Unity 5: Game view - Run Time - SpaceBar Causing Issue - unity3d

Game View- Camera Display
When I click the Space Bar for the player to jump, the Display drop down menu pops up and the player doesn't jump. However, the player can move upon all key presses.
Here's the information that I have:
1) Everything worked and functioned properly.
2) I added a health bar to my boss.
3) I created a second canvas (First canvas was for my Player's HP).
4) I made the Boss HP bar render mode: World Space.
5) I attached the canvas to the boss controller in the hierarchy as a child.
6) The code I use for Player Jump is Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space).
7) The mouse curser is inside the Game View whilst testing the SpaceBar Jump.
8) I'm developing in Unity 2018 5.3 2D mode.
Official Question('s):
1) Why does the Spacebar causing the camera display drop menu to appear?
2) How do I fix this?
Edit / Additional Content:
Here's my Jump script
public float jump1 = 5.0f;
private bool onGround;
//private bool dblJump; //Not implemented yet
public Rigidbody player;
void Start () {
player = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
onGround = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (onGround == true) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift))// KeyCode.Space
player.velocity = new Vector3(0, jump1, 0);
onGround = false;
// Debug.Log("The onGround is False");
Keep in mind that I have temporarily changed my jump to LeftShift. However, my problem persist with the space bar, even when I click it with left shift as my jump. SpaceBar seems to summon the drop down menu for the camera display. (I can't seem to catch the drop down menu with a screen shot because it goes away upon a click)
Also Note - I'm inside a class called PlayerJump : MonoBehavior.

It seems like it's a known issue with some versions of Unity 5.3, I have a few solutions you can try :
Drag you game window somewhere else in the editor
Enable the "Maximise on play" button
Attach this script to your drop-down element :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class DropdownScript : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler {
void Start()
dropDown = GetComponent<Dropdown>();
dropDown.interactable = false;
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData ped)
dropDown.interactable = true;
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData ped)
dropDown.interactable = false;
Otherwise update you Unity version if it's not the latest release? I am not experiencing this issue but many other users are apparently.


Unity 2D How to set touch button?

I make a game for android and i need to have UI Joystick and UI Attack Button on the game screen. I already have the workable Joystick and Attack Button on Space key for keyboard.
Can someone told me how should i switch code from keyboard Input to Touch Input?
P.S. i'm sorry for my english.
if (Time.time >= nextAttackTime)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
nextAttackTime = Time.time + 2.5f / attackRate;
try this one.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
//Make sure to attach these Buttons in the Inspector
public Button YourButton,
void Start()
void TaskOnClick(){ /// this method will active when press the button
if (Time.time >= nextAttackTime)
nextAttackTime = Time.time + 2.5f / attackRate;
Another way would be to work with the unity Button script, apply it to the GameObject that represents the Button. Under Target Graphic add the corresponding Object with the graphic. Under On Click() add an Event, put the gameobject that has your Attack Function in (None Object) and add the Attack function under Function.
here are some infos about how the button works:
edit: was also answered here Unity Button code not working

Player disappears on Game mode in Uniity 2D while switching scenes

I'm making a function that it switches 2 scenes.
When the player enters the trigger, automatically unity switches the scene and in the "Scene view", the player is there, as I wanted. But in the game view, the player dissappears, I don't know why.
I tried to remove a script that it's function is teleport the player to a specific point of the new scene, and it worked.
But obviously I don't want that, because unity automatically teleports the player to a random point, how can I fix that?
Here are the scripts:
public class EnterScene : MonoBehaviour
public string transitionName; //Also 1-1
void Start()
if (transitionName == PlayerController.sharedInstance.areaTransitionName)
PlayerController.sharedInstance.transform.position = transform.position; //Moves the player to GameObject position
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
https://pastebin.com/jdSPhR3s <-----SceneLoader
https://pastebin.com/KcwHVBfQ <----PlayerController
And a screenshot of my problem:

