How to map semi-colon then Esc to something other in AutoHotkey? - autohotkey

How to set up AutoHotkey so that when I press semi-colon then Esc ;esc in order, it will instead do something other?
msgbox, hello world
;; do something
;; Send, {BACKSPACE} ;; remove the ; at last

I think you might not be able to do it with hotstrings, but instead with a regular hotkey. Also, I think you'll need to change the comment flag to something else that isn't a semicolon. Here's my attempt:
#CommentFlag //
KeyWait , Esc , DT2
If !ErrorLevel
Send , {backspace}


Why autohotkey deos not send Ctrl-Space where Space is an input

Consider the following assignment:
When I type - followed by a key, the result is Ctrl-key. This work for ordinary keys.
But when the key is whitespace, it does not work.
Any idea why this happens? And how to fix the code?
Input, key, L1,{LCtrl}
send, ^{%key%}
Try to run the above script a program which has Ctrl-Space as a shortcut to see that it does not work. In fact, if you press - followed by Space, the script is suppose to call Ctrl-Space but it is not the case. For example:
In Microsoft Excel or in Libreoffice Calc, Ctrl-Space can select the current column.
In Emacs Ctrl-Space is reserved for setting a Mark.
Use SendInput instead.
Tested in Excel to mimic ^a, ^x, ^v, ^space
Input, key, L1,{LCtrl}
SendInput, ^%key%
If you want to handle "special" keys, add those keys to the list of endkeys using this syntax
Input [, OutputVar, Options, EndKeys, MatchList]
And then check to see which endkey was pressed
Tested in Firefox to mimic ^PgDn, ^PgUp
Input, key, L1,{LCtrl}{PgUp}{PgDn}
If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgUp") {
SendInput ^{PgUp}
Else If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgDn") {
SendInput ^{PgDn}
Else If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:LCtrl") {
Return ;assumed you just want to abort input with the control key
Else {
SendInput, ^%key%

AutoHotKey: Remap Alt, Ctrl, and Alt+Ctrl

I'd like to use AutoHotKey to remap:
RAlt & RCtrl::SendInput {Volume_Mute}
While Vol up works fine with the script as above, vol down is non-repeating & mute only works if the buttons are pressed as Alt,Ctrl (not Ctrl,Alt). I understand why, I just haven't been able to come up with a solution. I can map either volume up/down or mute - but if I try to do both, the behavior is always finicky. I think what I need is something to the effect of:
if GetKeyState("RAlt") and GetKeyState("RCtrl")
SendInput {Volume_Mute}
else if GetKeyState("RAlt")
SendInput {Volume_Down}
else if GetKeyState("RCtrl")
SendInput {Volume_Up}
But this just runs & terminates. Is there a way to achieve what I'm after?
The problem with your solution is that RAlt & RCtrl::SendInput {Volume_Mute} turns RAlt into a "prefix key" and according to the Hotkeys section of Autohotkey help "The prefix key loses its native function".
Try this instead:
#if GetKeyState("RAlt", "P")
#if GetKeyState("RCtrl", "P")

