chartjs datalabels change font and color of text displaying inside pie chart - charts

I am using chartjs
and datalabels
I have achieved everything I needed from chartjs and its plugin. Here is my final out
Here is my code
( function ( $ ) {
"use strict";
/////////////Pie chart START here//////////////////////////////
var ctx = document.getElementById( "pieChart" );
ctx.height = 130;
var myChart = new Chart( ctx, {
type: 'pie',
data: {
datasets: [ {
data: [ 40, 20, 10, 3, 7, 15, 4, 52 ],
backgroundColor: [
hoverBackgroundColor: [
} ],
labels: [
"On-Hold (Need Spares)",
"On-Hold (Condemnation)",
"On-Hold (For Decision)",
"On-Hold (For Revision)"
options: {
responsive: true,
legend: {
position: 'left',
labels: {
} );
/////////////Pie chart END here//////////////////////////////
} )( jQuery );
Now I need to change the font size and the color of text(data) displaying inside each slice of pie chart. Any help ?
P.s: I am using chart.js v2.7.2

I use Chart js and datalebels to, and can do this like this:
plugins: {
datalabels: {
color: #ffffff,
formatter: function (value) {
return Math.round(value) + '%';
font: {
weight: 'bold',
size: 16,
Of course in my example i add the '%', thats why i use that function in formatter.
Remember that 'plugins' is part of 'options' in the chart.
Here is the page of the plugin datalabels with more things you can do

If you want to change font family then you can do like this:
add font-family e.g adding 'Josefin Sans' font family
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
and then mention family: 'Josefin Sans' in the font JSON object. like this:-
plugins: {
datalabels: {
color: #ffffff,
formatter: function (value) {
return Math.round(value) + '%';
font: {
weight: 'bold',
size: 16,
family: 'Josefin Sans',

To change the color for each data set you can use
data: {
datasets: [
datalabels: {
labels: {
value: {
color: 'green'
Found it helpful

In my case to make it work I had to add quotes to the color value:
color: "#ffffff",
plugins: {
datalabels: {
color: "#ffffff",
formatter: function (value) {
return Math.round(value) + '%';
font: {
weight: 'bold',
size: 16,


How to remove the top line with highcharts on flutter

how to remove this xasix top line
i want to be like this :
i read a lot of highcharts documents ,but i can't found the answer,I wonder if you have any solutions
my highchars code is:
xAxis: {
lineWidth :0,//去掉x轴线
categories: $xAxisData,
tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
gridLineWidth: 1,
gridLineColor: '#808080',
title: {
enabled: false
labels: {
style: {
color: '#ffffff'
legend: {
enabled: false
yAxis: {
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: '#808080',
tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
gridLineColor: '#808080',
title: {
text: null
labels: {
format: '{value}',
style: {
color: '#ffffff',
fontSize: 12
credits: {
tooltip: {
split: false,
valueSuffix: '条'
Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot!
remove the x axais top line
You can use styled mode to hide grid line on yaxis, article of how to style by css. Catch the last element using CSS pseudo-class :last-of-type and choose how to hide visibility stroke: transparent; or stroke: transparent;.
.highcharts-yaxis-grid path:last-of-type {
/* stroke: transparent; */
stroke-width: 0px;

Placing information inside the chart series

I have the chart bellow and I want to add the percentage to the series body. Like I manipulate the image bellow in red.
how Is this possible?
var dom = document.getElementById("chart-container");
var myChart = echarts.init(dom, null, {
renderer: "canvas",
useDirtyRect: false
var app = {};
var option;
var datas = [
{ name: "test1", value: 20 },
{ name: "test2", value: 40 },
{ name: "test3", value: 40 }
option = {
title: {
text: "test",
left: "center",
textStyle: {
color: "#999",
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: 14
series: (data, idx) {
return {
type: "pie",
radius: [80, 160],
top: "10%",
height: "33.33%",
left: "center",
width: 400,
itemStyle: {
borderColor: "#fff",
borderWidth: 1
label: {
alignTo: "edge",
minMargin: 5,
edgeDistance: 10,
lineHeight: 15,
rich: {
time: {
fontSize: 10,
color: "#999"
labelLine: {
length: 15,
length2: 0,
maxSurfaceAngle: 80
data: data
if (option && typeof option === "object") {
window.addEventListener("resize", myChart.resize);
To place information inside the chart, you have to use position: "inside" in the label. Set what is put inside the label with the formatter. (Here, {c} is the value of a data item)
label: {
formatter: "{c}%",
position: "inside"
But it seems that it's not possible to have both a label inside AND one outside the same chart (like in your image). However, a workaround can do the job here. Like using 2 identical series except one has the label from your example code, and one has the label code I wrote above. One chart will be on top of the other (wich is a bit messy) but the result will be as you want :

(ApexCharts) How can I make the pie chart the same size?

