Passing subset of objects down pipeline, based on count of properties? - powershell

I need to script up some things in PowerCLI (VMWare's bolt on to PowerShell). Basically we have a server cluster with three hosts. Each host has multiple virtual switches. Each virtual switch has multiple vlans ('port groups' in VMWare speak). I need to audit the fact that the same port groups exist on each host (so things keep working if the VM is moved).
Step 1 to achieving this is would be to know that the port group name exists on each of the three host machines.
I'm falling over with how to filter some objects out of all the ones returned by a cmdlet, based on number of results returned from a property of those objects. I then need to perform further operations with original object type that passes the filter test to go on down the pipeline.
To give some specifics, this an example showing 'Some PortGroup Name' and the three hosts it exists on (and as a bonus, the vSwitch):
Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name 'Some PortGroup Name' |
Select-Object Name, VMHostID, VirtualSwitchId
produces the output
Name VMHostId VirtualSwitchId
---- -------- ---------------
Some PortGroup Name HostSystem-host-29459
Some PortGroup Name HostSystem-host-29463
Some PortGroup Name HostSystem-host-29471
Instead of 3, I'm starting with the 1849 port group names that are being returned by Get-VirtualPortGroup. I need a pipeline to whittle the number of VirtualPortGroup objects down to a collection consisting of only those objects where a count of the 'VMHostId' property is less than 3, and pass the remaining VirtualPortGroup objects down the pipeline for further processing.
This seems simple enough to do. I'm still failing though.
The following almost works. Piping it to measure shows a count of 229, instead of the original 1849 (so it's definitely filtered a lot out, and is possibly correctly returning the subset I'm after...?). The problem is, the object type is now a 'Group' or something at this point in the pipeline, and doesn't have all the properties and methods of the original Get-VirtualPortGroup objects.
Get-VirtualPortGroup |
Group-Object -Property Name |
Where-Object $_.Count -lt 3
Bolting a | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Group to the end of the above seemed promising, except it then seems to return the entire collection of Get-VirtualPortGroup objects as though I had done no filtering in there at all....
Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
How can I filter out objects based on the count of the number of results returned by a specific property of an object, but still pass the original object type down the pipe?

Your approach is correct, but you got the Where-Object syntax wrong. The abbreviated syntax is:
Where-Object <property> <op> <value>
without the current object variable ($_). In your case that would be:
Where-Object Count -lt 3
Otherwise you must use scriptblock notation:
Where-Object { $_.Count -lt 3 }
This should do what you want:
Get-VirtualPortGroup |
Group-Object -Property Name |
Where-Object { $_.Count -lt 3 } |
Select-Object -Expand Group


Script has two variables when done, but when I pipe to SELECT-object only first one returns data to console

I am trying to query multiple servers with WMI, but I don't always have access to the servers.
The code is below. Alas, it returns "access is denied" to the console, but I can't seem to get rid of it. Oh well.
However, I am trapping the servers that I can't connect to, so that I can tell someone else to look at them, or request access.
But when I run the code, it only returns the first list of servers; even if $failed_servers has values, nothing is returned. If I tell both to pipe to ogv, then two windows pop up.
Why won't both "$variable|select" work? If I remove the select on $failed_servers, then it shows up, albeit just sitting immediately underneath the successful ones. Which is okay-but-not-great.
$list = ("servera","serverb","serverc")
$failed_servers = #()
$final = foreach ($server_instance in $list)
gwmi -query "select * from win32_service where name like '%SQLSERVER%'" -cn $server_instance -ErrorVariable +errors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($errors.Count -gt 0) {$failed_servers += $server_instance
$final|select pscomputername, name, startmode, state |where {$_.pscomputername -ne $null}
$failed_servers |select #{N='Failed Servers'; E={$_}}
What you're experiencing is merely a display problem:
Both your Select-Object calls produce output objects with 4 or fewer properties whose types do not have explicit formatting data associated with them (as reported by Get-FormatData).
This causes PowerShell's for-display output formatting system to implicitly render them via the Format-Table cmdlet.
The display columns that Format-Table uses are locked in based on the properties of the very first object that Format-Table receives.
Therefore, your second Select-Object call, whose output objects share no properties with the objects output by the first one, effectively produces no visible output - however, the objects are sent to the success output stream and are available for programmatic processing.
A simple demonstration:
& {
# This locks in Month and Year as the display columns of the output table.
Get-Date | Select-Object Month, Year
# This command's output will effectively be invisible,
# because the property set Name, Attributes does not overlap with
# Month, Year
Get-Item \ | Select-Object Name, Attributes
The output will look something like this - note how the second statement's output is effectively invisible (save for an extra blank line):
Month Year
----- ----
9 2021
Note the problem can even affect a single statement that outputs objects of disparate types (whose types don't have associated formatting data); e.g.:
(Get-Date | Select-Object Year), (Get-Item \ | Select-Object Name)
Applying | Format-List to the command above makes all objects visible, though obviously changes the display format.
Intra-script you could pipe each Select-Object pipeline to Out-Host to force instant, pipeline-specific formatting, but - given that the results are sent directly to the host rather than to the success output stream - this technique precludes further programmatic processing.
Potential future improvements:
GitHub issue #7871 proposes at least issuing a warning if output objects effectively become invisible.

