I develop a game with unity3d, I've integrated facebook's unity3d-SDK.
At login, I used
public void LoginFB()
var perms = new List<string>() { "public_profile", "email","user_friends"};
FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(perms, AuthCallback);
But when I take a screenshot to post to facebook using :
FB.API("me/photos", HttpMethod.POST, ScreenshotSharePostCallBack, wwwForm);
The callback result said : 403 forbidden.
So I want to update the Permissions, but I have no idea about how to update it.
when I added the follow on the share button
FB.LogInWithPublishPermissions(new List<string>() { "publish_actions" }, callback : PublishActionsDone);
the app crashed.
Please tell me how to update the permissions when user click the button of sharing ,and how to open share dialog when using FB.API(.....).
Thanks !
This doens't work anymore. You have to use FB.ShareLink() now. which doesn't require any permission like "publish_actions" anymore. This now what Facebook prefers. BTW I forgot to mention you have to build it in order for it to work and see the results. :D
I'm using Unity3D 2018.2.6f1 With Facebook SDK.
This is the code I'm using to login into facebook once the user clicked on the login button:
new List<string>() { "public_profile", "email" },
result_ =>
I'm testing the login behavior on an android device.
The first time I log in it requires a username and a password which is great.
But each time afterward it will prompt me with a message that says:
"You previously logged in to myAppName with Facebook. Would you like to continue?"
And it lets me choose between "continue" and "cancel".
Is there a way to avoid this message?
In the game "Coin Master" for example, I don't see this message every time I log into the game after I already logged in once with facebook.
The facebook sdk has a IsLoggedIn method to determine if someone is already logged. You might want to call it before doing your loginwithreadpermission call.
Maybe something like this:
private void OnFacebookInitialized()
if (!FB.IsLoggedIn)
// you are not logged, call loginWithReadPermission
// you are already logged in, do something
// ...
FB.Init(OnFacebookInitialized); // init FB
See documentation of FB Session Properties for more information
I want to implement Facebook Login for Unity.
I used the following example from facebook SDK for unity:
In editor it seems to be working (which is more for testing purposes) as i can see from console, However, from Android i receive the following image:
When I click "OK" I receive "User cancelled login" which I see from console 'ADB' debugging, in actually APP nothing happens.
You can see the "User cancelled login" line of code in the Link for Facebook SDK for unity I provided.
My question, is that how FB LOGIN should look like? I thought it should open Facebook login page.
Where am i going wrong?
public void OnClick_PromptFaceBookLogin()
List<string> perms = new List<string>() { "public_profile", "email" };
FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(perms, AuthCallback);
private void AuthCallback(ILoginResult result)
if (FB.IsLoggedIn) //Android Not passing this, while in editor it does pass
// AccessToken class will have session details
var aToken = Facebook.Unity.AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken;
// Print current access token's User ID
Debug.Log("TokenString=" + aToken.TokenString);
// Print current access token's granted permissions
foreach (string perm in aToken.Permissions)
Debug.Log("User cancelled login");
Facebook SDK settings:
Issue was that the Debug Android Key Hash in Facebook Settings (Facebook -> Edit Settings) was Incorrect!
I found out that by trying to build the MainMenu.scene in Facebook examples in the project. This helps to debug and find problems, like in our case.
Note: Do not forget to add LogView.scene to 'Scenes in build' as this is where you can see the real hash (After pressing 'log' button in the MainMenu Scene).
afterwards, go to your app Facebook developer page. https://developers.facebook.com/apps/YOUR_APP_ID]
Settings -> Basic -> Key Hashes (place the correct hash here)
Walla, it works.
I have the same issues here, but it turns out that there has an extra "space" character when I copy the APPId from face book app setting page, so the AppId wont match the same appId in the facebook app settings page and cause the issues.
It took me a lot of time to solve the issues lol.
enter image description here
I just installed the new version of Unity 4.3 and the new facebook sdk and I can't get it working.
I created the app on facebook, copied over the app id to the unity facebook settings as required and copied the Package Name and Class name back to facebook.
Because the Android Key Hash is empty ( even it shouldn't be ) I used the methods posted by others to create one with openssl. I created it and copied over to facebook as required.
After this I created a small script to be able to login.
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
enabled = false;
FB.Init(SetInit, OnHideUnity);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
private void SetInit()
enabled = true; // "enabled" is a property inherited from MonoBehaviour
if (FB.IsLoggedIn)
FbDebug.Log("Already logged in");
private void OnHideUnity(bool isGameShown)
if (!isGameShown)
// pause the game - we will need to hide
Time.timeScale = 0;
// start the game back up - we're getting focus again
Time.timeScale = 1;
void OnGUI(){
if (!FB.IsLoggedIn)
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(179 , 11, 287, 160), "Login to Facebook"))
FB.Login("email", LoginCallback);
void LoginCallback(FBResult result)
if (FB.IsLoggedIn)
void OnLoggedIn()
FbDebug.Log("Logged in. ID: " + FB.UserId);
Now when I click on the login button a Facebook window appears requesting permission, after I press ok, it returns, but I'm still not logged in... Can anybody help why is this?
Another strange thing I observed that the LoginCallback gets called as soon as I click on the login button, even though I would think it should only when I gave permission. Anyway when I give permission it returns to my app and nothing happens. I can click on the login button again and same thing happens, login callback called, it asks for permisions, I give the permision and returns back, nothing happened. Can anybody help?
Version 4.3.6 of the sdk should fix this problem. It's available here: https://developers.facebook.com/ We are still waiting for it to be approved on the asset store, so the only place to get it right now is from Facebook's site.
Note - it's still broken (5/2014) IF you use a Mac. Just follow the "Rafael solution", discover your hash properly from public void OnLoginComplete(string message). Cheers
So after being frustrated for a few days with having to trace out the key to my phone, I decided to look into what it was doing.
After some research it turned out that when you published to an android device, facebook would use the keystore that was defined in your publish settings, not your .android/debug.keystore file. So I went in and changed the sdk to make it work the proper way. Essentially I changed the SDK to look at the ProjectSettings instead of the debug directory for grabbing the key hash. In the FacebookAndroidUtils.cs I added the following.
// Using the user defined keystore values instead of the debug one.
degbugKeyHash = GetKeyHash( PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasName, PlayerSettings.Android.keystoreName, PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasPass, PlayerSettings.Android.keystorePass );
I created a small repo that provides the fix as well as some gui changes to make it more easy to update the key hash.
Github Facebook Unity SDK 6.1 Fix
Update - Fixed a bug with OS X related to escaping spaces on the string path
Hope this helps!
Take the "email" permission out of the login function and try it. Oops I thought I seen the "publish_actions" permission in there too.
Make sure the loginactivity in the manifest is in portrait.
Instead of implementing everything yourself, try using the free and open source SOOMLA Profile plugin for all of your social network needs:
Also available on the asset store for download:
It covers Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and has a unified API for logging in, posting statues, uploading images and getting friends lists. For proper disclosure, I'm one of the founders.
I think this is because Facebook just made some changes to their login process.
A few days ago, my air app was working with the FacebookDesktop class from the facebook-actionscript-api. Today I opened the project, and noticed that the Facebook login screens are a little different than when I started building my app. After I type my userID and password in, I grant the app access to my public profile, friend list and photos. Then another screen comes up where I grant the app permission to post to my friends on my behalf.
Then the window closes, and I get 'OAuthException 2500 An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.'
When I sign into Facebook through a browser, I see that my app shows up under "Your Apps" but I can't log in and do anything through my app.
I'm using Adobe Flash with GraphAPI_Desktop_1_8_1.swc on OSX Lion.
Here is my code:
public function MyApp(){
FacebookDesktop.init(APP_ID, onInit);
protected function onInit(result:Object, fail:Object):void {
if (result) {
trace("onInit, Logged In\n");
} else {
trace("onInit, Not Logged In\n");
var permissions:Array = ["publish_stream", "user_photos"];
FacebookDesktop.login(onLogin, permissions);
protected function onLogin(result:Object, fail:Object):void {
if (result) {
trace("Logged In as:");
} else {
trace("Login Failed");
trace('code: '+fail.error.code); //code: 2500
trace('message: '+fail.error.message); //message: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.
trace('type: '+fail.error.type); //type: OAuthException
I get the same results when I use the FlashDesktopExample provided in the SDK (modified with my app ID of course).
Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!
I ran into this problem, too: the success URL did not have any parameters.
Cadderly82 is correct; it's a problem with secure navigation. Turning off my Facebook account's "Secure Browsing" option fixed the problem, but I didn't want to have to require users to do that.
I was able to solve this by setting ALL of the FacebookURLDefaults values to use "https://".
Now I get a valid user-access-token in the success URL; and I get valid values regardless of my facebook account's secure-browsing setting.
I have figured out the problem:
The LoginWindow class sets the token based on the uri.
This worked fine until the LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL (http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html) and the LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL (https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html) pages stopped including the access token in the uri.
Hence, the token is never set. Even though my app shows up under the 'Your Apps' section in Facebook after I login, my app still can't do anything without a token.
I have two solutions:
The easiest is to change the LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL and/or the LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL properties in com.facebook.graph.core.FacebookURLDefaults like the following.
beginning on line 82:
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL:String = 'http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html';
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL:String = 'https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html';
Change to:
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL:String = 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/';
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL:String = 'https://www.yoursecurewebsite.com/';
of course you would use your own website - not 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/'. I tried it using http://localhost/ and it worked great.
Another solution is:
Change com.facebook.graph.windows.LoginWindow with the following code. I have made some changes to my files, so please forgive me if the line numbers are different than what they are in a fresh copy of the SDK.
around line 143:
vars.redirect_uri = FacebookURLDefaults.LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL;
vars.redirect_uri = 'http://localhost/';
In production code, you probably want to use your own website address instead of localhost, but I used localhost for testing purposes.
Then, in the handleLocationChange function (should be around line 168) add this to the else if statements:
}else if (html.location.indexOf ('http://localhost/') == 0) {
loginCallback(getURLVariables(), null);
userClosedWindow = false;
html.removeEventListener(Event.LOCATION_CHANGE, handleLocationChange);
As I said before, change localhost to your website address.
I hope this helps!
I was having the same problem for random users and I don't really know if it is a Facebook problem with secure navigation:
Check user properties in Facebook: Security Settings > Secure Browsing
For users with "disabled" state it works fine.
For users with "migration" state it gives the error.
For users with previously "enabled" state it works fine.
When I tried with users in "migration" state and changed to "disabled", it worked fine.
Then if I turned it "enabled", the "migration" state is gone and marked as "enabled", but the error it's still there.
So I guess this is the problem, but don't know how to fix it.
alot has change in a year this is what i think the answer is now
you need a token to login FacebookDesktop.getSession().accessToken
public function MyApp(){FacebookDesktop.init(APP_ID, onInit, FacebookDesktop.getSession().accessToken); }
I used the old rest api for showing the Permission Dialog in Facebook before.
Now, with the new graph API, what can I do? (I'm in IFrame Apps).
I know that I can cheat and popup the permission in a seperate window:
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.session) {
if (response.perms) {
// user is logged in and granted some permissions.
// perms is a comma separated list of granted permissions
} else {
// user is logged in, but did not grant any permissions
} else {
// user is not logged in
}, {perms:'offline_access'});
like that.. call the FB.login again (let say I want people to click on a different button and trigger the extended permisison dialog)
However,it looks ugly,and it doesn't look like a dialog.
Is there a way to generate the dialog? I try to figure out whether FB.ui can help but there is only little information about that.
In addition, I don't think the 'response' callback ever execute. Neither I click "Don't allow" or "allow", won't trigger any call back. any idea?
hihih..anyone can help me?
Finally. find out the solution from another website.
first. after FB.init( ... ); do that:
{ 'permissions.request' : { size : {width: 575, height: 300},
url: 'connect/uiserver.php',
transform : FB.UIServer.genericTransform }
} );
Then, whenever you need to call the permssion dialog, do that:
FB.ui({method: "permissions.request", "perms": 'email,offline_access'},
It took me so long to figure out by looking at the FB object and find out there is UIServer with permissions.request then from that, I keep searching and find this solution. and FB.ui talks nothing about it.. and FB.provide is not documented. THANKS facebook.
You don't need to use javascript or any SDK for this although it would make it easier. You need only to redirect the user to a url like this:
You should always redirect the user to the top window either with javascript or the link.
window.top.location = <login_url> or Login
If you are using the PHP SDK or the C# SDK you could have the sdk generate the url for you, but the process is the same.
Also, not that the redirect_uri has to be on the same domain as your iFrame application's url. This will cause Facebook to redirect your user outside of Facebook to your website, you then should redirect the user back to the app inside of facebook. For example:
User clicks login
user goes to Facebook login page
User clicks allow
Facebook redirects the user to http://www.example.com/callback
Your app redirects the user to http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/loggedin
One of the answers suggests a hack in which you call FB.provide() and then FB.ui() to pop up the extended permissions dialog. That solution doesn't work for me, but there is a documented solution now that does. Just call FB.login() to get the permissions you need.
if (response.authResponse) {
} else {
},{scope: 'email'});
Even better, you can ask for extended permissions with the login button.