Play framework controller test - No implementation for <classname> was bound - scala

I would like to write test for a controller class. The controller class takes a service object as constructor parameter. Added the #Inject annotation to the constructor of the service class.
class AssociateService #Inject()(configuration: Configuation){...}
The constructor parameter of the service class is a custom configuration object also created for the application. I added the #Inject to the constructor of the config class as well. Now I'm getting these types of error messages:
No implementation for "className" was bound.
Could not find a suitable constructor in java.lang.Integer. Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with #Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
The configuration class has several constructor parameters, those are "basic" types (Int, Boolean) and one parameter is a custom class type (className).
How should I do this binding or is it just enough to annotate something else?
And why it says that constructor error message?

As far as I know, there are two ways with tests and guice, with trade offs:
Don't using field injections, using only constructor injections and fields assignment in constructor for injected parameters. This approach enables very simple solution for testing, just don't use dependency injection in tests. But all your classes must have ability to be created with new operator in test cases...
Ps. You can define optional constructor and use field injections, of course, but it is not very clear solution.
Creating correct module with injectable interfaces binding to its implementations for every test or group of similar tests. Sometimes this approach takes a lot of unnecessary working hours.
You must design your software to maintain testability. Sometimes not every line of code in project need to be tested, sometimes not every code is testable, you must separate it from important parts of your software, that requires testing. If you design your software with single responsibility principe so writing tests is much easer...


Dagger 2 - Proper way to provide instances within a very own module only

Say I have something like this:
internal class SeenModule {
fun parameter() = Parameter()
fun actualThingINeedToInject(parameter: Parameter) = ActualThing(parameter)
However, this module only really needs to provide an ActualThing object - in other words, the Parameter is only there because the very own module needs it. I don't want it to be part of the set of dependencies that can be retrieved outside of this module.
The way I'm currently doing this is by defining a custom scope as private and then marking the methods that provide dependencies which shouldn't leave the module with this scope, as well as those in the module where the provided dependencies should be injected, of course. This is a bit annoying because it prevents me from using other scopes in these methods and requires a lot of additional annotating all over the place. What is the proper way to achieve this?
Dagger doesn't really offer "private bindings" in the sense you're asking for, where Parameter would not be injectable from anywhere else. I also advise against using scope annotations for visibility, in part because the Component itself would need to be annotated with that scope annotation, so the scope annotation would simply slightly increase the hassle needed to improperly consume Parameter (and the hassle needed to create a Component that properly consumes Parameter).
I'd offer one of these three alternatives:
Reduce the visibility of Parameter as a class. If Parameter is package-private, you won't be able to refer to it from outside of that Java package, giving you the encapsulation you want.
Use "Subcomponents for Encapsulation", in which you create a subcomponent, install your Parameter (and any related bindings) in a Module bound on the subcomponent, and expose only your ActualThing on the subcomponent's interface. Your subcomponent will be injectable, but your Parameter is not; you can also write a #Provides method that returns your ActualThing from your subcomponent instance.
Grin and bear it, and just document that Parameter is an implementation detail that should not be accessed outside of certain packages. If you are providing objects to external teams who access ActualThing through your Component interface, you can simply decline to put Parameter on your public interface; if you are providing objects to internal teams they will likely have access to change your Dagger structure or access modifiers anyway. You might also ask yourself why Parameter would be useful for another team to consume, and document it as an API if there is a business reason for injecting it.

Automatic #Binds in Dagger when there is one implementation per interface

When using Dagger 2, very often I'm applying the following pattern:
Create interface, let's call it LoginService
Create the only one implementation - LoginServiceImpl with the constructor injection:
class LoginServiceImpl implements LoginService {
#Inject LoginServiceImpl() {}
Bind the implementation to the interface:
abstract LoginService bindStatisticsService(LoginServiceImpl impl);
Always depend on the interface - LoginService in this case.
Is there a possibility to avoid the #Binds annotated method? Is there a simpler (with the less amount of boilerplate code) way to tell Dagger - this class is the only one implementation of the interface, always bind it for example in some annotation on the interface itself?
I've read the documentation and unfortunately haven't found anything like that, but maybe someone knows some trick which can solve my problem.
I don't think that's possible, even hypothetically.
Dagger can't really tell that there's only one implementation, and the only way it could would be to search for every class on the (compilation) classpath to try to find all sorts of possible implementation. That would be slow at best, but Java allows classloading from custom classloaders, so you aren't ever really guaranteed to get a full list of available classes. Even if you were to claim that Dagger should just match against the first appropriate assignable type it sees (because you know that there's only one), Dagger may not have a way to identify where to find that implementation type.
Ultimately it's going to be difficult to improve on a single-line #Binds statement that identifies the fully-qualified class of the binding key ( and target (

