Using PREMIRRORS in Bitbake configuration - yocto

How do I use PREMIRRORS in Bitbake local configurations or recipes?
I want to provide my own download locations for some slow or inaccessible third-party URLs, but the official PREMIRRORS documentation is vague and lacks examples.

Note: These results are based on experimentation with Yocto 2.3, but probably apply to 2.5 as well.
A simple example
Suppose that your recipe file contains this target URL:
SRC_URI = ""
Then in your local.conf, you can define your custom download location as:
PREMIRRORS_prepend = "http://download\.example\.com:8080/.*\n"
In this default case (with no special placeholders) Bitbake does not include the additional /foo/bar path elements, and instead tries to download just the filename from
Advanced examples
These samples use special predefined placeholders, which are detailed in the next section.
HTTP/HTTPS with same file structure
Recipe: SRC_URI = ""
Setting: PREMIRRORS_prepend = "http(s)?://example\.com(:\d+)?/.* http://mirror.local/PATH\n"
Attempts: http://mirror.local/foo/
HTTP/HTTPS with flat structure
Recipe: SRC_URI = ""
Setting: PREMIRRORS_prepend = "http(s)?://example\.com(:\d+)?/.* http://mirror.local/MIRRORNAME\n"
Attempts: http://mirror.local/
Just switch the hostname
Recipe: SRC_URI = ""
Setting: PREMIRRORS_prepend = "(\w+)://example\.com(:\d+)?/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH\n"
Attempts: ftp://mirrors.local/foo/
Placeholders in replacement URI
PREMIRRORS parses all matched URIs and provides five special placeholder values in the target URI. Supposing the matched URI is
TYPE https
PATH foo/bar/baz.txt
BASENAME baz.txt
Altering the PREMIRRORS variable
The PREMIRRORS variable consists of series of lines (separated by \n) each with a regular expression to match a URI, and then a replacement string, with both portions separated by a space.
Bitbake tries them in order of appearance, and you generally want your private mirrors to take priority, so prepend onto PREMIRRORS, ex:
PREMIRRORS_prepend = "http://original/location/.* http://alternate/location/\n"
What file should I edit?
You can add entries to PREMIRRORS inside your bitbake recipes, but it is not recommended, since a major use of PREMIRRORS is for people reusing your recipe in some other context or location.
Instead, you can put it inside your local.conf file in an existing build directory. Alternately, edit the source template which Poky script use when creating a new local.conf in a fresh build-directory.
Other questions
The SOURCE_MIRROR_URL is a quick way to add a series of PREMIRROR entries for all supported protocols. For example, this setting:
INHERIT += "own-mirrors"
SOURCE_MIRROR_URL = "TYPE://mirror.local/PATH"
is the same as writing:
PREMIRRORS_prepend = "\
cvs://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
svn://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
git://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
gitsm://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
hg://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
bzr://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
p4://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
osc://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
https?$://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
ftp://.*/.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
npm://.*/?.* TYPE://mirror.local/PATH \
It seems the INHERIT+SOURCE_MIRROR_URL directives will still work if used in your local.conf (as opposed to a particular recipe.) However, Bitbake will emit warnings, so it may not be the intended use-case. Ex:
WARNING: Invalid protocol in PREMIRRORS: ('cvs://.*/.*', 'TYPE://mirror.local/PATH')
How can I check and debug my settings?
The -D debug flag will cause bitbake to emit information about what URLs it attempts to download from. You can also use -C do_fetch, which will force it to try the fetch step and re-download anything needed for the given recipe.
bitbake -D -C do_fetch software-recipe-name-here
Here's some example debug output, showing the PREMIRROR URL it attempts to access:
DEBUG: some-software-1.0 do_fetch: Trying PREMIRRORS
DEBUG: some-software-1.0 do_fetch: Fetcher accessed the network with the command /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/user/build_foo/DL_DIR 'http://mirror.local/path/to/the/filename.ext
If you need to experiment and run bitbake many times, it will be faster to temporarily put your new PREMIRRORS_prepend directive into a particular test-recipe, as opposed to modifying the local.conf. This is because Bitbake won't need to re-parse all the other recipes whenever you change it.
What if I want to isolate a port-number, e.g. http://host:123/foo?
Apparently there's no easy way to get the 123 on its own. While PREMIRRORS allows you to match with regular expressions, it does not seem to support using captured text from the match inside the replacement URI.
The port number is present inside HOST and MIRRORNAME, but there's no standard mechanism to split those values apart.

