Backup and restore postgresql data folder directly - postgresql

Till now I've been backing up my postgresql data using pg_dump, which exports the data to an sql file mydb.sql, and then restoring from that sql file using psql -U user -d db < mydb.sql.
For one reason or another it would be more convenient to restore the database content more directly, in an environment where psql does not exist... specifically on a host server where postgresql is installed in a docker container running on the host, but not on the host itself.
My plan is to back up the content of /var/lib/postgresql/data/ to a tar file, and when required (e.g. when a new server is created that hosts the postgresql container) just restore that to the same path. The folder /var/lib/postgresql/data/ in the docker container is mapped to a folder on the host server, so I would create this backup on the host, not inside the postgres container.
Is this a valid approach? Any "gotchas"? And are there any subfolders within /var/lib/postgresql/data/ that I can exclude from the tar file? I don't want to back up mere 'housekeeping' information.

You can do that, but you have to do it properly if you don't want your database to become corrupted.
Either stop PostgreSQL before copying the data directory or follow the instructions from the documentation for an online backup.


restore db postgres - format .gz

I am trying to restore a database on my local machine. I downloaded this database from the server in file.gz format. Inside this archive is the file file.out. How can I restore the entire structure on my computer through
pg_admin or via console?
If I understand correctly, you need to use the pg_restore command. But all my attempts end with a syntax error.

How to copy a Postgres database from a mounted disk to a live Postgres server

We have a disk on which a Postgres server used to be running, with one important database.
We need to move (and import) one of the databases that were live on that disk, to a live server.
Is that even possible?
I seem to only find scenarios where the server(s) are running when migrating data.
You need to use pg_dump and pg_restore because there is no way in PostgreSQL to copy database files for one single database between 2 instances.
However there is the possibility to copy the old PGDATA to a new PGDATA on new machine
(see How to copy a Postgres database from a mounted disk to a live Postgres server). But you need to have the corresponding PostgreSQL binaries to be able to move the database with pg_dump from old instance to new instance with pg_restore.

Why does my postgres docker image not contain any data?

I'd like to create a docker image with data.
My attempt is as follows:
FROM postgres
COPY dump_testdb /image
RUN pg_restore /image
RUN rm -rf /image
Then I run docker build -t testdb . and docker run -d testdb.
When I connect to the container I don't see the restored db. How do I get an image with the restored data?
COPY the dump file, with a .sql extension, into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/. Do not try to RUN anything. The postgres image will run everything in that directory the first time a container is started on a particular data directory.
You generally can’t RUN commands that interact with the database in a Dockerfile because the database won’t be running at that point. (There is a script in the base image that goes through some complicated gymnastics to do the first-time setup.) In any case, because of the mechanics of Docker’s volume system, you can’t create an image that contains prepopulated database data; you have to use a mechanism like this to cause the image to restore a dump or otherwise set itself up at first start.

"mount" a PostgreSQL database from files not Backup

I've been given a project to extract data from a PostgreSQL database. I've no previous experience with PostgreSQL but the project I have is to bug fix existing code, so all the logic to connect to the engine and get data is already in place.
The problem I have is the database has been given to me in the form of the folders and files straight from the source HDD, not a backup (which isn't going to happen so "Get the customer to give you a backup instead isn't an option here).
The folders also contained the actual PostgreSQL binaries so I looked a the version (9.4.14) and downloaded the nearest (9.4.18) from the PostgreSQL site and installed it. Now all I have to do is some how is to get it to look at my given data files.
I tried the obvious of copying the contents of the data folder into the installed data folder but after the PostgreSQL service won't start.
I did find a option in the conf file:
#data_directory = 'ConfigDir'
I changed this to:
data_directory = 'C:\customer\data'
But again the service won't start after this.
The data directory used by the service is defined through the service command line which overwrites any property defined in postgresql.conf.
You need to re-create the service in order to change the data directory, e.g.:
Remove the service:
pg_ctl -unregister -N postgresql-9.1
postgresql-9.1 is the "real" name of the service, not the "Display Name". You can see that in the properties of the service inside the "services" app.
Then re-create the service with the correct data directory:
pg_ctl -register -D -D c:\customer\data -N postgresql-9.1
Another way of "debugging" startup errors in Windows, is to start Postgres from the command line (not through the service) because some errors during startup are not logged in the Postgres logfile but they are displayed on the command line. You can do that with e.g.:
pg_ctl start -D c:\customer\data`
If the bin directory is not in your PATH you need to specify the full path to it on the command line, e.g.: c:\Postgres9.1\bin\pg_ctl

How do I take physical backup of PostgreSQL data directory, which is encrypted using encfs

I am trying to take physical/filesystem backup of PostgreSQL data directory.The challenge is, data directory is encrypted and is not visible.I tried tar,rsync but they are not working, as data directory is invisible.
Please guide me a way to take physical backup of encrypted postgreSQL data directory
Postgres version: 9.6.8
OS:CentOS 6.6
Environment: test
encfs command used:
encfs -o nonempty /pgsql/postgredb/data_enc/ /pgsql/postgredb/data
Below is the data directory