Replace correlated subquery with join - greatest-n-per-group

I'd like to replace the following ABAP OpenSQL snippet (in the where clause of a much bigger statement) with an equivalent join.
... AND tf~tarifart = ( SELECT MAX( tf2~tarifart ) FROM ertfnd AS tf2 WHERE tf2~tariftyp = e1~tariftyp AND tf2~bis >= e1~bis AND tf2~ab <= e1~ab ) ...
My motivation: Query migration to ABAP CDS views (basically plain SQL with in comparison somewhat reduced expressiveness). Alas, correlated subqueries and EXISTS statements are not supported.
I googled a bit and found a possible solution (last post) here
However, the proposal
Selecting MAX(value)
Your scenarion using inner join to first CDS view
doesn't work in my case.
tf.bis (and tf.ab) need to be in the selection list of the new view to limit the rhs of the join (new view) to the correct time frames.
Alas, there could be multiple (non overlapping) sub time frames (contained within [tf.ab, tf.bis]) with the same tf.tarifart.
Since these couldn't be grouped together, this results in multiple rows on the rhs.
The original query does not have a problem with that (no join -> no Cartesian product).
I hope the following fiddle (working example) clears things up a bit:!9/8d1f48/3
Given these constraints, to me it seems that an equivalent join is indeed impossible. Suggestions or even confirmations?

select doc_belzart,
select document.belzart as doc_belzart,
document.tariftyp as doc_tariftyp,
document.ab as doc_ab,
document.bis as doc_bis,
tariff.tarifart as tar_tarifart,
tariff.tariftyp as tar_tariftyp,
tariff.ab as tar_ab,
tariff.bis as tar_bis
from dberchz1 as document
inner join ertfnd as tariff
on tariff.tariftyp = document.tariftyp and
tariff.ab <= document.ab and
tariff.bis >= document.bis
) as max_tariff
group by doc_belzart,
Translated in English, you seem to want to determine the max applicable tariff for a set of documents.
I'd refactor this into separate steps:
Determine all applicable tariffs, meaning all tariffs that completely cover the document's time interval. This will become your first CDS view, and in my answer forms the sub-query.
Determine for all documents the max applicable tariff. This will form your second CDS view, and in my answer forms the outer query. This one has the MAX / GROUP BY to reduce the result set to one per document.


Converting complex query with inner join to tableau

I have a query like this, which we use to generate data for our custom dashboard (A Rails app) -
SELECT AVG(wait_time) FROM (
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,a.finished_time,b.start_time) wait_time
SELECT max(start_time + INTERVAL avg_time_spent SECOND) finished_time, branch
FROM mytable
WHERE name IN ('test_name')
AND status = 'SUCCESS'
GROUP by branch) a
SELECT MIN(start_time) start_time, branch
FROM mytable
WHERE name IN ('test_name_specific')
GROUP by branch) b
ON a.branch = b.branch
HAVING avg_time_spent between 0 and 1000)t
Now I am trying to port this to tableau, and I am not being able to find a way to represent this data in tableau. I am stuck at how to represent the inner group by in a calculated field. I can also try to just use a custom sql data source, but I am already using another data source.
columns in mytable -
I think this could be achieved new Level Of Details formulas, but unfortunately I am stuck at version 8.3
Save custom SQL for rare cases. This doesn't look like a rare case. Let Tableau generate the SQL for you.
If you simply connect to your table, then you can usually write calculated fields to get the information you want. I'm not exactly sure why you have test_name in one part of your query but test_name_specific in another, so ignoring that, here is a simplified example to a similar query.
If you define a calculated field called worst_case_test_time
datediff(min(start_time), dateadd('second', max(start_time), avg_time_spent)), which seems close to what your original query says.
It would help if you explained what exactly you are trying to compute. It appears to be some sort of worst case bound for avg test time. There may be an even simpler formula, but its hard to know without a little context.
You could filter on status = "Success" and avg_time_spent < 1000, and place branch and WEEK(start_time) on say the row and column shelves.
P.S. Your query seems a little off. Don't you need an aggregation function like MAX or AVG after the HAVING keyword?

COUNT(field) returns correct amount of rows but full SELECT query returns zero rows

I have a UDF in my database which basically tries to get a station (e.g. bus/train) based on some input data (geographic/name/type). Inside this function i try to check if there are any rows matching the given values:
geographic.stations AS s
AND <-> pname < 0.8
s.type ~ stype;
The firsttry variable now contains the value 1. If i use the following (slightly extended) SELECT statement i get no results:
RETURN query SELECT,, s.type, s.the_geom,
)::double precision AS sml,
st_distance(s.the_geom,plocation) As dist from geographic.stations AS s
WHERE ST_DWithin(s.the_geom,plocation,0.0017) and <-> pname < 0.8
AND s.type ~ stype
ORDER BY dist asc,sml desc LIMIT 1;
the parameters are as follows:
stype = '^railway'
pname = 'Amsterdam Science Park'
plocation = ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(4.9492530 52.3531670)')
the tuple i need to be returned is:
id name type geom (displayed as ST_AsText)
909658;"Amsterdam Sciencepark";"railway_station";"POINT(4.9482893 52.352904)"
The same UDF returns quite well for a lot of other stations, but this is one (of more) which just won't work. Any suggestions?
P.S. The use of the <-> operator is coming from the pg_trgm module.
Some ideas on how to troubleshoot this:
Break your troubleshooting into steps. Start with the simplest query possible. No aggregates, just joins and no filters. Then add filters. Then add order by, then add aggregates. Look at exactly where the change occurs.
Try reindexing the database.
One possibility that occurs to me based on this is that it could be a corrupted index used in the second query but not the first. I have seen corrupted indexes in the past and usually they throw errors but at least in theory they should be able to create a problem like this.
If this is correct, your query will suddenly return rows if you remove the ORDER BY clause.
If you have a corrupted index, then you need to pay close attention to hardware. Is the RAM ECC? Is the processor overheating? How are you disks doing?
A second possibility is that there is a typo on a join condition of filter statement. Normally this is something I would suspect first but it is easy enough to weed out index problems to start there. If removing the ORDER BY doesn't change things, then chances are it is a typo. If you can't find a typo, then try reindexing.

SQL Select rows by comparison of value to aggregated function result

I have a table listing (gameid, playerid, team, max_minions) and I want to get the players within each team that have the lowest max_minions (within each team, within each game). I.e. I want a list (gameid, team, playerid_with_lowest_minions) for each game/team combination.
I tried this:
SELECT * FROM MinionView GROUP BY gameid, team
HAVING MIN(max_minions) = max_minions;
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work as it seems to select a random row from the available rows for each (gameid, team) and then does the HAVING comparison. If the randomly selected row doesn't match, it's simply skipped.
Using WHERE won't work either since you can't use aggregate functions within WHERE clauses.
LIMIT won't work since I have many more games and LIMIT limits the total number of rows returned.
Is there any way to do this without adding another table/view that contains (gameid, teamid, MIN(max_minions))?
Example data:
sqlite> SELECT * FROM MinionView;
Expected result (I mostly care about playerid, but included champion, max_minions here for better overview):
I'm using Sqlite3 under Python 3.1 if that matters.
This is in SQL Server, hopefully the syntax works for you too:
team, gameid, min(max_minions) as maxmin
team, gameid
) groups
JOIN MinionView MV ON =
AND MV.gameid = groups.gameid
AND MV.max_minions = groups.maxmin
In words, first you make the usual grouping query (the nested one). At this point you have the min value for each group but you don't know to which row it belongs. For this you join with the original table and match the "keys" (team, game and min) to get the other columns as well.
Note that if a team will have more than one member with the same value for max_minions then all these rows will be selected. If you only want one of them then that's probably a bit more complicated.

what's the utility of array type?

I'm totally newbie with postgresql but I have a good experience with mysql. I was reading the documentation and I've discovered that postgresql has an array type. I'm quite confused since I can't understand in which context this type can be useful within a rdbms. Why would I have to choose this type instead of using a classical one to many relationship?
Thanks in advance.
I've used them to make working with trees (such as comment threads) easier. You can store the path from the tree's root to a single node in an array, each number in the array is the branch number for that node. Then, you can do things like this:
SELECT id, content
FROM nodes
WHERE tree = X
ORDER BY path -- The array is here.
PostgreSQL will compare arrays element by element in the natural fashion so ORDER BY path will dump the tree in a sensible linear display order; then, you check the length of path to figure out a node's depth and that gives you the indentation to get the rendering right.
The above approach gets you from the database to the rendered page with one pass through the data.
PostgreSQL also has geometric types, simple key/value types, and supports the construction of various other composite types.
Usually it is better to use traditional association tables but there's nothing wrong with having more tools in your toolbox.
One SO user is using it for what appears to be machine-aided translation. The comments to a follow-up question might be helpful in understanding his approach.
I've been using them successfully to aggregate recursive tree references using triggers.
For instance, suppose you've a tree of categories, and you want to find products in any of categories (1,2,3) or any of their subcategories.
One way to do it is to use an ugly with recursive statement. Doing so will output a plan stuffed with merge/hash joins on entire tables and an occasional materialize.
with recursive categories as (
select id
from categories
where id in (1,2,3)
union all
select products.*
from products
join product2category on...
join categories on ...
group by, ...
order by ... limit 10;
Another is to pre-aggregate the needed data:
categories (
id int,
parents int[] -- (array_agg(parent_id) from parents) || id
products (
id int,
categories int[] -- array_agg(category_id) from product2category
index on categories using gin (parents)
index on products using gin (categories)
select products.*
from products
where categories && array(
select id from categories where parents && array[1,2,3]
order by ... limit 10;
One issue with the above approach is that row estimates for the && operator are junk. (The selectivity is a stub function that has yet to be written, and results in something like 1/200 rows irrespective of the values in your aggregates.) Put another way, you may very well end up with an index scan where a seq scan would be correct.
To work around it, I increased the statistics on the gin-indexed column and I periodically look into pg_stats to extract more appropriate stats. When a cursory look at those stats reveal that using && for the specified values will return an incorrect plan, I rewrite applicable occurrences of && with arrayoverlap() (the latter has a stub selectivity of 1/3), e.g.:
select products.*
from products
where arrayoverlap(cat_id, array(
select id from categories where arrayoverlap(parents, array[1,2,3])
order by ... limit 10;
(The same goes for the <# operator...)

Optimising (My)SQL Query

I usually use ORM instead of SQL and I am slightly out of touch on the different JOINs...
SELECT `order_invoice`.*
, `client`.*
, `order_product`.*
, SUM(product.cost) as net
FROM `order_invoice`
LEFT JOIN `client`
ON order_invoice.client_id = client.client_id
LEFT JOIN `order_product`
ON order_invoice.invoice_id = order_product.invoice_id
LEFT JOIN `product`
ON order_product.product_id = product.product_id
WHERE (order_invoice.date_created >= '2009-01-01')
AND (order_invoice.date_created <= '2009-02-01')
GROUP BY `order_invoice`.`invoice_id`
The tables/ columns are logically names... it's an shop type application... the query works... it's just very very slow...
I use the Zend Framework and would usually use Zend_Db_Table_Row::find(Parent|Dependent)Row(set)('TableClass') but I have to make lots of joins and I thought it'll improve performance by doing it all in one query instead of hundreds...
Can I improve the above query by using more appropriate JOINs or a different implementation? Many thanks.
The query is wrong, the GROUP BY is wrong. All columns in the SELECT-part that are not in an aggregate function, have to be in the GROUP BY. You mention only one column.
Change the SQL Mode, set it to ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.
When this is done and you have a correct query, use EXPLAIN to find out how the query is executed and what indexes are used. Then start optimizing.