Let's say I have the following data
{ "value": "apples", "category": 0 }
{ "value": "bananas", "category": 1 }
{ "value": "apples", "category": 2 }
{ "value": "avocados", "category": 2 }
I want to search the database for an array of objects.
If I didn't care about category it would be
.find({'value': {$in:["apples,bananas"]}})
How can I add the category field? I want for example all the apples with category: 0 and bananas with category: 1.
I don't want to 'for' loop and find them one by one.
If you only want to retrieve specific combinations you could use the $or operator:
$or: [
{'value': 'apples', 'category': 0},
{'value': 'bananas', 'category': 1}
First of all it's {$in:["apples","bananas"]} - an array of strings.
To match several fields you can use $or condition, if I understand the question:
.find({$or: [
{"value": "apples", "category": 0},
{"value": "bananas", "category": 1}
// i want to appear document with isFeatured:"true" at first
{ "_id": "625c13ea5c5d3f49f152783b",
"name": "helmet 1",
"description": "gold",
"category": [
"price": "25000",
"stock": 25,
"user": "",
"isFeatured": true // with this property to come first and "isFeatured:false" later
You can invoke sort on the cursor to sort the documents in myCollection on the isFeatured field in descending order.
db.myCollection.find().sort({ isFeatured: -1 })
Or on aggregation pipeline query
db.myCollection.aggregate([{ $sort: { isFeatured: -1 } }])
I have collection like this:
{"key_array": [1], "another_array": ["a"]},
{"key_array": [2, 3], "another_array": ["b"]},
{"key_array": [4], "another_array": ["c", "d"]},
And I'm using this kind of updates:
{"key_array": 5},
{"$addToSet": {"another_array": "f"}},
It works good with updates, but I have trouble when trying to upsert:
It creates a document with a non-array key_array field, like this
"_id": ObjectId(...)
"key_array": 5,
"another_array": ["f"]
while I want to have this one
"_id": ObjectId(...)
"key_array": [5],
"another_array": ["f"]
Also, I cannot use the {"key_array": [5]} style query, because it won't match the existing array with length > 1.
So, is there any chance to save such behavior on updates, and receive the correct document structure on inserts?
Any help will be appreciated
This should help.
{"key_array": 5},
"$addToSet": {"another_array": "f"},
"$setOnInsert": {"key_array": [5], ...}
how about this one.
"key_array": 5
"$addToSet": {
"another_array": "f",
"$set": {
"key_array": [
"upsert": true
Ok, finally I had solved this issue with two consecutive updates, the first as specified in the question - upserts with non-array query field, and the second which converts the field to an array if it belongs to another type.
from pymongo import UpdateOne
bulk = [
{"key_array": 6},
{"$addToSet": {"another_array": "e"}},
"$and": [{"key_array": 6},
{"key_array": {"$not": {"$type": "array"}}}]
[{"$set": { "key_array": ["$key_array"]}}]
But I'm still looking for a more elegant way to do such a thing.
This seems like an easy question, but I can't seem to figure it out after trying for a substantial amount of time.
I have a mongodb collection that has the schema {user, documentID, rating}. Ratings are on a scale of 1-5, so the collection might look something like:
userA, documentA, 5
userA, documentB, 5
userB, documentA, 1
userC, documentB, 2
(and so on...)
Is there a way I can directly find the count of each rating on a single document with a single query? The desired output is something like:
"1": 23,
"2": 24,
"3": 131,
"4": 242,
"5": 500
I've read about how to use aggregate to group fields but I'm not sure how it can be used to return the count of distinct values (ie 1-5).
