Count number of comments over multiple files, including multi-line comments - powershell

I'm trying to write a script that counts all comments in multiple files, including both single line (//) and multi-line (/* */) comments and prints out the total. So, the following file would return 4
// Foo
var text = "hello world";
There's a requirement to include specific file types and exclude certain file types and folders, which I already have working in my code.
My current code is:
( gci -include *.cs,*.aspx,*.js,*.css,*.master,*.html -exclude *.designer.cs,jquery* -recurse `
| ? { $_.FullName -inotmatch '\\obj' } `
| ? { $_.FullName -inotmatch '\\packages' } `
| ? { $_.FullName -inotmatch '\\release' } `
| ? { $_.FullName -inotmatch '\\debug' } `
| ? { $_.FullName -inotmatch '\\plugin-.*' } `
| select-string "^\s*//" `
How do I change this to get multi-line comments as well?
UPDATE: My final solution (slightly more robust than what I was asking for) is as follows:
$CodeFiles = Get-ChildItem -include *.cs,*.aspx,*.js,*.css,*.master,*.html -exclude *.designer.cs,jquery* -recurse |
Where-Object { $_.FullName -notmatch '\\(obj|packages|release|debug|plugin-.*)\\' }
$TotalFiles = $CodeFiles.Count
$IndividualResults = #()
$CommentLines = ($CodeFiles | ForEach-Object{
#Get the comments via regex
$Comments = ([regex]::matches(
'(?sm)^[ \t]*(//[^\n]*|/[*].*?[*]/)'
).Value -split '\r?\n') | Where-Object { $_.length -gt 0 }
#Get the total lines
$Total = ($_ | select-string .).Count
#Add to the results table
$IndividualResults += #{
File = $_.FullName | Resolve-Path -Relative;
Comments = $Comments.Count;
Code = ($Total - $Comments.Count)
Total = $Total
Write-Output $Comments
$TotalLines = ($CodeFiles | select-string .).Count
$TotalResults = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Files = $TotalFiles
Code = $TotalLines - $CommentLines
Comments = $CommentLines
Total = $TotalLines
Write-Output (Get-Location)
Write-Output $IndividualResults | % { new-object PSObject -Property $_} | Format-Table File,Code,Comments,Total
Write-Output $TotalResults | Format-Table Files,Code,Comments,Total

To be clear: Using string matching / regular expressions is not a fully robust way to detect comments in JavaScript / C# code, because there can be false positives (e.g., var s = "/* hi */";); for robust parsing you'd need a language parser.
If that is not a concern, and it is sufficient to detect comments (that start) on their own line, optionally preceded by whitespace, here's a concise solution (PSv3+):
(Get-ChildItem -include *.cs,*.aspx,*.js,*.css,*.master,*.html -exclude *.designer.cs,jquery* -recurse |
Where-Object { $_.FullName -notmatch '\\(obj|packages|release|debug|plugin-.*)' } |
ForEach-Object {
'(?sm)^[ \t]*(//[^\n]*|/[*].*?[*]/)'
).Value -split '\r?\n'
With the sample input, the ForEach-Object command yields 4.
Remove the ^[ \t]* part to match comments starting anywhere on a line.
The solution reads each input file as a single string with [IO.File]::ReadAllText() and then uses the [regex]::Matches() method to extract all (potentially line-spanning) comments.
Note: You could use Get-Content -Raw instead to read the file as a single string, but that is much slower, especially when processing multiple files.
The regex uses in-line options s and m ((?sm)) to respectively make . match newlines too and to make anchors ^ and $ match line-individually.
^[ \t]* matches any mix of spaces and tabs, if any, at the start of a line.
//[^\n]*$ matches a string that starts with // through the end of the line.
/[*].*?[*]/ matches a block comment across multiple lines; note the lazy quantifier, *?, which ensures that very next instance of the closing */ delimiter is matched.
The matched comments (.Value) are then split into individual lines (-split '\r?\n'), which are output.
The resulting lines across all files are then counted (.Count)
As for what you tried:
The fundamental problem with your approach is that Select-String with file-info object input (such as provided by Get-ChildItem) invariably processes the input files line by line.
While this could be remedied by calling Select-String inside a ForEach-Object script block in which you pass each file's content as a single string to Select-String, direct use of the underlying regex .NET types, as shown above, is more efficient.