Intrinsic index of item in a Powershell filtered item (using Where-Object for example)

Is there any way of getting the intrinsic numeric index (order#)
of the selected/filtered/matched object
from a Where-Object processing?
for example:
Get-Process | Where-Object -property id -eq 1024
without using further code...
?is it possible to get the index of the object with ID=4
from some 'inner/hidden' Powershell mechanism???
or instruct Where-Object to spit out the index
where the match(es) took place?
(in this case would be 1, 0 is the 'idle' process)
You could capture the result of the Get-Process cmdlet as array, and use the IndexOf() method to get the index or -1 if that Id is not found:
$gp = (Get-Process).Id
No, there is no built-in mechanism for what you're looking for as of PowerShell 7.1
If only one item is to be matched - as in your case - you can use the Array type's static .FindIndex() method:
$processes = Get-Process
# Find the 0-based index of the process with ID 1024.
[Array]::FindIndex($processes, [Predicate[object]] { param($o) $o.Id -eq 1024 })
Note that this returns a zero-based index if a match is found, and -1 otherwise.
The ::FindIndex() method has the advantage of searching only for the first match, unlike Where-Object, which as of PowerShell 7.1 always searches the entire input collection (see below). As a method rather than a pipeline-based cmdlet, it invariably requires the input array to be in memory in full (which the pipeline doesn't require).
While it wouldn't directly address your use case, note that there's conceptually related feature request #13772 on GitHub, which proposes introducing an automatic $PSIndex variable to be made available inside ForEach-Object and Where-Object script blocks.
As an aside:
Note that while [Array]::FindIndex only ever finds the first match's index, Where-Object is limited in the opposite way: as of PowerShell 7.1, it always finds all matches, which is inefficient if you're only looking for one match.
While the related .Where() array method does offer a way to stop processing after the first match (e.g.,
('long', 'foo', 'bar').Where({ $_.Length -eq 3 }, 'First')), methods operate on in-memory collections only, so it would be helpful if the pipeline-based Where-Object cmdlet supported such a feature as well - see GitHub feature request #13834.
Or something like this. Add a property called line that keeps increasing for each object.
ps | % { $line = 1 } { $_ | add-member line ($line++) -PassThru } | where id -eq 13924 |
select line,id
line Id
---- --
184 13924

PowerShell : How can I set a variable from a single column in multi-column output?

I am using Get-PhysicalDisk | Format-Table DeviceID, UniqueID to get a listing of drive number and serial number of all drives on a Windows 2016 Server. I want to search for one serial number and capture only the drive number as a variable. I'm used to awk in UNIX and I'm totally stumped on how to achieve this in PowerShell.
Get-PhysicalDisk | Format-Table DeviceID, UniqueID
DeviceID UniqueID
-------- --------
5 624A937024897B4FF488CBF800027A4B
8 624A937024897B4FF488CBF800028A4D
7 624A937024897B4FF488CBF800027A59
0 {c4d394f5-509e-11e9-a834-806e6f6e6963}
1 {c4d394f6-509e-11e9-a834-806e6f6e6963}
2 {c4d394f7-509e-11e9-a834-806e6f6e6963}
3 {c4d394f8-509e-11e9-a834-806e6f6e6963}
4 {c4d394f9-509e-11e9-a834-806e6f6e6963}
6 624A937024897B4FF488CBF800027A56
I want to expand this command to find SerialNumber 624A937024897B4FF488CBF800027A56 then set a variable called $DriveNumber to the value of 6 as shown in the output.
I then plan to use this variable in Set-Disk to take the drive offline/online as a perform a volume overwrite. I don't want to hard code the drive number because upon reboot, the drive number could change.
NOTE I was using Get-Disk and piping the appropriate output to Set-Disk to perform my drive off/online. But, I have a mysterious issue of the virtual drives not displaying with Get-Disk, therefore I'm trying to find a workaround with Get-PhysicalDisk Thanks!
$driveNumber = (
Get-PhysicalDisk | Where-Object UniqueId -eq '{624A937024897B4FF488CBF800027A56}'
Note the need to enclose the GUID string in {...}.
As all PowerShell cmdlets do, Get-PhysicalDisk outputs objects whose properties you can query.
Cmdlet Where-Object acts as a filter on the objects it receives from the pipeline and compares the value of property UniqueId to the specified literal GUID (string), which, by definition, matches (at most) one object.
(...).DeviceId returns the value of the target objects' DeviceId property and assigns it to variable $driveNumber.
A note re use of Format-* cmdlets such as Format-Table:
Only ever use Format-* cmdlets for display formatting.
If the intent is further programmatic processing:
either: simply access the input objects' intrinsic properties (whose availability is independent of whether they display by default or via a Format-* cmdlet call)
or: if you need to create simplified or transformed objects with only a subset of the original properties and/or transformed property property values (calculated properties, use Select-Object.

