DN4800/MELDAS 500 CNC machine ATC problem - plc

I've got a DN4800 CNC machine with MELDAS 500 control.
When I tried to use the ATC for changing to a specific tool, for example, T10 M6, the ATC didn't move, it's stuck and the control panel gives me this failure code:
I looked in many Mitsubishi manuals and found this:
But I don't know what 'Reconsider the program' even mean
Any suggestions?


Problems with Dexed 0.9.6 in case of SAVIHost v1.43 (and v1.44 beta) x64 and VSTHost v1.57 (and V1.57 beta) x64

I have the problems with both SAVIHost v1.43 and VSTHost v1.57 for the case of Dexed 0.9.6. As I am a hobbist only, related to both MIDI and IT, I wish to ask some help to overcome these problems detailed below.
My problem with SAVIHost V1.43:
I copied savihost.exe (extracted from savihost3x64.zip) copied into directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" (i.e. into the installation directory of Dexed.vst3) then renamed it to Dexed.exe, and launched this Dexed.exe.
I set "loopMIDI Port 1" (created prior by "loopMIDI v1.0.16 (27)") as "Input Port 1" via "Devices|MIDI..." and "1764 samples (25 b/s)" via "Devices|Wave...". (The sample rate was 44100 Hz, and both ports were "MME: Microsoft Sound Mapper).
Then I played some sounds by use of the virtual keyboard, and changed Dexed's programs (instruments) randomly - and Dexed seemed to work well, it played the different sounds with the actually selected instruments. Then I sent some MIDI Messages by Cakewalk by Bandlab to "loopMIDI 1"; Dexed produced the appropriate sounds, according to MIDI Note On/Off messages received - except that all the MIDI Program Change messages (C0 xx) were ignored.
Finally, when I clicked onto icon of Dexed.exe (i.e. renamed savihost.exe) in the Windows 10 Taskbar on the screen: the main window of Dexed.exe was minimized,
but when I clicked onto its icon again, although its main window is restored but crashed immediately. A dialog titled as "Dexed" appered,
containing an error message:
Unhandled exception 0xC0000005 at 00000014005BEBA
(followed by a list of the recent content of registers).
Furthermore, I noticed that resizing of window of Dexed.exe (moving its bottom edge upward) also causes a crash, but only after when Dexed.exe received some MIDI messages through "loopMIDI Port 1".
(i.e. playing on virtual keyboard, followed by similar resizing did not cause crashes - at least, I have not realized that.)
The situation was ditto for the case of SAVIHost V1.44 beta.
Problem with VSTHost V1.56 x64:
In the second case, I started VTSHost.exe, then loaded Dexed.vst3 via File|New Plugin... . Dexed.vst3 also seemed to work well at the beginning, i.e. while I played on the virtual keyboard bar, and changed the programs (instruments) and modified some parameters by the knobs on the screen. But when VSTHost received the first MIDI messages through the "loopMIDI Port 1", Dexed does not played any notes anymore. Instead, some extra message lines appeared in the dialog "Info" below the line "Chained as Insert before 1: Engine Output":
Processing is turned off (errors in PlugIn?)
Exception 0xC0000005 at 000000014007ABF6 reading from 0000000000000000
Stack Trace:
Unfortunately, the situation was the same in case of VSTHost V1.57 beta x64.
Dexed.vst3 worked without problems in case of other VST host apps (e.g. CakeWalk by BandLab and Cantabile 4 Lite), i.e. also the MIDI Program Change messages were executed properly.
(CakeWalk by Bandlab used Dexed.vst3 directly, Cantabile 4 Light received MIDI messages from CakeWalk by BandLab through "loopMIDI Port 1".)
similarly, the original standalone Dexed application also processed the MIDI Program Change messages through "loopMIDI Port 1" correctly.
version number of Dexed.vst3 reported as 1.0.0 by VSTHost (although is is originated from unzipping of "dexed-0.9.6-win.zip").
my PC has the followings:
-- OS: MS Windows 10, 22H2, build: 19045.2311 (x64)
-- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU # 3.20GHz
-- RAM: 8 GB
-- motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. B85M-D2V
-- sound: Realtek, High Definition Audio (on-board)
Finally, I wish to mention that I have tried other VSTs than Dexed's one with both SAVIHost and VSTHost: "sforzando.vst3" and "Roland Sound Canvas VA.dll".
There were no problem at all - no interception of any MIDI Message, no crash, etc -, they had been worked without any problem for hours. So I am not really sure, what and where are the root of the problems above: maybe in SAVIHost or VSTHost - or maybe in Dexed.
I wish ask some help, how I shall continue to determine, which component - ie. savihost/svthost or Dexed - is failed and resulted the problem?
Thank you very much for you kind efforts in advance!