An IMO better approach is to count net code lines by removing single/multi line comments.
For a start a script that handles single files and returns for your above sample.cs the result 5
((Get-Content sample.cs -raw) -replace "(?sm)^\s*\/\/.*?$" `
-replace "(?sm)\/\*.*?\*\/.*`n" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
EDIT: without removing empty lines, build the difference from total lines
## Q:\Test\2018\10\31\SO_53092258.ps1
$Data = Get-ChildItem *.cs | ForEach-Object {
$Content = Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw
$TotalLines = (Measure-Object -Input $Content -Line).Lines
$CodeLines = ($Content -replace "(?sm)^\s*\/\/.*?$" `
-replace "(?sm)\/\*.*?\*\/.*`n" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
$Comments = $TotalLines - $CodeLines
File = $_.FullName
Lines = $TotalLines
Comments= $Comments
"TotalLines={0} TotalCommentLines={1}" -f (
$Data | Measure-Object -Property Lines,Comments -Sum).Sum
Sample output:
> Q:\Test\2018\10\31\SO_53092258.ps1
File Lines Comments
---- ----- --------
Q:\Test\2018\10\31\example.cs 10 5
Q:\Test\2018\10\31\sample.cs 9 4
TotalLines=19 TotalCommentLines=9


Multiple Select Strings in a for loop to separate files

I wrote this script to search a lot of text files (~100,000) for 4 different search criteria and export to 4 separate files, I thought it would be more efficient to perform all 4 searches on each file as it is loaded vs doing 4 full searches like the first iteration below does. I may be missing some other major inefficiencies as I am pretty new to powershell.
I have this script re written from the first version to the second, but can't figure out how to get the path and data to display together like the first version did. I am struggling to reference the object within the loop, and have pieced this second version together, which is working, but not giving me the path to the file which is necessary.
It seems like I am just missing one or two little things to get me going in the right direction. Thanks in advance for your help
1st version:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc123" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search2" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc124" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out2.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search3" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc125" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out3.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search4" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc126" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out4.txt"
\\file\that\was\found\example.txt:84: abc123
\\file\that\was\found\example.txt:90: abc123
\\file\that\was\found\example.txt:91: abc123
2nd version:
##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Configuration $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
############################################ Global Parameters #############################################
$records = 105325
##----------------------------------------- End Global Parameters -----------------------------------------
########################################### Search Parameters ##############################################
##Search Pattern 1
##Search Pattern 2
##Search Pattern 3
$Pattern3= "abc125"
$SaveFile3= "\\c:\out3.txt"
##Search Pattern 4
$Pattern4= "abc126"
##Search Pattern 5
$Pattern5= ""
##----------------------------------------- End Search Parameters ------------------------------------------
##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ End of Config $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
############################### SCRIPT #####################################################################
## ------
##$files=Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path $SearchPath -Recurse ## Set all files to variable #### Long running, needs to be a better way #######
##$records=$files.count ## Set record #
