How do I process multiple CSV files in Powershell and give them output names? - powershell

So I'm trying to process CSV files, then giving the output new name. I can do it with one file by explicitly specifying the file name. But is there a way / wildcard I can use to make the script to process multiple files at the same time? Let's just say I want to process anything with .csv as an extension. Here's my script that's used to process a specific file
$objs =#();
$output = Import-csv -Path D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test\file1.csv | ForEach {
$Object = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Time = $_.READ_DTTM
Value = $_.{VALUE(KWH)}
Tag = [String]::Concat($_.SUBSTATION,'_',$_.CIRCUITNAME,'_',$_.PHASE,'_',$_.METERID,'_KWH')
$objs += $Object;
$objs | Export-CSv -NoTypeInformation D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test\file1_out.csv

You can combine Get-ChildItem and Import-Csv.
Here's an example that specifies different input and output directories to avoid name collisions:
$inputPath = "D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test"
$outputPath = "D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Output"
Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $inputPath "*.csv") | ForEach-Object {
$outputFilename = Join-Path $outputPath $_.Name
Import-Csv $_.FullName | ForEach-Object {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
"Time" = $_.READ_DTTM
"Value" = $_.{VALUE(KWH)}
"Tag" = "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_KWH" -f $_.SUBSTATION,$_.CIRCUITNAME,$_.PHASE,$_.METERID
} | Export-Csv $outputFilename -NoTypeInformation
Note that there's no need for creating an array and repeatedly appending it. Just output the custom objects you want and export afterwards.

Use the Get-Childitem and cut out all the unnecessary intermediate variables so that you code it in a more Powershell type way. Something like this:
Get-CHhilditems 'D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test\*.csv' | % {
Import-csv $_.FullName | % {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Time = $_.READ_DTTM
Value = $_.{VALUE(KWH)}
Tag = '{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_KWH' -f $_.SUBSTATION, $_.CIRCUITNAME, $_.PHASE, $_.METERID
} | Export-CSv ($_.FullName -replace '\.csv', '_out.csv') -NoTypeInformation

The Get-ChildItem is very useful for situations like this.
You can add wildcards directly into the path:
Get-ChildItem -Path D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test\*.csv
You can recurse a path and use the provider to filter files:
Get-ChildItem -Path D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test\ -recurse -include *.csv
This should get you what you need.
$Props = #{
Time = [datetime]::Parse($_.READ_DTTM)
Value = $_.{VALUE(KWH)}
$data = Get-ChildItem -Path D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test\*.csv | Foreach-Object {Import-CSV -Path $_.FullName}
$data | Select-Object -Property $Props | Export-CSv -NoTypeInformation D:\TEP\FilesProcessing\Test\file1_out.csv
Also when using Powershell avoid doing these things:
$objs =#();
$objs += $Object;


Powershell - Combine CSV files and append a column

I'm trying (badly) to work through combining CSV files into one file and prepending a column that contains the file name. I'm new to PowerShell, so hopefully someone can help here.
I tried initially to do the well documented approach of using Import-Csv / Export-Csv, but I don't see any options to add columns.
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Import-Csv | Export-Csv CombinedFile.txt -UseQuotes Never -NoTypeInformation -Append
Next I'm trying to loop through the files and append the name, which kind of works, but for some reason this stops after the first row is generated. Since it's not a CSV process, I have to use the switch to skip the first title row of each file.
$getFirstLine = $true
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.csv | Where-Object {$_.Name -NotMatch "Combined.csv"} | foreach {
$filePath = $_
$collection = Get-Content $filePath
foreach($lines in $collection) {
$lines = ($_.Basename + ";" + $lines)
$linesToWrite = switch($getFirstLine) {
$true {$lines}
$false {$lines | Select -Skip 1}
$getFirstLine = $false
Add-Content "Combined.csv" $linesToWrite
This is where the -PipelineVariable parameter comes in real handy. You can set a variable to represent the current iteration in the pipeline, so you can do things like this:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.csv -PipelineVariable File | Where-Object {$_.Name -NotMatch "Combined.csv"} | ForEach-Object { Import-Csv $File.FullName } | Select *,#{l='OriginalFile';e={$File.Name}} | Export-Csv Combined.csv -Notypeinfo
Merging your CSVs into one and adding a column for the file's name can be done as follows, using a calculated property on Select-Object:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.csv | ForEach-Object {
$fileName = $_.Name
Import-Csv $_.FullName | Select-Object #{
Name = 'FileName'
Expression = { $fileName }
}, *
} | Export-Csv path/to/merged.csv -NoTypeInformation

