Using if-guard in for-comprehension to check for existence - scala

My am making 3 database queries, each return a Future. I am trying to use for comprehension to resolve the Futures but it seems I am not using if correctly in for
Each query depends on result of previous one. I look for a token, if found, I look for user and it found, I update the user. Each database query returns a Future[Option]] and I thought I could considitionally perform the next query depending on whether the previous one returns Some or None. I am using isDefined for this. But when I ran the code for an invalid token, I got error [NoSuchElementException: None.get] for code userOption:Option[User]<-userRepo.findUser(tokenOption.get.loginInfo); if tokenOption.isDefined
def verifyUser(token:String) = Action.async {
implicit request => {
val result:Future[Result] = for{
//generator 1 - get token from database
tokenOption:Option[UserToken] <- userTokenRepo.find(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(token)))
//generator2. found token, look for corresponding user to which the token belongs
userOption:Option[User] <- userRepo.findUser(tokenOption.get.loginInfo); if tokenOption.isDefined
//generator 3. found user and token. Update profile
modifiedUser:Option[User] <- confirmSignupforUser(userOption.get); if userOption.isDefined
} yield
{ //check if we have user and token and modified user here. If any is missing, return error else success
if(tokenOption.isDefined && userOption.isDefined && modifiedUser.isDefined)
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=success")//TODOM - pick from config
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config
else if(userOption.isEmpty)
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config
else if(modifiedUser.isEmpty)
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config
else //this shouldn't happen. Unexpected
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config

Consider using OptionT
Have a look at my toned down implementation:
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.Await.result
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
type UserToken = String
type User = String
def fromToken(token: String): Future[Option[UserToken]] = Future.successful(None)
def findUser(userToken: UserToken): Future[Option[User]] = Future.successful(None)
def modify(user: User): Future[Option[User]] = Future.successful(None)
def verifyUser(token: String) = {
val result = for {
tokenOption: Option[UserToken] <- fromToken(token) //generator 1 - get token from database
userOption: Option[User] <- findUser(tokenOption.get);
if tokenOption.isDefined //generator2. found token, look for corresponding user to which the token belongs
modifiedUser: Option[User] <- modify(userOption.get);
if userOption.isDefined //generator 3. found user and token. Update profile
} yield { //check if we have user and token and modified user here. If any is missing, return error else success
if (tokenOption.isDefined && userOption.isDefined && modifiedUser.isDefined)
result(verifyUser("hello"), 1 second)
I used the following compile time flags, the last one is important:
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
"-encoding", "UTF-8",
Let's focus on this line of the compile output:
(((tokenOption: Option[Playground.this.UserToken]) => Playground.this.findUser(tokenOption.get).
withFilter(((check$ifrefutable$2: Option[Playground.this.User]) => (check$ifrefutable$2: Option[Playground.this.User] #unchecked) match {
case (userOption # (_: Option[Playground.this.User])) => true
case _ => false
You can see that the tokenOption.get is invoked before the withFilter. These gets are the source of the exception you get
The, almost complete output of the compile is:
[[syntax trees at end of typer]] // main.scala
import scala.concurrent.Future;
import scala.concurrent.Await.result;
import scala.concurrent.duration._;
import scala.language.postfixOps;
type UserToken = String;
type User = String;
def fromToken(token: String): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[Playground.this.UserToken]] = scala.concurrent.Future.successful[None.type](scala.None);
def findUser(userToken: Playground.this.UserToken): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[Playground.this.User]] = scala.concurrent.Future.successful[None.type](scala.None);
