

How to support OData query syntax but return non-Edm models

Exposing my EF models to an API always seemed wrong. I'd like my API to return a custom entity model to the caller but use EF on the back.
So I may have PersonRestEntity and a controller for CRUD ops against that and a Person EF code-first entity behind in and map values.
When I do this, I can no longer use the following to allow ~/people?$top=10 etc. in the URL
public IQueryable<Person> Get(ODataQueryOptions<Person> query) { ... }
Because that exposes Person which is private DB implementation.
How can I have my cake and eat it?
I found a way. The trick is not to just return the IQueryable from the controller, because you need to materialise the query first. This doesn't mean materialising the whole set into RAM, the query is still run at the database, but by explicitly applying the query and materialising the results you can return mapped entities thereafter.
Define this action, specifying the DbSet entity type:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get(ODataQueryOptions<Person> oDataQuery)
And then apply the query manually to the DbSet<Person> like so:
var queryable = oDataQuery.ApplyTo(queryableDbSet);
Then use the following to run the query and turn the results into the collection of entities you publicly expose:
var list = await queryable.ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
return list
.Select(p => MyEntityMapper.MapToRestEntity(p));
Then you can return the list in an HttpResponseMessage as normal.
That's it, though obviously where the property names between the entities don't match or are absent on either class, there's going to be some issues, so its probably best to ensure the properties you want to include in query options are named the same in both entities.
Else, I guess you could choose to not support filters and just allow $top and $skip and impose a default order yourself. This can be achieved like so, making sure to order the queryable first, then skip, then top. Something like:
IQueryable queryable = people
.OrderBy(r => r.Name);
if (oDataQuery.Skip != null)
queryable = oDataQuery.Skip.ApplyTo(queryable, new System.Web.OData.Query.ODataQuerySettings());
if (oDataQuery.Top != null)
queryable = oDataQuery.Top.ApplyTo(queryable, new System.Web.OData.Query.ODataQuerySettings());
var list = await queryable.ToListAsync(operationContext.CreateToken());
return list
.Select(i => this.BuildPersonEntity(i));
More information:
If you simply use the non-generic ODataQueryOptions you get
Cannot create an EDM model as the action 'Get' on controller 'People'
has a return type 'System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage' that does not
implement IEnumerable
And other errors occur under different circumstances.