Write all running processes to a text file in PowerShell

The purpose of this code is to get a list of all used executables from a specific folder. After a month we will delete any exe's not on this list.
I currently get the correct results using this:
while ($true) {
foreach ($process in Get-Process | where {$_.Path -imatch 'ksv'} | select -Unique) {
$dir = $process | Get-ChildItem;
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
'Path' = $process.Path;
} | Out-String | Add-Content -LiteralPath Z:\processList.txt
Get-Content Z:\processList.txt | sort | Get-Unique > Z:\uniqueprocesslist.txt
I'm going to get rid of the while loop as this will be eventually running as a service.
The problem with this is that it creates a huge list in processlist.txt that I would like to eliminate to save space.
I tried to come up with a better solution that scans the text file to see if the path is written already before adding the new process path. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but nothing is ever written to the text file
while ($true) {
foreach ($process in Get-Process | where {$_.Path -imatch 'ksv'} | select -Unique) {
$dir = $process | Get-ChildItem;
$progPath = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
'Path' = $process.Path
$file = Get-Content "Z:\processList.txt"
$containsLine = $file | %{$_ -match $progPath}
if ($containsLine -contains $false) {
Add-Content -LiteralPath Z:\processList.txt
If I understand your question correctly you want to build a "recently used" list of executables in a specific directory in a file, and update that (unique) list with each run of your script.
Something like this should do that:
$listfile = 'Z:\processlist.txt'
# Build a dictionary from known paths, so that we can check for already known
# paths with an index lookup instead of a linear search over an array.
$list = #{}
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $listfile) {
Get-Content $listfile | ForEach-Object {
$list[$_] = $true
# List processes, expand their path, then check if the path contains the
# string "ksv" and isn't already known. Append the results to the list file.
Get-Process |
Select-Object -Expand Path |
Sort-Object -Unique |
Where-Object {$_ -like '*ksv*' -and -not $list.ContainsKey($_)} |
Add-Content $listfile
Hashtable lookup and wildcard match are used for performance reasons, because they're significantly faster than linear searches in arrays and regular expression matches.
while ($true) {
$file = Get-Content "Z:\processList.txt"
$KSVPaths = Get-Process |
Where-Object {$_.Path -imatch 'ksv'} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path |
Select-Object -Unique
ForEach ($KSVPath in $KSVPaths) {
if ($KSVPath -notin $file) {
Add-Content -Path $file -Value $KSVPath

Powershell adding name of file to each new line (add-content)

I am trying to export Groupmembers list from azuread, my whole script works fairly well, but I need each new line in the final file to have the name of the file it is importing from (as well as the content it is importing)
the part of the script i am using to do this is as follows
(found this code here
Merging multiple CSV files into one using PowerShell)
get-childItem "C:\Users\user\Documents\Azure\Intune\management\*.csv" | foreach {
$filePath = $_
$lines = $lines = Get-Content $filePath | Select -Skip 1
$linesToWrite = switch($getFirstLine) {
$true {$lines}
$false {$lines | Select -Skip 1}
$getFirstLine = $false
Add-Content "C:\Users\user\Documents\Azure\Intune\management\master_list.csv" $linesToWrite
I would probably do something like this:
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\user\Documents\Azure\Intune\management\*.csv"
ForEach ($file in $files) {
Import-Csv -Path $File.FullName |
Select-Object -Property *, #{n='FileName';e={$file.Name}} |
Export-Csv -Path "C:\Users\user\Documents\Azure\Intune\management\master_list.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Append
Note that you need v3 or later of PowerShell to get the -Append flag for Export-Csv.
Another way to do it. This way would be potentially memory intensive if the files are large but I like the method and it fits well with the way my brain works.
$result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\User\Documents\Azure\InTune\Management\*.csv'){
$result.AddRange((Import-CSV $file | Add-Member -InputObject $_ -Name 'File' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $file.Name))
$result | Export-CSV 'C:\Users\user\Documents\Azure\Intune\management\master_list.csv' -NoTypeInformation
I think that would be version agnostic but I always lose track of which features happen in which version. Actually I think Add-Member would put it at v3+.