Fllow up. What if I want to isolate a port-number, e.g. http://host:123/foo?
Maybe you can use captured.
org: ""
reg: "\d+)?/.*"
sub: "\1/somedir3"
result: ""


yocto-bitbake mirror keep branch

for my yocto project I'm mirroring to my repo to a private one, it's working fine for basic SRC_URI, but for url that have a branch defined it will erase it and bring the default one (master), making it fail since the branch referenced in the original uri was a tag.
DEBUG: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision xxx_git_commit_hash_xxx in branch master even from upstream
In my .bb file:
SRC_URI = "git://;branch=3.11.x \
and in my local.conf (in the build folder) for the mirroring i have:
PREMIRRORS_prepend ?= "\
git://.*/.* git://${SOURCE_TOMYMIRROR}/HOST/PATH;protocol=ssh\n \
(Yes i want to keep HOST and PATH as path to get the repo)
I can see in the logs that my repo is correctly fetch, but the "new" url is without branch and I can't find a way to keep the .bb one
I tried to understand and look at the documentation, but i don't see a way to keep a specific parameter (like the HOST and PATH variable)
So i tried to look at the which define the rules, but i couldn't figure out if it's possible.
I think the right notation would be specifying the branch as well into the premirror URL.
SOURCE_MIRROR_URL = "git://${SOURCE_TOMYMIRROR};protocol=ssh;branch=3.11.x"
PREMIRRORS_prepend = " git://.*/.* ${SOURCE_MIRROR_URL} \
Yes it did work,i didn't need premirror_prepend, here's mine :
INHERIT += "own-mirrors"
And if i want to add new url mirror i can use Mirror
git://.*/.* ${SOURCE_TOMYMIRROR_2}/HOST/PATH \n \
https?$://.*/.* ${SOURCE_TOMYMIRROR_2}/HOST/PATH \n \

Yocto: how to configure an out-of-tree kernel module recipe that uses "inherit module"?

I have written a simple inherit module recipe to build a third-party out-of-tree kernel module called u-dma-buf:
SUMMARY = "User space mappable DMA Buffer"
LICENSE = "BSD-2-Clause"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=bebf0492502927bef0741aa04d1f35f5"
inherit module
SRC_URI = "git://"
SRCREV = "9b943d49abc9c92a464e4c71e83d1c479ebbf80e"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "kernel-module-u-dma-buf"
This works correctly and generates the module file /lib/modules/[version]/extra/u-dma-buf.ko in the image.
However, looking at the docs there is an option that can be enabled: CONFIG_U_DMA_BUF_MGR that is disabled by default. If I can somehow enable this, then I can expect to find /lib/modules/[version]/extra/u-dma-buf-mgr.ko in the image also.
The project has a Kconfig file. Does bitbake have support for integrating Kbuild configuration outside of the kernel tree? If so, how do I hook into this and enable CONFIG_U_DMA_BUF_MGR? And if not, what's my best option, other than patching the Kconfig file to change the default to "y"? (EDIT: this probably won't work, as kernel sources need to be modified to incorporate Kbuild anyway - so probably a dead end unless it's a specific feature of bitbake I haven't encountered yet).
I see that the upstream Makefile also has the option CONFIG_U_DMA_BUF_MGR=m that could be used to enable this feature outside of Kbuild. I'm not sure how to pass that to the make command line though - would I need to write a custom do_compile task? Looking at the module.bbclass code, I can't see any provision for passing such an option to oe_runmake. Should I just copy/paste module_do_compile() from module.bbclass and add CONFIG_U_DMA_BUF_MGR=m? Is that the best way to do this?
So my question is, given I'm using inherit module, what is the proper way to enable this configuration option, given the recipe I have?
According to the Yocto kernel development docs:
If your module Makefile uses a different variable, you might want to override the do_compile step
That suggests to me that the correct and intended course of action in this case is to copy/paste module_do_compile() as a do_compile() override, and modify accordingly (add CONFIG_U_DMA_BUF_MGR=m):
do_compile() {
Additionally, add the new module to RPROVIDES_${PN}:
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "kernel-module-u-dma-buf kernel-module-u-dma-buf-mgr"

How bitbake searches for recipe in build process?