def modify(user: Playground.this.User): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[Playground.this.User]] = scala.concurrent.Future.successful[None.type](scala.None);
def verifyUser(token: String): scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = {
val result: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = Playground.this.fromToken(token).withFilter(((check$ifrefutable$1: Option[Playground.this.UserToken]) => (check$ifrefutable$1: Option[Playground.this.UserToken] #unchecked) match {
case (tokenOption # (_: Option[Playground.this.UserToken])) => true
case _ => false
}))([Unit](((tokenOption: Option[Playground.this.UserToken]) => Playground.this.findUser(tokenOption.get).withFilter(((check$ifrefutable$2: Option[Playground.this.User]) => (check$ifrefutable$2: Option[Playground.this.User] #unchecked) match {
case (userOption # (_: Option[Playground.this.User])) => true
case _ => false
}))( Option[Playground.this.User]) => tokenOption.isDefined))([Unit](((userOption: Option[Playground.this.User]) => Playground.this.modify(userOption.get).withFilter(((check$ifrefutable$3: Option[Playground.this.User]) => (check$ifrefutable$3: Option[Playground.this.User] #unchecked) match {
case (modifiedUser # (_: Option[Playground.this.User])) => true
case _ => false
}))( Option[Playground.this.User]) => userOption.isDefined))([Unit](((modifiedUser: Option[Playground.this.User]) => if (tokenOption.isDefined.&&(userOption.isDefined).&&(modifiedUser.isDefined))
val $t: Unit = scala.concurrent.Await.result[Unit](Playground.this.verifyUser("hello"), scala.concurrent.duration.`package`.DurationInt(1).second);
Playground.this.instrumentationMap$.update(com.olegych.scastie.api.Position.apply(1199, 1236), com.olegych.scastie.api.runtime.Runtime.render[Unit]($t)((ClassTag.Unit: scala.reflect.ClassTag[Unit])));
object Main extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>(): Main.type = {
private[this] val playground: Playground = new Playground();
<stable> <accessor> def playground: Playground = Main.this.playground;
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = scala.Predef.println(com.olegych.scastie.api.runtime.Runtime.write(Main.this.playground.instrumentations$))

I am not sure why you are surprised you are getting and error for None.get with invalid token: if token is invalid, tokenOption is None, so, the next statement tokenOption.get will fail with exactly this error.
You want the "guard" executed before the statement you want to short circuit, not after it:
for {
foo <- bar if foo.isDefined
baz <- foo.get
} yield baz
But this would fail in the end anyway, because there would be nothing to yield (this trick works with Options or Lists etc., but Future.withFilter will end up failing if predicate is not satisfied, there is no other alternative).
The general rule to avoid this kind of errors is never use .get on an Option (or on a Try). Also, never use .head on a List, .apply on a Map, etc.
Here is one (almost) idiomatic way to write what you want:
case object Error extends RuntimeException("")
.map { _.getOrElse(throw Error)
.flatMap { userRepo.find(_.loginInfo) }
.map { _.getOrElse(throw Error) }
.map { _.getOrElse(throw Error) }
.map { _ => "success") }
.recover { case Error => "error" }
.map { result => Redirect(s"http://localhost:9000/home;signup=$result" }
Note, I said this was "almost" idiomatic, because throwing exceptions in scala is frowned upon. A purist would object to it, and suggest using something like a Try . or a biased Either instead, or to make use of a third party library, like cats or scalaz, that provide additional tools for working with Futures of Option (namely, OptionT).
But I would not recommend getting into that right now. You should get comfortable enough with basic "vanilla" scala before starting with that advanced stuff to avoid ending up with something completely incomprehensible.
You could also write this differently, in a completely idiomatic way (without using exceptions), with something like this:
.flatMap {
case Some(token) => userRepo.find(token.loginInfo)
case None => Future.successful(None)
}.flatMap {
case Some(user) => confirmSignupForUser(user)
case None => Future.successful(None)
}.map {
case Some(_) => "success"
case None => "error"
}.map { result =>
This is more "pure", but a little more repetitive, so my personal preference is the first variant.
