Using the Eclipse Collections library, how do I sort MutableMap on the value? - eclipse-collections

Suppose I have MutableMap<String, Integer>, and I want to sort on the Integer value.
What would be the recommended way to do that with this library? Is there a utility or method or recommended way of going about this with the Eclipse Collections library?
For example, suppose:
MutableMap<String, Integer> mutableMap = Maps.mutable.empty();
mutableMap.add(Tuples.pair("Three", 3));
mutableMap.add(Tuples.pair("One", 1));
mutableMap.add(Tuples.pair("Two", 2));
And I'd like to end up with a MutableMap<String, Integer> containing the same elements, but ordered/sorted so that the first element is ("One", 1), the second element ("Two", 2), and the third element ("Three", 3).

There is currently no direct API available in Eclipse Collections to sort a Map based on its values.
One alternative would be to flip the map into a MutableSortedMap using flipUniqueValues.
MutableSortedMap<Integer, String> sortedMap = SortedMaps.mutable.empty();
This will give you a MutableSortedMap that is sorted on the Integer keys. The output here will be: {1=One, 2=Two, 3=Three}
You could also store the Pairs in a List first and then group them uniquely using the String key to create the MutableMap. If the values in the Map are the Pair instances, they can be used to create a sorted List, SortedSet or SortedBag using direct APIs.
MutableList<Pair<String, Integer>> list = Lists.mutable.with(
Tuples.pair("Three", 3),
Tuples.pair("One", 1),
Tuples.pair("Two", 2)
MutableMap<String, Pair<String, Integer>> map =
MutableList<Pair<String, Integer>> sortedList =
MutableSortedSet<Pair<String, Integer>> sortedSet =
MutableSortedBag<Pair<String, Integer>> sortedBag =
{One=One:1, Three=Three:3, Two=Two:2}
[One:1, Two:2, Three:3]
[One:1, Two:2, Three:3]
[One:1, Two:2, Three:3]
All of the toSorted methods above operate on the values only. This is why I stored the values as the Pair instances.
Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.


Compare List<String> to Flux<String> in non blocking way

How to compare List to Flux in non blocking way
Below the code in blocking way
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> all = List.of("A", "B", "C", "D");
Flux<String> valid = Flux.just("A", "D");
Map<Boolean, List<String>> collect =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(t -> valid.collectList().block().contains(t)));
how to get it working in non-blocking way?
Above is an example of what i am trying to do in web application. I receive list of object which is List all. Then i query database which return Flux . Flux returned by database will be subset of List all. I need to prepare two lists. List of items which are present in Flux of valid and List of items which are not present in Flux of valid
I converted Flux to Mono and List to Mono,
public static void main(String[] args) {
Mono<List<String>> all = Mono.just(List.of("A", "B", "C", "D"));
Mono<List<String>> valid = Mono.just(List.of("A", "D"));
var exist = all.flatMap(a -> ->;
There is no straightforward way of achieve this in reactive programming without breaking some of its semantics.
If you reflect back on what reactive programming tris to achieve and your problem statement, you should notice that those won't play well that much together.
Reactive programming, as the name suggests, is about reacting to events which in your case would be valid items emitted from your datastore. In a typical situation, you should have been programming your statement to compute some assertions around the emitted valid items then emit these (or some other transformations downstream). Unfortunately, you won't be able to compute the all and valid items intersection and diversion without stopping at some point (otherwise how would you know that an item you assumed non-valid is not emitted at some point by the valid publisher).
Though, to achieve the desired behavior, you will lean on memory to buffer items then trigger your validations.
Retrieving valid items should be achievable using the filterWhen operator paired with the hasElement one:
Flux<String> validItems = Flux.fromIterable(all)
To retrieve the invalid items, you can collect all and validItems merged together then filter out elements that do appear more than once:
Flux<String> inValidItems = Flux.fromIterable(all)
.flatMapIterable(list -> -> Collections.frequency(list, item) == 1).collect(Collectors.toList()));

