Running SVD in Spark Scala - scala

I have a RDD in which i have word and it's vector representation. I followed following example:
The SingularValueDecomposition class returns the RowMatrix. It doesn't have word for which the vector was originally generated in RowMatrix. I am not getting how to use SingularValueDecomposition output now since it is just reduced matrix with no word label in it.
Anyone faced the similar issue?

I was able to do by following below steps:
// GET word and vector.
val cvModel: CountVectorizerModel = new CountVectorizer().setInputCol("filteredWords").setOutputCol("features").setVocabSize(100000).setMinDF(2).fit(newSentenceData)
// Model is fitted
val fittedModel = cvModel.transform(newSentenceData)
// Converted the Dataframe to RDD as the SVD library works on RDD.
val rddVectorWithAllColumns = fittedModel.rdd
// Here, i have truncated the code and assumed that svd variable is holding the model. In this step, i am accessing the U matrix and adding the word back to the RDD so that we can get reduced vectors and word.
val test = => row.toArray).zip( => row.getString(0))).map(line => line._2 + "\t" + line._1.mkString("\t"))


Converting from vector column to Double[Array] column in scala Spark

I have a data frame doubleSeq whose structure is as below
res274: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [finalFeatures: vector]
The first record of the column is as follows
res281: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [[3.0,6.0,-0.7876947819954485,-0.21757635218517163,0.9731844373162398,-0.6641741696340383,-0.6860072219935377,-0.2990737363481845,-0.7075863760365155,0.8188108975549018,-0.8468559840943759,-0.04349947247406488,-0.45236764452589984,1.0333959313820456,0.6097566070878347,-0.7106619551471779,-0.7750330808435969,-0.08097610412658443,-0.45338437108038904,-0.2952869863393396,-0.30959772365257004,0.6988768123463287,0.17049117199049213,3.2674649019757385,-0.8333373234944124,1.8462942520757128,-0.49441222531240125,-0.44187299748074166,-0.300810826687287]]
I want to extract the double array
from this -
Any = [3.0,6.0,-0.7876947819954485,-0.21757635218517163,0.9731844373162398,-0.6641741696340383,-0.6860072219935377,-0.2990737363481845,-0.7075863760365155,0.8188108975549018,-0.8468559840943759,-0.04349947247406488,-0.45236764452589984,1.0333959313820456,0.6097566070878347,-0.7106619551471779,-0.7750330808435969,-0.08097610412658443,-0.45338437108038904,-0.2952869863393396,-0.30959772365257004,0.6988768123463287,0.17049117199049213,3.2674649019757385,-0.8333373234944124,1.8462942520757128,-0.49441222531240125,-0.44187299748074166,-0.300810826687287]
Which is not solving my problem
Scala Spark - split vector column into separate columns in a Spark DataFrame
Is not solving my issue but its an indicator
So you want to extract a Vector from a Row, and turn it into an array of doubles.
The problem with your code is that the get method (and the implicit apply method you are using) returns an object of type Any. Indeed, a Row is a generic, unparametrized object and there is no way to now at compile time what types it contains. It's a bit like Lists in java 1.4 and before. To solve it in spark, you can use the getAs method that you can parametrize with a type of your choosing.
In your situation, you seem to have a dataframe containing a vector (
val firstRow = df.head(1)(0) // or simply df.head
val vect : Vector = firstRow.getAs[Vector](0)
// or all in one: df.head.getAs[Vector](0)
// to transform into a regular array
val array : Array[Double] = vect.toArray
Note also that you can access columns by name like this:
val vect : Vector = firstRow.getAs[Vector]("finalFeatures")

