Quartz: Undesired multiple job run in same time - quartz-scheduler

I have some jobs that run with their schedule, but when I have for example two jobs that run in same time Quartz start one of this jobs two or three times. Did someone have the same problem? And how can I resolve this?

I am not entirely sure, but there could be copule reasons,
1). you are creating a new scheduler instance everytime you trigger/schedule job
2). or you are running the same exact Execute method of a class or have same job running eveytime.
So, when you declare your scheduler, instead of working on some other instance of scheduler, use default scheduler all time, for e.g.,
private IScheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.GetDefaultScheduler();
that is what I have done and I have a lot notifications/jobs triggering using Quartz.Net and haven't faced any issue yet.
Let me know if any of this helps. Cheers!


How to stop a Spring Batch job no matter what step it's on

I know there's a common pattern to stop a job when certain exceptions are thrown. But we allow our users to stop any job at any time.
I have a number of microservices, each running a different batch job. In the front, have a controller method that looks up all running jobs, gets the execution Id, and then uses JobOperator to issue a stop command. But execution appears to continue.
All of the examples I've seen have issued just this command and updated the JobRepository, which I do.
jobExecution.setEndTime(new Date());
Is there something more I should be doing?
I suppose calling Thread.currentThread().interrupt() should be the right way to proceed.
SB will intercept signal in ThreadStepInterruptionPolicy and stops the job.

Unable to avoid job triggering at Start up

I am using a batch process and i want it to run at a specific cron scheduled time. However, the job is getting triggered at the start up and again triggering at the scheduled time. I am trying to avoid the former however failing to do so. This is a sample repository which reproduces the same issue: https://github.com/ppanigrahi02/BatchJobWithScheduler. i am using the spring guide example https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-batch-processing and added a scheduler on top of it. I will really appreciate any leads.
The #Scheduled annotation used here will start the job immediately at startup and every 600000 milliseconds. If you want to specify an initial delay to wait before the first execution, you can use the initialDelay attribute of the annotation, something like:
#Scheduled(initialDelay = 600000, fixedRate = 600000)
Another option is to use the cron attribute and provide a cron expression. For more details about this annotation, you can check the reference documentation here: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.0.3.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/integration.html#scheduling-annotation-support-scheduled

Quartz scheduler - allow parallel job execution

I am working on Quartz Scheduler and I don't know how to run jobs in parallel.
Is there something from config file that can allow me to do that ?
More details will help answer your question. But in general, a job can be executed in parallel if there are multiple triggers that are getting fired at the same time that reference this job. This is a feature that is provided by quartz.

Setting up a Job Schedule

I currently have a setup that creates a job and then collect some metrics about the tasks in the job. I want to do something similar, but by setting a job schedule instead. In particular, I want to set a job schedule that wakes up at a recurrence interval that I specify, and run the same code that I was running when creating a job. What's the best way to go about doing that?
It seems that there is a CloudJobSchedule that I could use to set up my job schedule, but this only lets me create say a job manager task, and specify few properties. How can I run external code on the jobs created by the Job schedule?
It could also help to clarify how the CloudJobSchedule works. Specifically, after I commit my job schedule, what would happen programmatically. Does the code just move sequentially and run the rest of the code. In this case, does it make sense to get a reference to the last job created by the job schedule and run code on the job returned?
You'll want to create a CloudJobSchedule. You can specify the recurrence in the Schedule.
If you only need to run a single task per recurrence, your job manager task can simply be the task you need to run. If you need to run multiple tasks per job recurrence, your job manager needs to have logic to submit tasks to Batch and monitor for completion (if necessary).
When you submit a job schedule to Batch, your client side code will continue running. The behavior is no different than if you were submitting a regular job. You can retrieve the last job run via JobScheduleExecutionInformation and the RecentJob property.

Spring Batch - Executing multiple instances of a job at same time

I have a clarification.
Is it possible for us to run multiple instances of a job at the same time.
Currently, we have single instance of a job at any given time.
If it is possible, please let me know how to do it.
Yes you can. Spring Batch distinguishes jobs based on the JobParameters. So if you always pass different JobParameters to the same job, you will have multiple instances of the same job running.
A simple way is just to add a UUID parameter to each request to start a job.
final JobParametersBuilder jobParametersBuilder = new JobParametersBuilder();
jobParametersBuilder.addString("instance_id", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), true);
The boolean 'true' at the end signal to Spring Batch to use that parameter as part of the 'identity' of the instance of the job, so you will always get new instances with each 'run' of the job.
Yes you can very much run tasks in parallel as also documented here
But there are certain things to be considered
Does your application logic needs parallel execution? Because if if you are going to run steps in parallel, you would have to take care and build application logic so that the work done by parallel steps is not overlapping (Unless that is the intention of your application)
Yes, it's completely possible to have multiple instances (or executions) of a job run concurrently.