Proper handling of std.getopt.GetOptException - command-line

What is the proper handling of the std.getopt.GetOptException Exception that is thrown when a required command line argument is missing.
Declaring an argument being required throws the following error which is way too verbose:
std.getopt.GetOptException#/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/getopt.d(755): Required option file|f was not supplied
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/format.d-mixin-1127:1138 #safe std.getopt.GetoptResult std.getopt.getopt!(std.getopt.config, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[]*, std.getopt.config, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[]*, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], bool*, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], bool*).getopt(ref immutable(char)[][], std.getopt.config, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[]*, std.getopt.config, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[]*, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], bool*, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], bool*) [0xbb5a9d1]
source/app.d:11 _Dmain [0xbb58996]
std.getopt.GetOptException#/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/getopt.d(755): Required option key|k was not supplied
Use the following code to reproduce it:
import std.stdio;
import std.getopt;
int main(string[] args)
string key;
string inputFile;
bool encrypt;
bool decrypt;
auto result = getopt(
"key|k", "The key to use", &key,
"file|f", "The file to encrypt/decrypt", &inputFile,
"encrypt|e", "Encrypt the file", &encrypt,
"decrypt|d", "Decrypt the file", &decrypt
if (result.helpWanted) {
defaultGetoptPrinter("Some information about the program.", result.options);
return 0;

A reasonable way to do this is to wrap the getopt call in a try-catch block, catch any error, and write only the error message part before exiting. This will avoid the writing the stack trace, which is not helpful to most users. Modifying the above example:
import std.stdio;
import std.getopt;
int main(string[] args)
string key;
string inputFile;
bool encrypt;
bool decrypt;
try {
auto result = getopt(
"key|k", "The key to use", &key,
"file|f", "The file to encrypt/decrypt", &inputFile,
"encrypt|e", "Encrypt the file", &encrypt,
"decrypt|d", "Decrypt the file", &decrypt
if (result.helpWanted) {
defaultGetoptPrinter("Some information about the program.", result.options);
catch (Exception e) {
stderr.writefln("Error processing command line arguments: %s", e.msg);
return 1;
return 0;
The error message when run:
Error processing command line arguments: Required option file|f was not supplied
There's a thread on the D language 'Learn' forum related to this that might be useful: What's the proper way to use std.getopt?. I've written some open source command line tools that are a bit more extensive examples, eg. tsv-sample.d.


Debug "An item with the same key has already been added" exception

I took a crash dump of my application when I got the "An item with the same key has already been added" exception. I need help finding which object caused this exception. I could print the exception but couldn't figure out how to find the exact key that caused the exception.
This is likely the state you have:
(3250.7ec): CLR exception - code e0434352 (!!! second chance !!!)
0:000> .loadby sos clr
0:000> !pe
Exception object: 030c31e8
Exception type: System.ArgumentException
Message: An item with the same key has already been added.
InnerException: <none>
StackTrace (generated):
SP IP Function
010FEE1C 6045F705 mscorlib_ni!System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(System.ExceptionResource)+0x35
010FEE2C 609410C7 mscorlib_ni!System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib],[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Insert(System.__Canon, System.__Canon, Boolean)+0xc6af67
010FEE60 5FD4B310 mscorlib_ni!System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib],[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Add(System.__Canon, System.__Canon)+0x10
010FEE68 017004F5 KeyAlreadyAdded!KeyAlreadyAdded.Program.Main()+0x45
In the native call stack, you can see the call to Dictionary.Add() again, but with the additional information for the frame number:
0:000> k
# ChildEBP RetAddr
00 010fecb0 618fac03 KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x62
01 010fed4c 618fae08 clr!RaiseTheExceptionInternalOnly+0x27c
02 010fee14 6045f705 clr!IL_Throw+0x141
03 010fee24 609410c7 mscorlib_ni!System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(System.ExceptionResource)$##6000335+0x35
04 010fee50 5fd4b310 mscorlib_ni![COLD] System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.__Canon,System.__Canon].Insert(System.__Canon, System.__Canon, Boolean)$##6003922+0x87
05 010fee68 6181ebe6 mscorlib_ni!System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.__Canon,System.__Canon].Add(System.__Canon, System.__Canon)$##6003915+0x10
At the Insert() method, you can use the ebx register to get the key:
0:000> .frame /r 4
04 010fee50 5fd4b310 mscorlib_ni![COLD] System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.__Canon,System.__Canon].Insert(System.__Canon, System.__Canon, Boolean)$##6003922+0x87
eax=010fec58 ebx=030c2364 ecx=00000005 edx=00000000 esi=030c23b0 edi=030c2364
0:000> !do 030c2364
Name: System.String
MethodTable: 5fdefd60
EEClass: 5f9c4e90
Size: 22(0x16) bytes
File: C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll
String: this
So in this case, the duplicate key being added is the string "this". Here's the code:
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace KeyAlreadyAdded
class Program
static Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string> {{"this", "was already inside"}};
static void Main()
dict.Add("that", "goes in easily");
dict.Add("this", "however, causes a duplicate key exception");