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path $SearchPath -Recurse | Foreach-Object { ## loop through search folder
$i=$i+1 ## increment record
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern1 -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile1 ## pattern1 search
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern2 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile2 ## pattern2 search
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern3 -Context 0,1 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile3 ## pattern3 search
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern4 -Context 0,1 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile4 ## pattern4 search
##Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern5 -Context 0,1 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile5 ## pattern5 search (Comment out unneeded search lines like this one)
$progress ="Record $($i) of $($records)" ## set progress
Write-Host "Record $($i) of $($records)" ## Writes progress to window
$progress | Out-File -FilePath $ProgressFile ## progress file
} ##
Edit: Also I am trying to figure out a good way to not have to hard code in the number of records for a decent progress readout, I commented out the way I thought would work (1st & 2nd line of the script), but there needs to be a more efficient way than rerunning the same search twice, one for a count and one for the for loop.
I would be very interested in any runtime efficiency information you could provide.
[edit - thanks to mklement0 for pointing out the errors about speed and the -SimpleMatch switch. [grin]]
the Select-String cmdlet will accept a -Path parameter ... and it is FAR [i was thinking of Get-Content, not Get-ChidItem] faster than using Get-ChildItem to feed the files to S-S. [grin]
also, the -Pattern parameter accepts a regex OR pattern like Thing|OtherThing|YetAnotherThing - and it accepts simple string patterns if you use the -SimpleMatch switch parameter.
what the code does ...
defines the source dir
defines the file spec
joins those two into a wildcard file path
builds an array of string patterns to use
calls Select-String with a path and an array of strings to search for
uses Group-Object and a calculated property to group the matches by the last part of .Line property from the S-S call
saves that to a $Var
shows that on screen
at that point, you can use the .Name property of each GroupInfo to select the items to send out to each file AND to build your file names.
the code ...
$SourceDir = 'D:\Temp\zzz - Copy'
$FileSpec = '*.log'
$SD_FileSpec = Join-Path -Path $SourceDir -ChildPath $FileSpec
$TargetPatternList = #(
'Accordion Cajun Zydeco'
'Piano Rockabilly Rowdy'
$GO_Results = Select-String -Path $SD_FileSpec -SimpleMatch $TargetPatternList |
Group-Object -Property {$_.Line.Split(':')[-1]}
output ...
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
6 Accordion Cajun Zydeco {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:11:Accordion Cajun Zydeco, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:11:Accordion Cajun Zy...
6 Bawdy Dupe Piano Rocka... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:108:Bawdy Dupe Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:108:Bawdy...
6 Bawdy Piano Rockabilly... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:138:Bawdy Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:138:Bawdy Pian...
6 Dupe Piano Rockabilly ... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:948:Dupe Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:948:Dupe Piano ...
6 Instrumental Piano Roc... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:1563:Instrumental Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:1563:I...
6 Piano Rockabilly Rowdy {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:1781:Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:1781:Piano Rockabil...
note that the .Group contains an array of lines from the matches sent out by the S-S call. you can send that to your output file.
