keycloak Profile SPI - keycloak

I am looking for Profile SPI in keycloak admin panel but can't seems to find it. As described in this link Keycloak 3 will have this feature.
My main aim is to add some custom user attributes and Validate them. But I found from this link it is not possible to add custom validator for user management and profile update page. Is it still valid for Keycloak version?


How can I create a new social User on KeyCloak via REST APIs?

I have a working KeyCloak installation, and a Laravel backend that uses this to authenticate Users.
The KeyCloack server is already configured with some external ("social") identity providers.
Now I want to create, from PHP backend, new "social" Users on KeyCloak via REST API before they attempt to login the first time.
My goal is to create new Users on backend database with their all profile data, in order to have all the user set-up already done once the user will first login on my app.
Is there a way to do this?
Have I to create the user firsty on KeyCloak and then link it to a social provider in some way?
Or something other?
There are essentially two steps required:
You have to create a login-flow, that maps the SAML-User to the local user.
This must contain the "Detect Existing Broker User" and the "Automatically Set Existing User" Execution as Required.
Your Identity Providermust use this as login flow.
Then you have to configure your SAML Identity-Provider to identify the SANL-Atrribute to match the user. Feal free to ask if you need further help for this.

Keycloak - allow linking of 2 accounts with different emails

I need to implement a login flow with KeyCloak where a user will be prompted to reauthenticate with an existing account (by email/password or via social IdP) after authentication with a non-existing socialĀ  account OR choose to create a new KeyCloak account.
Something like on the picture below:
Is it possible to implement such a flow with KeyCloak?
It is possible that flow with regular Identity Providers feature in Keycloak
Overview Steps
detail information here
{keyclaok URL}/realms/{realm}/broker/{idp name}/endpoint
2. Register Application at Social App
example: StackOverflow
3. Get Client Information from Social App
example: StackOverflow
4. Set IDP at Keycloak
5. Test
5.1 Before add user
5.2 login by Social
5.3 Update user account (set password and e-mail)
5.4 check added user
5.5 Test added user login by username/password OR
Social Icon Click without credential
5.6 logged in test by both ways
5.7 Picked up e-mail from Facebook and detect e-mail already exists.
5.8 I select "Add to existing account" then filled out e-mail and password from Keycloak.
The authentication flows within Keycloak can be customized (virtually all of the flows can be customized or extended). I believe you'll need to implement a custom Authentication SPI (Service Provider Interface). This will be a JAR that you can add custom logic upon account creation.
Here's the Keycloak documentation for SPIs.

Keycloak: Pass custom user attributes on Social Identity Provider Login

On registration, Keycloak provides the ability to add custom user attributes via the Keycloak theme's registration page template via "input" elements that look something like:
<input id="user.attributes.[the_custom_attribute]" name="user.attributes.[the_custom_attribute]" />
However, this only seems to work if the user creates an account and submits the form.
If the user were to login via a Social Identity Provider (google, microsoft, github, etc...) how do we go about adding custom user attributes?
If you are using Social Identity Provider to login into application then the customer_attribute won't be available to you.
But if you still want that attribute to be set for that user before he/she logs in, then you can add custom required action to implement this feature. You can create new RequiredCustomAttribute action and enable it from Admin console.
Implement your own required action, similar to that of org.keycloak.authentication.requiredactions.UpdateProfile class provided by keycloak. You can mark your customer_attribute as required in this new required action flow.
When you do all above things, next time when user logs in using Social Identity Provider, he/she will be asked to enter custom_attribute on next page.

SSO for powerapps portal. Using SAML provider

So the problem here is to make a connection between an identity provider and a portal to provide SSO login between a SAML provider app and a powerapps portal. I am also using a Sign in User Flow in AD B2C(issuer and etc. is filled in a form for IdP in a picture below).
Once you sign in to the provider website which will take you to the selection of multiple portals you can enter. You should be signed in after you select one.
There is the most to see in the following pictures:
Apps registered in AD B2C
Identity provider information filled in a form.
Site settings created in a portal management.
SAML provider app after login view.
Powerapps portal not signed in after selecting it.
My questions here are:
Am I missing some site settings?
Is there a place to enter some sort of certificate or key which will allow the connection?
Is it possible to be done on side of portal or do I need to contact provider to somehow udjust their code?
Thanks for all advices. If there will be a need for more details do not hesitate to ask.
You have configured SAML 2.0 for portals and there is no specific settings missing on that front. In order to isolate why it is not Signed in after selecting kindly open a support case.

How can I use AMA(Advance Mobile Access) custom authentication with OAuth service provider?

How can I use AMA custom authentication with OAuth service provider?
Perhaps, the AMA doc of Implementing Bluemix Single Sign On as a custom in identity provider. in Getting started could help this. But this doc has deleted.
Unfortunately, we do not support Single Sign On.
Using Advanced Mobile Acces(AMA) custom authentication involves 2 steps.
In the first step, you have to configure the authentication mechanism to access the backend services and this is done in the AMA dashboard of the backend application. Please see the sub-section Configuring an authentication mechanism for back end access in the document Advanced Mobile Access Configuration page section Registering your Advanced Mobile Access Client App for details on configuring the custom authentication mechanism. Basically, you will be providing the url of the custom identity provider page that will handle authentication challenge.
In the second step, you have to configure the client app to use custom authentication and please see the document section
Using a custom identity provider
for procedure to do it.
Did you navigate down below FB and Google auth on that link you provided?
There is a doc on using a custom identity provider