Using Where-Object with an object in PowerShell

I can't seem to get my brain around something and I am hoping someone can help
I have an array of objects called $SnapVMsAll that looks like this:
VMName Name SnapshotType CreationTime ParentSnapshotName
------ ---- ---------- ------------ ------------------ - (02/10/2017 - 13:02:44) Standard 02/10/2017 13:05:58
I need to display all the records in this array of objects that have string "Veeam" in the name column, but I think I am having problems isolating a specific attribute of the object to compare.
My attempts have been as follows:
echo $SnapVMsAll | Where-Object (Foreach-Object -MemberName name) -Like "Veeam Replica"
This returned the error:
Where-Object : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Property'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
I have also tried
echo $SnapVMsAll | Where-Object $ -Like "Veeam Replica"
But again I get the same error.
$SnapVMsAll does not exist inside the pipeline, it is the object you pass to the pipeline. Within a pipeline, objects can be accessed using the automatic variable $_.
Also note that -Like is usually used with wildcards to match a string. If the name is Veeam Replica you should use -eq, if the name contains Veeam Replica, you should change to -Like "*Veeam Replica*"
So changing your code to the following should work:
$SnapVMsAll | Where-Object { $ -Like "*Veeam Replica*" }

Combining Group-Object and ForEach-Object?

I'm developing a cmdlet called Merge-Xsd that can merge similar XML schemas. It takes a list of paths, loads the schemas, merges them, and produces an XMLDocument as output.
All schemas of a particular file name are considered "similar", and so what I'm doing is getting all of the child items in a particular directory structure, grouping them according to the file name, and then trying to pass them to my custom cmdlet.
Grouping them is easy:
$grouping = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.xsd |
Group-Object -Property Name -AsHashTable -AsString
However, processing them as part of the same pipeline is not. I've gotten as close as this:
$grouping.Keys |
ForEach-Object { ($grouping[$_] |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Merge-Xsd).Save("C:\Out\$_") }
But what I'd really like to be able to do is use ForEach-Object directly after Group-Object to iterate over each group item, thus eliminating the need for the separate $grouping variable.
How can I use ForEach-Object to get the key/value pair while keeping each invocation of Merge-Xsd scoped to that particular key/value pair?
20150224 UPDATE:
The Merge-Xsd option set is extremely basic:
Merge-Xsd [-Path] <string[]> [<CommonParameters>]
It is really just intended for throwing a bunch of files at it in one go and having them merged into a single output, which is an XmlDocument. (I modeled the output off of ConvertTo-Xml.)
I think you could just nest it like this:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.xsd |
Group-Object -Property Name |
ForEach-Object {
($_.Group.FullName | Merge-Xsd).Save("C:\Out\$($_.Name)")
I don't have your cmdlet or files but in my limited testing this would work.
Some Explanation
I took out the -AsHash and -AsString parameters so we could deal directly with the group objects returned by Group-Object.
The $_.Group.FullName is more complex than it seems on first glance. $_ here refers to a single group object, since we're in a ForEach-Object. The group object contains a property called Name which is the name of the group, and a property called Group which is actually a collection of the the individual items within the group, so $_.Group is a collection.
From here, it would make sense to pipe that to ForEach-Object again, since each of the items in that collection will be a FileInfo object, and you want to get the FullName property to pass to Merge-Xsd.
Here we take advantage of some powershell magic. When you refer to $c.Property where $c is a collection of objects with a Property property, you get back a collection that consists of the property objects.
So $props = $c.Property is the same as:
$props = $c | ForEach-Object { $_.Property }
Knowing that, we can pipe $_.Group.FullName directly into Merge-Xsd to pass along all of the fullnames from all of the files in the group.
In that context, $_.Name still refers to the group object, so it's the name of the group, not the name of the file.