Delphi Form does not fire onActivate event when its parent is a TPanel - forms

When I click on the form's caption the OnActivate event is not fired. The reason is apparently that the form parent is a TPanel. The form is brought to front when clicking its caption but the onActivate event is not fired.
My solution was radical, I set the border style to bsnone and I created my own caption with a panel aligned to the top of the form. Then I use the mouse event on the panel to move the form. But I now have the problem how to resize the form without the border. Please help, thanks.


Material UI Tooltip title text content has a button that opens a dialog, dialog disappear after opening

I am trying to use the tooltip which has a title text content, say:
Some text
<Button onClick={onOpen}>Click Me!</Button>
and that button's onClick will set the state to open a mui dialog, i've also set the Tooltip's interactive prop to be true. When the button inside the Tooltip's title content is click, the dialog pops up briefly then goes away. I believe that is also due to Tooltip fading away using the interactive prop.
Is there anyway to get the dialog to stay meanwhile having the tooltip title content disappear? Is material ui's tooltip component meant to be use this way?
Thanks for the help.

Mouse Scroll with 1 Main Form and 2 subforms MS ACCESS

I have a MS ACCESS 2007 form with 2 subforms. I have a few fields from the main form as text, a few on the second form as text, and a lot on the third form as a variety of things.
My problem with these subforms, when I am entering data in the main form, my mouse scroll works just fine to scroll to the bottom of the form. When I am in subform 1 or 2, my mouse scroll stops working to scroll down to the bottom of the main form. I tried looking up disabling mouse scrolling but that's already preset for a single form view in MS Access 2007. I just want the mouse scroll to work only for the general form even if you are doing data entry into subform 1 and 2.
I know it's been a while since your post. But I've had nearly the same problem and figured it out, so thought I'd post the answer anyway:
If you make an extra textbox in your main form (make sure it's property visible is set to TRUE), then place this textbox behind any other control so to the user it seems like there is no textbox.
Now in the properties of the details selection of the mainform make an onClick event (this occures when you click anywhere in the mainform). In this event use the SetFocus method which redirects to the textbox made earlier. The code looks like this:
If you click on the form (outside the subforms) the textbox gets selected automatically, which allows you to scroll the main form. The user doesn't see the textbox so it seems as if he/she selected the mainform.
Hope it helped!

Tinymce - Event on set the carret inside textarea

Which is the event when you set the caret inside tinymce editor? For some reason, Click event works only for the first click. Is there any other event except click?
You could use the focus onActivate event. For a full list of possible tinymce events check out this page and have a look on the right side of the page, there is a list.

Stop disappearing ModalPopup panel (shown by ModalPopupExtender ) on changing text of a textbox (TextChanged event fired by AutoPostback)

I have a html table inside of a panel control.
It will be shown by a ModalPopupExtender by clicking on a LinkButton.
inside of the panel, there is a textbox which its "AutoPostBack" property is Ture and when user enters a value in it, TextChanged event is fired but unfortunately, the panel also disapears.....
what's wrong?

GWT label widget receiving focus when pressing tab key

Current solution:
user clicks on label and it is switched with a textarea to allow edit
user can leave edit with tab / enter and textarea is switched back to a label
The problem is the user has to click on the label with a mouse to get into edit mode.
I would like the label to recieve an onFocus event when the user clicks the TAB key and the label is the next widget in line.
Possible soulution (but have not tried yet) to inherit a new widget from the Label widget and implement the TabListener interface.
There is a panel called the focus panel. That panel allows widgets that normally dont receive events like keyboard events (e.g., a label is one) to have events.
checkout the docs here