Cannot use same application for REST call what i have exposed for SOAP service in spring boot - rest

I am trying to create a microservice using spring boot where it will expose REST service. But inside i also want to consume SOAP service. i have created one SOAP service in spring boot but i also i want to use the same application for my REST calls which i am not able to do. When i am hitting the base url, i can clearly see my SOAP service has been exposed correctly. But when i am hitting to a configured request mapping URI, it is failing to reach. I am very little understanding.. but i need your help to get the idea where i am missing big. Thanks in advance.
Please refer to the below screenshots
Rest call mapping
Not working

Though your question lacks many vital informations, I would like to give it a shot.
How does your look like? Which spring boot version are you using?
If you are on latest spring boot, you can try adding
server.servlet.context-path=/demo to your /resources/ file. That might be the missing piece here.


Calling spring boot rest service from GWT

I want the gwt app to call a spring boot rest service with basic authentication which consumes and produces a json object and is deployed on a seperate server from the gwt app.
Any hints on how this can be done ?
There is a library called restygwt to easily define REST calls. I think there is an easy way to set the 'Basic' header.

Restful webservice with Spring

I'm trying to learn how to build a restful webservice with Spring on tomcat external server but I'm only able to find guides that use spring-boot. I'd like to fully understand all the lifecycle, is there anyone who can help me to build a simple rest webservice from the scratch?
Are you offline when you do google search? :) just search the term "Spring Rest" see -> Spring Rest
And the first 10-20 results are all Spring boot and Rest guides.
yes with the help of spring boot to develop API is very easy. there is not any configuration required. for details please find the below post and I hope you will get answer of all your query.

Soap web service client

We are integrating our software with another company using a webservice. They created a SOAP web service which we now need to test.
I'm trying to write a java program with Eclipse IDE. When creating a web service client, I enter the wsdl:
but I keep getting a message that states: The service definition is invalid.
Any ideas as to why this would be or any links I could check out would be appreciated. I have searched but haven't found anything that helped me yet.
If you are going for a Java program you could use,
Web service client given WSDL
But if you just want to test the web service, you could always use program like SoapUI

How to create Rest Web service client and server

Hi I need to use REST web service but not getting how to start. Although I have checked different articles but there is no proper example which tells flow of REST SERVER and REST CLIENT. Is there any good example link which tells how a REST server will be created with php and how this web service will be called with which technique. I need web service to show customers and then update customers using web service as well. I need to create my own web service for my application so I need to create both Rest server and Rest client.
REST isn't a technology, it's a style of software architecture
If you want some concrete examples and a simple framework to get started, try cherrypy, which is a minimal web framework written in python.
This should get you started with a web server that can help you adhere to REST design principles.
You Can Try PHP REST Data services

Manage UDDI registry with CXF

I have an application using Apache CXF with a lots of SOAP services implemented. So, i would like to use the "service registry" concept and then, i´d hear about UDDI, but i dont know how to implemented that.
Is Apache CXF already composed by an API to deploy UDDI engine or should i fix another library to do that?
Take a look at JUDDI:
which is a UDDI service. The latest version is written to JAX-WS and is tested by default with CXF.
To add, jUDDI has a neat way to automate the registration of web services using annotations and a servlet startup listener.