IONIC use another file directory for images located in a custom component - ionic-framework

I want to use in a custom component a background image, but I can't find how to use it from the scss file.
I think there must be a way to define another directory for my images. I don't want to mess up files that correspond to this specific component sending them to 'www' directory.
Is there a way?
I give you an example of what i want:
Let's say I have a component defined in 'src/app/shared/components/my-custom-component'. Inside this directory I have a '/image' directory with all the images I want to use in this component. Then, in the 'my-custom-component.scss' I want to use this images using backgroun-image...
Is it possible to do this?


How to add the custom components in AEM?

How to do the custom components in AEM?
like i have tried to do it by changing the html code in clientlibb but do not understand how to do it properly
To create a custom component you need to create a component node under /apps/<your_proj>/component. Once created, under the node rename the .jsp file to .html and then add your dialog node.
This link should help.

File, Folder Observers

In my app I have a folder named "constants" this holds all the constants for my app, from route names to image paths to font paths.
Now when I add an image to my images folder I need to manually add the constant to that file so it can be used anywhere in my app. What I want is a way to "watch" or "observe" the images folder. So that whenever a new file is added it automatically modifies my constants/images.dart file and appends the new constant to that file.
Also want to do the same with routes, I have a screens folder so whenever a new screen is created a corresponding route constant should be created in constants/routes.dart.
I would like to know how I can achieve this in vs code.

How to add custom javascript in Laravel-Backpack

Is there any way to add custom javascript?
I want to add custom javascript to some of the pages but it seems i am not able to.
Each default Backpack operation has its own CSS and JS file, in:
If you don't find one there, you can create one, and Backpack will pick it up in that operation's view (e.g. create.css or list.js).
Read more:

Move a file after download to folder in C#

Hi i'm downloading a file in to unity but i need to move the file in to a folder. How can i do this in C#?
Do you mean how to put the game object as a child of another? (That's what it looks like from your screenshot)
If so, you can accomplish that by setting your game-object's transform's parent to the transform of the "folder" you want to put it into.
Something like:
teapot.transform.SetParent(NEWTest.transform); has more information.

ASP.NET MVC2 - Determine which type of template is being rendered

Instead of using DisplayFor and EditorFor, I would like to create a more generic ContentFor. In that Html extension it would take into account Metadata values to determine how to render the resulting control. The only piece of the puzzle I am not am to determine is this: Is there a way to determine if I am currently rendering a DisplayTemplate or an EditorTemplate. As a real-world example of this, when rendering a string, for the display version I would like to render it as a , but when rendering the editor version, I would want to render it as a text box.
To better explain, let's say I have two templates called Address.ascx, one in the DisplayTemplates directory and one in the EditorTemplates directory. I would like both of them to use ContentFor to render, but in the display version it renders as a label and in the editor version it renders as a textbox.
Using two ASCX files to call a single file control (which is doable, just do another RenderPartial or DisplayFor/LabelFor) doesn't make sense to me. It breaks the "seperation of concerns". Label displays labels, and Display displays values, it doesn't make sense for a control to try and figure out what way you want it to display.
If you want a use a custom display or label for a property, use the UIHint data Annotation.
Then in the DisplayTemplates and EditorTempaltes create a "MyCustomControlName.ascx" file to display that property however you want. Additionally, the ascx controls can read custom Model Metadata and do whatever it is you need done. Example at