AutoHotkey - Detect double press of AltGr

I want to detect double press on AltGr.
According to documentation:
; Example #4: Detects when a key has been double-pressed (similar to double-click).
; KeyWait is used to stop the keyboard's auto-repeat feature from creating an unwanted
; double-press when you hold down the RControl key to modify another key. It does this by
; keeping the hotkey's thread running, which blocks the auto-repeats by relying upon
; #MaxThreadsPerHotkey being at its default setting of 1.
; Note: There is a more elaborate script to distinguish between single, double, and
; triple-presses at the bottom of the SetTimer page.
if (A_PriorHotkey <> "~RControl" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 400)
; Too much time between presses, so this isn't a double-press.
KeyWait, RControl
MsgBox You double-pressed the right control key.
AltGr is actually a combination of LControl & RAlt. So, for AltGr, script should be something like this:
~LControl & RAlt::
if (A_PriorHotkey <> "~LControl & RAlt" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 400)
KeyWait, LControl & RAlt
click 2
But when I try to load this script, AutoHotkey gives an error:
Maybe there is a way to make an alias for key combinations.
As mentioned in the comments, KeyWait can only wait on one key (not hotkey) at a time. You only need to wait for RAlt to be released, not the combination of LCtrl and RAlt.
This works:
~LControl & RAlt::
if (A_PriorHotkey <> "~LControl & RAlt" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 400)
KeyWait, RAlt
MsgBox Double-click
However, in this case KeyWait is only being used (in combination with the default #MaxThreadsPerHotkey setting of 1) to prevent key-repeat from activating the hotkey. You can remove KeyWait and it will still detect double-presses; but it will also activate if you hold AltGr down until it auto-repeats.
Note that in your case, double-pressing the hotkey would click three times: once on the first press and an additional two times on the second press.
If you just want to use AltGr as a mouse button and allow double-click, all you need is <^RAlt::Click.
If you want to perform two different actions depending on whether it is a single or double click, you must delay the response to the first click until you know whether there's a second click. For example:
KeyWait RAlt
KeyWait RAlt, D T0.4
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox Single
MsgBox Double

Could someone explain this autohotkey script to me?

It's supposed to let me turn a toggle a run button on and off in a game (instead of having to hold it down). It works, but I'd like to know how.
$w:: Gosub, AutorunToggleME2
~s:: Gosub, AutoRunOffME2
toggle := !toggle
Send % "{w " . ((Toggle) ? ("down") : ("up")) . "}"
toggle = ; Off
Send {w up}
Specifically, I'd like what the following lines do:
Send % "{w " . ((Toggle) ? ("down") : ("up")) . "}"
Send {w up}
The code is pretending to hold down w. The basic Send syntax is explained here.
To hold down or release a key: Enclose in braces the name of the key
followed by the word Down or Up. For example:
Send {b down}{b up}
Send {TAB down}{TAB up}
Send {Up down} ; Press down the up-arrow key.
Sleep 1000 ; Keep it down for one second.
Send {Up up} ; Release the up-arrow key.
So this line:
Send {w up}
Clearly is releasing w.
The other line is more complicated:
Send % "{w " . ((Toggle) ? ("down") : ("up")) . "}"
You can find explanations of the relevant syntax here.
% says that the following text is an expression.
The . is a string-concatenation operator.
This part ((Toggle) ? ("down") : ("up")) is the conditional operator (a.k.a ternary operator). It's shorthand for an if/else statement. In this case, when Toggle is true, it returns "down", otherwise it returns "up".
This works out to either Send {w down} or Send {w up} depending on the value of Toggle (true or false)

How to toggle a set of keybinds on and off?

I am trying to set up a group of keybinds that I can toggle on and off with a single button press but haven't been able to find any examples anywhere.
I want ^NumpadSub to toggle these different keybinds to turn them on and off when I press ^NumpadSub.
Can anyone help on how I would set up the code to do so?
When these are the ONLY ones, you could add one more hotkey:
This will suspend ALL hotkeys (except the one that is used for toggling suspend on/off)
Otherwise you would have to use the actual hotkey function ( which allows you to turn hotkeys on/off, but the hotkey function refers to labels: (go to addresses).
If you want to ONLY have these keys act a certain way when you use ONE particular application (Game), you can use the #IfWinActive command.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, Notepad ; Start of Notepad specific keys.
a::Send, Haha
b::SoundBeep, 500, 500
#IfWinActive ; End of Notepad specific keys.
In that situation, Check out if this works for you! I added $ signs in front of w and s because hitting q and z would trigger the execution of w and s
Hotkey, q , MyQ, On
Hotkey, z , MyZ, On
Hotkey, $w , MyW, On
Hotkey, $s , MyS, On
Hotkey, q , % (KeyToggle ? "Off": "On")
Hotkey, z , % (KeyToggle ? "Off": "On")
Hotkey, $w , % (KeyToggle ? "Off": "On")
Hotkey, $s , % (KeyToggle ? "Off": "On")
SendInput, w
SendInput, s
SendInput, {Up}
SendInput, {Down}