Unity multiplayer UI button script

I have a multiplayer 2D game made in Unity and I wanted to put some onscreen buttons to be able to control it on the telephone. The problem is that when I put the Event Trigger on the button it uses the function from the script that has to use, but it can't open other functions called in the main one. In my code, I try to open the function TryFireBullet() whenever I am pressing the button and Debug.Log shows me that TryFireBullet() is opened, but the functions inside it are not opened at all. (when I press the button, Debug.Log() shows me "works", "works2" and no "works3"..)
Any ideas why it does not work and how to fix it?
Here is the problem part of the code:
public void TryFireBullet()
//if (ultimul_glont == 0 || Time.time > ultimul_glont + Delay_Bullet)
ultimul_glont = Time.time;
public void CmdFireBullet()
GameObject bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, gunTip.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
Here is the full code:
p.s. I can not use just a main function for my button because I need Server Commands

How to prevent mouse clicks from passing through GUI controls and playing animation in Unity3D [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Detect mouse clicked on GUI
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Hi Guys need your help I faced problems with mouse clicks which pass through UI panel in Unity, that is, I have created pause menu and when I click Resume button, the game gets unpaused and the player plays Attack animation which is undesirable.What I want is when I click Resume button, Attack animation should not be played. The same problem if I just click on panel not necessarily a button and the more I click on UI panel the more Attack animation is played after I exit pause menu. Moreover, I have searched for solutions to this issue and was suggeted to use event system and event triggers but since my knowledge of Unity is at beginner level I could not properly implement it. Please guys help and sorry for my English if it is not clear)) Here is the code that I use:
The code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class PauseMenu : MonoBehaviour {
public static bool IsPaused = false;
public GameObject pauseMenuUI;
public GameObject Player;
private bool state;
private void Update() {
//When Escape button is clicked, the game has to freeze and pause menu has to pop up
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) {
if (IsPaused) {
else {
//Code for Resume button
public void Resume() {
//I was suggested to use event system but no result Attack animation still plays once I exit pause menu
if (EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) {
Time.timeScale = 1f;
IsPaused = false;
//this method is responsible for freezing the game and showing UI panel
private void Pause() {
Time.timeScale = 0f;
IsPaused = true;
//The code for Quit button
public void QuitGame() {
Im not sure if i understood your problem, but it sounds like somewhere in your code you start an attack when the player does a left click.
Now your problem is that this code is also executed when the player clicks on a UI element, for example in this case the Resume button?
You tried to fix this problem, by resetting the attack trigger of the animator, i think it would be a better solution to prevent the attack from starting instead of trying to reset it later.
EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() returns true if the mouse is over an UI element.
So you can use it to modify your code where you start your attack:
... add this check in your code where you want to start the attack
if(EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() == false)
// add your code to start your attack
Now your attack will only start if you are not over a UI element

Why the IK controller is not exist in the ThirdPersonController Animator component in the Inspector?

I'm trying to follow the instructions in the unity documents how to use Inverse Kinematics in this page:
Inverse Kinematics
But i don't have the IK Animator Controller when i select Controller for the Animator.
I tried adding the script now. But the hand the right hand is folded to the other side. It's not like it's holding the flash light: The script is attached to the ThirdPersonController. And i dragged to the script in the Inspector to the rightHandObj the EthanRightHand and to the lookObj i dragged the Flashlight.
But the hand seems to be wrong way.
This is the script i'm using now the IKControl:
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class IKControl : MonoBehaviour
protected Animator animator;
public bool ikActive = false;
public Transform rightHandObj = null;
public Transform lookObj = null;
void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
//a callback for calculating IK
void OnAnimatorIK()
if (animator)
//if the IK is active, set the position and rotation directly to the goal.
if (ikActive)
// Set the look target position, if one has been assigned
if (lookObj != null)
// Set the right hand target position and rotation, if one has been assigned
if (rightHandObj != null)
animator.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, 1);
animator.SetIKRotationWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, 1);
animator.SetIKPosition(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, rightHandObj.position);
animator.SetIKRotation(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, rightHandObj.rotation);
//if the IK is not active, set the position and rotation of the hand and head back to the original position
animator.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, 0);
animator.SetIKRotationWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, 0);
Add an empty game object to the flashlight and target that instead of the flashlight object itself. Hit play and then fiddle with the placement of the empty object until it is where you want it. Then just turn the flashlight into a prefab, stop play mode and make sure the flashlight in the scene matches the prefab (you can just use revert to do that if needed).
Now it would be doing exactly what you want every time. You could even have multiple prefabs with the empty object positioned differently to allow characters with larger or smaller hands to hold it convincingly.