Will really appreciate any help provided!
you can achive this using aggregation
the query would look like
{ $group:
{ _id: { document: "$document", rating: "$rating"},
sum: {$sum: 1}
the output would be like
{_id: {"document": "documentA", "rating": 1}, "sum": 1}
{_id: {"document": "documentA", "rating": 5}, "sum": 1}
{_id: {"document": "documentB", "rating": 2}, "sum": 1}
{_id: {"document": "documentB", "rating": 5}, "sum": 1}
I have a collection of documents like this
{ "name": "pika", "attrs": { "A": 1, "B": 2 ... } },
{ "name": "chu", "attrs": { "C": 3 } },
{ "name": "plop", "attrs": { "A": 1, "C": 3 } }
I would like to delete records that have a "C" and only a "C" attribute in their "attrs" (line named "chu") using mongodb 2.4. The number of possible attributes under the attrs key is possibly large (> 100).
I can use several queries.
How would you do that ?
Edit : I want to keep attr C in lines containing other attributes.
You have two choices. If your key space is small you can do
db.collection.remove( {C : {$exists:true}, A: {$exists:false}, B: {$exists: false} })
Otherwise you'll need to do
var col = db.collection.find( {C : {$exists:true}} );
for(doc in col) {
var found = false
for(key in obj) {
if( key !== 'C' ) {
found = true;
if(found === false) {
There's no way to count the number of keys in a document directly within MongoDB and there's no way to query on wildcards in key names (e.g. you can't do "key not equal to C : {$exists: false}"). So you either need to test all keys explicitly or test each document in your application layer.
If the "attrs" is a array, in other words, you collections like this:
{ "name": "pika", "attrs": [{ "A": 1}, {"B": 2}] };
{ "name": "chu", "attrs": [{ "C": 3 }] };
{ "name": "plop", "attrs": [{ "A": 1}, {"C": 3 }] }
Then you can write a query like below to find the specific record you want:
db.entities.find({"attrs.C": {$exists: true}, "attrs": {$size: 1}});
You can check the mongodb website to find the $size operation, http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/size/
I have an array stored in each document/record in a mongo database and I need to compute a score for each element in this array and aggregate the scores by another field in the array element.
It's hard for me to explain what I am trying to do in english so here is a python example of what I am looking to do.
records = [
{"state": "a", "initvalue": 1, "data": [{"time": 1, "value": 2}, {"time": 2, "value": 4}]},
{"state": "a", "initvalue": 5, "data": [{"time": 1, "value": 7}, {"time": 2, "value": 9}]},
{"state": "b", "initvalue": 4, "data": [{"time": 1, "value": 2}, {"time": 2, "value": 1}]},
{"state": "b", "initvalue": 5, "data": [{"time": 1, "value": 3}, {"time": 2, "value": 2}]}
def sign(record):
return 1 if record["state"] == "a" else -1
def score(record):
return [{"time": element["time"], "score": sign(record) * (element["value"] - record["initvalue"])} for element in record["data"]]
scores = []
for record in records:
scores += score(record)
sums = {}
for score in scores:
if score["time"] not in sums:
sums[score["time"]] = 0
sums[score["time"]] += score["score"]
print '{:>4} {:>5}'.format('time', 'score')
for time, value in sums.iteritems():
print '{:>4} {:>5}'.format(time, value)
This computes a slightly different score function for state a and for state b and then aggregates the scores across each time entry.
Here is the result
time score
1 7
2 13
I am trying to figure out how to do this in mongo, without pulling the records into python and reinventing aggregation.
Thanks for the help!
Ok. I figured this out. Once I really understood how pipeline's work and about the condition function everything came together.
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
result = client.mydb.foo.aggregate([
{'$project': {'_id': 0, 'data': 1, 'initvalue': 1, 'state': 1}},
{'$unwind': '$data'},
{'$project': {
'time': '$data.time',
'score': {'$multiply': [
{'$cond': [{'$eq': ['$state', 'a']}, 1, -1]},
{'$subtract': ['$data.value', '$initvalue']}
{'$group': {
'_id': '$time',
'score': {'$sum': '$score'}
{'$project': {'_id': 0, 'time': '$_id', 'score': 1}}
for record in result['result']:
print record
This yields the desired result
{u'score': 13, u'time': 2}
{u'score': 7, u'time': 1}