How to run a script when a node goes down on Kubernetes? - kubernetes

I have a question about kepping a Kubernetes cluster online as much as possible. Usually, the cluster would be behind some kind of cloud load-balancer which does health-checks and directs traffic to the available nodes.
Now, my hosting provider does not offer managed load balancers. Instead, they have a configurable so-called "failover" IP which can be detached and re-attached to another server by running a command in the command line. it's not a real failover IP in the traditional sense. More like a movable IP.
As a beginner to Kubernetes, I'm not sure how to go about this.
Basically, I'd need to run a script that checks if the cluster is still publically online on the IP. When it goes down, one of the nodes should run the script to detach and re-attach the failover IP to itself or one of the other nodes.
Extra complication: The moving of the failover IP takes around 40-60 seconds to take effect, so we should not run the script too often.
This also means that only 1 node is attached to the public IP and all traffic to the cluster will come in this way. There is no load balancer distributing traffic among the online nodes. Will Kubernetes send the request on its own to the other nodes internally? I imagine so?
The cluster consists of 3 identical servers with 1 master and 2 other workers. I'd setup load balancing in the cluster with Ingress.
The goal is to keep websites running on k8s up as much as possible, while working with the limited options our hosting company offers. The hosting company only offers dedicated bare-metal machines and this movable IP. They don't have managed load balancers like AWS or DigitalOcean have, so I need to find a solution for that. This moveable IP looks like an answer, but if you know a better way, then sure.
All 3 machines have a public IP and a private IP.
There is 1 extra public IP that can be moved to 1 of the 3 nodes (using this I want to achieve failover, unless you know a better way?).
Personally, I don't think I need a multi-master cluster. As I understand it, the master can go down for short periods of time, and during those periods the cluster is more vulnerable, but this is okay as long as we can timely fix the master. Only thing is, that we need to move this IP over to an online node, and I'm not sure how to trigger this.


Understanding Kubernetes networking and public/private addressing

I'm trying to set up a Kubernetes cluster for production (with kubeadm) on a private cloud (IONOS Cloud). I've been trying to figure it all out and configure it as best as possible for a few weeks now. Still there is one thing I don't quite understand or see if it is possible.
The initial cluster would be 5 nodes, 3 masters and 2 workers. The master servers with a load balancer and the workers with another load balancer. Each server has 2 interfaces, one for the public network and one for the private network ( Each server has a firewall that by default blocks all packets.
In order not to have to create firewall rules on each server, so that they can see each other over the public network, I would like any kind of communication between Kubernetes nodes to be over the private network.
I can think of other reasons to use the private network for inter-node communication, such as: speed, latency, security...
However, I have not been able to configure it and I don't know if it is really possible to create this scenario. The problems I encounter are the following:
In order to access the API (e.g. kubectl) of the cluster from outside I need to expose the control-plane endpoint with the public IP of the balancer. If I do this, then the database endpoints etcd are exposed on the public network. Then, the other nodes, in the process of joining the cluster (kubeadm join) need to get some information from the databases etcd, therefore, they necessarily need visibility over the public network between them.
Once all the nodes are joined, the "kubernetes" service has the endpoints of all the control-plane endpoints (public). When I try to deploy Calico (or another CNI) they never finish deploying because they make queries to the kubernetes service, and if they don't have visibility between them, it fails.
It seems that whatever I do, if I publish the API on the public network, I need all the nodes to see each other over the public network.
Maybe I'm making my life too complicated, and the simplest thing to do is to open a firewall rule for each node, but I don't know if this is a good practice.
Architecture diagram (I still cannot embed images)

How to automatically update the Service `spec.externalIPs` when a Kubernetes worker is drained/down?

I'm hosting a Kubernetes cluster on VMs/VPS from a random cloud provider not providing any Kubernetes things at all, meaning with a dedicated public IP address and to allow the trafic coming to the worker nodes, I'm defining my Service with the spec.externalIPs with the fixed list of IP addresses.
I'm looking for a way to get that list updated when a node is drained/down automatically.
I had a look at the existing operators from but I haven't found any that seem to cover my use case.
The idea would that when the event of a node passing to NotReady is emitted, the Service is updated with the Nodes being Ready.
Is there any operator that could allow doing that?
After some time working on this, I finally figured out that this is not possible, at least today, there's no known operator or what so ever that could update the field with the IP addresses.
And even if it was the case, there would be delays to update the DNS records.
What I've done instead is to buy another VPS, installing HAproxy in order to proxy the Kubernetes API trafic to the master nodes, and the web trafic (both 80 and 443) to the Kubernetes worker nodes.
HAproxy monitors the nodes, and add/remove nodes automagically and in a very quick way.
With this, you just need one DNS record, pointing to the Load Balancer (or VIP of the Load Balancers in order to avoid SPOF), and HAproxy will do the rest!

Having 1 outgoing IP for kubernetes egress traffic

Current set-up
Cluster specs: Managed Kubernetes on Digital Ocean
My pods are accessing some websites but I want to use a proxy first.
The proxy I need to use is only taking 1 IP address in an "allow-list".
My cluster is using different nodes, with node-autoscaler so I have multiple and changing IP addresses.
Solutions I am thinking about
Setting-up a proxy (squid? nginx?) outside of the cluster (Currently not working when I access an HTTPS website)
Istio could let me set-up a gateway? (No knowledge of Istio)
Use GCP managed K8s, and follow the answers on Kubernetes cluster outgoing traffic IP. But all our stack is on Digital Ocean and the pricing is better there.
I am curious to know what is the best practice, easiest solution or if anyone experienced such use-case before :)
You could set up all your traffic to go through istio-egressgateway.
Then you could manipulate the istio-egressgateway to always be deployed on the same node of the cluster, and whitelist that IP address.
Pros: super easy. BUT. If you are not using Istio already, to set up Istio just for this is may be killing a mosquito with a bazooka.
Cons: Need to make sure the node doesn't change the IP address. Otherwise the istio-egressgateway itself might not get deployed (if you do not have the labels added to the new node), and you will need to reconfigure everything for the new node (new IP address). Another con might be the fact that if the traffic goes up, there is an HPA, which will deploy more replicas of the gateway, and all of them will be deployed on the same node. So, if you are going to have lots of traffic, may be it would be a good idea to isolate one node, just for this purpose.
Another option would be as you are suggesting; a proxy. I would recommend an Envoy proxy directly. I mean, Istio is going to be using Envoy anyways right? So, just get the proxy directly, put it in a pod, do the same thing as I mentioned before; node affinity, so it will always run on the same node, so it will go out with the same IP.
Pros: You are not installing entire service mesh control plane for one tiny thing.
Cons: Same as before, as you still have the issue of the node IP change if something goes wrong, plus you will need to manage your own Deployment object, HPA, configure the Envoy proxy, etc. instead of using Istio objects (like Gateway and a VirtualService).
Finally, I see a third option; to set up a NAT gateway outside the cluster, and configure your traffic to go through it.
Pros: You won't have to configure any kubernetes object, therefor there will be no need to set up any node affinity, therefor there will be no node overwhelming or IP change. Plus you can remove the external IP addresses from your cluster, so it will be more secure (unless you have other workloads that need to reach internet directly). Also , probably having a single node configured as NAT will be more resilient then a kubernetes pod, running in a node.
Cons: May be a little bit more complicate to set up?
And there is this general Con, that you can whitelist only 1 IP address, so you will always have a single point of failure. Even NAT gateway; it still can fail.
The GCP static IP won't help you. What is suggesting the other post is to reserve an IP address, so you can re-use it always. But it's not that you will have that IP address automatically added to a random node that goes down. Human intervention is needed. I don't think you can have one specific node to have a static IP address, and if it goes down, the new created node will pick the same IP. That service, to my knowledge, doesn't exist.
Now, GCP does offer a very resilient NAT gateway. It is managed by Google, so shouldn't fail. Not cheap though.

bare metal kubernetes best practice to externally load balance between services

We have a bare metal kubernetes cluster, including master01, master02, master03, worker01, ..., worker10. We expect to visit services in the cluster using our domain name It is possible to assign public ip to each node with bandwidth between 1Mbps to 100Mbps (the price increases exponentially). As the cluster is not in public cloud like GCE/AWS, external load balancer not exists.
I have struggled for week about the best practices to access the services in the cluster using from the Internet. Best practices here I mean load balance amoung nodes with minimal public bandwidth expenses. Here are the methods I came up with:
1) Assign 1Mbps to all the nodes in the cluseter and buy another machine named balancer. Assign it 100Mbps bandwidth and make the domain point to it. Deploy a nginx service in balancer which proxy all the traffic from the Internet to worker01, ..., worker10;
2) Assign 1Mbps to all the nodes in the cluster except one of them, saying worker01, which have 100Mbps bandwidth. Point to it;
3) Assign 10Mbps to all the worker nodes and assign to all of them. And let DNS do the load balance job;
4) Maybe using MetaLB. It seems to be a good solution. But I am quite confused. As it is deployed inside kubernetes, how it differ from ingress in my situation? And moreover, as far as I understand, it does not support subdomain loadbalance, i.e., assign subdomain name for each service like ingress.
Which one do you think is the best solution? Maybe there are other methods too.
FYI, we have deployed ingress in the cluster. So all the services are accessed through it.
Thank you in advance.

Joining an external Node to an existing Kubernetes Cluster

I have a custom Kubernetes Cluster (deployed using kubeadm) running on Virtual Machines from an IAAS Provider. The Kubernetes Nodes have no Internet facing IP Adresses (except for the Master Node, which I also use for Ingress).
I'm now trying to join a Machine to this Cluster that is not hosted by my main IAAS provider. I want to do this because I need specialized computing resources for my application that are not offered by the IAAS.
What is the best way to do this?
Here's what I've tried already:
Run the Cluster on Internet facing IP Adresses
I have no trouble joining the Node when I tell kube-apiserver on the Master Node to listen on and use public IP Adresses for every Node. However, this approach is non-ideal from a security perspective and also leads to higher cost because public IP Adresses have to be leased for Nodes that normally don't need them.
Create a Tunnel to the Master Node using sshuttle
I've had moderate success by creating a tunnel from the external Machine to the Kubernetes Master Node using sshuttle, which is configured on my external Machine to route through the tunnel. This works in principle, but it seems way too hacky and is also a bit unstable (sometimes the external machine can't get a route to the other nodes, I have yet to investigate this problem further).
Here are some ideas that could work, but I haven't tried yet because I don't favor these approaches:
Use a proper VPN
I could try to use a proper VPN tunnel to connect the Machine. I don't favor this solution because it would add a (admittedly quite small) overhead to the Cluster.
Use a cluster federation
It looks like kubefed was made specifically for this purpose. However, I think this is overkill in my case: I'm only trying to join a single external Machine to the Cluster. Using Kubefed would add a ton of overhead (Federation Control Plane on my Main Cluster + Single Host Kubernetes Deployment on the external machine).
I couldn't think about any better solution than a VPN here. Especially since you have only one isolated node, it should be relatively easy to make the handshake happen between this node and your master.
Routing the traffic from "internal" nodes to this isolated node is also trivial. Because all nodes already use the master as their default gateway, modifying the route table on the master is enough to forward the traffic from internal nodes to the isolated node through the tunnel.
You have to be careful with the configuration of your container network though. Depending on the solution you use to deploy it, you may have to assign a different subnet to the Docker bridge on the other side of the VPN.