Visual Studio Code - Ctrl+Backspace not working in Integrated Terminal - powershell

In the terminal (PowerShell) in Visual Studio Code, I'm trying to hit Ctrl+Backspace to delete last word, but it just adds ^W to end of the line, any ideas how to fix this? It works fine outside Visual Studio Code in PowerShell.

ctrl+backspace is somehow mapped to ctrl+w in vscode integrated terminal (possibly a bug) and now we need to set ctrl+w binding to delete the word explicitly. weird right?
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord 'Ctrl+w' -Function BackwardKillWord
Note that this'll work for the current terminal session only.
To make this behaviour persistent, you can set it in profile Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file. Create the file if it doesn't exist in your powershell version folder.
C:\Program Files\PowerShell\6\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
write at the top
if ($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq "vscode") {
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord 'Ctrl+w' -Function BackwardKillWord
See more: Power up your PowerShell
Keybinding references:

Based on the latest comment I have modified JerryGoyal's answer so we don't have to modify bindings:
Put the following at the top of your Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 config file (type $profile in the terminal to find it, you might have to create one if it doesn't exist already)
if ($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq "vscode") {
Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs
This works for me (vscode 1.43)

It was showing ^W when I pressed Ctrl+Backspace.
Just run this command in the vscode console
Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs

Looks like an issue that is being tracked: see workbench.action.terminal.deleteWordLeft Doesn't Work, Outputs ^W.
Works fine for me in git bash terminal but not powershell as of vscode 1.36.
vscode v1.45 made some changes to these terminal commands, like deleteWordLeft. Does Ctrl+Backspace work better for you now?

VSCode 1.48 (July2020) might help.
Issue 98404 does allow ctrl+backspace to delete entire word in cmd.exe, which could work for a powershell session too.
See PR 98494:
Before (when it was not working):
After (working):

Check you keybindings in your settings to be sure it is still set.
I have had some oddities with keybindings getting removed / changed when adding a new extension or an update. You may just need to add it back.
Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code
Of course VSCode and PowerShell are two different environments. If you split your terminal window (I do this all the time for my own work use case), you will end up with the VSChost and the standard consolehost and you'll see that though you are in VSCode, they behave differently.
If you have not done so, you may want to customize you VSCode profile which is what the integrated console will read, where as the consolehost will read your PowerShell console profile not you ISE profile.

To add to JerryGoyal answer:
If you have difficulties finding profile folder and/or making it works. Here's what helped me.
I created folder c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\
Put Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 there
Powershell than tells you about security problems. You have to allow this by running powershell as admin.
Than type Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.
Answer Y(yes). This is obviously at your own risk!

Add this to keybindings.json in vs code
"key": "ctrl+backspace",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
"when": "terminalFocus",
"args": { "text": "\u0017" }


PowerShell console in Visual Studio Code: How to copy-paste?

I cannot Copy-Paste from the Visual Studio Code console. In ISE one can copy-paste some of the output, but it does not seem to be possible in Visual Studio Code Terminal. How can I copy-paste the output from the console when running PowerShell commands? I have the PowerShell Extension.
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for copying / pasting work as-is in Visual Studio Code's integrated terminal.
By contrast, right-click behavior is configurable:
On Windows, the default behavior is to copy, if text is currently selected, and paste otherwise - as in regular console windows.
To get the same behavior as in the Windows PowerShell ISE, i.e. to instead show a shortcut menu, which contains Copy and Paste commands, add the following line to your settings.json file (before the closing }):
"terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior": "default",
Alternatively, use the settings GUI (press Ctrl+,):
The screenshot was taken on macOS, where selectWord is the default setting; on Windows, it is copyPaste, with the behavior as described above.
Also note the GUI's convenient search feature: typing right click in the search field was sufficient to locate the relevant setting.