How to enforce encapsulation with the Cake Pattern

I've been reading a bit about the Cake Pattern in Scala (I know that is old stuff), and I cannot see or imagine an way to lock down the concrete classes, so dependencies don't leak from the classes where they are injected.
A simple and current example comes from the play-reactive-mongo-db activator template. In that app, the controllers use the ReactiveMongoComponents trait to get an instance of the driver ReactiveMongoApi.
Now, the problem is that the controller inherits has a public method to return an instance of reactiveMongoApi and as such breaking 2 fundamental principles: Encapsulation and Information Hiding. I know the example is not great (as a controller shouldn't access any data store), but the same applies if there would be domain services or repositories. I know that those classes (domain services, repositories, etc) would have a trait that defines the accessible methods, and there wouldn't be a public method/attribute to get the dependency, but the concrete implementation does leak.
TL;DR: Cake pattern leaks dependencies from concrete implementations, how can this be avoided?

Constructor and Unit Testing

I have a class XmlRecord. This class will deal with reading/writing to an xml file. At the moment, I have the following for that class:
class XmlRecord {
private val _file = new File("file.xml")
I want this class to somehow create the file if it doesn't exist. I know how to achieve this but I'm unsure how to design it in an Object Orientated way. I think I have two options:
Do I add a code to the constructor (or a call to a private method) that will create this file automatically if it doesn't exist. My problem with this method is that how do I unit test this as this code is effectively private code? Would I have to inject the File dependency so it could be mocked during testing?
Do I get the constructor to return an exception or implement a public method for the class so that the caller can use it to check if a file needs to be created? If so, the caller would then call another public method that would create the file. Again I think I would need to inject the dependency.
I hope that makes sense. I'm just trying to get a better grasp on designing my classes.
The presence of abstractions to accomplish DIP have other design
implications in an Object Oriented program:
All member variables in a class must be interfaces or abstracts.
All concrete class packages must connect only through interface/abstract classes packages.
No class should derive from a concrete class.
No method should override an implemented method.[5]
All variable instantiation requires the implementation of a Creational pattern as the Factory Method or the Factory pattern, or the more complex use of a Dependency Injection framework.
Dependency inversion principle

ADO.NET fails to generate parameterless constructor

I've created an ADO.NET model called EF and added a DbContext generator, which populates my /Model folder with an and .cs files, one for each entity.
in general the system creates classes with parameterless constructors... for some reason I can't fathom I have an entity that's missing this constructore. It is not an abstract class, has not base type and has public access. I have tons of other such classes but they all have parameterless constructors. I've googled and looked around VS trying to figure what's special about this one, and how I can make it generate the constructor, but find no answer.
I can always create this in a partial definition but I'd rather figure it out. Also, if I right-mouse click over the I see a choice in the menu called "Run Custom Tool" but when I select it nothing seems to happen. How does one regenerate the .cs files?
p.s. yes, I have cleaned and rebuilt the solution in case it just got messed up but still problem
In C# (are you using C#?):
When you define no constructor in your class, a parameterless constructor will be created by compiler by default
When you define parameterless constructor (and maybe some others) the parameterless constructor will also be present as you defined it
When you define more than zero constructors, but no parameterless one, the compiler does not create a parameterless constructor for you. In this case it's your responsibility to define it (in partial class or not).
Default constructor exists by default, it is not generated. If class doesn't have any explicitly defined constructor it always have default parameterless constructor. If you specify any constructor elsewhere (partial class) default parameterless constructor doesn't exist any more and you have to create it yourselves if you want to use it (EF always wants to use it).