Converting a Spark DataFrame for ML processing

I have written the following code to feed data to a machine learning algorithm in Spark 2.3. The code below runs fine. I need to enhance this code to be able to convert not just 3 columns but any number of columns, uploaded via the csv file. For instance, if I had loaded 5 columns, how can I put them automatically in the Vector.dense command below, or some other way to generate the same end result? Does anyone know how this can be done?
val data2 ="csv").option("header",
val goodBadRecords =
row =>{
val n0 = row(0).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
val n1 = row(1).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
val n2 = row(2).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
val n3 = row(3).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
(n0, Vectors.dense(n1,n2,n3))
).toDF("label", "features")
A VectorAssembler can do the job:
VectorAssembler is a transformer that combines a given list of columns into a single vector column. It is useful for combining raw features [...] into a single feature vector
Based on your code, the solution would look like:
val data2 ="csv")
.option("inferSchema", "true") //1
val fields = data2.schema.fieldNames
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(fields.tail) //2
.setOutputCol("features") //3
val goodBadRecords = assembler.transform(data2)
.withColumn("label", col(fields(0))) //4
.drop(fields:_*) //5
A schema is necessary for the input data, as the VectorAssembler only accepts the following input column types: all numeric types, boolean type, and vector type (same link). You seem to have a csv with doubles, so infering the schema should work. But of course, any other method to transform the string data to doubles is also ok.
Use all but the first column as input for the VectorAssembler
Name the result column of the VectorAssembler features
Create a new column called label as copy of the first column
Drop all orginal columns. This last step is optional as the learning algorithm usually only looks at the label and feature column and ignores all other columns

converting RDD to vector with fixed length file data

I'm new to Spark + Scala and still developing my intuition. I have a file containing many samples of data. Every 2048 lines represents a new sample. I'm attempting to convert each sample into a vector and then run through a k-means clustering algorithm. The data file looks like this:
123.34 800.18
456.123 23.16
When I'm playing with a very small subset of the data, I create an RDD from the file like this:
val fileData = sc.textFile("hdfs://path/to/file.txt")
and then create the vector using this code:
val freqLineCount = 2048
val numSamples = 200
val freqPowers = _.split(" ")(1).toDouble )
val allFreqs = freqPowers.take(numSamples*freqLineCount).grouped(freqLineCount)
val lotsOfVecs = => Vectors.dense(spec) ).toArray
val lotsOfVecsRDD = sc.parallelize( lotsOfVecs ).cache()
val numClusters = 2
val numIterations = 2
val clusters = KMeans.train(lotsOfVecsRDD, numClusters, numIterations)
The key here is that I can call .grouped on an array of strings and it returns an array of arrays with the sequential 2048 values. That is then trivial to convert to vectors and run it through the KMeans training algo.
I'm attempting to run this code on a much larger data set and running into java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space errors. Presumably because I'm calling the take method on my freqPowers variable and then performing some operations on that data.
How would I go about achieving my goal of running KMeans on this data set keeping in mind that
each data sample occurs every 2048 lines in the file (so the file should be parsed somewhat sequentially)
this code needs to run on a distributed cluster
I need to not run out of memory :)
thanks in advance
You can do something like:
val freqLineCount = 2048
val freqPowers = fileData.flatMap(_.split(" ")(1).toDouble)
// Replacement of your current code.
val groupedRDD = freqPowers.zipWithIndex().groupBy(_._2 / freqLineCount)
val vectorRDD = => Vectors.dense(
val numClusters = 2
val numIterations = 2
val clusters = KMeans.train(vectorRDD, numClusters, numIterations)
The replacing code uses zipWithIndex() and division of longs to group RDD elements into freqLineCount chunks. After the grouping, the elements in question are extracted into their actual vectors.

How to transform Array[(Double, Double)] into Array[Double] in Scala?

I'm using MLlib of Spark (v1.1.0) and Scala to do k-means clustering applied to a file with points (longitude and latitude).
My file contains 4 fields separated by comma (the last two are the longitude and latitude).
Here, it's an example of k-means clustering using Spark:
What I want to do is to read the last two fields of my files that are in a specific directory in HDFS, transform them into an RDD<Vector> o use this method in KMeans class:
train(RDD<Vector> data, int k, int maxIterations)
This is my code:
val data = sc.textFile("/user/test/location/*")
val parsedData = => Vectors.dense(s.split(',').map(fields => (fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))))
But when I run it in spark-shell I get the following error:
error: overloaded method value dense with alternatives: (values:
Array[Double])org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector (firstValue:
Double,otherValues: Double*)org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
cannot be applied to (Array[(Double, Double)])
So, I don't know how to transform my Array[(Double, Double)] into Array[Double]. Maybe there is another way to read the two fields and convert them into RDD<Vector>, any suggestion?
Previous suggestion using flatMap was based on the assumption that you wanted to map over the elements of the array given by the .split(",") - and offered to satisfy the types, by using Array instead of Tuple2.
The argument received by the .map/.flatMap functions is an element of the original collection, so should be named 'field' (singluar) for clarity. Calling fields(2) selects the 3rd character of each of the elements of the split - hence the source of confusion.
If what you're after is the 3rd and 4th elements of the .split(",") array, converted to Double:
or if you want all BUT the first to fields converted to Double (if there may be more than 2):
There're two 'factory' methods for dense Vectors:
def dense(values: Array[Double]): Vector
def dense(firstValue: Double, otherValues: Double*): Vector
While the provided type above is Array[Tuple2[Double,Double]] and hence does not type-match:
(Extracting the logic above:)
val parseLineToTuple: String => Array[(Double,Double)] = s => s=> s.split(',').map(fields => (fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))
What is needed here is to create a new Array out of the input String, like this: (again focusing only on the specific parsing logic)
val parseLineToArray: String => Array[Double] = s=> s.split(",").flatMap(fields => Array(fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble)))
Integrating that in the original code should solve the issue:
val data = sc.textFile("/user/test/location/*")
val vectors = => Vectors.dense(parseLineToArray(s))
(You can of course inline that code, I separated it here to focus on the issue at hand)
val parsedData = => Vectors.dense(s.split(',').flatMap(fields => Array(fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))))

How can I create a TF-IDF for Text Classification using Spark?

I have a CSV file with the following format :
The product_idX is a integer and the product_titleX is a String, example :
453478692, Apple iPhone 4 8Go
I'm trying to create the TF-IDF from my file so I can use it for a Naive Bayes Classifier in MLlib.
I am using Spark for Scala so far and using the tutorials I have found on the official page and the Berkley AmpCamp 3 and 4.
So I'm reading the file :
val file = sc.textFile("offers.csv")
Then I'm mapping it in tuples RDD[Array[String]]
val tuples = => line.split(",")).cache
and after I'm transforming the tuples into pairs RDD[(Int, String)]
val pairs = tuples.(line => (line(0),line(1)))
But I'm stuck here and I don't know how to create the Vector from it to turn it into TFIDF.
To do this myself (using pyspark), I first started by creating two data structures out of the corpus. The first is a key, value structure of
document_id, [token_ids]
The second is an inverted index like
token_id, [document_ids]
I'll call those corpus and inv_index respectively.
To get tf we need to count the number of occurrences of each token in each document. So
from collections import Counter
def wc_per_row(row):
cnt = Counter()
for word in row:
cnt[word] += 1
return cnt.items()
tf = (x, y): (x, wc_per_row(y)))
The df is simply the length of each term's inverted index. From that we can calculate the idf.
df = (x, y): (x, len(y)))
num_documnents = tf.count()
# At this step you can also apply some filters to make sure to keep
# only terms within a 'good' range of df.
import math.log10
idf = (k, v): (k, 1. + log10(num_documents/v))).collect()
Now we just have to do a join on the term_id:
def calc_tfidf(tf_tuples, idf_tuples):
return [(k1, v1 * v2) for (k1, v1) in tf_tuples for
(k2, v2) in idf_tuples if k1 == k2]
tfidf = (k, v): (k, calc_tfidf(v, idf)))
This isn't a particularly performant solution, though. Calling collect to bring idf into the driver program so that it's available for the join seems like the wrong thing to do.
And of course, it requires first tokenizing and creating a mapping from each uniq token in the vocabulary to some token_id.
If anyone can improve on this, I'm very interested.