F8 or "Run Selection" not working in VS Code while trying to run powershell commands in terminal

I am using VS Code and i have my powershell terminal in VS Code as well as Powershell ISE. I have my own personal script file in the form of .ps1 which has some list of commands. When i select a command in the file and right click and choose "Run Selection" , that doesn't get reflected in the Powershell Terminal in VS code. I even tried Function + F8 key of the laptop, still the same. Any idea what do i need to do to fix this.
I had the same issue, F8 stopped running selected script suddenly. Had to reinstall the PowerShell extension for VScode and it fixed it.
Check key bindings as well by hitting Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S and search "Run Selection". This should be a sub function of the PowerShell extension.
I ran into a similar problem and I came into the solution. Just install the powershell extension for VS code and you'll see the Run Selection/F8 work.

How to integrate Cmder properly in VS Code?

I would like to integrate Cmder shell into my VS Code configuration.
I'm using VS Code 64bit on Windows, and I tried to modify my settings.json file as follows, to make Cmder work as the integrated terminal:
"": "C:\\Program Files\\Cmder\\Cmder.exe",
I restarted my VS Code and tried to open the terminal.
At first, this error message box showed up:
Failed to copy ConEmu.xml file to backup location!
Restart Cmder as administrator.
So, I launched VS Code as administrator, which made the error message disappear; however, I noticed that VS Code opens Cmder in another separate window instead of in the terminal.
How can I run Cmder shell inside VS Code terminal?
P.S. Could this note in vs code documentation be the solution?
Tip: The integrated terminal shell is running with the permissions of VS Code. If you need to run a shell command with elevated (administrator) or different permissions, you can use platform utilities such as runas.exe within a terminal."
There is a mistake in your configuration file, the following is not valid:
"": "C:\\Program Files\\Cmder\\Cmder.exe"
You should not be calling Cmder.exe from the VS Code, instead, you should use init.bat (from the instructions below) to integrate Cmder in VS Code.
Your issue has been already explained here over the Cmder repository.
Making Cmder work in VS Code
Make sure you're on the latest release of Cmder – download latest here
Open the settings.json configuration file, by pressing Ctrl + , (Control-Comma) to access the preferences, then click on the Edit in settings.json link
VS Code documentation explains the process in this link:
Can I use Cmder's shell with the terminal on Windows?
Yes, to use the Cmder shell in VS Code, you need to add the following settings to your settings.json file:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe",
"": ["/K", "C:\\cmder\\vendor\\init.bat"]
BTW, You need to replace C:\\cmder with your own installation path.
Tip: replace single backslashes (\) with double backslashes (\\).
Make sure you read the notice at the official Cmder wiki:
👉 Please note the use of cmd.exe instead of cmder.exe.
Tip: refer to here on notes about handling spaces in your path.
TL;DR: It's not recommended by the Cmder team, but you may use ^ character before spaces to handle the paths.
You don't need to restart VS Code to make this work.
Hit Ctrl + ` (Control-Tilde) to open Cmder in VS Code terminal!
You may refer to my answer here for a complete explanation of how this works.
There are similar issues over the VS Code repo and here on Cmder repo as well.
Cmder 1.3.12 introduced a vscode_init.cmd script which allows VS Code tasks to work correctly with Cmder.
The documentation in VS Code, referred to in the answer above, is out of date if you're using a version of Cmder greater than 1.3.11.
The Cmder GitHub repository now has extensive documentation on how to achieve integration between Cmder and VS Code. At the time of writing this message, it is more accurate than the VS Code documentation.
This worked for me on June 22nd 2021; add these lines to the settings.json file in your user settings (for me « C:\Users\ianla\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json »):
"": {
"cmder": {
"path": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe",
"args": ["/K", "C:\\Users\\ianla\\cmder\\vendor\\bin\\vscode_init.cmd"]
"": "cmder",
... of course, you'll need to change my « C:\Users\ianla\ » with your instalation "cmder" instalation path.
See here for more info
The following is that worked for me (version of Cmder greater than 1.3.11):
Paste \cmder directory into C:\tools
Paste in .vscode\settings.json :
"": "cmd.exe",
"": {
"CMDER_ROOT": "C:\\tools\\cmder"
"": [
.. and enjoy!

