STS does not work after changing jdk from 1.8 to 10 - spring-tool-suite

I used jdk 1.8 in the STS latest version and changed it to jdk 10.
However, STS does not run.
When i run exe, i will see only the first logo and nothing more.
What is the problem?
I can not see the log because it is not running.


MyEclipse doesnt accept JDK for creating Runtime

I am trying to create a JBoss Runtime in Eclipse. I have added 2 JRE entries in my Eclipse - one for JDK1.7 and another for 1.8.
Still Eclipse wont identify my 1.7 entry. See screenshots attached.
P.S: I got my JDK 1.7 by extracting the MSI/Exe setup file using 7 zip. I have done regular installation of Java 1.8 and My Java_Home is set to 1.8 in the PC. I don't want to modify it to point to lower version as it will impact other projects.
Your JRE definition won't be recognized as valid for the JBoss runtime if it is not a JDK. Your extraction of the JDK may have resulted in a JRE instead. Why not just run the JDK installer and change the installation folder to something other than your Program Files folder; it won't switch your system to Java 1.7 that way (I just tried this myself to check). Then define a new JRE to point to the newly installed JDK 1.7 and you'll be able to use that for the JBoss runtime.

GlassFish cannot be installed in Eclipse

Tried to install glassfish4 server in eclipse oxygen. Everything is ok except that it cannot recognize the jdk. Its saying JDK required instead of JRE. I have given the right path of my JDK, but still its saying that its JRE. When I am giving "javac -version" command in the command prompt its correctly showing java version "9.0.4". Please help.
No version of GlassFish supports JDK 9 at the moment. You will need to downgrade to JDK 8.
Additionally, the GlassFish Tools for Eclipse IDE have not been formally updated to support GlassFish 5 yet. With the move of Java EE and GlassFish to the Eclipse foundation, this is likely to happen but it is hard to say when at this point.

version 1.7 of the jvm is not suitable for this product. version 1.8 greater is required for eclipse nano in window

I am trying to launch Eclipse Nano in Windows 7, but getting the error:
Version 1.7 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. version 1.8 greater is required for Eclipse Nano in Windows
I already have Java 8 installed on the system
Simply download 1.8 JDK from Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads install it, then copy the jre folder & paste it in:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\EclipseNeon\"
Then rename the folder to "jre", start the eclipse again it should work.
sudo /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config java
and select the jvm 1.8
I faced the same issue (Windows 10). You need to set the "JAVA_HOME" system environment variable to point to JDK 8 folder and edit the "Path" system environment variable to have a new path to JRE 8's bin folder, this should be at the top of the list.
I too got the same error while installing
Possible reason for the error - The eclipse version, you are installing and the Java version should be of same bit, i.e. either 32 bit or 64 bit
Solution: I have downloaded both the java for 64 bit and 32 bit and installed, now my problem is gone.
Please let me know if it works for you.
When you download the latest eclipse, and extract it, you can find the folder named eclipse-installer with eclipse-inst file inside it. Instead of double-clicking it to start installation, just navigate to the folder in terminal and run ./eclipse-inst command. It does the entire installation for you. It worked for me and hope who also got the same problem(version 1.7 of the jvm is not suitable for this product. version 1.8 greater is required) gets solved. :)
On a Windows system I had the same problem.
Although I had only Java 1.8 installed, I found that I also had a 1.7 upgrade file installed too (which didn't get uninstalled automatically when I installed 1.8).
Uninstalling this upgrade file allowed me to install Eclipse IDE.
I had the same issue and I had a different solution to this problem.
Though I set the JAVA_HOME to 1.8 (Both through CMD and environment variables), the error was persisting.
So I opened CMD prompt, typed:
java - version
to find out 1.7 was the version my system was set to. Until then I had no clue from where it was fetching this version.
And then I changed it to 1.8 using this command:
set path=C:\.....eclipse\jdk1.8.0_141-b15\bin
Recheck if it is set to 1.8 with the same command:
java -version
You should be good to go now!
if it's a 64-bit Eclipse. You'll need to explicitly download and install the 64-bit Java 8 or later.
download it from here
tips for windows users
Version 1.7 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. version 1.8
greater is required
user get above error message because they had multiple jdk version or they do not have latest version of jdk installed , even if you install latest version of jdk and you if you have not removed old version of jdk like 1.7 you will get the above error message , so better to get rid of old version of jdk and jre etc.
-> ignore this step if you have insallted latest version of jdk already
download 32 or 64 bit latest jdk from :
-> go to C:\Program Files\Java and look for old version of jdk , let say if you have 1.7 versions of jdk delete them so that you are left only with latest version , you can remove old versions of jre too here just by deleting.
-> next run eclipse you will not get v1.7 message
Find the JVM
If a JVM is installed in the eclipse/jre directory, Eclipse will use it; otherwise the launcher will consult the eclipse.ini file and the system path variable. Eclipse DOES NOT consult the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
To explicitly specify a JVM of your choice, you can use the -vm command line argument:
eclipse -vm c:\jre\bin\javaw.exe ''start Java by executing the specified java executable
eclipse -vm c:\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll ''start Java by loading the jvm in the eclipse process
Go to Eclipse directory, find and open eclipse.ini configuration file then modify below parameter to your desired version, it will work.
It worked for me
Eclipse will consider the version that is mentioned in eclipse.ini file, this error
means that your installed java version (in environment variable) and the mentioned java
version in eclipse.ini file is not matching.
You may just change the java version there (it will be in eclipse-installation-dir).
Change the property as below:-
Updating below line in eclipse.ini worked for me
Two things:
Check this question here as it's similar and has some good pointers Eclipse - no Java (JRE) / (JDK) ... no virtual machine
Also, get the latest JRE and JDK from Oracle vs from
Today I meet the same question. I download the file that named "eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz". When I open the eclipse, it shows "Version 1.7.0_121 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 1.8".Then execute
cd /usr/bin/
sudo ln -s /Your_JAVA_PATH /usr/bin/java
Then you can install eclipse.
Make sure java and eclipse versions are same(32bit or 64bit)
Try running eclipse-installer as administrator(this worked for me)
If you need to skip this step just simply change Required Version number, ex:
open with any text editor instalation path/AptanaStudio3.ini
and change
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 to -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.7
This is just for skipping this step.
I had both 1.7 and 1.8 in path and 1.7 was on top and 1.8 below in Pah, so i moved 1.7 below 1.8, thats it it worked.
Go to Oracle's website and download the newest version of Java JDK. (
Install the program on your computer.
Remove all old environment variables related to Oracle and Java.
Set the environment variables related to the new installation all the way to the bin folder. (include the bin folder in the environment variables section)

Eclipse error 'UseStringDeduplication'

I installed a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 VM, Oracle JDK 7, and downloaded the latest Eclipse. But I am getting this error when I try to start Eclipse:
Unrecognized VM option 'UseStringDeduplication'
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
Why am I getting this error on a fresh install? And is it a bad idea to remove that VM option?
Latest version of Eclipse (Neon) requires Java 8 runtime, and the Eclipse website obnoxiously neglects to mention it anywhere from the homepage to the download link for Eclipse, not even a version warning at runtime for Eclipse.
Same error for me in Kubuntu 14.04, eclipse Neon,
I Removed -XX:+UseStringDeduplication from .ini file, it works for me
I know, i'm little to late to the party. I got this issue lately on my Mac. I updated my eclipse (from Mars to Oxygen) all of the sudden i couldn't start my old project. First i thought, this must have something to do with the new eclipse, which wasn't all wrong. Because eclipse.ini file of Oxygen expected java-1.8.
I updated my java to latest (jdk1.8.0_152.jdk), but the problem remained, than i removed these parameters from the eclipse.ini, still was the same, i checked the "Run Configurations" and basically removed the same parameters from the arguments list. Now my projects seem to work just fine. I also needed to restore the platform, since Oxygen use e.4-platform.
Remove these parameters from eclipse.ini file
Select the project and go to "Run As"->"Run Configurations..."-> "Arguments" check the old configurations under "VM arguments" (it can be a product in case of an RCP-project)
removed the VM-option(s)(actually, they can be more) not recognized and "Apply"-> "Run".
I got the same error when I have installed Java 8 and Java 9 in my Ubuntu 16.04. My eclipse version was Neon. As describes to start specific eclipse ide you need relevant JDK. For neon, it was Java 8. Since I installed Java 9 using apt-get it was the default JDK. so I have to change the default JDK to Java 8.
You can check which java version used in system-wide with
java -version
`If you want to see which are the versions of JDK installed in Ubuntu then run below command in shell.
sudo update-java-alternatives --list
Then choose which version you want to set. After that run below command.
sudo update-java-alternatives --set [JDK/JRE name e.g. java-8-oracle]
Now run again Eclipse. if the version was the reason to conflict, it will run now. Referred by
String Deduplication – A new feature in Java 8 Update 20
It means you should nt java 1.8 updated later or equal 20.
I faced the same issue on Eclipse Oxygen in Ubuntu.
Checking java version (It was already at 1.8.0 so according to the accepted answer, it should work.)
Removing -XX:+UseStringDeduplication from .ini file
Still didn't solve the problem. Then I saw #simgineer's comment:
In my case this was for eclipse oxygen. I had an older version of java
8 installed (jdk1.8.0_05) when I upgraded to the latest (jdk1.8.0_151)
and updated my eclipse.ini to point to the latest as well (since it is
recorded in there during installation) eclipse oxygen started working.
Updated JDK from 1.8.0 to jdk1.8.0_231 and it got resolved.
Voila! I didn't have to update anything in my eclipse.ini .

netbeans doesn't start after installing jdk 8

I just uninstalled jdk7 update25 and installed jdk8 instead. I've modified the following line netbeans_jdkhome="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0" in etc/netbeans.conf but Netbeans still doesn't start. I even rebooted my computer but I've always the same problem.
My version of netbeans is 7.2.1.
Solution is to install JDK_7_025 back and to set JDK8 in the project only.