Here is my take at solving this problem, very similar to Lee_Dailey's nice answer but with a foreach loop. I would recommend investing some time into researching the multi-threading options available on PowerShell in case you need to increase the performance of the script, you can look specifically at the ThreadJob module by Microsoft which is really easy to use or if you can't install modules due to some work policy, you can use Runspace.
It is worth adding that you can use the -List switch on Select-String, this way the performance of the script would be increased even more:
Only the first instance of matching text is returned from each input file. This is the most efficient way to retrieve a list of files that have contents matching the regular expression.
$map = #{
abc123 = 'C:\out_abc123.txt'
abc124 = 'C:\out_abc124.txt'
abc125 = 'C:\out_abc125.txt'
$pattern = $map.Keys -join '|'
$match = foreach($file in Get-ChildItem *.txt)
Select-String -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Pattern $pattern
$match | Group-Object { $_.Matches.Value } | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | Select-Object Path, LineNumber, Line | Out-File $map[$_.Name]
To compliment the answers #Santiago Squarzon and Lee_Dailey, I think you were actually on the good way yourself knowing that the Group-Object cmdlet is pretty expensive especially in memory usage as it chokes the PowerShell pipeline causing all the search results to be piled up in memory.
Besides, the Select-String cmdlet supports multiple (-SimpleMatch) patterns, where concatenating the search patters with an | (-join '|') will force you to use an (escaped) regular expression.
To continue on your approach:
(note that in the example, I am using my own settings to search through my script files)
$ProgressFile = '.\ResultsCount.txt'
$SearchRoot = '..\'
$Filter = '*.ps1'
$Searches = #{
'Null' = '.\Null.txt'
'Test' = '.\Test.txt'
'Object' = '.\Object.txt'
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Filter $Filter -Path $SearchRoot -Recurse
$Total = $Files.count
$Searches.Values |ForEach-Object { Set-Content -LiteralPath $_ -Value '' }
$i = 0
ForEach ($File in $Files) {
Get-Content -LiteralPath $File.FullName |
Select-String #($Searches.Keys) -AllMatches |ForEach-Object {
$Value = '{0}:{1}:{2}' -f $File.FullName, $_.LineNumber, $_
Add-Content -LiteralPath $Searches[$_.Pattern] -Value $Value
'Record {0} of {1}' -f ++$i, $Total |Tee-Object -Append .\ProgressFile.txt
$Searches = #{ ...
Maps the search patters with the files, you might also use a PSObject list to specify each search (where you could add columns with e.g. context start/end values, etc.)
$Searches.Values |ForEach-Object { Set-Content -LiteralPath $_ -Value '' }
Empties the result files (knowing that they are not part of the main stream you can't use Add-Content)
$i = 0
Unfortunately there is no automatic index that initializes with a foreach loop (yet, see: #13772 Automatic variable for the pipeline index)
Get-Content -LiteralPath $File.FullName
Load the content once into memory
Note1: this is a string array.
Note2: the $Content will be reused each iteration and therefore overwrites the previous one and unloads it from memory
Select-String #($Searches.Keys) -AllMatches |ForEach-Object {
Searches the string array using your (multiple) defined patterns. (you might consider to use the -SimpleMatch parameter if your search strings contain special characters.)
Note: Unfortunately you need to embedded the $Searches.Keys in a array subexpression operator #( ), for details see .Net issue: #56835 Make OrderedDictionaryKeyValueCollection implement IList
$Value = '{0}:{1}:{2}' -f $File.FullName, $_.LineNumber, $_
Build an result output string.
Note: the result of the Select-String does have a (hidden) LineNumber and (matched) Pattern property.
Add-Content -LiteralPath $Searches[$_.Pattern] -Value $Value
Add the result string to the specific mapped output file.
'Record {0} of {1}' -f $i++, $Total |Tee-Object -Append .\ProgressFile.txt
Tee-Object will write the progress to the standard output (display) and also to the specific file.

