I feel like I will get lots of downvotes here, but let's give it a go.
I am trying to explain nested loops vs hash vs merge join to my students on real examples. However, I am struggling to find tables that would join with nested loops (I tried many different sizes, indexes setups, etc.). Postgres always uses hash join regardless of the table sizes, indexes, etc.
Could someone give an example of tables (with data) that would join with nested loops without explicitly running set enable_hashjoin = true; beforehand?
The following does a nested loop for me (without disabling hashjoins) on Postgres 10.5
create table one (id integer primary key, some_ts timestamp, some_value integer);
insert into one values (1, clock_timestamp(), 42),(2, clock_timestamp(), 42);
create table two (id integer primary key, one_id integer not null references one, some_ts timestamp);
insert into two
select i, 1, clock_timestamp()
from generate_series(1,10) i;
insert into two
select i, 2, clock_timestamp()
from generate_series(11,20) i;
create index on two (one_id);
explain (analyze)
select one.*, two.id, two.some_ts
from one
join two on one.id = two.one_id
where one.id = 1;
Results in:
Nested Loop (cost=0.15..4.23 rows=1 width=28) (actual time=0.029..0.033 rows=10 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using one_pkey on one (cost=0.15..3.16 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (id = 1)
-> Seq Scan on two (cost=0.00..1.07 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.011..0.014 rows=10 loops=1)
Filter: (one_id = 1)
Rows Removed by Filter: 10
Planning time: 0.130 ms
Execution time: 0.058 ms
Online example: http://rextester.com/CXZZ12304
Create some tables:
a_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
a_val text NOT NULL
b_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
a_id integer REFERENCES a(a_id) NOT NULL,
b_val text NOT NULL
-- *never* forget an index on the foreign key column
Add some sample data:
SELECT i, 'value ' || i FROM generate_series(1, 1000) i;
SELECT i, (i + 1) / 2, 'value ' || i FROM generate_series(1, 2000) i;
Analyze the tables to get good statistics:
Let's run a sample query:
EXPLAIN SELECT a.a_val, b.b_val FROM a JOIN b USING (a_id) WHERE a_id = 42;
Nested Loop (cost=0.55..16.62 rows=2 width=19)
-> Index Scan using a_pkey on a (cost=0.28..8.29 rows=1 width=13)
Index Cond: (a_id = 42)
-> Index Scan using b_a_id_idx on b (cost=0.28..8.31 rows=2 width=14)
Index Cond: (a_id = 42)
(5 rows)
I've put together a query which works, I'm just wanting to learn how I can optimise it. The idea of the query is that given a particular row in table A, it take its geometry and in table B finds the closest matching geometry to it filtered by certain criteria.
SELECT a.id,
FROM "hex-hex-uk" a
CROSS JOIN lateral
SELECT a.id,
b.name AS name,
a.geom <-> b.way AS dist,
st_distance(a.geom, b.way, FALSE) AS meters
FROM "osm-polygons-uk" b
OR b.man_made='works')
AND st_area(b.way, FALSE)>15000
ORDER BY a.geom <-> b.way
LIMIT 1) AS closest_pt
WHERE a.id='abc'
Currently the query executes in 30-90ms, but I need to perform millions of these lookups. I tried swopping
a.id='abc' with a.id IN ('abc','def','ghi',...) and looking up 10000 at a time, but it takes 10mins+ which doesn't really add up.
Here's the query plan as it stands:
" -> Index Scan using ""hex-hex-uk_id_idx"" on ""hex-hex-uk"" a (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=168) (actual time=0.029..0.046 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Index Cond: ((id)::text = '89195c849a3ffff'::text)"
" -> Limit (cost=0.28..536.88 rows=1 width=43) (actual time=33.009..33.062 rows=1 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using ""idx_osm-polygons-uk_geom"" on ""osm-polygons-uk"" b (cost=0.28..4935623.77 rows=9198 width=43) (actual time=32.992..33.001 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Order By: (way <-> a.geom)"
" Filter: (((landuse = 'industrial'::text) OR (man_made = 'works'::text)) AND (st_area((way)::geography, false) > '15000'::double precision))"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 7"
"Planning Time: 0.142 ms"
"Execution Time: 33.311 ms"
What would be the process for trying to optimise a query like this? I learn best by example hence I think it makes sense to post on here rather than just reading about optimisation techniques.
CREATE TABLE "osm-polygons-uk" (id bigint,name text,landuse text, man_made text,way geometry);
CREATE INDEX "idx_osm-polygons-uk_geom" ON "osm-polygons-uk" USING gist (way);
ALTER TABLE "osm-polygons-uk" ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);
CREATE TABLE "hex-hex-uk" (id varchar(15), geom geometry);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON "hex-hex-uk" (id);
Some great tips above. The comment about the indexed materialized view led me to create a view with only the filtered data.. it cut the number of rows down from 1 million to ~20000 and executed in a couple of seconds.
