Ionic Facebook invalid key hash - facebook

I can't get my app to allow Facebook login. Everytime the users tries to login to Facebook and authenticate my app with their FB, it gives this error
Invalid key hash. They key hash xxxxxxxxxx= does not match any stored key hashes. configure your app key hashes at
I've already tried creating a new key hash through the OpenSSL tool like so:
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
I am facing this issue since 3 days and no result so for ,can some one help me please

Following steps solved my problem
Go to facebook account inside settings > Apps and Websites > Logged in with Facebook > Active > click on ur app > And Remove App 2: After doing that try to login now and this time you will get facebook error code 1349195 : something like go to facebook docs/android page and do the setting 3:Now run the command from yours teminal
keytool -list -printcert -jarfile yourapkname.apk
Copy the SHA1 value and convert that into base64 and paste that base64 value into you facebook account and then try login.


What should i replace YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS and YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH for login with facebook in flutter?

i am trying to include login with facebook feature in flutter application. Going through the steps, i did generated key hash for debug mode. However, i'm not being able to figure out what to replace the above two values in keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 for generating release key hash. What should i do?
You may find these info in the file: android/
Release key alias is any alias you want, remember that as you'll need them for updates. Path is the path where you want the key to be generated.

Mismatch key hash FBSDK

I am getting this error when trying to login with facebook.
The key hash does not match any stored key hashes.
I faced this similar error before but usually when this error appear, the facebook itself will show the key hash and what I do is just copy the key hash and register it in my facebook app. But the situation now is different because when I get the error above, I did not receive any key hash so I have no idea how to re-generate the key hash.
What I know is, you cannot use the command to re-generate another key hash for the second time like in the following code below.
keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
For additional information just in case if this is related, the app is previously developed and the first key hash generated from other device. I copied the project and use another laptop to do the debugging. Just a guess, maybe this is one of the reason why the facebook app isn't showing the mismatch key hash?
You can still generate the key hash with the command
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "your-release-key-path" | "your-openssl-path" sha1 -binary |"your-openssl-path" base64
You may want to check this post How to create Android Facebook Key Hash?

How to read pfx file's thumbprint without prompt for password

I have a need to obtain a thumbprint from a pfx file on the filesystem without being prompted for a password that requires manual input.
I'm running this as part of an installer where the user specifies the path to the certificate on the filesystem (Not in the store). And the user specifies the password for the certificate. From that point, i need the thumbprint.
So this is simply a matter of discovering a tool which i can pass a path and password to a pfx file and return the thumbprint. I've tried several tools, but even OpenSSL compiled for windows, and it still prompts for the password and gives back a lot more info than just the thumbprint. It needs to be 100% programmatic and without further user intervention.
I'd love to hear any ideas on how to do this. This will be on Windows Server machines only. Thanks!
I found a way to do this - it involves downloading OpenSSL for windows and using that tool to convert and using powershell to read it out.
& openssl pkcs12 -in C:\LocalHost.pfx -out C:\mycertificates.crt -nokeys -clcerts -passin pass:ActualPassword
Read In
$cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2("C:\mycertificates.crt")
$thumbprint = $cert.Thumbprint
write-host $thumbprint
So i had to convert to crt/cer first and then read using X509Certificate2.
When creating .pfx (pkcs#12) file, the internal storage containers, called "SafeBags", may also be encrypted and signed.
By default, OpenSSL encrypts the certificate along with its private key, which means it is not possible to get its thumbprint without knowing password.
When creating a new pfx, you can explicitly add -certpbe NONE to avoid encrypting the certificate.
For more details check -certpbe OpenSSL's man page

facebook cocos2d-x integration invalid key hash

I followed How to create Android Facebook Key Hash? keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 and the result matches what is on my facebook app settings page I still got the same error
I was trying it recently. And I used android platform.
I found there are two key hashes I have to find out.
The key hash at my build environment saved at /.android/ like you did.
The key hash from the device, which mentioned in this link( the reply of "you can use code below to get the Hash key" ).
Key hash for Facebook Android SDK
I filled them both at facebook app setting. I hope this helps you.

How to sign java applet with X.509 certificates from Comodo

I am a newbie to java security and know pretty much nothing about it. I have an existing jar that was given to me couple of years which was digitally signed. However, that signature is now expired and I need to sign it again. The client has bought an X.509 certificate from Comodo and Comodo gave him the following 4 files.
1) AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
2) COMODOCodeSigningCA2.crt
3) UTNAddTrustObject_CA.crt
4) "application_specific_key".crt
I would like to know what the next steps are in order to sign the jar file I have. I have tried doing the following things but I keep getting an error when I use jarsigner to sign the applet jar
1) keytool -import -alias AddTrustExternalCARoot -keystore altis.keystore -file AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
2) keytool -import -alias COMODOCodeSigningCA2 -keystore altis.keystore -file COMODOCodeSigningCA2.crt
3)keytool -import -alias UTNAddTrustObject_CA -keystore altis.keystore -file UTNAddTrustObject_CA.crt
4)keytool -import -alias "application_specific_alias" -keystore altis.keystore -file "application_specific_alias".crt
5) jarsigner "application_jar_file" "application_specific_alias"
jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for: "application_specific_alias". "application_specific_alias" must reference a valid KeyStore key entry containing a private key and corresponding public key certificate chain.
What am I missing?
You need to have the certificate along with the private key in a PKCS12 format.
To get this file you need to follow the link that COMODO provided via e-mail using the SAME COMPUTER and the SAME BROWSER that you used to place the order in the first place.
The certificate will be installed using your browser and you'll be able to export it in the PKCS12 format.
To export the certificate COMODO provides the following guides:
Internet Explorer / Chrome browsers:
After you have exported the certificate along with the private key in the PKCS12 format you should sign the JAVA applet using the following guide:
If your .jar file already have a certificate, you can open it in a compression utility and remove the content from the META-INF folder. Then you can sign the applet.