Combining CSV files in Powershell - different headings

I need to take a slew of csv files from a directory and get them into an array in Powershell (to eventually manipulate and write back to a CSV).
The problem is there are 5 file types. I need around 8 columns from each. The columns are essentially the same, but have different headings.
Is there an easy way to do this? I started creating a custom object with my 8 fields, looping through the files importing each one, looking at the filename (which tells me the column names I need) and then a bunch of ifs to add it to my custom object array.
I was wondering if there is a simpler with a template saying which columns from each file.
wound up doing this. It may have not been the most efficient, but works. I wound up writing out each file separately and combining at the end as PS really got bogged down (over a million rows combined).
$Newcsv = #()
$path = "c:\scrap\BWFILES\"
$files = gci -path $path -recurse -filter *.csv | Where-Object { ! ($_.psiscontainer) }
foreach($file in $files)
$csv = Import-Csv $file.FullName
if ($file.Name -like '*SAV*')
$Newcsv = $csv | Select-Object #{Name="PRODUCT";Expression={"SV"}},DMBRCH,DMACCT,DMSHRT
if ($file.Name -like '*TIME*')
$Newcsv = $csv | Select-Object #{Name="PRODUCT";Expression={"TM"}},TMBRCH,TMACCT,TMSHRT
if ($file.Name -like '*TRAN*')
$Newcsv = $csv | Select-Object #{Name="PRODUCT";Expression={"TR"}},DMBRCH,DMACCT,DMSHRT
if ($file.Name -like '*LN*')
$Newcsv = $csv | Select-Object #{Name="PRODUCT";Expression={"LN"}},LNBRCH,LNNOTE,LNSHRT
$Newcsv | Export-Csv "C:\scrap\$$counter.csv" -force -notypeinformation
get-childItem "c:\scrap\*.csv" | foreach {
$filePath = $_
$lines = $lines = Get-Content $filePath
$linesToWrite = switch($getFirstLine) {
$true {$lines}
$false {$lines | Select -Skip 1}
$getFirstLine = $false
Add-Content "c:\scrap\combined.csv" $linesToWrite
With a hashtable for reference, a little RegEx matching, and using the automatic variable $Matches in a ForEach-Object loop (alias % used) that could all be shortened to:
$path = "c:\scrap\BWFILES\"
$Reference = #{
'SAV' = 'SV'
'TIME' = 'TM'
'TRAN' = 'TR'
Set-Content -Value "PRODUCT,BRCH,ACCT,SHRT" -Path 'c:\scrap\combined.csv'
gci -path $path -recurse -filter *.csv | Where-Object { !($_.psiscontainer) -and $_.Name -match ".*(SAV|TIME|TRAN|LN).*"}|%{
$Product = $Reference[($Matches[1])]
Import-CSV $_.FullName | Select-Object #{Name="PRODUCT";Expression={$Product}},*BRCH,#{l='Acct';e={$_.LNNOTE, $_.DMACCT, $_.TMACCT|?{$_}}},*SHRT | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Select -Skip 1 | Add-Content 'c:\scrap\combined.csv'
That should produce the exact same file. Only kind of tricky part was the LNNOTE/TMACCT/DMACCT field since obviously you can't just do the same as like *SHRT.

File and folder count

There is a folder on the remote server which has various subfolders in it. It is completely nested. I would like to:
Prepare an HTML report which contains folder name.
For every folder it should also record the file count.
The code needs to append the HTML file which is already created.
Columns required: Folder name, Folder Path, File Count
Below is the code snippet which is part of my main script. I am fairly new to PowerShell.
Can some one please help?
$server_dir = "D:\Data\Inbox"
$does_dir_e = (Test-Path $server_dir)
$fso = New-Object -com "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
$f = $fso.GetFolder($server_dir)
foreach($folder in $f.subfolders)
$fcount = $((Get-ChildItem $folder.Path).count)
$fname = $ | Convertto-HTML -Fragment >> C:\Temp\Server.html
You don't actually say what isn't working for you, but the following script should get you started.
The outer loop recurses through the folders (PSIsContainer) means it is a folder.
The inner loop counts the number of files in each folder using measure-object, we filter out folders from this count to give us just the file count.
$path = "D:\Data\Inbox"
# Enumerate the given path recursively
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | %{
# Add a user-defined custom member with a value of the filecount this
# time not recursively (using measure object)
$_ | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name FileCount -value (Get-ChildItem -Path $_.Fullname |
Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} |
# Output the required values
$_ | select Name, FullName, FileCount | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
Is this what you want? I haven't used the HTML cmdlet before, so be aware it's ugly : )
$server_dir = 'D:\Data\Inbox'
if(Test-Path $server_dir)
$folders = Get-ChildItem $server_dir -Recurse | where {$_.PSIsContainer}
$output = #()
foreach($folder in $folders)
$fname = $folder.Name
$fpath = $folder.FullName
$fcount = Get-ChildItem $fpath | where {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -Expand Count
$obj = New-Object psobject -Property #{FolderName = $fname; FolderPath = $fpath; FileCount = $fcount}
$output += $obj
#Output to HTML
$output | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment >> 'C:\Temp\Server.html'