Hypervisor SMP Issue

previously thank you for read my Question.
I'm implementing 'SMP' work on my hypervisor project.
What i want to do is like bellow.
One virtual machine have two vcpus. And this Virtual Machine is working on 2 pCPU.
For example, one linux has 2 cpu as SMP.
Firstly, what i tried is set pc value as 0x80500000.
(zIamge is on 0x80500000 address)
when both pcpu run, pcpu0 works fine. but pcpu1 got a error like bellow.
It means 'prefetch abort' from Virtual Machine. and it's occurred when access level 3 as iss indicate 'f'.
I don't know how to access this problem to solve.
If you need any specific information, please tell me. i will add more information.
Please tell me any tips and check point to solve this.
Lastly, thank you.!!

Simulink: Selected signal originates from an unconnected source

I have a bit of an annoyance rather than a major problem, that I would like to tackle. I have a subsystem that creates a bus inside it and outputs it via a Scope. The bus creation is through From tags, that depend on signals from other components.
Now, when I don't have those components, I get a warning saying something like:
Warning: Selected signal 'Compressor' in 'untitled/Pressure/Bus Selector'
originates from an unconnected source signal
entering 'untitled/Output Data/Bus Creator12' at input port 1
It seems there is no way to turn this off in the Diagnostics pane (Connectivity sub-pane or otherwise). It seems it was a bug in very old versions of Matlab, but was fixed in R13, according to these links:
Link 1,
Link 2 (search for "unconnected source signal" on the page)
I'm using 2013a, a full 12 years later. Anyone have more information on how I can turn this warning off?

In Pure Data is there any way to track down a "signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)" error?

I have a Pd patch which calls in a second patch as an abstraction.
The second patch works fine by itself. But when I try to use it from inside the first, I'm seeing this
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
error. But I can't see WHERE it's happening.
Doing "Find last error" just gives me.
... sorry, I couldn't find the source of that error.
How can I find out which two objects Pd is referring to with that outlet / inlet?
(The outlets of the subpatches are being wired into [dac~] in the main patch)
These subpatches USED TO work, until I tried to add Open Sound Control to them with udpreceive. And, like I say, they still do work, accepting the OSC if I run them on their own.
actually, Pd (>=0.43) became quite good at locating the source of errors, but unfortunately this is little known (and less documented).
if you get a findable error (usually those in red; and the error you get is one of them!), you can click on the error-line and it will take you to the object that complained (and select it)
the actual click-sequence is OS-dependent:
linux: Ctrl+LeftMouseButton
w32 : Ctrl+LeftMouseButton
OSX : ⌘+LeftMouseButton
alternatively you can get to the error, by clicking on the error-message and then hitting
(Enter should work as well).

Virtual Com-Port communication through Matlab

While connecting my Com-port using matlab, many a times(4 out of 5) I get an error
??? Error using ==> serial.fopen at 72
Port: COM21 is not available. Available ports: COM3,
COM10, COM17, COM18.
However , sometimes it gets connected and responds as expected.
Can anyone tell me whats the problem with this?
By the way , I am using this snippet to connect my microcontroller to PC through USB
s = serial('COM21'); // code to initialize the req COM i.e. COM21 for me
I ran into this issue before. It turns out MATLAB doesn't really handle plug-and-play very well, as evidenced by this thread:
Long story short: if you want MATLAB to detect a hardware change, you need to restart it. MATLAB seems to only look for devices when it starts up.