I have a saved list of my friends name and playerId via Gamesparks. I want to know if they are online/offline. Can I do that using their respective playerIds ?
To lookup a player's online status using their ID:
SparkPlayer documentation
Hello I am new at facebook graph API
when I used url like this
I can get website, first name , gender etc of me
but when I try to get another user's information from this url
https://graph.facebook.com/v2.7/{user id}?fields=id,website,about,first_name,last_name,gender,birthday,education,age_range,email,%20television,movies,hometown,context,devices,favorite_teams,work&access_token=EAAM...
I can get null values expect first_name, last_name and id
How can I correct the mistake?
Note : the other user allows to show this info.
Is there a way to get FIRUser data back from a Firebase by using their uid? For example:
let firebaseUser:FIRUser = FIRAuth().auth()?.getUserByUid(someuid)
I'm doing this because I want to allow a user to see a friend's display name in the app.
In order to get someone by their Uid, you would need to store The data that you want in the database. You can use child["user"] with child["Uid"] to store things like a user's name or photoURL. Check out this series of videos. He shows you how to do a signup flow with FIRAuth and FIRDatabase. The next video in the series shows how you query the data if you don't already know how to do that.
I used GTLQueryPlus.queryForPeopleGetWithUserId("me") for retrieving logged in user information. I am not getting the gender in json. When I set the gender visibility to 'public' instead of 'my circles' from my google plus profile, then I got the gender.
How to get the gender info without changing the settings from googe plus profile settings?
scopes used: signIn.scopes = [kGTLAuthScopePlusMe, kGTLAuthScopePlusUserinfoProfile, kGTLAuthScopePlusLogin];
You can only access what a user has set to public. If the user doesn't want this information public then you cant have the information.
Just because I authenticate your application doesn't mean that I want you to for example to see my address or in this case my gender. So I don't set them public you cant see them.
Calling this URL return a user object with public informations about a facebook user:
100000050972893 is the facebook user ID. Is it possible to get multiple user objects with one call? I need to know the gender of about 200 users and I dont think its a good idea calling 200 times the graph URL...
Just found the answer:
But I dont know where the Limit of IDs is you can check with one call...
I am developing an app that will use facebook ad-api to autocomplete city name, however, the city id I get from facebook ad-api is not the same as what I get for the same city from graph-api. For example, pittsburgh, in graph-api, is 11493251851302, which I get from user's current living information. However, when I pull a list of city by ad-api, pittsburgh's key is 2512017. Is there anyway that I can convert between those two different id system? Thank you!