Is there a way to use Select-String to print the line number and the matched value (not the line)?

I am using powershell to search several files for a specific match to a regular expression. Because it is a regular expression, I wan't to only see what I have programmed my regex to accept, and the line number at which it is matched.
I then want to take the matched value and the line number and create an object to output to an excel file.
I can get each item in individual select string statements, but then they won't be matched up with each other
Select-String -Path $pathToFile -Pattern '(?<={\n\s*Box\s=\s")14\d{3}(?=",)' |
Select LineNumber, Matches.Value
#Will only print out the lineNumber
Select-String -Path $pathToFile -Pattern '(?<={\n\s*Box\s=\s")14\d{3}(?=",)' |
Foreach {$_.matches} | Select value
#Will only print matched value and can't print linenumber
Can anyone help me get both the line number and the matched value?
Edit: Just to clarify what I am doing
$files = Get-ChildItem $directory -Include *.vb,*.cs -Recurse
$colMatchedFiles = #()
foreach ($file in $files) {
$fileContent = Select-String -Path $file -Pattern '(?<={\n\s*Box\s=\s")14\d{3}(?=",)' |
Select-Object LineNumber, #{Name="Match"; Expression={$_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value}}
write-host $fileContent #just for checking if there is anything
This still does not get anything, it just outputs a bunch of blank lines
Edit: What I am expecting to happen is for this script to search the content of all the files in the directory and find the lines that match the regular expression. Below is what I would expect for output for each file in the loop
LineNumber Match
---------- -----
324 15
582 118
603 139
... ...
File match sample:
Box = "5015",
Description = "test box 1"
Box = "5118",
Description = "test box 2"
Box = "5139",
Description = "test box 3"
Example 1
Select the LineNumber and group value for each match. Example:
$sampleData = #'
prefix 1 A B suffix 1
prefix 2 A B suffix 2
'# -split "`n"
$sampleData | Select-String '(A B)' |
Select-Object LineNumber,
#{Name="Match"; Expression={$_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value}}
Example 2
Search *.vb and *.cs for files containing the string Box = "<n>", where <n> is some number, and output the filename, line number of the file, and the number on the box = lines. Sample code:
Get-ChildItem $pathToFiles -Include *.cs,*.vb -Recurse |
Select-String 'box = "(\d+)"' |
Select-Object Path,
#{Name="Match"; Expression={$_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value -as [Int]}}
This returns output like the following:
Path LineNumber Match
---- ---------- -----
C:\Temp\test1.cs 2 5715
C:\Temp\test1.cs 6 5718
C:\Temp\test1.cs 10 5739
C:\Temp\test1.vb 2 5015
C:\Temp\test1.vb 6 5118
C:\Temp\test1.vb 10 5139
Example 3
Now that we know that we want the line before the match to contain {, we can use the -Context parameter with Select-String. Example:
Get-ChildItem $pathToFiles -Include *.cs,*.vb -Recurse |
Select-String 'box = "(\d+)"' -Context 1 | ForEach-Object {
# Line prior to match must contain '{' character
if ( $_.Context.DisplayPreContext[0] -like "*{*" ) {
[PSCustomObject] #{
Path = $_.Path
LineNumber = $_.LineNumber
Match = $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value

Count tabs per line and return the lines with too many tabs

Looking for a PowerShell script that looks in a text file for rows that have too many (or too few) tabs.
I found this PowerShell script that does exactly what I want (almost).
This counts the number of tabs per row:
Get-Content test.txt | ForEach-Object {
($_ | Select-String `t -all).matches | Measure-Object | Select-Object count
Can someone extend/modify/re-write this to return only the rows (with row numbers) that have more than, or less than, X number of tabs per row?
Don't use Get-Content before piping to Select-String, you'll lose contextual information about each line.
Instead, use the -Path parameter with Select-String:
$Tabs = Select-String -Path .\test.txt -Pattern "`t" -AllMatches
$Tabs |Select-Object LineNumber,Line,#{Name='TabCount';Expression={ $_.Matches.Count }}
To return only the ones where the number of tabs is greater than $x, use Where-Object:
$x = 3
$Tabs |Where-Object { $_.TabCount -ge $x} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Line
If you just want a quick overview of the distribution, you could also use Group-Object:
Get-Content .\test.txt | Group-Object { "{0} tabs" -f [regex]::Matches($_,"`t").Count }
Lots of ways to do this. Get-Content works just fine for me and we create a custom object that you can then filter as desired.
Get-Content test.txt | ForEach-Object{
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Line = $_
LineNumber = $_.ReadCount
NumberofTabs = [regex]::matches($_,"`t").count
Use the .net regex method to count the tabs returned and populate a value based on the result.
NumberofTabs Number Line
------------ ------ ----
8 1 ;lkjasfdsa
8 2 asdfasdf
4 3 asdfasdfasdfa
2 4 fasdfjasdlfjas;l
Now you can use PowerShell to filter as you see fit.
} | Where-Object { $_.NumberofTabs -ne 4}
So if 4 was the perfect number then line 3 would be ommited from the results.

Using powershell, how do I extract a 7-digit number from a subject-line (of an email ), regular expressions?