From then I tweaked the original query and it ended up blasting through 2400000 rows in a couple of minutes. A huge improvement from the original 13 hours it was going to take to run!
SELECT a.id, closest_pt.name, ST_Distance(a.geom, closest_pt.way, false) as meters
FROM "hex-hex-uk" a
b.name as name,
a.geom <-> b.way as dist,
b.way as way
FROM "tmp_industrial" b
LIMIT 1) AS closest_pt WHERE a.id IN ('abc','def','ghi',...);
Thanks for the tips, it gives me a bit of a guide as to how to go about debugging query performance.
I have a table inside my Postgresql database, called consumer_actions. It contains all the actions done by consumers registered in my app. At the moment, this table has ~ 500 million records. What i'm trying to do is to get the maximum id, based on the system that the action came from.
The definition of the table is:
CREATE TABLE public.consumer_actions (
id int4 NOT NULL,
system_id int4 NOT NULL,
consumer_id int4 NOT NULL,
action_id int4 NOT NULL,
payload_json jsonb NULL,
external_system_date timestamptz NULL,
local_system_date timestamptz NULL,
CONSTRAINT consumer_actions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id, system_id)
CREATE INDEX consumer_actions_ext_date ON public.consumer_actions USING btree (external_system_date);
CREATE INDEX consumer_actions_system_consumer_id ON public.consumer_actions USING btree (system_id, consumer_id);
when i'm trying
select max(id) from consumer_actions where system_id = 1
it takes less than one second, but if i try to use the same index (consumer_actions_system_consumer_id) to get the max(id) by system_id = 2, it takes more than an hour.
select max(id) from consumer_actions where system_id = 2
I have also checked the query planner, is looks similar for both queries; i also rerun vacuum analyze on the table and a reindex. Neither of them helped. Any idea what i can do to improve the second query time?
Here are the query planners for both tables, and the size at the moment of this table:
explain analyze
select max(id) from consumer_actions where system_id = 1;
Result (cost=1.49..1.50 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.062..0.063 rows=1 loops=1)
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
-> Limit (cost=0.57..1.49 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.057..0.057 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan Backward using consumer_actions_pkey on consumer_actions ca (cost=0.57..524024735.49 rows=572451344 width=4) (actual time=0.055..0.055 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((id IS NOT NULL) AND (system_id = 1))
Heap Fetches: 1
Planning Time: 0.173 ms
Execution Time: 0.092 ms
explain analyze
select max(id) from consumer_actions where system_id = 2;
Result (cost=6.46..6.47 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=7099484.855..7099484.858 rows=1 loops=1)
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
-> Limit (cost=0.57..6.46 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=7099484.839..7099484.841 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan Backward using consumer_actions_pkey on consumer_actions ca (cost=0.57..20205843.58 rows=3436129 width=4) (actual time=7099484.833..7099484.834 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((id IS NOT NULL) AND (system_id = 2))
Heap Fetches: 1
Planning Time: 3.078 ms
Execution Time: 7099484.992 ms
(8 rows)
select count(*) from consumer_actions; --result is 577408504
Instead of using an aggregation function like max() that has to potentially scan and aggregate large numbers of rows for a table like yours you could get similar results with a query designed to return the fewest rows possible:
SELECT id FROM consumer_actions WHERE system_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;
This should still benefit significantly in performance from the existing indices.
I think that you should create an index like this one
CREATE INDEX consumer_actions_system_system_id_id ON public.consumer_actions USING btree (system_id, id);
Is there any way to increase speed of dynamic group by query ? I have a table with 30 million rows.
create table if not exists tb
id serial not null constraint tb_pkey primary key,
week integer,
month integer,
year integer,
starttime varchar(20),
endtime varchar(20),
brand smallint,
category smallint,
value real
The query below takes 8.5 seconds.
SELECT category from tb group by category
Is there any way to increase the speed. I have tried with and without index.
For that exact query, not really; doing this operation requires scanning every row. No way around it.
