I just upgraded to Xcode 10 and and noticed that I cannot refactor the parameter's name in a function.
I haven't been using Xcode 9 for long time. So I am not sure if this was possible in Xcode 9 and Xcode 10 lost it.
How to rename a Swift init parameter
I would expect to rename an init parameter where it is declared. Xcode doesn't allow this.
With some experiments, I stumbled upon an unexpected place where init parameters can be renamed: Wherever they are used, you can control click on an init parameter and rename it using the context menu.
class Rename {
// Do NOT control click on parameter here:
init(parameterToBeRenamed: String) {
class Use {
func test() {
// to rename parameterToBeRenamed, control click on parameter here:
let _ = Rename(parameterToBeRenamed: "Hello World")
I have a button in my application that return :
onPressed: () {
return context
In this case, i used a riverpod provider. But when i want to import a flutter_bloc package, the read keyword will be error with this message
A member named 'read' is defined in extensions 'ReadContext' and 'BuildContextX' and neither is more specific. Try using an extension override to specify the extension you want to to be chosen.
Please help me solve this problem. thank you :)
Here the problem is read() is defined in both ReadContext & BuildContextX extensions. So the compiler is not getting which extension to use.
To solve the error, use : ReadContext(context).read if you wanna access bloc or BuildContextX(context).read() as per your need.
This means you are importing 2 extensions that both supply the same method read. Consider this example:
extension Ext1 on String {
void foo() => print("from extension 1");
extension Ext2 on String {
void foo() => print("from extension 2");
void main() {
String s = "hello";
What should this code print? There isn't an obvious answer, and to avoid accidental programming errors, Dart prohibits this.
You could try "go-to definition" (ctrl/cmd click in most IDEs) on the read method to navigate to one of the files that it is defined in, and then delete the corresponding import statement.
However, it might be quicker to just delete all the import statements in that file and add them back with autocomplete
Let me be more specific here: This is used in Unity 2017 so the syntax they are using is this:
class CameraMotionBlurEditor extends Editor
var preview : SerializedProperty;
var previewScale : SerializedProperty;
function OnInspectorGUI () {
if (preview.boolValue) dosomething()
What I'm getting errors in is this preview.boolValue reference.. it claims it's ambiguous so therefore whatever this class is extending, must also have a declaration of that variable name. What I don't know is how to specify the local one.
The this keyword is used to refer to the current instance of the class. Retrieving the preview.boolValue from the current instance of the class hence becomes this.preview.boolValue:
function OnInspectorGUI () {
if (this.preview.boolValue) dosomething()
Note that UnityScript is slowly becoming deprecated, and the recommended route of action is to instead program Unity scripts in C#.
Xcode 8 and Swift 3 made me really sad today :(
Please have a look and tell me if you ever had something like this and if it's possible to fix it. I've been trying different solutions, among them:
Cmd + Shift + K
Cmd + Shift + Option + K
Delete Derived Data
Change used struct (it's a nested struct in my code), flattened it, change to really basic one
Update 1:
Here's the code (although I think it's not necessarily a problem related to my implementation), it's in my tests target:
let viewModelStub: Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel = Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel(roundNumber: "", score: "", proposedAnswerParts: [
Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel.AnswersForComponent(answers: []),
Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel.AnswersForComponent(answers: []),
Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel.AnswersForComponent(answers: [])])
_ = viewController.view
viewController.display(roundModel: viewModelStub)
Here are structs:
struct Quiz {
struct NewRoundDetails {
struct Response {
let roundNumber: Int
let score: Int
struct ViewModel {
let roundNumber: String
let score: String
let proposedAnswerParts: [Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel.AnswersForComponent]
struct AnswersForComponent {
let answers: [String]
And in viewController things look like this:
func display(roundModel: Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel) {
Nothing so unusual I think. I have just discovered one more thing - the code works fine on the app target side, it doesn't work on tests target.
I don't have more ideas atm... Can you help me? I have created radar as well
Check this answer: Stack Overflow
It's probably an issue with targeting. If you're using the #testable key word on the top of your test file and your main project files also target your tests then the tests are referring to two different files. So your files should only target either the tests (if they're a test file) or the main project. If they have both checked uncheck one and use the #testable import [your project's name] at the top of your test file.
Ok, I got it...