Decouple EF queries from BL - Extension Methods VS Class-Per-Query

I have read dozens of posts about PROs and CONs of trying to mock \ fake EF in the business logic.
I have not yet decided what to do - but one thing I know is - I have to separate the queries from the business logic.
In this post I saw that Ladislav has answered that there are 2 good ways:
Let them be where they are and use custom extension methods, query views, mapped database views or custom defining queries to define reusable parts.
Expose every single query as method on some separate class. The method
mustn't expose IQueryable and mustn't accept Expression as parameter =
whole query logic must be wrapped in the method. But this will make
your class covering related methods much like repository (the only one
which can be mocked or faked). This implementation is close to
implementation used with stored procedures.
Which method do you think is better any why ?
Are there ANY downsides to put the queries in their own place ? (maybe losing some functionality from EF or something like that)
Do I have to encapsulate even the simplest queries like:
using (MyDbContext entities = new MyDbContext)
User user = entities.Users.Find(userId); // ENCAPSULATE THIS ?
// Some BL Code here
So I guess your main point is testability of your code, isn't it? In such case you should start by counting responsibilities of the method you want to test and than refactor your code using single responsibility pattern.
Your example code has at least three responsibilities:
Creating an object is a responsibility - context is an object. Moreover it is and object you don't want to use in your unit test so you must move its creation elsewhere.
Executing query is a responsibility. Moreover it is a responsibility you would like to avoid in your unit test.
Doing some business logic is a responsibility
To simplify testing you should refactor your code and divide those responsibilities to separate methods.
public class MyBLClass()
public void MyBLMethod(int userId)
using (IMyContext entities = GetContext())
User user = GetUserFromDb(entities, userId);
// Some BL Code here
protected virtual IMyContext GetContext()
return new MyDbContext();
protected virtual User GetUserFromDb(IMyDbContext entities, int userId)
return entities.Users.Find(userId);
Now unit testing business logic should be piece of cake because your unit test can inherit your class and fake context factory method and query execution method and become fully independent on EF.
// NUnit unit test
public class MyBLClassTest : MyBLClass
private class FakeContext : IMyContext
// Create just empty implementation of context interface
private User _testUser;
public void MyBLMethod_DoSomething()
// Test setup
int id = 10;
_testUser = new User
Id = id,
// rest is your expected test data - that is what faking is about
// faked method returns simply data your test method expects
// Execution of method under test
// Test validation
// Assert something you expect to happen on _testUser instance
// inside MyBLMethod
protected override IMyContext GetContext()
return new FakeContext();
protected override User GetUserFromDb(IMyContext context, int userId)
return _testUser.Id == userId ? _testUser : null;
As you add more methods and your application grows you will refactor those query execution methods and context factory method to separate classes to follow single responsibility on classes as well - you will get context factory and either some query provider or in some cases repository (but that repository will never return IQueryable or get Expression as parameter in any of its methods). This will also allow you following DRY principle where your context creation and most commonly used queries will be defined only once on one central place.
So at the end you can have something like this:
public class MyBLClass()
private IContextFactory _contextFactory;
private IUserQueryProvider _userProvider;
public MyBLClass(IContextFactory contextFactory, IUserQueryProvider userProvider)
_contextFactory = contextFactory;
_userProvider = userProvider;
public void MyBLMethod(int userId)
using (IMyContext entities = _contextFactory.GetContext())
User user = _userProvider.GetSingle(entities, userId);
// Some BL Code here
Where those interfaces will look like:
public interface IContextFactory
IMyContext GetContext();
public class MyContextFactory : IContextFactory
public IMyContext GetContext()
// Here belongs any logic necessary to create context
// If you for example want to cache context per HTTP request
// you can implement logic here.
return new MyDbContext();
public interface IUserQueryProvider
User GetUser(int userId);
// Any other reusable queries for user entities
// Non of queries returns IQueryable or accepts Expression as parameter
// For example: IEnumerable<User> GetActiveUsers();
public class MyUserQueryProvider : IUserQueryProvider
public User GetUser(IMyContext context, int userId)
return context.Users.Find(userId);
// Implementation of other queries
// Only inside query implementations you can use extension methods on IQueryable
Your test will now only use fakes for context factory and query provider.
// NUnit + Moq unit test
public class MyBLClassTest
private class FakeContext : IMyContext
// Create just empty implementation of context interface
public void MyBLMethod_DoSomething()
// Test setup
int id = 10;
var user = new User
Id = id,
// rest is your expected test data - that is what faking is about
// faked method returns simply data your test method expects
var contextFactory = new Mock<IContextFactory>();
contextFactory.Setup(f => f.GetContext()).Returns(new FakeContext());
var queryProvider = new Mock<IUserQueryProvider>();
queryProvider.Setup(f => f.GetUser(It.IsAny<IContextFactory>(), id)).Returns(user);
// Execution of method under test
var myBLClass = new MyBLClass(contextFactory.Object, queryProvider.Object);
// Test validation
// Assert something you expect to happen on user instance
// inside MyBLMethod
It would be little bit different in case of repository which should have reference to context passed to its constructor prior to injecting it to your business class.
Your business class can still define some queries which are never use in any other classes - those queries are most probably part of its logic. You can also use extension methods to define some reusable part of queries but you must always use those extension methods outside of your core business logic which you want to unit test (either in query execution methods or in query provider / repository). That will allow you easy faking query provider or query execution methods.
I saw your previous question and thought about writing a blog post about that topic but the core of my opinion about testing with EF is in this answer.
Repository is different topic which doesn't relate to your original question. Specific repository is still valid pattern. We are not against repositories, we are against generic repositories because they don't provide any additional features and don't solve any problem.
The problem is that repository alone doesn't solve anything. There are three patterns which have to be used together to form proper abstraction: Repository, Unit of Work and Specifications. All three are already available in EF: DbSet / ObjectSet as repositories, DbContext / ObjectContext as Unit of works and Linq to Entities as specifications. The main problem with custom implementation of generic repositories mentioned everywhere is that they replace only repository and unit of work with custom implementation but still depend on original specifications => abstraction is incomplete and it is leaking in tests where faked repository behaves in the same way as faked set / context.
The main disadvantage of my query provider is explicit method for any query you will need to execute. In case of repository you will not have such methods you will have just few methods accepting specification (but again those specifications should be defined in DRY principle) which will build query filtering conditions, ordering etc.
public interface IUserRepository
User Find(int userId);
IEnumerable<User> FindAll(ISpecification spec);
The discussion of this topic is far beyond the scope of this question and it requires you to do some self study.
Btw. mocking and faking has different purpose - you fake a call if you need to get testing data from method in the dependency and you mock the call if you need to assert that method on dependency was called with expected arguments.

Limiting EF result set permanently by overriding ObjectQuery ESQL

Does anyone have any idea how to limit result set of EntityFramework permanently? I'm speaking about something like this Conditional Mapping. This is exactly what I want to achieve with one exception: I want to do this programmatically. That's because condition value will be passed to EF only on context creation. Beside I don't want this column to disappear from mapping.
I know how to achieve this with EF2.0 and reflection. I was using CreateQuery() method to generate my own ObjectQuery. CreateQuery() allows to inject my own ESQL query with additional condition e.g. WHERE TABLE.ClientID == value.
Problem with EF40 is that there is no more ObjectQuery but only ObjectSet and CreateQuery() is not used. I have no idea how to inject my own ESQL query.
The reason why I want to limit result sets is that I want to separate clients data from each other. This separation should be done automatically inside context so that programmers will not have to add condition .Where(x => x.ClientID == 5) to each individual query.
Maybe my approach is completely bad — but I don't know any alternative.
You don't need reflection for this. You can simply use class inherited from ObjectContext or create custom implementation of UnitOfWork and Repositories which will wrap this functionality in better way (upper layer has access only to UnitOfWork and Repositories which do not expose EF context).
Simple example of object context:
public class CustomContext : ObjectContext
private ObjectSet<MyObject> _myObjectsSet;
private int _clientId;
public CustomContext(string connectionString, int clientId)
: base(connectionString)
_myObjectSet = CreateObjectSet<MyObject>();
_clientId = clientId;
public IQueryable<MyObject> MyObjectQuery
return _myObjectsSet.Where(o => o.ClientId == _clientId);