Swift: use string variable in other file [closed] - swift

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I wrote an app in Swift where I have a page I can set settings for my game. After pressing the button for the settings, the file with the game opens. But how can I get the variable I want to set to my game file?
I tried to work around this by creating a struct in the first file where I set a variable that I can change by pressing the button and which I later call on my game page. But it didn't work (the variable needed to be static, so I couldn't change it). Also it didn't seem like a smart way for me.

struct Globals {
static var score: Int = 0
// Any other global variables you want.
Access by:
let score = Globals.score
You can also store information in UserDefaults to persist across launches of the app.


Getting User Input from TextField [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new to swift language and xcode, and I've been stuck on this problem for weeks.
How can I get user input (from a textField) and turn it into a variable that I can use in my code?
Thank you.
All you need to do is:
let userInput = textField.text
Make sure you place the code inside of the function that is called when the user is finished editing.
For example, if you have a confirm button, you would probably want to initialize this variable inside of the function that is called when the user taps the confirm button.

Call a function from a separate class not working [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am calling a function in a different class that simply removes a lottie animation. I do this by calling...
Which enters the function (as proven by a print statement). However the animation does not disappear from the view.
When I call the same function from within the class that the animation is defined, the animation is removed from the view as expected. Here is the function. Very simple.
fileprivate func removeAnimationFromSuperview(){
I would expect this animation to disappear. Thanks for your help!!!!
You are creating new instance of RedeemController that has it's own properties, instead you have to use the instance that you currently have

Variables across all view controllers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In my Login screen, after the login has been accepted, a number is given to that particular user as UserNum so i can access information stored in arrays.
My question is: how can i use this variable across all of my viewControllers to display the information that i get from using my array?
One way to do this is creating a new Swift Files, and make a struct with static variables like this:
struct CommonValues {
static var UserNum: Int = 0
And then, you modify it in any view controller if you need it.
You maybe should save it and load it as well, I recommend UserDefaults for that.

Keeping tracking of clicked buttons in vb6? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have an application with multiple forms. One of the forms frmHistory can be accessed from two different forms, frmClient, frmChild by clicking on cmdHISTORY. FrmHistory has a button called cmdBACK on it. What I'm trying to do is, code the cmdBACK button so when frmHistory is accessed from frmClient, upon clicking cmdBACK it would go back to frmClient (same thing from frmChild). How would I go aobut doing it?
This may not be the best answer but it is the way I know how.
I would create a hidden control on the frmHistory, i.e. lblParent. I then assign that frmHistory.lblParent = "frmChild" or frmHistory.lblParent= "frmClient" from frmChild or frmClient. In the frmHistory you check for lblParent to know which form calls it.
I did a similar thing to what KD did.
I created a global variable called g_whichForm. Upon clicking on the HISTORY button in frmParent i made it g_whichForm="Parent" and g_whichForm ="Child" for child. So when I clicked back i check if g_whichForm = parent or child then go back to the correct form.

In Swift, should I write a separate class for handling a UI component? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to OOP and Swift. I have some code like this:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var topMenuScrollView: UIScrollView!
topMenu is a scrollView I have to do many things with. I found I have to write a lot of code for this top menu in this view controller file. Therefore, should I create a new class (a new swift file) specifically for the top menu handling?
However, I only have one top menu. Is it correct to write a class for it? (because I won't have multiple instances)
What's the right way to arrange this?
The purpose of object-oriented design is as much code-reuse as it is code-comprehensibility. In your case, it sounds like your menu has a lot of detailed behavior which is specific to that menu. Well, imagine at some point you want to change or rewrite the menu; it will certainly be easier if that logic is clearly isolated.
It sounds like this is a good case for another class, but it's entirely up to you.