Finally, you could do away with my Error thingy, and just handle the NoSuchElement exception directly. This is going to be the shortest, but kinda icky even to my taste (what if some downstream code throws this exception because of a bug?):
.flatMap { userRepo.find(_.get.loginInfo) }
.map { _.get }
.map { _ => "success") }
.recover { case _: NoSuchElementException => "error" }
.map { result =>
I really don't recommend the last version though, despite it being the shortest, and arguably, the most readable one (you can even rewrite it with a for-comprehension to look even nicer). Using Option.get is commonly considered "code smell", and is almost never a good thing to do.

Motivated by How to best handle Future.filter predicate is not satisfied type errors
I rewrote like the following. While the code works, I am curious to know if I am doing it the right way (functional!). Does it look fine?
def verifyUser(token:String) = Action.async {
implicit request => {
println("verifyUser action called with token: " + token) //TODOM - add proper handling and response
val result:Future[Result] = for{tokenOption:Option[UserToken] <- userTokenRepo.find(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(token))) //generator 1 - get token from database
userOption:Option[User] <- if (tokenOption.isDefined) userRepo.findUser(tokenOption.get.loginInfo) else Future.successful(None) //generator2. found token, look for corresponding user to which the token belongs
modifiedUser:Option[User] <- if (userOption.isDefined) confirmSignupforUser(userOption.get) else Future.successful(None) //generator 3. found user and token. Update profile
deletedToken:Option[UserTokenKey] <- if(modifiedUser.isDefined) userTokenRepo.remove(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(token))) else Future.successful(None)
yield { //check if we have user and token and modified user here. If any is missing, return error else success
println("db query results tokenOption: "+tokenOption+", userOption: "+userOption+" : modifiedUserOption: "+modifiedUser+", deletedToken: "+deletedToken)
if(tokenOption.isDefined && userOption.isDefined && modifiedUser.isDefined && deletedToken.isDefined)
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=success")//TODOM - pick from config
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config
else if(userOption.isEmpty)
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config
else if(modifiedUser.isEmpty)
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config
else //this shouldn't happen. Unexpected
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config


Unable to use for comprehension to resolve Future

I have this Action which should return a Future[Result] but I am unable to code it using for comprehension. This is the first time I am using for comprehension so I am also not sure if this is how I should use for.
Also, would someone comment on whether the usage of for is correct?
def verifyUser(token:String) = Action.async{
implicit request => { //the function takes a token
val tokenFutureOption:Future[Option[UserToken]] = userTokenRepo.find(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(token))) //checkc if the token exists in the db (db returns a Future)
for(tokenOption<- tokenFutureOption) yield { //resolve the future
tokenOption match {
case Some(userToken) =>{//token exists
val userOptionFuture = userRepo.findUser(userToken.loginInfo)//find user to which the token belongs. Another db request which returns a Future
for(userOption <- userOptionFuture) yield {//resolve future
userOption match {
case Some(user) =>{//user exists
val newInternalProfile = user.profile.internalProfileDetails.get.copy(confirmed=true) //modify user's profile
val newProfile = UserProfile(Some(newInternalProfile),user.profile.externalProfileDetails)
val confirmedUser = user.copy(profile=newProfile)
val userOptionFuture :Future[Option[User]] = userRepo.updateUser(confirmedUser) //update profile with new value. Another db operation with returns a Future
for(userOption <- userOptionFuture) yield {//resolve future
userTokenRepo.remove(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(token)))//remove the token
case None =>{ //user doesn't exist
Redirect("http://localhost:9000/home"+";signup=error")//TODOM - pick from config //I CAN RETURN Redirect (WHICH IS OF SAME TYPE AS OK I.E. RESULT) BUT WHY AM I NOT ABLE TO USE OK ABOVE
You are using Future, Option which are Monads and the idea behind them being helpful to sequence the computations just like Functors but also with capability to specify what happens next. .flatMap is what Monads have allow that which can be used as for yield for readability.