But if you're looking to be able to quickly get the set of unique categories, and you have an index on that column, you can use a variation of the WITH RECURSIVE example shown in the edit to the question here (look towards the end of the question):
Counting distinct rows using recursive cte over non-distinct index
You'll need to change it to return the set of unique values instead of counting them, but it looks like a simple change:
testdb=# create table tb(id bigserial, category smallint);
testdb=# insert into tb(category) select 2 from generate_series(1, 10000)
testdb-# ;
INSERT 0 10000
testdb=# insert into tb(category) select 1 from generate_series(1, 10000);
INSERT 0 10000
testdb=# insert into tb(category) select 3 from generate_series(1, 10000);
INSERT 0 10000
testdb=# create index on tb(category);
testdb=# WITH RECURSIVE cte AS
(SELECT category
WHERE category >= 0
(SELECT category
WHERE category > c.category
FROM cte c
SELECT category
FROM cte
(3 rows)
And here's the EXPLAIN ANALYZE:
CTE Scan on cte (cost=40.66..42.68 rows=100 width=2) (actual time=0.057..0.127 rows=3 loops=1)
Filter: (category IS NOT NULL)
Rows Removed by Filter: 1
CTE cte
-> Recursive Union (cost=0.29..40.66 rows=101 width=2) (actual time=0.052..0.119 rows=4 loops=1)
-> Limit (cost=0.29..0.33 rows=1 width=2) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan using tb_category_idx on tb tb_1 (cost=0.29..1363.29 rows=30000 width=2) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (category >= 0)
Heap Fetches: 1
-> WorkTable Scan on cte c (cost=0.00..3.83 rows=10 width=2) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=1 loops=4)
Filter: (category IS NOT NULL)
Rows Removed by Filter: 0
SubPlan 1
-> Limit (cost=0.29..0.36 rows=1 width=2) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=1 loops=3)
-> Index Only Scan using tb_category_idx on tb (cost=0.29..755.95 rows=10000 width=2) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=1 loops=3)
Index Cond: (category > c.category)
Heap Fetches: 2
Planning time: 0.224 ms
Execution time: 0.191 ms
(19 rows)
The number of loops it has to do the WorkTable scan node will be equal to the number of unique categories you have plus one, so it should stay very fast up to, say, hundreds of unique values.
Another route you can take is to add another table where you just store unique values of tb.category and have application logic check that table and insert their value when updating/inserting that column. This can also be done database-side with triggers; that solution is also discussed in the answers to the linked question.
I am trying to optimize the query below.
select cellid2 as cellid, max(endeks) as turkcell
from (select a.cellid2 as cellid2, b.endeks
from (select geom, cellid as cellid2 from grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000 ) a join (select endeks, st_transform(geom, 2320) as geom_tmp from turkcell_data ) b on st_intersects(a.geom, b.geom_tmp) ) x
group by cellid2 limit 5
and explain analyze returns
"Limit (cost=81808.31..81808.36 rows=5 width=12) (actual time=271376.201..271376.204 rows=5 loops=1)"
" -> HashAggregate (cost=81808.31..81879.63 rows=7132 width=12) (actual time=271376.200..271376.203 rows=5 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..81772.65 rows=7132 width=12) (actual time=5.128..269753.647 rows=1237707 loops=1)"
" Join Filter: _st_intersects(grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000.geom, st_transform(turkcell_data.geom, 2320))"
" -> Seq Scan on turkcell_data (cost=0.00..809.40 rows=3040 width=3045) (actual time=0.031..7.426 rows=3040 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000_geom_gist on grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000 (cost=0.00..24.76 rows=7 width=124) (actual time=0.012..0.799 rows=647 loops=3040)"
" Index Cond: (geom && st_transform(turkcell_data.geom, 2320))"
"Total runtime: 271387.499 ms"
There exist indexes on geometry column and cellid columns. I read that instead of using max, order by desc and limit 1 works better. However, since I have group by clause, it does not work I think. Is there any way to do this or any other way which improves the performance?
Table Definitions:
CREATE TABLE grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000
regionid numeric,
geom geometry(Geometry,2320),
cellid integer,
turkcell double precision
ALTER TABLE grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000
OWNER TO postgres;
-- Index: grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000_cellid
-- DROP INDEX grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000_cellid;
CREATE INDEX grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000_cellid
ON grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000
USING btree
(cellid );
-- Index: grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000_geom_gist
-- DROP INDEX grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000_geom_gist;
CREATE INDEX grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000_geom_gist
ON grd_90098780_7c48_11e3_8876_f0bf97e0dd001000000000
USING gist
(geom );
CREATE TABLE turkcell_data
gid serial NOT NULL,
objectid_1 integer,
objectid integer,
neighbourh numeric,
endeks numeric,
coorx numeric,
coory numeric,
shape_leng numeric,
shape_le_1 numeric,
shape_area numeric,
geom geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
CONSTRAINT turkcell_data_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid )
ALTER TABLE turkcell_data
OWNER TO postgres;
-- Index: turkcell_data_geom_gist
-- DROP INDEX turkcell_data_geom_gist;
CREATE INDEX turkcell_data_geom_gist
ON turkcell_data
USING gist
(geom );
Either store your data re-projected to 2320, index that column, and use it in your join, or create an index on the transformed projection of the geometry in turkcell_data. I usually prefer the latter:
CREATE INDEX turkcell_data_geom_gist2320
ON turkcell_data
USING gist
(st_transform(geom, 2320) );
The other issue might be if your geometries are very complex - if any of your polygons have a relatively large number of points you might get stuck crunching away on the intersection. Try the index first, though.
my question is basically the same as this one, but i couldn't find an answer, its also written "to be solved in the next release" and "easy for min/max scans"
PostgreSQL+table partitioning: inefficient max() and min()
CREATE TABLE mc_handstats
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('mc_handst_id_seq'::regclass),
playerid integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT mc_handst_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
table is partitioned over playerid.
