Taleo Import - way to do import without applying changes to system - taleo

We are trying to find a way to check the TCC import process but without applying the changes into the system. This is to allow us to capture all the possible kickouts and correct those. We want to load the file into Taleo in one shot without doing multiple tries.


Target of URI doesn't exist: 'theme.dart', 'colors.dart', 'ink_well.dart', etc

Currently trying to run an example of a guitar tuner created with the 'flutter_fft' plugin, however, I'm receiving an error on some of my imports. I can see that all of these files exist inside my flutter folder but can't seem to access them?
Here are my imports and the error I am receivingmy imports and the error I am receiving
But as you can see in this screenshot I do have all of those files available somewhere on my PC, and the material.dart import works fine?
I've been trying to work this out for a while but after asking a question here the other day and getting an almost immediate, and extremely helpful response, I've decided to come here again. Thanks in advance.
When importing from a package (like flutter) you must first specify the package with a package: and then the path to the imports.
If you don't specify this, dart will assume you are trying to import a file on the same directory as the current file.
so instead of import 'button_style.dart'; it should be import package:flutter/src/material/button_style.dart.
The above will work, but I will let you know that the sole purpose of importing package:flutter/material.dart; is to automatically import every file inside the material directory, and so, all of your imports are useless if you already import material.dart.

Akeneo 2.1 : Import / export best practices to set it all up

I'm currently setting up an Akeneo (2.1) instance that needs to communicate with an e-commerce solution. I was wondering what the best practices are when it comes to importing and exporting data. The documentation kind of lacks in this; it tells how you can set it up, but I'm missing practical use cases here.
Here's what I'm thinking of:
I want our customer to be able to upload their images / CSV files using an FTP connection.
Akeneo should ideally only start importing when a mutation in this (FTP) destination folder is detected.
Exporting should only be done once or twice a day, and upon completing the archive should be transfered with (s)FTP to a different location
I'm currently having trouble on how to implement this flow in Akeneo. Because if I look at what comes out of the box I can come up with the following:
I can setup an FTP account that ends up in `app/uploads/product/` and allow the customer to upload to that location
Akeneo does not detect file system changes, so I can only setup a cronjob that tries to import every hour or something. The drawback of this approach is that Akeneo will copy the CSV file(s) every time to `app/archive/import`. If you have big CSV files this can cause for some increment in disk usage.
I can setup a cronjob to export twice a day, but again: Akeneo will create archives on every export, so `app/archive/export` will grow even bigger every day. Please note that my customer has 4GB+ assets (images, documents, etc.). Does Akeneo cleanup the `app/archive`-folder every now and then?
Every exported archive comes in a new folder (with an every incremented job number (`app/archive/export/csv_product_export/28/` for example)), so I'm kind of wondering how I can detect for this new folder and how I can trigger to uploading of the archive to the remote (S)FTP server after the export is complete.
I was just wondering how other people who work with Akeneo handled these challenges. I know I can write my own custom bundle and hook into a ton of events or write shell scripts that do lot of the magic for me, but I am wondering what Akeneo itself already offers regarding this subject.
Any thoughts / ideas / suggestions / experiences on this topic are welcome!
To answer your questions:
Akeneo doesn't need to have csv uploaded in the app/uploads/product/
folder. You can define the csv location in the import profile. That way you can use whatever location you want.
To import images, you need to zip them with the csv file (to see how the structure of the archive should look like, you can export some products with media on demo.akeneo.com)
Setting up a cronjob seems to be a good idea. If the disk usage is a problem, this cronjob could also clean the folder after the import.
To export twice a day, you can use the export builder to only export products that have been updated since last export (delta export). That way, you don't use too much space for nothing.
Again, the app/archive/export/csv_product_export/28/ path is only for internal use. This is a working directory used by Akeneo during the export (before zip for example) and the final file (csv or zip) is moved to the defined destination (in job configuration).
With all those informations, here is my recommendation:
Write a simple bash/php script to detect change in a folder and if there is one, move the file to another location and launch the import.
If you want to handle images, you can add to your script a way to generate the zip file with the good format
Then to export to your ecommerce, setup a cronjob to export every hours and export only new or updated products to the desired destination.
Another way would be to use the new REST API which is well documented here: https://api.akeneo.com/

Importing a winmail.dat file into my calendar using Thunderbird Lightning

I am using Thunderbird with the Lightning extension to organize my calendars. As it is very common to send around winmail.dat files to quickly import a new event to a calendar, I am faced with the issue to use this winmail.dat file to do so.
Has anybody found a way to do this in a comfortable way? What I don't want is to download the winmail.dat file first, convert it with some (online) tool and then be able to import it. It has to be a direct and very quick way as otherwise I would prefer to create the event entry manually. Thanks!
The LookOut add-on will handle decoding of winmail.dat files.

tiki-wiki: How to batch import categorized articles from a CSV file

Importing categories as a CSV file is OK in tiki-wiki, But how to import categorized articles to the system. Tiki supports media wiki and word press importing, While my data base has another format.
Is there any module for CSV upload/import?
Is there any flexible migration-like script to import articles?
In case that both of answers are NO, would you please give me a clue to write down the proper code to import articles directly to data base.
I went through understanding database, But I think accessing to database directly should be my last choice!
For custom import jobs, you can use Tiki's profiles. The profiles are a YAML-based format. While it is not the primary use for them, it might be the easiest way to perform what you want to do.
Normally, you need to place the profile in a repository to execute it, but there is a developer option to load content from a textarea. You can simply prepare your YAML definition and paste it in there.
Categorizing elements through the database could be harder than it seems as many tables are involved.

Import/Export Meteor Collections

I'd like to be able to provide an import/export to csv feature for a specific Subscription (a subset of a Collection). However, I'm not sure at all where I should start. I assume that this has to be done server-side since they need to upload a file for the importing feature, so it probably involves a Meteor.methods function on the server which I call from the client. I'm not sure how you would return a file for download or temporarily upload one (for the import feature, I don't want to keep the file around).
Any ideas on the best way to approach this with Meteor?
I'm going to pretend this is the best way, but do check out CollectionFS, a Meteor package that implements file uploads, so a logged-in user can upload files, and file handlers, in this sense, a function or series of functions automatically run on an uploaded file.
For exports, you could pipe this through CollectionFS again, or you could use FileSaver.js to just directly serve the export file.