Kafka Stream Topology on multiple instances - apache-kafka

We have a streams topology that will work on multiple machines. We are storing time-windowed aggregation results into state stores.
Since state stores are storing local data, aggregation should be done on another topic for overall aggregation, I think.
But it seems like I am missing something because none of the examples do the overall aggregations on another KStream or Processor.
Do we need to use the groupBy logic for storing overall aggregation, or use a GlobalKtable or just implement our own merger code somewehere?
What is the correct architecture for this?
In below code, I have tried to group all the messages coming to the processor with a constant key to store the overall aggregation on just one machine, but it would lose the parallelism that Kafka supplies, I think.
dashboardItemProcessor = streamsBuilder.stream("Topic25", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), eventSerde))
.filter((key, event) -> event != null && event.getClientCreationDate() != null);
dashboardItemProcessor.map((key, event) -> KeyValue.pair(key, event.getClientCreationDate().toInstant().toEpochMilli()))
.groupBy((key, event) -> "count", Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long()))
.count(Materialized.as(dashboardItemUtil.getStoreName(itemId, timeWindow)));

In below code, I have tried to group all the messages coming to the processor with a constant key to store the overall aggregation on just one machine, but it would lose the parallelism that Kafka supplies, I think.
This seems to be the right approach. And yes, you loos parallelism, but that is how an global aggregation work. In the end, one machine must compute it...
What you could improve though, is to do a two step approach: ie, first aggregate by "random" keys in parallel, and use a second step with only one key to "merge" the partial aggregates into a single one. This way, some parts of the computation are parallelized and only the final step (on hopefully reduced data load) is non-parallel. Using Kafka Streams, you need to implement this approach "manually".


Category projections using kafka and cassandra for event-sourcing

I'm using Cassandra and Kafka for event-sourcing, and it works quite well. But I've just recently discovered a potentially major flaw in the design/set-up. A brief intro to how it is done:
The aggregate command handler is basically a kafka consumer, which consumes messages of interest on a topic:
1.1 When it receives a command, it loads all events for the aggregate, and replays the aggregate event handler for each event to get the aggregate up to current state.
1.2 Based on the command and businiss logic it then applies one or more events to the event store. This involves inserting the new event(s) to the event store table in cassandra. The events are stamped with a version number for the aggregate - starting at version 0 for a new aggregate, making projections possible. In addition it sends the event to another topic (for projection purposes).
1.3 A kafka consumer will listen on the topic upon these events are published. This consumer will act as a projector. When it receives an event of interest, it loads the current read model for the aggregate. It checks that the version of the event it has received is the expected version, and then updates the read model.
This seems to work very well. The problem is when I want to have what EventStore calls category projections. Let's take Order aggregate as an example. I can easily project one or more read models pr Order. But if I want to for example have a projection which contains a customers 30 last orders, then I would need a category projection.
I'm just scratching my head how to accomplish this. I'm curious to know if any other are using Cassandra and Kafka for event sourcing. I've read a couple of places that some people discourage it. Maybe this is the reason.
I know EventStore has support for this built in. Maybe using Kafka as event store would be a better solution.
With this kind of architecture, you have to choose between:
Global event stream per type - simple
Partitioned event stream per type - scalable
Unless your system is fairly high throughput (say at least 10s or 100s of events per second for sustained periods to the stream type in question), the global stream is the simpler approach. Some systems (such as Event Store) give you the best of both worlds, by having very fine-grained streams (such as per aggregate instance) but with the ability to combine them into larger streams (per stream type/category/partition, per multiple stream types, etc.) in a performant and predictable way out of the box, while still being simple by only requiring you to keep track of a single global event position.
If you go partitioned with Kafka:
Your projection code will need to handle concurrent consumer groups accessing the same read models when processing events for different partitions that need to go into the same models. Depending on your target store for the projection, there are lots of ways to handle this (transactions, optimistic concurrency, atomic operations, etc.) but it would be a problem for some target stores
Your projection code will need to keep track of the stream position of each partition, not just a single position. If your projection reads from multiple streams, it has to keep track of lots of positions.
Using a global stream removes both of those concerns - performance is usually likely to be good enough.
In either case, you'll likely also want to get the stream position into the long term event storage (i.e. Cassandra) - you could do this by having a dedicated process reading from the event stream (partitioned or global) and just updating the events in Cassandra with the global or partition position of each event. (I have a similar thing with MongoDB - I have a process reading the 'oplog' and copying oplog timestamps into events, since oplog timestamps are totally ordered).
Another option is to drop Cassandra from the initial command processing and use Kafka Streams instead:
Partitioned command stream is processed by joining with a partitioned KTable of aggregates
Command result and events are computed
Atomically, KTable is updated with changed aggregate, events are written to event stream and command response is written to command response stream.
You would then have a downstream event processor that copies the events into Cassandra for easier querying etc. (and which can add the Kafka stream position to each event as it does it to give the category ordering). This can help with catch up subscriptions, etc. if you don't want to use Kafka for long term event storage. (To catch up, you'd just read as far as you can from Cassandra and then switch to streaming from Kafka from the position of the last Cassandra event). On the other hand, Kafka itself can store events for ever, so this isn't always necessary.
I hope this helps a bit with understanding the tradeoffs and problems you might encounter.

Kafka Stream: KTable materialization

How to identify when the KTable materialization to a topic has completed?
For e.g. assume KTable has few million rows. Pseudo code below:
KTable<String, String> kt = kgroupedStream.groupByKey(..).reduce(..); //Assume this produces few million rows
At somepoint in time, I wanted to schedule a thread to invoke the following, that writes to the topic:
I wanted to ensure all the data is written as part of the above invoke. Also, once the above "to" method is invoked, can it be invoked in the next schedule OR will the first invoke always stay active?
Follow-up Question:
1) Ok, I see that the kstream and the ktable are unbounded/infinite once the kafkastream is kicked off. However, wouldn't ktable materialization (to a compacted topic) send multiple entries for the same key within a specified period.
So, unless the compaction process attempts to clean these and retain only the latest one, the downstream application will consume all available entries for the same key querying from the topic, causing duplicates. Even if the compaction process does some level of cleanup, it is always not possible that at a given point in time, there are some keys that have more than one entries as the compaction process is catching up.
I assume KTable will only have one record for a given key in the RocksDB. If we have a way to schedule the materialization, that will help to avoid the duplicates. Also, reduce the amount of data being persisted in topic (increasing the storage), increase in the network traffic, additional overhead to the compaction process to clean it up.
2) Perhaps a ReadOnlyKeyValueStore would allow a controlled retrieval from the store, but it still lacks the way to schedule the retrieval of key, value and write to a topic, which requires additional coding.
Can the API be improved to allow a controlled materialization?
A KTable materialization never finishes and you cannot "invoke" a to() either.
When you use the Streams API, you "plug together" a DAG of operators. The actual method calls, don't trigger any computation but modify the DAG of operators.
Only after you start the computation via KafkaStreams#start() data is processed. Note, that all operators that you specified will run continuously and concurrently after the computation gets started.
There is no "end of a computation" because the input is expected to be unbounded/infinite as upstream application can write new data into the input topics at any time. Thus, your program never terminates by itself. If required, you can stop the computation via KafkaStreams#close() though.
During execution, you cannot change the DAG. If you want to change it, you need to stop the computation and create a new KafkaStreams instance that takes the modified DAG as input
Follow up:
Yes. You have to think of a KTable as a "versioned table" that evolved over time when entries are updated. Thus, all updates are written to the changelog topic and sent downstream as change-records (note, that KTables do some caching, too, to "de-duplicate" consecutive updates to the same key: cf. https://docs.confluent.io/current/streams/developer-guide/memory-mgmt.html).
will consume all available entries for the same key querying from the topic, causing duplicates.
I would not consider those as "duplicates" but as updates. And yes, the application needs to be able to handle those updates correctly.
if we have a way to schedule the materialization, that will help to avoid the duplicates.
Materialization is a continuous process and the KTable is updated whenever new input records are available in the input topic and processed. Thus, at any point in time there might be an update for a specific key. Thus, even if you have full control when to send updates to the changelog topic and/or downstream, there might be a new update later on. That is the nature of stream processing.
Also, reduce the amount of data being persisted in topic (increasing the storage), increase in the network traffic, additional overhead to the compaction process to clean it up.
As mentioned above, caching is used to save resources.
Can the API be improved to allow a controlled materialization?
If the provided KTable semantics don't meet your requirement, you can always write a custom operator as a Processor or Transformer, attach a key-value store to it, and implement whatever you need.

Can I attach multiple transformers/processors to a single stream in Apache Kafka

In all example I see a simple single transformer/processor topology for Kafka. My doubt is whether we can modularise application logic by breaking down in to multiple transformers/processors applying sequentially to a single input stream.
Please find use case below :
Current application configuration is a single processor containing all processing logic tasks like filtering, validation, application logic, delaying(Kafka is too fast for dbs) and invoke SP/push to down stream.
But we are now planning to decouple all these operations by breaking down each task into separate processors/transformers of Kstream.
Since we are relatively new to Kafka, we are not sure of the pros and cons of this approach especially with respect to Kafka internals like state store/ task scheduling/ multithreading model.
Please share your expert opinions and experiences
Please note that we do not have control over topic, no new topic can be created for this design. The design must be feasible for the existing topic alone.
Kafka Streams allows you to split your logic into multiple processors. Internally, Kafka Streams implements a "depth-first" execution strategy. Thus, each time you call "forward" the output tuple is immediately processed by the downstream processor and "forward" return after downstream processing finished (note, that writing data into a topic and reading it back "breaks" the in-memory pipeline -- thus, when data is written to a topic, there is no guarantee when downstream processor will read and process those records).
If you have state that is shared between multiple processor, you would need to attach the store to all processor that need to access to store. The execution on the store will be single threaded and thus, there should be no performance difference.
As long as you connect processor directly (and not via topics) all processor will be part of the same tasks. Thus, there shouldn't be a performance difference.

Writing directly to a kafka state store

We've started experimenting with Kafka to see if it can be used to aggregate our application data. I think our use case is a match for Kafka streams, but we aren't sure if we are using the tool correctly. The proof of concept we've built seems to be working as designed, I'm not sure that we are using the APIs appropriately.
Our proof of concept is to use kafka streams to keep a running tally of information about a program in an output topic, e.g.
"numberActive": 0,
"numberInactive": 0,
"lastLogin": "01-01-1970T00:00:00Z"
Computing the tally is easy, it is essentially executing a compare and swap (CAS) operation based on the input topic & output field.
The local state contains the most recent program for a given key. We join an input stream against the state store and run the CAS operation using a TransformSupplier, which explictly writes the data to the state store using
Is this an appropriate use of the local state store? Is there another another approach to keeping a stateful running tally in a topic?
Your design sounds right to me (I presume you are using PAPI not the Streams DSL), that you are reading in one stream, calling transform() on the stream in which an state store is associated with the operator. Since your update logic seems to be only key-dependent and hence can be embarrassingly parallelizable via Streams library based on key partitioning.
One thing to note that, it seems you are calling "context.commit()" after every single put call, which is not a recommended pattern. This is because commit() operation is a pretty heavy call that will involves flushing the state store, sending commit offset request to the Kafka broker etc, calling it on every single call would result in very low throughput. It is recommended to only call commit() only after a bunch of records are processed, or you can just rely on the Streams config "commit.interval.ms" to rely on Streams library to only call commit() internally after every time interval. Note that this will not affect your processing semantics upon graceful shutting down, since upon shutdown Streams will always enforce a commit() call.

Event sourcing with Kafka streams

I'm trying to implement a simple CQRS/event sourcing proof of concept on top of Kafka streams (as described in https://www.confluent.io/blog/event-sourcing-using-apache-kafka/)
I have 4 basic parts:
commands topic, which uses the aggregate ID as the key for sequential processing of commands per aggregate
events topic, to which every change in aggregate state are published (again, key is the aggregate ID). This topic has a retention policy of "never delete"
A KTable to reduce aggregate state and save it to a state store
events topic stream ->
group to a Ktable by aggregate ID ->
reduce aggregate events to current state ->
materialize as a state store
commands processor - commands stream, left joined with aggregate state KTable. For each entry in the resulting stream, use a function (command, state) => events to produce resulting events and publish them to the events topic
The question is - is there a way to make sure I have the latest version of the aggregate in the state store?
I want to reject a command if violates business rules (for example - a command to modify the entity is not valid if the entity was marked as deleted). But if a DeleteCommand is published followed by a ModifyCommand right after it, the delete command will produce the DeletedEvent, but when the ModifyCommand is processed, the loaded state from the state store might not reflect that yet and conflicting events will be published.
I don't mind sacrificing command processing throughput, I'd rather get the consistency guarantees (since everything is grouped by the same key and should end up in the same partition)
Hope that was clear :) Any suggestions?
I don't think Kafka is good for CQRS and Event sourcing yet, the way you described it, because it lacks a (simple) way of ensuring protection from concurrent writes. This article talks about this in details.
What I mean by the way you described it is the fact that you expect a command to generate zero or more events or to fail with an exception; this is the classical CQRS with Event sourcing. Most of the people expect this kind of Architecture.
You could have Event sourcing however in a different style. Your Command handlers could yield events for every command that is received (i.e. DeleteWasAccepted). Then, an Event handler could eventually handle that Event in an Event sourced way (by rebuilding Aggregate's state from its event stream) and emit other Events (i.e. ItemDeleted or ItemDeletionWasRejected). So, commands are fired-and-forget, sent async, the client does not wait for an immediate response. It waits however for an Event describing the outcome of its command execution.
An important aspect is that the Event handler must process events from the same Aggregate in a serial way (exactly once and in order). This can be implemented using a single Kafka Consumer Group. You can see about this architecture in this video.
Please read this article by my colleague Jesper. Kafka is a great product but actually not a good fit at all for event sourcing
A possible solution I came up with is to implement a sort of optimistic locking mechanism:
Add an expectedVersion field on the commands
Use the KTable Aggregator to increase the version of the aggregate snapshot for each handled event
Reject commands if the expectedVersion doesn't match the snapshot's aggregate version
This seems to provide the semantics I'm looking for