So in your example you can compose the api using sequence of operations.
object Api {
final case class UserTokenKey(uuid: UUID)
final case class UserToken(loginInfo: String)
object userTokenRepo {
def find(u: UserTokenKey) = {
Future.successful(Some(UserToken(loginInfo = "foundLoginInfo")))
def remove(u: UserTokenKey) = {
Future.successful(Some(UserToken(loginInfo = "")))
final case class User(profile: String)
object userRepo {
def findUser(u: String) = {
def updateUser(u: User) = {
Future.successful(Some(User("updated profile")))
def verifyUser(token: String)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) = {
val user: Future[Option[UserToken]] = for {
tokenMaybe: Option[UserToken] <- userTokenRepo.find(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(token)))
userMaybe: Option[User] <-
tokenMaybe match {
case Some(t) => userRepo.findUser(t.loginInfo)
case _ => Future.successful(Option.empty[User])
updatedUserMaybe: Option[User] <-
userMaybe match {
case Some(u) => userRepo.updateUser(u)
case _ => Future.successful(Option.empty[User])
removedUserMaybe: Option[UserToken] <- userTokenRepo.remove(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(token)))
} yield removedUserMaybe
def httpLayer(request: String) = {
import play.api.mvc.Results
verifyUser(request).onComplete {
case Success(Some(user)) =>
println("user verified")
Results.Ok("user verified")
case Success(None) =>
println("user does not exist")
Results.Ok("user does not exist")
case Failure(f) =>
println("unknown error")
Results.Ok("unknown error")
Now you can test your api as below
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
import Api._
httpLayer(UUID.randomUUID().toString) // user verified
Note1: you might want to use api to respond Future[Either[Error, User]] to better handle errors and use Error to determine what to respond back to the http consumers.
Note2: Since you are working with two monads Future[Option[a]], you can combine them using Monad Transformation OptionT[OuterMonad, Value Type] in scalaz or cats mtl library. Which gives a single monad OptionT.
def verifyUserV2(tokenString: String)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) = {
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
// import cats.implicits._
// import
val userStack = for {
token <- OptionT(userTokenRepo.find(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(tokenString))))
user <- OptionT(userRepo.findUser(token.loginInfo))
updatedUser <- OptionT(userRepo.updateUser(user))
removedUser <- OptionT(userTokenRepo.remove(UserTokenKey(UUID.fromString(tokenString))))
} yield removedUser
//cats unpack stack
// userStack.value
Useful reads:
Futures - map vs flatmap
Using Either to process failures in Scala code

How to get rid of nested future in scala?

I've got some code in my play framework app that parses a JSON request and uses it to update a user's data. The problem is that I need to return a Future[Result], but my userDAO.update function returns a Future[Int] so I have nested futures.
I've resorted to using Await which isn't very good. How can I rewrite this code to avoid the nested future?
def patchCurrentUser() = Action.async { request =>
Future {
}.map {
case Some(rawJson) => Json.fromJson[User](rawJson).map { newUser =>
val currentUserId = 1"Retrieving users own profile for user ID $currentUserId")
val futureResult: Future[Result] = userDAO.findById(currentUserId).flatMap {
case Some(currentUser) =>
val mergedUser = currentUser.copy(
firstName = newUser.firstName // ... and the other fields
userDAO.update(mergedUser).map(_ => Ok("OK"))
case _ => Future { Status(404) }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
// this is bad. How can I get rid of this?
Await.result(futureResult, 1 seconds)
case _ => Status(400)
Sod's law: Just after posting this I worked it out:
Future {
}.flatMap {
case Some(rawJson) => Json.fromJson[User](rawJson).map { newUser =>
val currentUserId = 1
userDAO.findById(currentUserId).flatMap {
case Some(currentUser) =>
val updatedUser = currentUser.copy(
firstName = newUser.firstName
userDAO.update(updatedUser).map(_ => Ok("OK"))
case _ => Future { Status(404) }
case _ => Future(Status(400))
But, is there a more elegant way? It seems like I'm peppering Future() around quite liberally which seems like a code smell.