How to Integrate babun shell in VS code

I have tried changing the settings for "" to babun mintty location. But the babun shell window opens separately and doesn't integrate with the VS code. Anyone knows how to achieve this?
After trying for 2 hours finally made it work.
Before reading my way of doing this, you might want to got through this issue first.
By default babun is installed in C:\Users\13000\.babun\. So we can configure it by overriding user setting in VS Code as:
"": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSERNAME\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\zsh.exe",
After saving , reload the window and you are done.
You will get something like :
Hope this helps!
I was searching for any solution for this issue before and I could not find any. But I was curious how Babun itself run the command "Open Babun here" from right-click menu and noticed it runs this command:
C:\Users\YOURUSER\.babun\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe /bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe
I've tried setting mintty.exe as shell and using leading commands as shell arguments, but this method opens an external terminal. I've noticed this behavior is because using mintty.exe, so I replaced mintty.exe with env.exe itself. At last, these are the settings:
"": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\env.exe",
"": [
Edit: This might not completely relate to this question, but because of having the similarity, I think it might worth mentioning.
During my search for a solution, I've seen many other questions about the same issue for integrating Atom's PlatformIO IDE Terminal package or JetBrain's IDEs with Babun's zsh.
In the case of Atom, setting the Shell Override to C:\Users\YOURUSER\.babun\cygwin\bin\env.exe and Shell Arguments to CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe opens zsh.exe as an integrated terminal in the project directory.
In the case of JetBrain, I've used WebStrom and this works:
cmd.exe "/k C:\Users\ehsan\.babun\cygwin\bin\env.exe CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe"
Just complementing the correct answer that Pramesh Bajracharya gave above, you can override user settings in VS Code opening the VS Code and going in:
And then paste in the field shown in your right side (WORKSPACE SETTINGS):
"": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\zsh.exe"
More information can be found in
Thanks Pramesh Bajracharya!

In Visual Studio Code, how do you inject clink into the integrated terminal?

I was using clink with ConEmu for various node related tasks on windows, but now I'm trying Visual Studio code.
How do I inject clink into Visual Studio Code's integrated terminal, so that I can get real command history persistence between sessions, incremental history search, etc.?
With ConEmu I could inject clink by dropping the clink folder into a specified pickup directory.
I've tried using the path to the included clink bat file, and the clink exe in the VS Code setting but these spawn and then close the command shell immediately.
I discovered that you can pass arguments to the integrated shell in Visual Studio Code. Combined with the cmd.exe /K option which Carries out the command specified by string but remains, clink can be injected.
In VS Code, go to File > Preferences > Settings or use Ctrl , and add the settings:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\sysnative\\cmd.exe",
"": ["/K", "C:\\path\\to\\clink\\clink_x64.exe inject"]
This is the equivalent of opening a command prompt in Windows, and running clink_x64 inject.
It is not answer for your question, but there is another trick to see cmder and text editor in one window. You can open your text editor as another tab in cmder, which I described here:
from article:
Run your cmder.
Go to ‘Settings -> Startup -> Environment’
Type: set EDITOR_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe alias editor="%EDITOR_PATH%" $1 -new_console:s50V Where
in the first line you should type path to your text editor (I was
testing it on Visual Studio Code and Sublime, but it should work with
other editors).
Save your settings
Type ‘editor’ command in command line.
Whoa! We almost finished. But in most cases you don’t want console tab
to be attached to the top of the window. You should close console tab,
and open it again, paying attention to check “New console split to
bottom” checkbox and choose the right console type. Now when you
finally set everything up, you should go to ‘Settings -> Startup’, and
check “Auto save/restore opened tabs” checkbox to save our new
workflow. Now every time you run cmder, your tabs setup will be
Expanding on my comment:
Open settings.json with:
File > Open > %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json
And assuming you installed clink with the magic of chocolatey:
choco install clink-maintained
Then your clink_x64.exe lives here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\clink\clink_x64.exe
And the lines you add to settings.json look like:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\sysnative\\cmd.exe",
"": [
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\clink\\clink_x64.exe",
Note the addition of --profile ... this allows the history to be persistent between vscode sessions.