Spring batchUpdate with IN clause

Given a simple table
create table car (
make varchar
model varchar
And the following DAO code
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate template;
String SQL = "delete from car where make = :make and model in (:model)";
void batchDelete(final Map<String, Collection<String>> map) {
SqlParameterSource[] params = map.entrySet().stream()
.map(entry -> toParams(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
template.batchUpdate(SQL, params);
void delete(final Map<String, Collection<String>> map) {
map.forEach((make, models) -> {
SqlParameterSource params = toParams(make, models);
template.update(SQL, params);
SqlParameterSource toParams(final String make, final Collection<String> models) {
return new MapSqlParameterSource("make", make)
.addValue("model", new ArrayList<>(models));
The batch delete function fails when the maps has 2 keys with different number of values for the IN clause in a batch. Assume Map.of creates and ordered Map.
// runs fine - 2 values for each key
batchDelete(Map.of("VW", Arrays.asList("Polo", "Golf"), "Toyota", Arrays.asList("Yaris", "Camry")));
// fails - first key has 1 value, second key has 2 values
batchDelete(Map.of("Toyota", Arrays.asList("Yaris"), "VW", Arrays.asList("Polo", "Golf")));
// runs fine - key with bigger list comes first
batchDelete(Map.of("VW", Arrays.asList("Polo", "Golf"), "Toyota", Arrays.asList("Yaris")));
// non batch delete runs fine either way
delete(Map.of("Toyota", Arrays.asList("Yaris"), "VW", Arrays.asList("Polo", "Golf")));
Spring documentation sort of alludes to that
The SQL standard allows for selecting rows based on an expression that includes a variable list of values. A typical example would be select * from T_ACTOR where id in (1, 2, 3). This variable list is not directly supported for prepared statements by the JDBC standard; you cannot declare a variable number of placeholders. You need a number of variations with the desired number of placeholders prepared, or you need to generate the SQL string dynamically once you know how many placeholders are required. The named parameter support provided in the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and JdbcTemplate takes the latter approach.
The error message is
The column index is out of range: 3, number of columns: 2.; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column index is out of range: 3, number of columns: 2.
What happens is the following line in NamedParameterJdbcTemplate # batchUpdate:
PreparedStatementCreatorFactory pscf = getPreparedStatementCreatorFactory(parsedSql, batchArgs[0]);
will create a dynamic sql out of the first batch arg length:
delete from car where make = ? and model in (?)
So the 2nd batch item which has 2 models will fail as there is only 1 placeholder.
What would be a workaround ? (other than grouping map entries by number of values)
Went back to plain old PreparedStatement
SQL - use ANY instead of IN
delete from car where make = ? and model = any (?)
Connection con;
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SQL");
map.forEach((make, models) -> {
int col = 0;
ps.setString(++col, make);
ps.setArray(++col, con.createArrayOf("text", models));
I would recommend changing the SQL to look something more like this:
String SQL = "DELETE FROM car WHERE (make, model) IN (:ids)";
If you do it this way then you can use something similar to the answer I gave on this question: NamedJDBCTemplate Parameters is list of lists. Doing it this way means you can use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.update(String sql, Map<String, ?> paramMap). Where in your paramMap the key would be "ids" and the value would be an instance of Collection<Object[]> where each entry in the collection is an array containing the value pairs you want to delete:
List<Object[]> params = new ArrayList<>();//you can make this any instance of collection you want
for (Car car : cars) {
params.add(new Object[] { car.getMake(), car.getModel() });
//this is just to provide an example of what I mean, obviously this will probably be different in your app.

Guava cast HashBasedTable to TreeBasedTable

I am looking to cast class to
Casting does not work.
class cannot be cast to class
Is there an efficient way to do this ?
These are two different implementations for generic Table and thus cannot just be cast (similarly to ArrayList and LinkedList, which cannot be case one to another).
You can however copy contents of any table to a new one, in your case:
// Create sample HashBasedTable
Table<Integer, Integer, String> hashBasedTable = HashBasedTable.create();
hashBasedTable.put(1, 1, "eleven");
hashBasedTable.put(4, 2, "forty two");
hashBasedTable.put(2, 4, "twenty four");
hashBasedTable.put(1, 4, "fourteen");
// {1={1=eleven, 4=fourteen}, 4={2=forty two}, 2={4=twenty four}}
// Create TreeBasedTable (with natural ordering, use `.create(Comparator, Comparator)` otherwise)
final TreeBasedTable<Comparable, Comparable, Object> treeBasedTable = TreeBasedTable.create();
// {1={1=eleven, 4=fourteen}, 2={4=twenty four}, 4={2=forty two}}

Concat multiple reactive requests to one Mono

I noticed in the reactive libraries there are Tuples, but what do I do if there are more than 8 Tuples?
Example code that seems to work, but is there a better way to use some sort of collector?
private Mono<List<String>> getContent(List<String> ids) {
List<String> allContent = new ArrayList<>();
Mono<List<String>> allContentMono = Mono.empty();
for(String id : ids) {
allContentMono = callApi(id)
.flatMap(result -> result.bodyToMono(String.class))
.map(str -> {
return allContent;
return allContentMono;
Why did the tuple size stop at 8? (haven't looked around for the documentation on why, but not my main concern)
zip (which uses TupleN) is for when you want to create values by compositon, out of a combination of sources. Eg. out of a Flux<FirstName> and Flux<LastName> you want a Flux<FullName>, that emits one FullName for each incoming FistName/LastName pair.
For your use case, where you want to execute multiple calls (possibly in parallel) and collect the results in a list, flatMap is enough:
private Mono<List<String>> getContent(List<String> ids) {
return Flux
.flatMap(id -> callApi(id))
.flatMap(response -> response.bodyToMono(String.class))
Tuple is an immutable, fixed-size data structure, used by zip as convenience when you don't want to create a dedicated POJO. It doesn't make sense to try and support unlimited sizes so we stopped at eight. There is a zip variant that will aggregate more than 8 sources, but will make you work with an Object[] instead of a Tuple.

Filter object by its members

I'm trying to filter an object in Guava. For example I have a class Team and would like to get all the teams with position below 5.
Iterable<Team> test = Iterables.filter(teams, new Predicate<Team>(){
public boolean apply(Team p) {
return p.getPosition() <= 5;
I'm getting 2 errors, Predicate cannot be resolved to a type and The method filter(Iterable, Predicate) in the type Iterables is not applicable for the arguments (List <'Team'>, new Predicate<'Team'>(){}).
I'm able to filter Iterables of type Integer.
Iterable<Integer> t6 = Iterables.filter(set1,, 3));
How do i filter an object based on its members in Guava ? I want to use this library in my android project and have many filtering conditions. Can it be used for class objects or is it only for simple data types ?
You need a final variable like range in this example.
This is the way to filter with external parameters, Predicate is an inner class.
final Range range = new IntRange(0, 3);
Iterable<Team> test = Iterables.filter(teams, new Predicate<Team>() {
public boolean apply(Team p) {
return range.containsInteger(p.getPosition());