I have the following code which lists the first 5 items in the Inbox folder (of Outlook).
How would I extract only the number portion of it( say - 7 digit arbitrary numberss, which are embedded within other text)? Then using Powershell commands, I'd really like to take those extracted numbers and dump them to a CSV file(thus, they can be easily incorporated into an existing spreadsheet I use).
Here's what I tried :
$outlook = new-object -com Outlook.Application
$sentMail = $outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(6) # == olFolderInbox
$sentMail.Items | select -last 10 TaskSubject # ideally, grabbing first 20
$matches2 = "\d+$"
$res = gc $sentMail.Items | ?{$_ -match $matches2 | %{ $_ -match $matches2 | out-null; $matches[1] }
but this does not run correctly, but rather .. keeps me hanging with awaiting-input symbol: like so :
Do I need to perhaps create a separate variable in between the 1st part and 2nd part?
Not sure what the $matches variable is for but try to replace your last line with something like below.
For Subject Line Items:
$sentMail.Items | % { $_.TaskSubject | Select-String -Pattern '^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}' | % {([string]$_).Substring(0,12)} }
For Message Body Items:
$sentMail.Items | % { ($_.Body).Split("`n") | Select-String -Pattern '^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}' |% {([string]$_).Substring(0,12)} }
Here is a refrence to Select-String which I use pretty often.
Here is a reference to the Phone number portion which I have never used but found pretty cool.
Good luck!
Here is an edited version for 7 digit extraction via subject line. This assumes the number has a space on each side but can be modified a bit if necessary. You may also want to adjust the depth by changing the -First portion to Select * or just making 100 deeper in range.
$outlook = New-Object -com Outlook.Application
$Mail = $outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(6) # Folder Inbox
$Mail.Items | select -First 100 TaskSubject |
% { $_.TaskSubject | Select-String -Pattern '\s\d{7}\s'} |
% {((Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern '\s\d{7}\s').Line).split(" ") |
% {if(($_.Length -eq 7) -and ($_ -match '\d{7}')) {$_ | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Temp\SomeFile.csv" -Append}}}
Some of this you have already addressed / figured out but I wanted to explain the issues with your current code.
If you expect multiple matches and want to return those then you would need to use Select-String with the -AllMatches parameter. Your regex, in your example, is currently looking for a sequence of digits at the end of the subject. That would only return one match so lets looks at the issues with your code.
$sentMail.Items | select -last 10 TaskSubject
You are filtering the last 10 items but you are not storing those for later use so they would merely be displayed on screen. We cover a solution later.
One of the primary reasons for using -match is to get the Boolean value that is returned for code like if blocks and where clauses. You can still use it in the way you intended. Looking at the current code in question:
$res = gc $sentMail.Items | ?{$_ -match $matches2 | %{ $_ -match $matches2 | out-null; $matches[1] }
The two big issues with this are you are calling Get-Content(gc) on each item. Get-Content is for pulling file data which $sentMail.Items is not. You also having a large where block. Where blocks will pass data to the output steam based on a true or false condition. Your malformed statement ?{$_ -match $matches2 | %{ $_ -match $matches2 | out-null; $matches[1] } wont do this... at least not well.
$outlook = new-object -com Outlook.Application
$sentMail = $outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(6) # == olFolderInbox
$matches2 = "\d+$"
$sentMail.Items | select -last 10 -ExpandProperty TaskSubject | ?{$_ -match $matches2} | %{$Matches[0]}
Take the last 10 email subjects and check if either of them match the regex string $matches2. If they do then return the string match to standard output.