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot obtain Writer because OutputStream is already in use

I am getting the below error when trying to download file in liferay
05:03:35,867 ERROR [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'][PortletRequestDispatcherImpl:115] org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: View rendering failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot obtain Writer because OutputStream is already in use
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: View rendering failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot obtain Writer because OutputStream is already in use
at org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewRendererServlet.processRequest(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewRendererServlet.doGet(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot obtain Writer because OutputStream is already in use
at com.liferay.portlet.MimeResponseImpl.getWriter(
at com.liferay.portlet.PortletServletResponse.getWriter(
at com.netcracker.portal.framework.spring.templates.view.SoyDataView.renderMergedOutputModel(
and below is the code, i tried searching online but none of them have worked
String defaultFileName = "hello.pdf";
resourceResponse.addProperty(GenericServiceTransport.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename= hello.pdf" );
try {
out = resourceResponse.getPortletOutputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
As first item I'd try to remove the flushBuffer call. You probably get the exception in the line following it, and flushing the buffer surely will use the output stream.
If that doesn't help, please add mute code, e.g. the complete method including its signature

Error while loading PowerShell ISE. Unable to run cmdlets

When I try to open PowerShell in my server it shows below error on loading:
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data
file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C
:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml: The file was
skipped because of the followin g validation exception: File
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml cannot be
loade d because its operation is blocked by software restriction
policies, such as those created by using Group Policy.. Errors
occurred while loading the format data file:
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, , C:\Windows\System32
\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\DotNetTypes.format.ps1xml: The file was
skipped because of the following val idation exception: File
cannot be loaded because its operation is blocked by software
restriction policies, such as those created b y using Group Policy..
Errors occurred while loading the format data file:
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, , C:\Windows\System32
\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\FileSystem.format.ps1xml: The file was skipped
because of the following vali dation exception: File
cannot be loaded because its operation is blocked by software
restriction policies, such as those created by using Group Policy..
Errors occurred while loading the format data file:
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, , C:\Windows\System32
\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShellCore.format.ps1xml: The file was
skipped because of the following validation exception: File
c annot be loaded because its operation is blocked by software
restriction policies, such as those cre ated by using Group Policy..
The 'set-variable' command was found in the module
'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility', but the module could not be
loaded.For more information, run 'Import-Module
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'.At line:0 char:0
Rest of the logged in users are able to run scripts but i'm unable to.
When I try to run any cmdlet for example
write-host 'test'
I get an error like this
writeErrorStream : True Exception :
System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException: The
'write-host' command was found in the module
'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility', but the module could
not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'. --->
System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: File
cannot be loaded because its operation is
blocked by software restriction policies, such as those created by using Group Policy. --->
System.Management.Automation.PSSecurityException: File
cannot be loaded because its operation is
blocked by software restriction policies, such as those created by using Group Policy. --->
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: File
cannot be loaded because its operation is
blocked by software restriction policies, such as those created by using Group Policy.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Management.Automation.AuthorizationManager.ShouldRunInternal(CommandInfo