My Problem : Chart size is fixed including legends.
I want to fixed pie chart size except legends.
How can I make the pie chart the same size?
This is my code.
Help me plz
var options = {
series: [25, 15, 44],
chart: {
type: 'pie',
**width: '300px'**
labels: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"],
theme: {
monochrome: {
enabled: true,
color: '#f38200',
shadeIntensity: 0.9
plotOptions: {
pie: {
size : "200px"
stroke: {
show: false
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
legend: {
position: 'bottom',
horizontalAlign: 'left',
markers: {
width: 9, height: 9
itemMargin: {
horizontal: 20, vertical: 0
formatter: function(seriesName, opts) {
return legend;
IMG - This is my problem
Try setting the legend width or height to a static value, e.g.
legend: {
width: 200
Try using -
legend: {
floating: true
and setting the legend's position using offsets.

ECharts Baidu how to display labels in negative value as positive value?

I am using ECharts Baidu to generate charts. I am using a tornado chart to display the force of left and right arm. The force of the left arm is displayed at the left side and right arm at the right side. Is there a way display the negative value of the label and the axis as positive? I can always hide the axis value so as long as the solution can make the graph to display negative as positive label, I will mark it as solution.
var option= {
title: {
grid: {
top: '10%',
bottom: '25%',
left: '20%',
right: '10%',
tooltip: { triggerOn: 'click' },
xAxis: [
type: 'value',
name: 'Newton',
nameLocation: 'center',
nameTextStyle: {
padding: 10
yAxis: [
axisTick: { show: false },
data: ['FEB']
barWidth: 40,
series: [
type: 'bar',
stack: 'feb',
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top',
data: [{ value: Number(data2[0].left) * -1 }], //the value is from the ajax call
itemStyle: { color: 'gray' }
type: 'bar',
stack: 'feb',
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
data: [Number(data2[0].right)],
itemStyle: { color: '#F26718' },
textStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: 'black'
try with this:
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top',
formatter: function (params) {
return Math.abs(params.value[1]);
this example assumes that the data you passed to the chart is an array like [x, y]. if your input data is different, put a breakpoint inside the formatter function e see how "params" is structured.

Extjs chart shadow

I have the following code to contruct a pie chart.
The problem is i don't get a shadow.
Note : If the chart config, theme='Base', then the pie has a shadow
Ext.define('ChartPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
, constructor: function(externalConfigs) {
externalConfigs = externalConfigs || {};
var configs = {
title: 'My panel',
items: [
xtype: 'chart',
store: myStore,
width: '30%',
series: [{
type: 'pie'
, field: 'persentage'
, shadow: 'sides'
, showInLegend: false
, donut: false
, renderer: function(sprite, record, attributes, index, store) {
if ( == 'option1') {
fill: 'url(#redGradient)',
stroke: '#ffffff'
}, false);
} else if ( == 'option2') {
fill: 'url(#greenGradient)',
stroke: '#ffffff'
}, false);
, gradients: [{
id: 'redGradient',
angle: 45,
stops: {
0: { color: '#820000' },
100: { color: '#BD1E00' }
}, {
id: 'greenGradient',
angle: 0,
stops: {
0: { color: '#89AC10' },
100: { color: '#A1C22D' }
Ext.apply(configs, externalConfigs);
this.callParent([configs]); //Call the parent constructor
Any ideas how to get a shadow?
Use shadow: true (see the docs in the previous link to see other possible options) within your chart definition. (Not within the pie definition). There is no shadow config property for Ext.chart.series.Pie. You would need to use shadowAttributes within Ext.chart.series.Pie.
I found that
return attributes;
inside the renderer is essential.