I've imported my app's module with #testable and also I've had added my .swift file with model classes to the test target. Probably <MyTestModule>. Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel have been created instead of <MyAppModule>. Quiz.NewRoundDetails.ViewModel
If you run the following code in the Swift REPL, it will print out main.SomeClass. Here is a Swiftstub to try it out: http://swiftstub.com/887338044
class SomeClass {
func doesSomething() {
print(self) // prints "main.SomeClass
let someClass = SomeClass()
Is it possible to get access to main the object/variable/constant to inspect it? What is main?
You are always in a module (namespace). In an iOS app, it's the app, and it has the name of the project by default (you can change that in the build settings). In the REPL, we have to make something up, so the module is called main. It isn't an "object", "variable", or "constant" that you can "access"; it's just the namespace. Your class's real name simply is main.SomeClass.
I've been reading up on ReactiveCocoa v3 lately and I'm struggling with just setting up basic stuff. I've already read the changelog, the tests, the few SO questions and the articles by Colin Eberhardt on the subject. However, I'm still missing examples on basic bindings.
Let's say I have an app that presents the menu of the day. The app is using RAC3 and the MVVM pattern.
Model (Menu)
The model has one simple method for fetching todays menu. As for now, this don't do any network requests, it basically just creates a model object. The mainCourse property is a String.
class func fetchTodaysMenu() -> SignalProducer<Menu, NoError> {
return SignalProducer {
sink, dispoable in
let newMenu = Menu()
newMenu.mainCourse = "Some meat"
sendNext(sink, newMenu)
ViewModel (MenuViewModel)
The view model exposes different String variables for letting the view controller show the menu. Let's just add one property for showing the main course.
var mainCourse = MutableProperty("")
And we add a binding for this property:
self.mainCourse <~ Menu.fetchTodaysMenu()
|> map { menu in
return menu.mainCourse!
ViewController (MenuViewController)
Last but not least, I want to present this main course in a view. I'll add a UILabel for this.
var headline = UILabel()
And finally I want to set the text property of that UILabel by observing my view model. Something like:
self.headline.text <~ viewModel.headline.producer
Which unfortunately does not work.
The method fetchTodaysMenu() returns a SignalProducer<Menu, NoError>, but what if I want this method to return a SignalProducer<Menu, NSError> instead? This would make my binding in my view model fail as the method now may return an error. How do I handle this?
As mentioned, the current binding in my view controller does not work. I've been playing around with creating a MutableProperty that represents the text property of the UILabel, but I never got it right. I also think it feels clumsy or verbose to have to create extra variables for each property I want to bind. This was not needed in RAC2. I intentionally also tried to avoid using DynamicProperty, but maybe I shouldn't? I basically just want to find the right way of doing RAC(self.headline, text) = RACObserve(self.viewModel, mainCourse);.
Any other feedback/guidance on how to make this basic setup is highly appreciated.
So, after writing this question Colin Eberhardt made a part 3 of his RAC3 blog post series which includes a interesting and very relevant example of using MVVM and RAC3. The post can be found here and the source code here.
Based on his work, I've managed to answer my own questions:
By taking a slightly different approach, I'm able to make the fetchTodaysMenu() return a SignalProducer<Menu, NSError> as wanted. Here's how what I then would do in my view model:
|> observeOn(QueueScheduler.mainQueueScheduler)
|> start(next: { response in
}, error: {
println("Error \($0)")
It seems like there's no UIKit bindings yet as of RAC3 beta 4. Colin made some UIKit extensions himself to help him make these bindings I was looking for as well. These can be found here. Adding them to my project, made be able to do exactly what I wanted to:
self.mainCourse.rac_text <~ self.viewModel.mainCourse
Update May 25, 2015
After been working a lot more with ReactiveCocoa 3, I would like to answer 1) once again. By using catch, it's possible to do this in a more declarative manner. I ended up implementing a small helper function for this:
public func ignoreError<T: Any, E: ErrorType>(signalProducer: SignalProducer<T, E>) -> SignalProducer<T, NoError> {
return signalProducer
|> catch { _ in
SignalProducer<T, NoError>.empty
The function transforms any NSError to NoError making it possible to bind as I wanted to by doing MenuService.fetchTodaysMenu() |> ignoreError.
I open sourced my project as this might be a good starting point for others looking into ReactiveCocoa 3.0:
Update March 5, 2016
As highlighted in the comments, since Swift 2, the ignoreError function would now look like:
public func ignoreError() -> SignalProducer<Value, NoError> {
return flatMapError { _ in
SignalProducer<Value, NoError>.empty
Also, an extension library called Rex has also been made, where something similar has been added.