I am trying to get started with flyway (for Redshift) and go through the commandline tutorial
flyway commandline tutorial
Unfortunately, whatever command I issue, like "flyway baseline" or "flyway migrate" (I created a simple create table script in the sql folder) results in the same error message:
ERROR: Unknown prefix for location (should be either filesystem: or classpath:): D:\Software\flyway-5.1.4\sql
Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
You need to specify the filesystem: prefix in the locations argument like this:
flyway -locations=filesystem:D:/Software/flyway-5.1.4/sql ...
My company is evaluating Flyway for database releases. We have an AWS PostgreSQL version 11.2 database and I have installed Flyway Community Edition version 6.1.2.
I have successfully baselined the database and run several basic DDL scripts using Flyway migrate. However now I am testing a more complicated scenario in which I need to run multiple scripts as one migration but each script has to connect as a different PostgreSqL user. I have tried to do this by setting up two sql files each with their own config file as described here: https://flywaydb.org/documentation/scriptconfigfiles
Every time I run the migrate command I get a property error: "ERROR: Unknown script configuration property: flyway.user" or "ERROR: Unknown script configuration property: user", etc, etc.
For debugging purposes I removed one sql and config combo so that I now only have one file each. The files are named V2020. and V2020. I did confirm that any changes to that config file are being picked up by the migrate command. My config file contains the following properties (values changes for security reasons):
I have also tried removing the flyway prefix:
And removing the url parameter (both flyway.url and url) so the migration reads that value from the default flyway.conf file. Example:
I get the errors every time. Anyone have any ideas? All help is greatly appreciated.
There is a typo in your code:
It should be:
I'm attempting to import an SQL dump in PgAdmin 4 using the psql client - However the error message returned is - The system cannnot find the file specified.
Here is a screenshot of my psql client -
The file films.sql is currently stored on my desktop, but I suspect the default location that the psql client accesses is not my desktop? Is there anyway to set the location that the client looks in order to resolve this?
The file SQL is viewable here: https://github.com/datacamp/courses-intro-to-sql/tree/master/datasets
I simply want to get the database on my local machine so that I don't need to store queries in an online learning platform. It would be best if this database is available locally to query and practice on.
I've attempted to execute the whole SQL file as a query on the films database but this does not seem to be working either and returns 'Asynchronous query execution/operation underway.
Query returned successfully in 388 msec.' - However it seems to be the case that the Asynchronous query never completes when I refresh the database.
Please can someone help?
Just give the path to your file:
psql -d my_database -f /path/to/the/file.sql
psql -d my_database -f C:/path/to/the/file.sql
Depending on whether you are on a unix/linux machine or Windows.
Oh, and if you aren't familiar with file paths you may want to take a step back and become more familiar with general computer terminology before diving into a RDBMS. Your learning will be much easier if you have a solid foundation to build upon.
I suspect this question might be moot for the asker at this point, but for anyone else stumbling upon it like I did: the interactive connection info prompts are provided by a batch script (in Windows, I'd guess there's an analogous shell script for Unix) called runpsql.bat, which then just passes your inputs as commandline arguments to the psql.exe executable. I was getting this error because I had migrated my Postgres installation and the batch script was calling a nonexistent path for psql.exe, hence The system cannot find the file specified. I edited runpsql.bat to point to the correct location of psql.exe and that resolved the issue. So for OP, I would look into PgAdmin4 and see where it's (presumably) calling runpsql.bat, then make sure that that calls psql.exe with the correct path.
follow up to the question, this is the command line i used but it could not recognizecommand line my password
The Image
I have a PostGreSQL script that contains table definition and sample data but whenever i tried to run the script, i get the error as shown in the diagram.
Please, does anyone has any idea o what is wrong?
I am new to PostgreSQL
From the image, it looks as if you're using pgAdmin to load a database dump created with pg_dump. I'm not sure whether this will work with pgAdmin's query tool; you should try instead loading it from the command line:
psql -f the_dump_file.sql my_database
Full details here:
As noted here I'm trying to use the PostgreSQL COPY ERROR_LOGGING, ERROR_LOGGING_SKIP_BAD_ROWS options.
My SQL looks like this:
COPY users FROM 'C:\Users\admin\osmosis_temp\users.txt'
I get an SQL output of ERROR: option "error_logging" not recognized. Am I missing something that turns on the error logging in the first place?
PostgreSQL 9.3
At the top of the wiki page you've linked to one reads:
Error logging in COPY was a proposed feature developed by Aster Data against the PostgreSQL 9.0 code base. It was submitted and reviewed (1) but not accepted into the core product for that or any other version so far.
So that was only a concept.
I get this exception in PostgreSQL:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/plpgsql": No such file or directory
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:1721)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:1489)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(QueryExecutorImpl.java:193)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:452)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:337)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeQuery(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:236)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingStatement.executeQuery(DelegatingStatement.java:205)
I searched a lot and most solution points to a wrong installation. But this is my test db which has been running without issues for a long time. Also inserts are working. Issue occurs only on select queries.
Apparently, you moved your PostgreSQL lib directory out of place. To confirm this, try the following in psql:
> SET client_encoding TO iso88591;
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/utf8_and_iso8859_1": No such file or directory
If you get an error message like this, then my theory is correct. You'll need to find out where those files ended up, or you can reinstall PostgreSQL to restore them.
To find out what $libdir is referring to, run the following command:
pg_config --pkglibdir
For me, this produces:
I have the same problem: the other postgres server instance (8.4) was interfering with the 9.1 one; when the 8.4 instance is removed it works.
the other instance can sometimes be removed from the system while still running (e.g. you do a gentoo update and a depclean without stopping and migrating your data). so the error seems particularly mysterious.
the solution is usually going to be doing a slot install/eselect of the old version (in gentoo terms, or simply downgrading on other distros), running its pg_dumpall, and then uninstalling/reinstalling the new version and importing the data.
this worked pretty painlessly for me