Use flatMap instead of map.
flatMap[A, B](f: A => Future[B])
map[A, B](f: A => B)
More elegant way is to use for comprehension
Using For comprehension Code looks like this
for {
jsonOpt <- Future (request.body.asJson)
result <- jsonOpt match {
case Some(json) =>
json.validate[User] match {
case JsSuccess(newUser, _ ) =>
for {
currentUser <- userDAO.findById(1)
_ <- userDAO.update(currentUser.copy(firstName = newUser.firstName))
} yield Ok("ok")
case JsError(_) => Future(Status(400))
case None => Future(Status(400))
} yield result
As #pamu said it might clear your code a bit if you would use a for comprehension.
Another interesting approach (and more pure in terms of Functional Programming) would be to use monad transformers (normally a type similar to Future[Option[T]] screams monad transformer).
You should take a look at libraries like cats (and or scalaz). I'll try to give a small "pseudo code" example using cats (because I don't have play framework locally):
import cats.instances.future._
import scala.concurrent.Future
def convertJsonToUser(json: Json): Future[Option[User]] = Json.fromJson[User](json)
def convertBodyToJson(request: Request): Future[Option[Json]] = Future {request.body.asJson}
def updateUser(user: User): Future[HttpResult] = Future {
// update user
def myFunction: Future[HttpResult] = {
val resultOpt: OptionT[Future, HttpResult] = for {
json <- OptionT(convertBodyToJson(request))
user <- OptionT(convertJsonToUser(json))
result <- OptionT.lift(updateUser(user))
} yield result
result.getOrElseF(Future {Status(400)})
As you can see, in this case the monad transformers allow to treat a type like Future[Option[T]] as a single "short-circuiting" type (e.g. the for comprehension will stop if you have either a failed future, or a future containing a None).

How to catch slick postgres exceptions for duplicate key value violations

My table has a unique index on a pair of columns in my postgresql database.
I want to know how I can catch a duplicate key exception when I am inserting:
def save(user: User)(implicit session: Session): User = {
val newId = (users returning += user
user.copy(id = newId)
My logs show this exception:
Execution exception[[PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "...."
I haven't really used exceptions much in scala either yet also.
Your save method should probably return something different than just User, to indicate the possibility of failure. If the only exception that will be thrown is by unique key, and you really only care about success or failure (and not the type of failure), one way to go would be to return Option[User].
You could use a simple try/catch block, mapping successful saves to Some[User] and PSQLException to None:
def save(user: User)(implicit session: Session): Option[User] = {
try {
val newId = (users returning += user
Some(user.copy(id = newId))
} catch {
case PSQLException => None
Personally not the way I'd go, as try/catch isn't really idiomatic Scala, and your error type is discarded. The next option is to use scala.util.Try.
def save(user: User)(implicit session: Session): Try[User] = Try {
val newId = (users returning += user
user.copy(id = newId)
The code here is simpler. If the body of Try is successful, then save will return Success[User], and if not it will return the exception wrapped in Failure. This will allow you to do many things with Try.
You could pattern match:
save(user) match {
case Success(user) => Ok(user)
case Failure(t: PSQLException) if(e.getSQLState == "23505") => InternalServerError("Some sort of unique key violation..")
case Failure(t: PSQLException) => InternalServerError("Some sort of psql error..")
case Failure(_) => InternalServerError("Something else happened.. it was bad..")
You could use it like Option:
save(user) map { user =>
} getOrElse {
InternalServerError("Something terrible happened..")
You can compose many together at once, and stop on the first failure:
(for {
u1 <- save(user1)
u2 <- save(user2)
u3 <- save(user3)
} yield {
(u1, u2, u3)
}) match {
case Success((u1, u2, u3)) => Ok(...)
case Failure(...) => ...
In Slick 3.x you can use asTry.
I'm using MySQL, but the same code can be used for PostgreSQL, only the exceptions are different.
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Failure {result =>
result match {
case Success(res) =>
// ...
case Failure(e: MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException) => {
//code: 1062, status: 23000, e: Duplicate entry 'foo' for key 'name'
println(s"MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException, code: ${e.getErrorCode}, sql status: ${e.getSQLState}, message: ${e.getMessage}")
// ...
case Failure(e) => {
println(s"Exception in insertOrUpdateListItem, ${e.getMessage}")
// ...
Note: It's also possible to map the action ( ...) instead of the future returned by

Scala-way to handle conditions in for-comprehensions?

I am trying to create a neat construction with for-comprehension for business logic built on futures. Here is a sample which contains a working example based on Exception handling:
(for {
// find the user by id, findUser(id) returns Future[Option[User]]
userOpt <- userDao.findUser(userId)
_ = if (!userOpt.isDefined) throw new EntityNotFoundException(classOf[User], userId)
user = userOpt.get
// authenticate it, authenticate(user) returns Future[AuthResult]
authResult <- userDao.authenticate(user)
_ = if (!authResult.ok) throw new AuthFailedException(userId)
// find the good owned by the user, findGood(id) returns Future[Option[Good]]
goodOpt <- goodDao.findGood(goodId)
_ = if (!good.isDefined) throw new EntityNotFoundException(classOf[Good], goodId)
good = goodOpt.get
// check ownership for the user, checkOwnership(user, good) returns Future[Boolean]
ownership <- goodDao.checkOwnership(user, good)
if (!ownership) throw new OwnershipException(user, good)
_ <- goodDao.remove(good)
} yield {
"success" -> true
.recover {
case ex: EntityNotFoundException =>
/// ... handle error cases ...
"success" -> false,
"error" -> "Your blahblahblah was not found in our database"
case ex: AuthFailedException =>
/// ... handle error cases ...
case ex: OwnershipException =>
/// ... handle error cases ...
However this might be seen as a non-functional or non-Scala way to handle the things. Is there a better way to do this?
Note that these errors come from different sources - some are at the business level ('checking ownership') and some are at controller level ('authorization') and some are at db level ('entity not found'). So approaches when you derive them from a single common error type might not work.
Don't use exceptions for expected behaviour.
It's not nice in Java, and it's really not nice in Scala. Please see this question for more information about why you should avoid using exceptions for regular control flow. Scala is very well equipped to avoid using exceptions: you can use Eithers.
The trick is to define some failures you might encounter, and convert your Options into Eithers that wrap these failures.
// Failures.scala
object Failures {
sealed trait Failure
// Four types of possible failures here
case object UserNotFound extends Failure
case object NotAuthenticated extends Failure
case object GoodNotFound extends Failure
case object NoOwnership extends Failure
// Put other errors here...
// Converts options into Eithers for you
implicit class opt2either[A](opt: Option[A]) {
def withFailure(f: Failure) = opt.fold(Left(f))(a => Right(a))
Using these helpers, you can make your for comprehension readable and exception free:
import Failures._
// Helper function to make ownership checking more readable in the for comprehension
def checkGood(user: User, good: Good) = {
if(checkOwnership(user, good))
// First create the JSON
val resultFuture: Future[Either[Failure, JsResult]] = for {
userRes <- userDao.findUser(userId)
user <- userRes.withFailure(UserNotFound).right
authRes <- userDao.authenticate(user)
auth <- authRes.withFailure(NotAuthenticated).right
goodRes <- goodDao.findGood(goodId)
good <- goodRes.withFailure(GoodNotFound).right
checkedGood <- checkGood(user, good).right
} yield renderJson(Map("success" -> true)))
// Check result and handle any failures { result =>
result match {
case Right(json) => json // serve json
case Left(failure) => failure match {
case UserNotFound => // Handle errors
case NotAuthenticated =>
case GoodNotFound =>
case NoOwnership =>
case _ =>
You could clean up the for comprehension a little to look like this:
for {
user <- findUser(userId)
authResult <- authUser(user)
good <- findGood(goodId)
_ <- checkOwnership(user, good)
_ <- goodDao.remove(good)
} yield {
"success" -> true
Assuming these methods:
def findUser(id:Long) = find(id, userDao.findUser)
def findGood(id:Long) = find(id, goodDao.findGood)
def find[T:ClassTag](id:Long, f:Long => Future[Option[T]]) = {
case None => Future.failed(new EntityNotFoundException(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass, id))
case Some(entity) => Future.successful(entity)
def authUser(user:User) = {
case result if result.ok => Future.failed(new AuthFailedException(userId))
case result => Future.successful(result)
def checkOwnership(user:User, good:Good):Future[Boolean] = {
val someCondition = true //real logic for ownership check goes here
if (someCondition) Future.successful(true)
else Future.failed(new OwnershipException(user, good))
The idea here is to use flatMap to turn things like Options that are returned wrapped in Futures into failed Futures when they are None. There are going to be a lot of ways to do clean up that for comp and this is one possible way to do it.
The central challenge is that for-comprehensions can only work on one monad at a time, in this case it being the Future monad and the only way to short-circuit a sequence of future calls is for the future to fail. This works because the subsequent calls in the for-comprehension are just map and flatmap calls, and the behavior of a map/flatmap on a failed Future is to return that future and not execute the provided body (i.e. the function being called).
What you are trying to achieve is the short-cicuiting of a workflow based on some conditions and not do it by failing the future. This can be done by wrapping the result in another container, let's call it Result[A], which gives the comprehension a type of Future[Result[A]]. Result would either contain a result value, or be a terminating result. The challenge is how to:
provide subsequent function calls the value contained by a prior non-terminating Result
prevent the subsequent function call from being evaluated if the Result is terminating
map/flatmap seem like the candidates for doing these types of compositions, except we will have to call them manually, since the only map/flatmap that the for-comprehension can evaluate is one that results in a Future[Result[A]].
Result could be defined as:
trait Result[+A] {
// the intermediate Result
def value: A
// convert this result into a final result based on another result
def given[B](other: Result[B]): Result[A] = other match {
case x: Terminator => x
case v => this
// replace the value of this result with the provided one
def apply[B](v: B): Result[B]
// replace the current result with one based on function call
def flatMap[A2 >: A, B](f: A2 => Future[Result[B]]): Future[Result[B]]
// create a new result using the value of both
def combine[B](other: Result[B]): Result[(A, B)] = other match {
case x: Terminator => x
case b => Successful((value, b.value))
For each call, the action is really a potential action, as calling it on or with a terminating result, will simply maintain the terminating result. Note that Terminator is a Result[Nothing] since it will never contain a value and any Result[+A] can be a Result[Nothing].
The terminating result is defined as:
sealed trait Terminator extends Result[Nothing] {
val value = throw new IllegalStateException()
// The terminator will always short-circuit and return itself as
// the success rather than execute the provided block, thus
// propagating the terminating result
def flatMap[A2 >: Nothing, B](f: A2 => Future[Result[B]]): Future[Result[B]] =
// if we apply just a value to a Terminator the result is always the Terminator
def apply[B](v: B): Result[B] = this
// this apply is a convenience function for returning this terminator
// or a successful value if the input has some value
def apply[A](opt: Option[A]) = opt match {
case None => this
case Some(v) => Successful[A](v)
// this apply is a convenience function for returning this terminator or
// a UnitResult
def apply(bool: Boolean): Result[Unit] = if (bool) UnitResult else this
The terminating result makes it possible to to short-circuit calls to functions that require a value [A] when we've already met our terminating condition.
The non-terminating result is defined as:
trait SuccessfulResult[+A] extends Result[A] {
def apply[B](v: B): Result[B] = Successful(v)
def flatMap[A2 >: A, B](f: A2 => Future[Result[B]]): Future[Result[B]] = f(value)
case class Successful[+A](value: A) extends SuccessfulResult[A]
case object UnitResult extends SuccessfulResult[Unit] {
val value = {}
The non-teminating result makes it possible to provide the contained value [A] to functions. For good measure, I've also predefined a UnitResult for functions that are purely side-effecting, like goodDao.removeGood.