commandInfo, CommandOrigin origin, PSHost host)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.GetScriptInfoForFile(String
fileName, String& scriptName, Boolean checkExecutionPolicy)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.LoadModule(PSModuleInfo
parentModule, String fileName, String moduleBase, String prefix,
ss, Object privateData, ImportModuleOptions& options, ManifestProcessingFlags manifestProcessingFlags, Boolean&
found, Boolean& moduleFileFound)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.LoadModuleNamedInManifest(PSModuleInfo
parentModule, ModuleSpecification moduleSpecification, String
moduleBase, Boolean searchModulePath, String prefix, SessionState ss, ImportModuleOptions options,
ManifestProcessingFlags manifestProcessingFlags, Boolean
loadTypesFiles, Boolean loadFormatFiles, Object privateData, Boolean& found, String shortModuleName)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.LoadModuleManifest(String
moduleManifestPath, ExternalScriptInfo scriptInfo, Hashtable data,
localizedData, ManifestProcessingFlags manifestProcessingFlags, Version version, Version requiredVersion,
Nullable1 requiredModuleGuid,
ImportModuleOptions& options, Boolean& containedErrors)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.LoadModuleManifest(ExternalScriptInfo
scriptInfo, ManifestProcessingFlags manifestProcessingFlags,
Version version, Version requiredVersion, Nullable1 requiredModuleGuid, ImportModuleOptions& options)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.LoadModule(PSModuleInfo
parentModule, String fileName, String moduleBase, String prefix,
ss, Object privateData, ImportModuleOptions& options, ManifestProcessingFlags manifestProcessingFlags, Boolean&
found, Boolean& moduleFileFound)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand.ImportModule_LocallyViaName(ImportModuleOptions
importModuleOptions, String name)
at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand.ProcessRecord()
at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineBase.Invoke(IEnumerable
at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Worker.ConstructPipelineAndDoWork(Runspace
rs, Boolean performSyncInvoke)
at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.CoreInvokeHelper[TInput,TOutput](PSDataCollection1
input, PSDataCollection1 output, PSInvocationSettings
at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.CoreInvoke[TInput,TOutput](PSDataCollection1
input, PSDataCollection1 output, PSInvocationSettings settings)
at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.InvokeT
at System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.AutoloadSpecifiedModule(String
moduleName, ExecutionContext context, SessionStateEntryVisibility
visibility, Exception& exception)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.TryModuleAutoDiscovery(String
commandName, ExecutionContext context, String originalCommandName,
CommandOrigin commandOrigin, SearchResolutionOptions searchResolutionOptions, CommandTypes
commandTypes, Exception& lastError)
at System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandInfo(String
commandName, CommandTypes commandTypes, SearchResolutionOptions
searchResolutionOptions, CommandOrigin commandOrigin, ExecutionContext context)
at System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandProcessor(String
commandName, CommandOrigin commandOrigin, Nullable1 useLocalScope)
at System.Management.Automation.ExecutionContext.CreateCommand(String
command, Boolean dotSource)
at System.Management.Automation.PipelineOps.AddCommand(PipelineProcessor
pipe, CommandParameterInternal[] commandElements, CommandBaseAst
CommandRedirection[] redirections, ExecutionContext context)
at System.Management.Automation.PipelineOps.InvokePipeline(Object input,
Boolean ignoreInput, CommandParameterInternal[][] pipeElements,
pipeElementAsts, CommandRedirection[][] commandRedirections, FunctionContext funcContext)
at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.ActionCallInstruction6.Run(InterpretedFrame
at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame
frame) TargetObject : write-host CategoryInfo :
ObjectNotFound: (write-host:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotAutoloadMatchingModule ErrorDetails
: InvocationInfo : System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo
ScriptStackTrace : at , : line 1
PipelineIterationInfo : {}
please suggest me a solution to overcome this error.
On the context, I can see that powershell is not able to load any of the default modules. Not only that but also it is failing to understand the ps1xml files.
This issue happens when a system is having some critical issue.
I believe you should do a system restore or you should try a deep scan using sfc.
Hope this helps you