I need help formatting output with PowerShell's Out-File cmdlet

I have a series of documents that are going through the following function designed to count word occurrences in each document. This function works fine outputting to the console, but now I want to generate a text file containting the information, but with the file name appended to each word in the list.
My current console output is:
"processing document1 with x unique words occuring as follows"
"word1 12"
"word2 8"
"word3 3"
"word4 4"
"word5 1"
I want a delimited file in this format:
While the function below gets me the lists of words and occurences, I'm having a hard time figuring out where or how to insert the filename variable so that it prints at the head of each line. MSDN has been less-than helpful, and most of the places I try to insert the variable result in errors (see below)
function Count-Words ($docs) {
$document = get-content $docs
$document = [string]::join(" ", $document)
$words = $document.split(" `t",[stringsplitoptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$uniq = $words | sort -uniq
$words | % {$wordhash=#{}} {$wordhash[$_] += 1}
Write-Host $docs "contains" $wordhash.psbase.keys.count "unique words distributed as follows."
$frequency = $wordhash.psbase.keys | sort {$wordhash[$_]}
-1..-25 | %{ $frequency[$_]+" "+$wordhash[$frequency[$_]]} | Out-File c:\out-file-test.txt -append
$grouped = $words | group | sort count
Do I need to create a string to pass to the out-file cmdlet? is this just something I've been putting in the wrong place on the last few tries? I'd like to understand WHY it's going in a particular place as well. Right now I'm just guessing, because I know I have no idea where to put the out-file to achieve my selected results.
I've tried formatting my command per powershell help, using -$docs and -FilePath, but each time I add anything to the out-file above that runs successfully, I get the following error:
Out-File : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Encoding'. The argument "c:\out-file-test.txt" does not bel
ong to the set "unicode,utf7,utf8,utf32,ascii,bigendianunicode,default,oem" specified by the ValidateSet attribute. Sup
ply an argument that is in the set and then try the command again.
At C:\c.ps1:39 char:71
+ -1..-25 | %{ $frequency[$_]+" "+$wordhash[$frequency[$_]]} | Out-File <<<< -$docs -width 1024 c:\users\x46332\co
unt-test.txt -append
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Out-File], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.OutFileCommand
I rewrote most of your code. You should utilize objects to make it easier formatting the way you want. This one splits on "space" and groups words together. Try this:
Function Count-Words ($paths) {
$output = #()
foreach ($path in $paths) {
$file = Get-ChildItem $path
((Get-Content $file) -join " ").Split(" ", [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) | Group-Object | Select-Object -Property #{n="FileName";e={$file.BaseName}}, Name, Count | % {
$output += "$($_.FileName);$($_.Name);$($_.Count)"
$output | Out-File test-out2.txt -Append
$filepaths = ".\test.txt", ".\test2.txt"
Count-Words -paths $filepaths
It outputs like you asked(document;word;count). If you want documentname to include extension, change $file.BaseName to $file.Name . Testoutput:
Slightly different approach:
function Get-WordCounts ($doc)
$text_ = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($doc.fullname)
$WordHash = #{}
$text_ -split '\b' -match '\w+'|
foreach {$WordHash[$_]++}
$WordHash.GetEnumerator() |
foreach {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Word = $_.Key
Count = $_.Value
$docs = gci c:\testfiles\*.txt |
sort name
foreach ($doc in dir $docs)
Get-WordCounts $doc |
sort Count -Descending |
foreach {
(&{$doc.Name;$_.Word;$_.Count}) -join ';'
} | out-file c:\somedir\wordcounts.txt
Try this:
$docs = #("document1", "document2", ...)
$docs | % {
$doc = $_
Get-Content $doc `
| % { $_.split(" `t",[stringsplitoptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) } `
| Group-Object `
| select #{n="Document";e={$doc}}, Name, Count
} | Export-CSV output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInfo
If you want to make this into a function you could do it like this:
function Count-Words($docs) {
foreach ($doc in $docs) {
Get-Content $doc `
| % { $_.split(" `t",[stringsplitoptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) } `
| Group-Object `
| select #{n="Document";e={$doc}}, Name, Count
$files = #("document1", "document2", ...)
Count-Words $files | Export-CSV output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInfo