Open Form to a value selected on ComboBox - Ms Acces - forms

I want to open a form to a specific record based on the value is selected on a comboBox. I have written a code and its working, but before opening the form it shows a dialogue box with input field asking for the parameter i want for the form which i dont want the VB code to ask.
DoCmd.OpenForm "Final_Exam", acNormal, , "[admclass] = " & Me.Combo4.Value & ""
This is the code i have written and the requirement is that on clicking the button the form opens without any dialogue box asking for parameter. thanksa

What I've found is the best way to open one form from another is to use OpenArgs. When opening Form 2 from Form 1's button, use code like this:
Private Sub cmdOpenOtherForm_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="frmOtherForm", OpenArgs:=Me.Combo4.Value
End Sub
Then, in the Load event of Form 2, use the openargs to set up your filter:
Private Sub Form_Load()
If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.Filter="[admclass]=""" & Me.OpenArgs & """"
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
End Sub
If the field you're filtering on is a text field, make sure to properly escape double quotes (as is done above).


Access Search Subform + Update Query Subform?

So I'm new to Access 365, and I'm working on a database for my church's cemetery. I have a "main" form that will house searches and the results of said searches (
So I'd like to put a box on this form that when I press the "Run Query" button, updates with all records matching the criteria. I have the query working, and if I go into the individual search form and search, it works fine.
If I try dragging the query onto the main form, I get a SearchQuery subform, but when I go into form view, I have to fill out data before the form even loads. I need it to only update after I click the button, so that I can enter info, THEN search ( & If I click cancel, it loads fine, but when I type in data to the search then press "Run Query", it still prompts me for the info (
Thanks in advance!
Your code is constructing criteria with control names as the data to search in, must use table field names. Remove the Result_ from each expression.
Coffin and Cremation radio buttons are within an OptionGroup control. This means you must test for the value of the OptionGroup, not the controls within the group. Clicking radio button sets value of the OptionGroup control. Following is revised code for the OptionGroup and checkboxes. Note removal of Result_ - fix the other conditional expressions as well. Might want to rename the OptionGroup control.
If Not IsNull(Me.optGroup) Then strFilter = strFilter & "([Coffin/Cremation] = " & Me.optGroup & ") AND "
If Not IsNull(Me.Veteran) Then strFilter = strFilter & "([Veteran] = " & Me.Veteran & ") AND "
If Not IsNull(Me.Monument) Then strFilter = strFilter & "([Monument] = " & Me.Monument & ") AND "
Why is the Clear Search button using EmbeddedMacro? Code to clear search parameters:
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
'Purpose: Clear all the search boxes in the Form Header, and show all records again.
Dim ctl As Control
'Clear all the controls in the Form Header section.
For Each ctl In Me.Section(acHeader).Controls
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acComboBox, acCheckBox, acOptionGroup
ctl.Value = Null
End Select
'Remove the form's filter.
Me.FilterOn = False
End Sub
Consider using comboboxes instead of textboxes to help users enter valid data. Can still allow any input and use LIKE/wildcard. RowSource SQL could be like:
Advise not to use space nor punctuation/special characters (only exception is underscore) in naming convention.
You can access any form from the subform as follows:

Open Subform in Access in New Window

I have a form in access ("F_Filter") where I indicate parameters to filter a datable. Form F_Filter also contains a subform which shows the filtered datatable results on the same screen. This subform with the filtered results is named "Child400." Its Source Object is "F_FilterResults".
I would like to be able to 1) open the subform in a new window so all I see are the filtered results and 2) export the results to Excel.
Normally I would be able to open a form in a new window by creating a button and creating an on click event with the following code
DoCmd.OpenForm "NameOfForm", acFormDS
However, this code does not work when I put in "Child400" as the NameOfForm. I think this is because Child400 is a subform and is not recognized by Access.
I also tried DoCmd.OpenForm "[F_Filter]![Child400]", acFormDS to no avail. Note that I have also tried DoCmd.OpenForm "F_FilterResults", acFormDS which works fine but this table only contains the prefiltered results.
DoCmd.OpenForm "F_FilterResults"
is the correct form to open. "Child400" is (I assume) the name of the subform control. That is not a form that you can open.
Then you need to apply the same filter as you did to the subform instance. The same method you use now for the subform can be used for the separate form.
If you have trouble with that, please add the existing filter code to your question.
There is no magic behind what records a form shows. It is controlled by a couple of properties. The easiest way is probably to simply take them over to the new form.
Something like:
Sub OpenResults()
Dim fSub As Form, fNew As Form
Set fSub = Me!Child400.Form
DoCmd.OpenForm "F_FilterResults", acFormDS
Set fNew = Forms!F_FilterResults
fNew.RecordSource = fSub.RecordSource ' if you change the RecordSource in your code
fNew.Filter = fSub.Filter
fNew.FilterOn = fSub.FilterOn
fNew.OrderBy = fSub.OrderBy
fNew.OrderByOn = fSub.OrderByOn
End Sub

Access, Opening the Same Form in Different ways using Buttons

I'm using Access 2007 at work and trying to build a database. I'd like to know if it's possible to have two different buttons on the "Main Menu" form that open the same "Data Entry" form. BUT, one button automatically goes to a new blank record for data entry, and the other button prompts the user to enter a specific ID # (tied to a field in the form) and then the form will open on that record. This would be for updating that specific record.
Is this possible? I am a beginner with VBA code. If this is possible with later versions of Access but not 2007, please let me know.
Create two buttons on the form. Let us name them as addRecBtn and openRecBtn let us say the form you are trying to open is tmpFrmName. So the first button will open the form in Data Entry Mode, the second one will open the form in normal edit mode.
The code should be something like,
Private Sub addRecBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "tmpFrmName", DataMode:=acFormAdd
End Sub
The second form will first have to get the number you are trying to open, for example let us call it the numberID. So your code would be.
Private Sub openRecBtn_Click()
Dim numID As Long
numID = InputBox("Please enter the ID : ")
If DCount("*", "yourTable", "numberID = " & numID) <> 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "tmpFrmName", WhereCondition:="numberID = " & numID
MsgBox "The numberID : " & numID & " does not exist, please try again !"
End If
End Sub
You may be able to use DoCmd.OpenForm with different options to accomplish both your goals.
"one button automatically goes to a new blank record for data entry"
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="YourForm", View:=acNormal, DataMode:=acFormAdd
"the other button prompts the user to enter a specific ID # (tied to a field in the form) and then the form will open on that record"
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "[id]=" & Me.txtId
Debug.Print strWhere ' <- inspect this in the Immediate window
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="YourForm", View:=acNormal, WhereCondition=strWhere
The first form includes a text box named txtId, which contains the ID value you want to make current in the second form (YourForm).
Yes, it's possible.
My advice would be to do it with several functions - put the "shared" functionality in one (eg open the form), and then for the differences, make two functions which call the shared one
function openForm()
//Do open form stuff
function promptForID()
//Do stuff that prompts for ID
function blankRecord()
//Do stuff that sets up a blank record

Using RecordSource to change form contents

I am trying to create a method that displays a selected table in a DS view form. The form will be used repeatedly to view different tables, so I figured the easiest way would be to create a form and dynamically change the RecordSource based on the user selection.
I created a form called "frmDisplay" to be used to display the contents of a table to the users. I am trying to use this code to update the form.
Private Sub btnViewEntries_Click()
Dim frmDisplay As Form
Dim selection As String
selection = "tbl" & Me.cmboSelection.Text
Set frmDisplay.RecordSource = selection
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDisplay", acFormDS
End Sub
Currently, the code is throwing an "Improper use of property" error when I try to set the RecordSource to the selection made in the combo box.
Set frmDisplay.RecordSource = selection
I have looked around for a while now, but I cannot seem to find any definitive answer that applies to this example. Most posts that I found were missing the Set keyword...
Does anyone recognize the problem? More importantly, is this even the best way to make this
_____ EDIT _____
I figured it out, see code below.
Dim selection As String
selection = "SELECT * from tbl" & Me.cmboSelection.Text
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDisplay", acDesign
Forms!frmDisplay.Form.RecordSource = selection
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmDisplay", acSaveYes
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDisplay", acFormDS
I note you've already provided your answer, but you may find the following helpful.
If you have a main form with the controls cmboSelection and btnViewEntries then add a subform control and call it fsbDisplay. Don't put anything in this subform, leave it unbound.
Now try the following one-liner:
Private Sub btnViewEntries_Click()
fsbDisplay.SourceObject = "Table.tbl" & cmboSelection.Value
End Sub
The advantage of this method is that you can use it to call up any table or query (prefix with Query. instead of Table.) and the fields shown are dynamically created.

Access parent and other open forms from a subform

In continuation to my application development, I have encountered another intersting problem.
In my MS Access application, I am using a form which contains only two controls - a textbox and a command button. This form is named as HEADER FORM.
HEADER FORM is used as a subform in header section of various other forms.
Figure below shows the subform and its use in one of the main form.
Now, what I want is that when user clicks on Logout button of the subform, the logout action shall happen (which is fine and I am able to figure it out) and all the forms that are open at that point in time shall be closed / unloaded.
I tried using following code to no avail.
Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdHeaderLogout_Click()
If (loggedIn = 1) Then
loggedIn = 0
DoCmd.Close acForm, Parent.Form
End If
End Sub
When I try to click on logout button, control reaches DoCmd.Close statement above. And execution stops after giving following error message:
Run-time error: 2498. An expression you entered is the wrong data type
for one of the arguments.
and it points to Parent.Form text.
I am not able to figure out how to refer to parent form and unload the same?
You should refer to the name of the parent of the current form, that is:
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Parent.Name
The second argument of DoCmd.Close takes a string.
You can also loop through the forms collection.
FormsCount = Forms.Count - 1
For i = FormsCount To 0 Step -1
If Forms(i).Name <> Me.Name Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, Forms(i).Name
End If