Talend - The import org.apache cannot be resolved

I've created a custom Talend component, which at certain step connects to an external Http service. For that, I'm using org.apache.commons.httpclient through javajet imports. I've seen the modules already exist in the Modules view. Nevertheless, when running a job the console outputs:
Execution failed : Failed to generate code.
1. ERROR in /Users/frb/Downloads/TOS_DI-20160510_1709-V6.2.0/workspace/.JETEmitters/src/org/talend/designer/codegen/translators/ngsi/orion/ (at line 14)
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*;
The import org.apache cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Users/frb/Downloads/TOS_DI-20160510_1709-V6.2.0/workspace/.JETEmitters/src/org/talend/designer/codegen/translators/ngsi/orion/ (at line 15)
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*;
The import org.apache cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Users/frb/Downloads/TOS_DI-20160510_1709-V6.2.0/workspace/.JETEmitters/src/org/talend/designer/codegen/translators/ngsi/orion/ (at line 16)
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams;;
The import org.apache cannot be resolved
3 problems (3 errors)
Any hints about how to fix this issue? My Talend version is 6.2.0.
This is my begin code:
<%# jet
// Get the CID
CodeGeneratorArgument codeGenArgument = (CodeGeneratorArgument) argument;
INode node = (INode)codeGenArgument.getArgument();
String cid = node.getUniqueName();
// Get the component parameters
String orionEndpoint = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__ORION_ENDPOINT__");
String authEndpoint = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__AUTH_ENDPOINT__");
String authUsername = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__AUTH_USERNAME__");
String authPassword = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__AUTH_PASSWORD__");
String entityIdField = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__ENTITY_ID_FIELD__");
String entityTypeField = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__ENTITY_TYPE_FIELD__");
String defaultEntityType = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__DEFAULT_ENTITY_TYPE__");
String ignoredFilds = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__IGNORED_FIELDS__");
System.out.println("I am the begin section");
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
PostMethod method = new PostMethod(<%=authEndpoint%>);
method.setRequestHeader(new Header("Content-Type", "application/json"));
method.setRequestBody("{\"username\":\"" + <%=authUsername%> + "\",\"password\":\"" + <%=authPassword%> + "\"}");
try {
int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
System.err.println("Method failed: " + method.getStatusLine());
} // if
byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();
System.out.println(new String(responseBody));
} catch (HttpException e) {
System.err.println("Fatal protocol violation: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
} // try
I've added the following to my Component Descriptor file:
Now, in the modules view I'm able to see the following:
Sadly, the component outputs the same errors.
After removing the imports and using fully qualified names, as suggested by #Balazs Gunics, the code seems to be generated. Nevertheless, some other errors related to commons-httpclient arise at running time:
Starting job job_tOrionAppend at 08:20 21/06/2016.
[statistics] connecting to socket on port 3916
[statistics] connected
I am the begin section
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.<clinit>(
at iotp_talend_connectors.job_torionappend_0_1.job_tOrionAppend.tMysqlInput_1Process(
at iotp_talend_connectors.job_torionappend_0_1.job_tOrionAppend.tMysqlConnection_1Process(
at iotp_talend_connectors.job_torionappend_0_1.job_tOrionAppend.runJobInTOS(
at iotp_talend_connectors.job_torionappend_0_1.job_tOrionAppend.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
[statistics] disconnected
[statistics] disconnected
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 5 more
Job job_tOrionAppend ended at 08:20 21/06/2016. [exit code=1]
So in the begin.javajet code of yours the following code will only import these libraries for the code generation itself. But you need them to the generated code.
Generating java using java makes it hard to oversee this.
<%# jet
So what you need is to have these imports added to the generated code. Well that is not really possible :( To do that you need to modify the xml descriptor for your component.
So your imports are right. All you have to do is make sure you use the fully qualified names. I.e.: This piece of code:
System.out.println("I am the begin section");
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
PostMethod method = new PostMethod(<%=authEndpoint%>);
Have to be rewritten to look like this:
System.out.println("I am the begin section");
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient client =
new org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient();
org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod method =
new org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod(<%=authEndpoint%>);
Yes, it would be way more elegant if we could import the classes and use them.

rmi java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: RMIServerImpl_Stub

when i start rmiserver implementation class it displays this error message
Remote exception: java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server t
hread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested excep
tion is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: RMIServerImpl_Stub
commands ran
start rmiregistry
start java RMIServerImpl
what can i do to resolve this. Please help
This is my rmi server code
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.rmi.registry.*;
public class RMIServerImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements RMIServer {
RMIServerImpl() throws RemoteException {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
RMIServerImpl Server = new RMIServerImpl();
Naming.rebind("SAMPLE-SERVER", Server);
System.out.println("Server waiting.....");
} catch ( mue) {
System.out.println("Malformed URL: " + mue.toString());
} catch (RemoteException re) {
System.out.println("Remote exception: " + re.toString());
Sounds like you didn't run the rmic compiler to generate stubs and skeletons.
It's been so long since I've done raw RMI by hand that I don't know if that step is still required. But it was the last time I did RMI.
If you did run rmic, then I'd guess that you didn't package the stub and skeleton properly with the server and client sides. If you can find those .class files, check your packaging and deployment.