Now let's define your good, but terminating conditions:
case object UserNotFound extends Terminator
case object NotAuthenticated extends Terminator
case object GoodNotFound extends Terminator
case object NoOwnership extends Terminator
Now we have the tools to create the the workflow you were looking for. Each for comprehention wants a function that returns a Future[Result[A]] on the right-hand side, producing a Result[A] on the left-hand side. The flatMap on Result[A] makes it possible to call (or short-circuit) a function that requires an [A] as input and we can then map its result to a new Result:
def renderJson(data: Map[Any, Any]): JsResult = ???
def renderError(message: String): JsResult = ???
val resultFuture = for {
// apply UserNotFound to the Option to conver it into Result[User] or UserNotFound
userResult <- userDao.findUser(userId).map(UserNotFound(_))
// apply NotAuthenticated to AuthResult.ok to create a UnitResult or NotAuthenticated
authResult <- userResult.flatMap(user => userDao.authenticate(user).map(x => NotAuthenticated(x.ok)))
goodResult <- authResult.flatMap(_ => goodDao.findGood(goodId).map(GoodNotFound(_)))
// combine user and good, so we can feed it into checkOwnership
comboResult = userResult.combine(goodResult)
ownershipResult <- goodResult.flatMap { case (user, good) => goodDao.checkOwnership(user, good).map(NoOwnership(_))}
// in order to call removeGood with a good value, we take the original
// good result and potentially convert it to a Terminator based on
// ownershipResult via .given
_ <- goodResult.given(ownershipResult).flatMap(good => goodDao.removeGood(good).map(x => UnitResult))
} yield {
// ownership was the last result we cared about, so we apply the output
// to it to create a Future[Result[JsResult]] or some Terminator
"success" -> true
// now we can map Result into its value or some other value based on the Terminator
val jsFuture = {
case UserNotFound => renderError("User not found")
case NotAuthenticated => renderError("User not authenticated")
case GoodNotFound => renderError("Good not found")
case NoOwnership => renderError("No ownership")
case x => x.value
I know that's a whole lot of setup, but at least the Result type can be used for any Future for-comprehension that has terminating conditions.

Inserting a document with reactivemongo and fetching it afterwards

When inserting a value into a persistence layer and returning the result object it is usually a good practice to fetch the newly created entity instead of returning the input data again.
When I try to do this in Scala using reactivemongo I stumble over my language skills.
def create(user: User): Future[User] = {
val newUser = user.createOID()
collection.insert(newUser).map {
case ok if ok.ok => {
for {
createdUser <- this.findOne(BSONDocument("_id" -> newUser._id))
} yield {
createdUser match {
case None => throw new RuntimeException("Could not find just created user")
case Some(x) => x
case error => throw new RuntimeException(error.message)
Where findOne has the signature:
def findOne(query: BSONDocument): Future[Option[User]]
I get the following error:
[error] found : scala.concurrent.Future[models.User]
[error] required: models.User
[error] createdUser <- this.findOne(BSONDocument("_id" -> newUser._id))
[error] ^
If I return the newUser object everything is fine.
I think I have a general misunderstanding what is happening here - maybe there is a better way to fetch the created object in one shot.
I would say that idiomatic Play/Scala way to do that is the following
def create(user: User): Future[Option[User]] = {
val newUser = user.createOID()
for {
nu <- collection.insert(newUser)
createdUser <- findOne(BSONDocument("_id" -> newUser._id))
} yield {
Notice that this does return Future[Option[User]] and not Future[User] as in your code. I believe that Option[User] is definitely the way to go in this case as it actually tells clients of this method that it's not guaranteed that insertion will succeed (and thus runtime exception is not required as client will do .map on the result of this method — avoid using exceptions if you can deal with them gracefully).
You might also check nu for being ok within yield.