CREATE TABLE mc_handst_0000 ( CHECK ( playerid >= 0 AND playerid < 10000) ) INHERITS (mc_handst) TABLESPACE ssd01;
CREATE TABLE mc_handst_0010 ( CHECK ( playerid >= 10000 AND playerid < 30000) ) INHERITS (mc_handst) TABLESPACE ssd02;
CREATE TABLE mc_handst_0030 ( CHECK ( playerid >= 30000 AND playerid < 50000) ) INHERITS (mc_handst) TABLESPACE ssd03;
CREATE INDEX mc_handst_0000_PlayerID ON mc_handst_0000 (playerid);
CREATE INDEX mc_handst_0010_PlayerID ON mc_handst_0010 (playerid);
CREATE INDEX mc_handst_0030_PlayerID ON mc_handst_0030 (playerid);
plus create trigger on playerID
i want to get the last id (i could also get the value for the sequence, but i am used to work with tables/colums), but pSQL seems to be rather stupid scanning the table:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE select max(id) from mc_handstats; (the real query runs forever)
"Aggregate (cost=9080859.04..9080859.05 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=181867.626..181867.626 rows=1 loops=1)"
" -> Append (cost=0.00..8704322.43 rows=150614644 width=4) (actual time=2.460..163638.343 rows=151134891 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on mc_handstats (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on mc_handst_0000 mc_handstats (cost=0.00..728523.69 rows=12580969 width=4) (actual time=2.457..10800.539 rows=12656647 loops=1)"
"Total runtime: 181867.819 ms"
EXPLAIN ANALYZE select max(id) from mc_handst_1000
"Aggregate (cost=83999.50..83999.51 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=1917.933..1917.933 rows=1 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on mc_handst_1000 (cost=0.00..80507.40 rows=1396840 width=4) (actual time=0.007..1728.268 rows=1396717 loops=1)"
"Total runtime: 1918.494 ms"
the runtime for the partitioned table is 'snap', and completely off the record over the master table. (postgreSQL 9.2)
\d mc_handstats (only the indexes)
"mc_handst_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"mc_handst_playerid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (playerid) REFERENCES mc_players(id)
mc_handst_insert_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON mc_handstats FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE mc_handst_insert_function()
Number of child tables: 20 (Use \d+ to list them.)
\d mc_handst_1000
"mc_handst_1000_playerid" btree (playerid)
Check constraints:
"mc_handst_1000_playerid_check" CHECK (playerid >= 1000000 AND playerid < 1100000)
hm, no PK index in the sub tables. while i don't understand why the result for max(id) is pretty fast on the subtables (as there is no index) and slow from the master table, it seems i need to add an index for PK also for all subtables. maybe that solves it.
CREATE INDEX mc_handst_0010_ID ON mc_handst_0010 (id);
... plus many more ...
and everything fine. still strange why it worked fast on the subtables before, that made me think they are indexed, but i also don't care to much.
thanks for this!
The first thing you need to do is index all the child tables on (id) and see if max(id) is smart enough to do an index scan on each table. I think i should be but I am not entirely sure.
If not, here's what I would do: I would start with currval([sequence_name]) and work back until a record is found. You could do something check blocks of 10 at a time, or the like in what is essentially a sparse scan. This could be done with a CTE like such (again relies on indexes):
select max(id) as max_id, currval('mc_handst_id_seq') - 10 as min_block
FROM mc_handst
WHERE id BETWEEN currval('mc_handst_id_seq') - 10 AND currval('mc_handst_id_seq')
SELECT max(id), i.min_block - 10
FROM mc_handst
JOIN ids i ON id BETWEEN i.min_block - 10 AND i.min_block
WHERE i.max_id IS NULL
SELECT max(max_id) from ids;
That should do a sparse scan if the planner won't use an index once the partitions are indexed. In most cases it should only do one scan but it will repeat as necessary to find an id. Note that it might run forever on an empty table.
Assuming a parent's table like this:
id not null default nextval('parent_id_seq'::regclass)
... other columns ...
Whether you're using a rule or a trigger to divert the INSERTs into the child tables, immediately after the INSERT you may use:
SELECT currval('parent_id_seq'::regclass);
to get the last id inserted by your session, independently of concurrent INSERTs, each session having its own copy of the last sequence value it has obtained.