I am trying to find out that how bitbake search for recipe in build process ?
For example,
I have a recipe something like below:
DESCRIPTION = "PetaLinux GSTREAMER supported packages"
inherit packagegroup
gstreamer1.0 \
gstreamer1.0-python \
gstreamer1.0-meta-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server \
gst-shark \
gstd \
gst-perf \
gst-interpipes \
GSTREAMER_PACKAGES_append_zynqmp = " gstreamer1.0-omx"
When I searched gstreamer1.0 related recipe in yocto layers, I found two recipe, one of them is in meta layer, and the other is gstreamer1.0_%.bbappend in meta-petalinux layer.
Both of these layers was added to the BBLAYERS in bblayers.conf file and the priorities that spesified with BBFILE_PRIORITY_* in related layer's layer.conf file is same.
Which recipe will be used in build process in that case ?
What is the recipe lookup rules in yocto ?
I changed somethings to understand the behaviour:
For example,
I entered the invalid github URL that spesified in gstreamer1.0_%.bbappend recipe. When I tried to build the linux system, I encountered with an error. Thats fine.
Then I corrected the github URL in this recipe and entered invalid source code address that spesified in recipe. When I tried to build linux system, process finished successfully.
Then I increased the priority of meta layer. I supposed to encounter with an error in this case but again build process finished successfully.
Could you please help me to understand this behaviour ?
You have two different files: a .bb and a .bbappend.
A .bb is the base recipe of one (or multiple) packages. It generally describe how to fetch, configure, compile, install files in a package for your target.
A .bbappend file is an 'append' file. It allows a meta (here meta-petalinux) to modify an existing recipe in another meta without copying it. A .bbappend can modify any steps of the bb file: source fetch, configure, compile, install...
You can for example create your own bbappend of Gstreamer, to enable pango (disbaled by default on my Yocto). The bbappend filename is gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_%.bbappend and only contains PACKAGECONFIG_append = "pango"
The Yocto Manual can give you more information on bbappend files here.

Yocto: Install different config files based on MACHINE type or target image

I've got a couple of HW platforms (same cpu, etc.) that require different asound.conf files.
The way that I'm controlling the target platform is via the MACHINE variable and target image (i.e., MACHINE=machine_1 nice bitbake machine-1-bringup-image)
Normally, if just replacing the conf file I'd just create an alsa-state.bbappend and create a do_install_append function to replace it.
However since the different HW platforms require differ conf files I'm unsure how to handle it.
I've tried putting some logic into the append file do_install_append function but it's not working out. It's not always picking up the correct file (like it thinks that nothing has changed so that it uses the previous cached conf?)
Here's an example of one of the append files that I've tried:
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI += " \ file://asound_MACHINE1.conf \
file://asound_MACHINE2.conf \ "
do_install_append() {
echo " alsa-state.bbappend MACHINE: ${MACHINE}"
if [ "${MACHINE}" = "machine_1" ]; then
echo " machine_1"
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE1.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE1.conf {D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE2.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE2.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
I can see the correct echoes in the logs per the logic.
At any rate I don't think that the path I'm going down is the best way to deal with this.
Is there a 'standard' way to have different files installed based on either the target image or MACHINE variable?
do_install_append () {
// install common things here
do_install_append_machine-1 () {
// install machine-1 specific things here
do_install_append_machine-2 () {
// install machine-2 specific things here
The value of MACHINE is automatically added to OVERRIDES, which can be used at the end of a function append to have a MACHINE-specific addition to a function.
Maybe useful:
You can have configuration files in machine specific directories in your particular case (just a specific configuration file for each machine). OpenEmbedded will fetch the most specific one. The directory structure in your recipe directory will look like:
And your alsa-state.bbappend will contain just one line (you don't need to change do_install because already installs asound.conf):
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
BTW: We are using that setup to have specific asound.state file per machine in our project.
Moreover, OpenEmbedded will detect that SRC_URI contains machine specific file and change the PACKAGE_ARCH accordingly, see:
Few more words on machine, distro or arch specific files: OE is trying to fetch the most specific file in file:// fetcher. It searches also in the directories named by distro (e.g files/<distro>/asound.conf) and architecture (e.g. armv7a, arm). It might be useful if you want to have file specific for some set of devices. More information: and also (section "Place Machine-Specific Files in Machine-Specific Locations")
The above answer by clsulliv worked better than advertised. For future reference below is the append file I used:
SRC_URI += " \
file://machine1_asound.conf \
file://machine2_asound.conf \
do_install_append_machine1() {
echo " machine1"
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/machine1_asound.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/machine1_asound.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
do_install_append_machine2() {
echo " machine2"
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/machine2_asound.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/machine2_asound.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
Thanks for the help!

How can I change the installation path of an autotools-based Bitbake recipe?

I have an autotools-based BitBake recipe which I would like to have binaries installed in /usr/local/bin and libraries installed in /usr/local/lib (instead of /usr/bin and /usr/lib, which are the default target directories).
Here's a part of the autotools.bbclass file which I found important.
--host=${HOST_SYS} \
--target=${TARGET_SYS} \
--prefix=${prefix} \
--exec_prefix=${exec_prefix} \
--bindir=${bindir} \
--sbindir=${sbindir} \
--libexecdir=${libexecdir} \
--datadir=${datadir} \
--sysconfdir=${sysconfdir} \
--sharedstatedir=${sharedstatedir} \
--localstatedir=${localstatedir} \
--libdir=${libdir} \
I thought that the easiest way to accomplish what I wanted to do would be to simply change ${bindir} and ${libdir}, or perhaps change ${prefix} to /usr/local, but I haven't had any success in this area. Is there a way to change these installation variables, or am I thinking about this in the wrong way?
Strategy 1
As per Ross Burton's suggestion, I've tried adding the following to my recipe:
but this causes the build to fail during that recipe's do_configure() task, and returns the following:
| checking for GLIB... no
| configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.12.3) were not met:
| No package 'glib-2.0' found
This package can be found during a normal build without these modified variables. I thought that adding the following line might allow the system to find the package metadata for glib:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH = " ${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr/lib/pkgconfig "
but this seems to have made no difference.
Strategy 2
I've also tried Ross Burton's other suggestion to add these variable assignments into my distribution's configuration file, but this causes it to fail during meta/recipes-extended/tzdata's do_install() task. It returns that DEFAULT_TIMEZONE is set to an invalid value. Here's the source of the error from
# Install default timezone
if [ -e ${D}${datadir}/zoneinfo/${DEFAULT_TIMEZONE} ]; then
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
echo ${DEFAULT_TIMEZONE} > ${D}${sysconfdir}/timezone
ln -s ${datadir}/zoneinfo/${DEFAULT_TIMEZONE} ${D}${sysconfdir}/localtime
bberror "DEFAULT_TIMEZONE is set to an invalid value."
exit 1
I'm assuming that I've got a problem with ${datadir}, which references ${prefix}.
Do you want to change paths for everything or just one recipe? Not sure why you'd want to change just one recipe to /usr/local, but whatever.
If you want to change all of them, then the simple way is to set prefix in your local.conf or distro configuration (prefix = "/usr/local").
If you want to do it in a particular recipe, then just assigning prefix="/usr/local" and exec_prefix="/usr/local" in the recipe will work.
These variables are defined in meta/conf/bitbake.conf, where you can see that bindir is $exec_prefix/bin, which is probably why assigning prefix didn't work for you.
Your first strategy was on the right track, but you were clobbering more than you wanted by changing only "prefix". If you look in sources/poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf you'll find everything you are clobbering when you set the variable "prefix" to something other than "/usr" (like it was in my case). In order to modify only the install path with what would manually be the "--prefix" option to configure, I needed to set all the variables listed here in that recipe: