CodeMirror converts two chars to single unicode char (eg >= to ≥) - codemirror

As of lately my CodeMirror component started converting greather than or equal to operators to single unicode sign, eg:
>= to ≥
!= to ≠
Since I'm writing program code I do NOT want that.
I went through config options and don't see where did I turn it on.
This is how the component is instantiated:
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(elem, {
lineNumbers: true,
indentUnit: 4,
mode: "text/x-csrc",
theme: "ambiance",
readOnly: false

It is not a CodeMirror thing, it is a font feature - ligature:
It can be controlled via CSS:
font-variant-ligatures: none;
It has been proposed that CodeMirror has this setting as default:


Transitive transforms appear to be happening out of order

I'm working on a refactor of our style-dictionary implementation. I'm working on applying alpha values through a transform rather than predefining values with alpha values.
It looks something like this:
In color.json
color: {
text: {
primary: {
value: '{options.color.warm-grey-1150.value}',
alpha: .75,
category: 'color',
docs: {
category: 'colors',
type: 'text',
example: 'color',
description: 'The default, primary text color',
The value for warm-grey-1150 is #0C0B08 and is in another file.
I have already successfully created a simple alpha transform for scss, less, and js and it works just fine:
const tinycolor = require('tinycolor2');
module.exports = (StyleDictionary) => {
name: 'color/alpha',
type: 'value',
transitive: true,
matcher(prop) {
return (prop.attributes.category === 'color') && prop.alpha;
transformer(prop) {
const { value, alpha } = prop;
let color = tinycolor(value);
return color.toRgbString();
However, I'm stuck on the IOS UIColor transform. My initial approach was to convert the colors to a hex8 value, as those were the original values that we were converting. (We had a value already created which mapped to #0C0B08BF and just plugged that into UIColor).
So I created a separate transform for IOS to set the alpha value and then extended the UI-color transform to make it transitive.
const tinycolor = require('tinycolor2');
module.exports = (StyleDictionary) => {
name: 'color/alpha-hex',
type: 'value',
transitive: true,
matcher(prop) {
return (prop.attributes.category === 'color') && prop.alpha;
transformer(prop) {
let { value, alpha } = prop;
let color = tinycolor(value);
return color.toHex8String();
In the transform group I made sure that the alpha-hex transform happened before UIColor:
module.exports = (StyleDictionary) => {
name: 'custom/ios',
transforms: [
//Other non-color related transforms
//Other non-color related transforms
The results were strange, as all the UIColor values that happened to undergo the alpha transform had a red, green and blue value of zero, but the alpha value was set:
[UIColor colorWithRed:0.000f green:0.000f blue:0.000f alpha:0.749f]
I decided to experiment and tried using chroma-js instead of tinycolor2 and chroma threw up an error:
Error: unknown format: [UIColor colorWithRed:0.047f green:0.043f blue:0.031f alpha:1.000f]
(Apparently, tinycolor doesn't throw up an error when passed an invalid format and instead creates an instance of tinycolor with #000000 as its value.)
For some reason, the UIColor formatted values are already being piped to the alpha-hex transform, even though I specified that I wanted the alpha-hex transform to run before. I've tried several things like not running the transform if value.indexOf('UIColor') !== -1) and that didn't seem to work. I also copied/pasted the UIColor transform and tried to run my hex transform in the same transform function but that didn't seem to work either.
Any ideas on what I'm missing here?
We had this exact same issue. This was happening because non-transitive transforms were occurring in our mix function, even if the matcher excluded that particular token.
What ended up working for us was to first console.log what was being used in the mix method and using Regex to parse it into a color format that would work.
We ended up splitting color transforms up into two separate transforms:
One that is non-transitive, and would output in the final format we needed but had a matcher that excluded all color-blended tokens (ex. UIColor(red: 1.000, green: 1.000, blue: 1.000, alpha: 1)
The other that is transitive transform targeting color-blended tokens, that would then take in each prop and transform those already transformed values into a color format supported by tinyColor.
By using tinyColor's isValid() method, we could validate what was being passed in or throw an error. This helped us debug but would also help future contributions that required color blending.
I figured out the issue for me. We had a whole bunch of options structure like this:
These are one of our color options tokens that get filtered out of the final result. These options get used for tokens like color-text-primary
'warm-grey-200': {
value: '#f4f2ed',
category: 'color',
When we use a transitive transform we are going through every single transform in a transform group for each of the options. With ios UIColor the problem is the final result of the transform can't get transformed again because it's a different format.
So this is what solved it for us. We changed the options to bare values like so:
'warm-grey-200': '#f4f2ed',
'warm-grey-300': '#edeae3',
we removed the "value" keyword as well as the category. However, this meant that now we had to make all of our transforms transitive (at least those dealing with color) and this meant extending some of the existing predefined transforms so they were transitive like so:
module.exports = (StyleDictionary) => {
Object.assign({}, StyleDictionary.transform[`predefined/transform`], {
name: 'predefined/transform-transitive',
transitive: true
This worked great for us. To sum up the two steps we needed to make were:
Restructure our color options to bare values so that transforms
don't happen to them until AFTER they are referenced
Make sure that all transforms that deal with these color options are transitive--otherwise you'll just end up with the original,non-transformed values.

Can't style slider (or maybe anything) in Material UI

There was an issue requesting documentation for theming which the author subsequently closed. The author found their answer. A non-programmer will probably not. At least, the non-programmer designer I'm helping doesn't even know where to start (and I still don't have a working different colored slider). This kind of documentation would be great. Even if it's just a link to the code #jdelafon found with some explanation that would suffice to answer the following specific example.
Ultimately, we want a set of sliders with each one a different color. It seems like the appropriate way to do this is with per-element inline styles.
I made a simple example here. Can you change the color of the slider? (We started down the path of breaking out to CSS, but the widget is so dynamic that this approach ends up being quite ugly.)
Slider has two different slots for theming, neither of which seems to respond to an embedded object with a selectionColor key.
Should be simple. Probably it is, but it appears to be undocumented. Otherwise it's a rad UI toolkit, thanks devs!
Take a look at this line of getMuiTheme.js. You can find there that slider can have those styles overridden:
trackSize: 2,
trackColor: palette.primary3Color,
trackColorSelected: palette.accent3Color,
handleSize: 12,
handleSizeDisabled: 8,
handleSizeActive: 18,
handleColorZero: palette.primary3Color,
handleFillColor: palette.alternateTextColor,
selectionColor: palette.primary1Color,
rippleColor: palette.primary1Color,
In material-ui you need to use MuiThemeProvider in order to use your custom theme. Taking your example:
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
import getMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme';
import { Slider } from 'material-ui';
const theme1 = getMuiTheme({
slider: {
selectionColor: "red",
trackSize: 20
const theme2 = getMuiTheme({
slider: {
selectionColor: "green",
trackSize: 30
const HelloWorld = () => (
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={theme1}>
<Slider defaultValue={0.5}/>
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={theme2}>
<Slider defaultValue={0.5}/>
export default HelloWorld;
Your modified webpackbin:
The sliderStyle you tried to use is for different styles :-) Like marginTop / marginBottom, a full list can be found here.

Google Chart title and column name with special characters

The solution for what i am looking should be here. But, when i try to use ASCII character encodings, the ASCII code is actually printed. Any ideas why?
For example, i have the following code on Google Chart Option:
var optionsTotUsers = {
'title': 'Transaçoes',
'backgroundColor': 'transparent',
'height': '300',
'legend': 'bottom',
'vAxis': { viewWindowMode: "explicit", viewWindow: { min: 0} }
This prints the actual &ccedil on the chart title. If i use the 'ç' it prints out �.
I think this will help you.Using UNICODE you can add special characters to the title. The UNICODE for the special characters is available here.You need to use UNICODE as below.
var options = {
'title': 'Transa\u00E7oes',
'backgroundColor': 'transparent',
'height': '300',
'legend': 'bottom',
'vAxis': { viewWindowMode: "explicit", viewWindow: { min: 0} }
Click here to see the working sample.
if you are using jQuery, you can take advantage of the html() function
var options = {
title: $('<div>Transaçoes</div>').html()
Edit : Dont know why google charts is not able to parse a string with special HTML characters, or why there is not an option for declaring the title as HTML - even <em> and so on is rendered as text, but the above works.
The .html() function worked for me for the Chart title, but I needed to use the .text() function to get character codes to display for vertical and horizontal axes labels.

How to disabled wysihtml5 HTML Clean Up in Editor?

How to disable HTML Clean Up while in the editor mode? I'm in a need of allowing css format & inline html in code. The idea is to disable parser and html clean up action when pasting the code and entering the Editor for editing. Thanks.
You can provide an identity function as the parser attribute upon initializing the wysihtml5 editor. The below script is a coffeescript snippet that disables the cleanup completely.
enableWysiwyg: ->
"style": false
"font-styles": false #Font styling, e.g. h1, h2, etc. Default true
"emphasis": true #Italics, bold, etc. Default true
"lists": false #(Un)ordered lists, e.g. Bullets, Numbers. Default true
"html": true #Button which allows you to edit the generated HTML. Default false
"link": false #Button to insert a link. Default true
"image": false #Button to insert an image. Default true,
"color": false #Button to change color of font
parser: (html) -> html
JavaScript version of the above code:
"style": false,
"font-styles": false,
"emphasis": true,
"lists": false,
"html": true,
"link": false,
"image": false,
"color": false,
parser: function(html) {
return html;
Actually, this is what the parser rules are for.
You can attach your custom rules to the included var wysihtml5ParserRules before instantiate the editor object or just create your own rules object and give to the editor's constructor.
For example, to allow the h1 and h3 tag in addition to the tags allowed in the distributed simple example rules, you'd need to set up as follows:
<div id="toolbar" style="display: none;">
<a data-wysihtml5-command="bold" title="CTRL+B">bold</a> |
<a data-wysihtml5-command="italic" title="CTRL+I">italic</a>
<a data-wysihtml5-action="change_view">switch to html view</a>
<textarea id="textarea" placeholder="Enter text ..."></textarea>
<br><input type="reset" value="Reset form!">
<!-- The distributed parser rules -->
<script src="../parser_rules/simple.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/wysihtml5-0.4.0pre.min.js"></script>
// attach some custom rules
wysihtml5ParserRules.tags.h1 = {remove: 0};
wysihtml5ParserRules.tags.h3 = {remove: 0};
var editor = new wysihtml5.Editor("textarea", {
toolbar: "toolbar",
parserRules: wysihtml5ParserRules,
useLineBreaks: false
Now, when you enter/paste <title>test</title> into the editor, while you're in the editor mode, and then switch to html view, you'll get <title>test</title>. And when you switch back to editor view, you'll get <title>test</title> again.
That was the general part.
Now, in your case, I'm not sure if it's the best idea to work with 121 custom parser rules (the count of HTML tags to handle) or if it wouldn't be better to take the time and dig into the source code to find a more performant solution (doesn't make much sense to tell a parser to actualy just return the input string anyway, right?). Furthermore, you said you want to allow CSS as well. So your custom parser rules will even extend.
Anyway, as a starting point, feel free to use my custom parser rule set from here:

Applying CSS across multiple TextNodes

I'm looking for a way to apply a CSS class to an arbitrary text range in an HTML document. I'm using MooTools and the the rangy library, and something like this works if there's only a single TextNode to deal with:
createRange: function(start, end) {
var node = this.textArea.childNodes[0]; // textArea is an HTML <span> element
var range = rangy.createRange();
range.setStart(node, start);
range.setStart(node, end);
return range;
This gives me a range I can then apply a CSS class to; However, if I have any HTML markup inside TextArea, I now have multiple TextNodes, and I need to set a range starting in one and ending in the other. I think I can do this if I can get an ordered list of all TextNodes inside textArea, but I'm not sure how (or if) I can get that list.
why not just style the ::select pseudo?
textarea::selection {
background: #abc;
color: #abc;
textarea::-moz-selection {
background: #abc;
color: #abc;
textarea::-webkit-selection {
background: #abc;
color: #abc;
Rangy has a CSS class applier module that I think will do what you want.