Babel 7 Upgrading creating error: "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object '#<Object>'" - babeljs

I'm in the process of upgrading from babel 6 to babel 7. Some of my old tests using chai, sinon, and enzyme come up with the following error:
TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object '#<Object>'
I do have some code that is using "require" instead of "export" and I know that the babel 7 documentation says that you might need to use "require().default" instead. But that doesn't seem to be helping.(Or I just need to finish putting defaults everywhere and calling them before any the errors will go away). Does anyone else have experience with this issue?

Try not to mix require / module.exports and import / export, ensure to be consistent with one.


Nrwl build Library Error: File is not under rootDir

The error occurs when I use the library in another library.
Library import is working fine in the app but not working within libraries.
And not able to generate the build of a library.
All libraries are publishable.
Nrwl.v13 Files Structure within lib folder:
Very difficult to debug. It can be related to circular dependency issue. Are you sure you don't import code from library which import code from the same library ?
A import B
B import A
If this is the case, you should handle this by creating a C library which will be imported by A and B or find a solution for the A or B which will not depend on each other.
Code example will be helpful for help you.
There seems to have been an issue with a migration that was scheduled
for a version but the migration itself was released in another
version, so that might have caused the migration to not run in some
scenarios. That migration should have added the following in nx.json
for anyone having their nx.json extending from
nx/presets/core.json or nx/presets/npm.json:
"pluginsConfig": {
"#nrwl/js": {
"analyzeSourceFiles": true
Could you please add the above snippet to your nx.json and try again? If after applying the change it doesn't pick
it up immediately, run nx reset and then try again.
This didn't work for me though, so I opened nx issue #11583: library importing other library using wildcard path mapping fails with "is not under 'rootDir'"
I had this issue in one of our monorepo and it was caused by the fact that one of our library's name wasn't valid. We had something like #organisation/test-utils/e2e which we ended up renaming to #organisation/test-utils-e2e (take note of the / usage).

vscode auto import with already exists code

Sometimes i have already predefined code and i want functions to autoimport with Quick Fix action is it possible ?
VS Code is conservative when checking JavaScript code. Variables such as beforeSaveWarrior may be a global defined somewhere else (this is a surprisingly common pattern in JavaScript land). This means that using an undefined variable such as beforeSaveWarrior is not considered an error by default.
To show undefined variables as errors and get quick fixes that import them, you need to enable semantic checking in your Js file. The easiest way to to do this is to add // #ts-check at the top of your JavaScript file. Now undefined variables such as beforeSaveWarrior will be marked as errors. The lightbulb for the error should include a fix that adds the import

Fay: include another Fay file?

I have one Fay file which is the heart of my program, however I need some helpers for my logic, for instance a method to replace substrings. From what I understand, if I need such methods which are offered by many Haskell libraries from Hackage directly, I can't use those Haskell libraries, but I must copy-paste the code in my project. So it's what I did, I copy-pasted a "replace" function together with other helpers from the MissingH library in a new file in my project: Utils.hs.
That Utils.hs compiles without problems with Fay. Also I import it in my main Fay file and I get a JS file for the main project file without problems. However at runtime I get the following error:
ReferenceError: Utils$$36$ is not defined
I don't think that Fay will include the code from the helper file in my main JS file, so I'm including both JS files in the loading HTML. And to make even more sure that when I load the main file, that the utils file is loaded, I load it like that:
$.getScript("Utils.js", function(){
But despite this I still get the error. I tried compiling the Utils.hs with "--library" but it didn't help.
So my question is, which setup do I need to achieve that the generated JS will find the helper functions that I put in another HS file, knowing that at compile-time, Fay (apparently) finds them without problems? Is there an example of such a setup online? Most of the Fay uses that I found have all the code in a single HS file, though they often use external Fay code from cabal, as with fay-jquery. In my case, setting up a cabal project just for these simple helpers would be overkill.
Which version of Fay are you using (fay --version)? It seems like you are using a version older than
0.16 where forgetting import Prelude wouldn't give any warnings, see this closed ticket. So upgrade fay and/or add import Prelude.
We're also considering renaming operators in the produced output to make error messages like these easier to understand.
You do not need to invoke fay several times, fay outputs all dependencies into the same js file. So there's no difference from using a cabal package in that regard.
Hope this helps, otherwise please give me a way to reproduce this.

Problem using SmartTabs in Emacs

I'm trying to use smarttabs.el from in latest emacs-dev (bzr). When trying to compile or load it I get the error:
smarttabs.el:54:1:Error: Don't know how to make a localized variable an alias
which is completely new to me. How do I correct this?
Also see for package explanation.
The error message is trying to say that defvaralias (used in the smart-tabs-advice macro) doesn't do what jacius thinks it does. But I'm not quite sure what he thinks it does, so I'm not sure how to fix it. Try reporting the error to him.

What can make Class::Loader fail where "use" and "new" do not?

I'm working on a very large CGI application that uses Crypt::RSA, which is properly installed. I get a "attempted to call a null reference as a function" type of error (I can't go back to get the exact error right now because we had to rollback for a release date) when I try to run any the embedded library. I trace the null reference to Crypt::RSA's constructor, which uses Class::Loader to enable Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP.
I replaced the class loader with a "use" and a "new", and that part works fine, though the library still fails in many points. Obviously something is wrong with my environment. I'm just not certain as to what. Can anyone give me any leads?
Ok, after 12 hours of digging into it, I got this working.
Here's what was going on (but not why). Whenever I called eval() on a quoted use or require statement (as occurs in Class::Loader, but also in other locations in the Crypt:: framwork), it failed to see paths that were otherwise included as Perl classpaths. Since most quoted use/require objects simply assume the class will be there, very few useful errors were thrown out at me. I would dump #INC to file, outside an eval block, and everything would be there.
Ironically, I used the same setup in dev vs staging, and it worked in dev, but not in staging. I must also point out that FindBin (I shouldn't be using it in CGI, I know, but Crypt uses it) was flailing up and down about /dev/null in staging, but not in development.
Since I can't easily compare versions or global configs, that's where my quest ends.
How I resolved the issue for myself in Crypt::RSA was to disable all commands tied to FindBin, and hard-code require references for anything my code would ever access. I did a require in Crypt::RSA for Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP and one in Crypt::Random::Generator for Crypt::Random::Provider::rand
Hope this helps anyone in the future who has the problem. Anyone who can suggest the why of it, please respond and I'll add it to complete the post.